Signed Jill Awiw - Terms and Condition

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Awiw - Axie Infinity Scholarship


• At least 18 years of age

• With stable Internet connection (Data or Wi-fi)
• Responsible and Committed
• Android phone only
• Will abide the Rules and Regulation of Awiw – Axis Infinity Scholarship
• Should not be engaged with any other Manager as a Scholar.

Terms and Condition:

1.) Minimum 100 SLP requirements starts at 16th day of joining.

2.) Scholars who have failed to meet the SLP requirements for 2-3 days, will/can be evicted by the
Owner at any given time.
3.) Scholars who are inactive for 2-3 days will be removed from the program.
4.) Screenshot of SLP earned per day should be sent to the Owner via Discord private message.
5.) The amount price of SLP will be determined by the Owner based sell price on when the SLPs are
6.) Should the Scholar decide to quit and/or will no longer be able to continue for any reason
thereby, the Scholar is required to give a notice period of 7 days prior to the exit date.
7.) Any other earned tokens/rewards by playing through PVP/PVE – such as aDAI, AXS, KNC, etc.,
will be solely kept by the Scholar.
8.) Scholar will be held accountable to the account. If the account is banned, the Scholar shall pay
the full amount of the Axie calculated on the current market price.
9.) This program is experimental, and the terms and condition are subject to changes by the Owner
based on the changes and requirements of the Axie Infinity - .
10.) Eviction from the program will mean no claim of the earned SLP since the last payout period.

Rules and Regulations:

1.) Multiple accounts is strictly prohibited. Scholars should only have one account and should not
be playing under any other Manager (1 Player = 1 Account = 1 Device).
2.) Do not attempt to tamper and/or change the time settings of your phone in order to gain
advantage in acquiring energy faster, finishing daily quests faster as this will result in your
account being banned.
3.) Axie sharing is strictly prohibited. (Additional energy exploit).
4.) Ensure that the device’s Time and Settings is set to automatic. Again, do not change the time
settings of your devices as this will result on your account being banned.
5.) Avoid exploits and cheats that you will encounter and make sure to be familiar with the Axie
Infinity “Terms Of Use” -
6.) Being a scholar is a PRVILEGE and not a RIGHT, you are given the opportunity to earn without
having to spend anything. Kindly handle and love the Axie Account religiously.
Salary Scheme:

1.) Salary is once a month, paid on every 20th of the month based on the sell price of the SLP by the
a. Cut-off date – 14th of the prior month to the 15th of the current month.
b. Payout Date – Every 20th of the month
2.) First salary is the pro-rated number of days from the 31st day of joining until the 19th of the
payout of the calendar month.
3.) Rate changes scheme: (Manager % / Scholar %)
a. 1st day to 30th day – Income will be sent on the 91st day at the rate of 70/30
b. 31st day to 90th day – 70%/30%
c. 91st day to 150th - 60%/40%
d. 151st day onwards – 50%/50%
4.) Scholars will be given an option to receive the salary in the form of cash (sell price) or SLP.

_____________________ _____________________

Boriz Agustin Giuliana R. Ramento

Manager Scholar

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