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Land plot Racovita

Land plot in Comuna

Racovita jud Valcea
Area location

z Land is situated on the DN7 at 44 km z Terenul este situat pe DN 7 la 44 km de

from Ramnicu Valcea in direction Sibiu Ramnicu Valcea spre Sibiu pe partea
on the right hand side, and at 50 km from dreapta si la 50 de km de Sibiu.
Sibiu. z Traficul estimat este de 20.000 de
z The road is estimated to have traffic flow autovehicule pe zi.
of at least 20,000 vehicles per day. z Terenul este situat intr-o zona ce
z The land is located in an area which has prezinta anumite restrictii de dezvoltare
restrictions on what is able to be datorate caracteristicilor zonei ( munte
developed due to the land characteristics pe o parte,iar pe cealalta raul Olt si linia
( mountain on one side , river on the de cale ferata ).
other , railway ). z Pe partea cealalta a soselei este o
z Directly across the road (DN7) there is a Statie Petrom veche si inatractiva. Un
very old and unattractive Petrom Motel Petrom ( deasemena vechi ) este
Station. A Petrom Motel complex ( also situat langa Statia Petrom
old ) is also located nearby the Petrom z Traficul de pe DN 7 nu permite
Station. traversarea in siguranta catre Statia
z The DN7 does not allow safe crossing for Petrom.
entrance into Petrom station. z Gara CFR este pe aceeasi parte a DN 7
z The CFR gara is on the same side of the pe care este si terenul, in spatele
DN7 as the land and backs onto the terenului de langa.
adjoining plot.
Property description

z The land has a generous opening to the z Terenul are o deschidere generoasa la
DN7 of 123 lm and the surface area of DN 7 de 123 de m si o suprafata de
3000m2. 3000m2.
z The owner has an option to purchase the z Proprietarul are optiunea de a cumpara
adjoining plot which would extend the si terenul alaturat ce ar mari suprafata
plot size to 9,956m2. This would be an la 9.956m2. Acesta ar reprezenta un
additional cost to that being offered but cost aditional ce poate duce insa la o
would significantly enhance the site ( i.e importanta crestere a valorii zonei ( ex.
TIR parking or green zone ). Parcare TIR sau zona verde ).
z Electricity is on site and water can be z Curentul electric si apa se pot obtine
obtained. Waste water would need to usor. Apa reziduala se poate colecta
be via a septic tank or alternatively intr-o fosa septica.
connection to the CFR gara line could be z Terenul are vizibilitate mare din ambele
investigated. directii
z Has high visibility from both traffic z Terenul are un Certificat de Urbanism
directions. pentru aprobarea constructiei unei Statii
z Plot has had previous urbanism approval de Carburanti Auto.
for a Gas station to be located on it.
Property description

z No significant risk from z Vecinatatile nu prezinta un risc

neighbor residences. rezidential
z Between Rm Valcea and Sibiu z Intre Rm Valcea si Sibiu sunt
there is 95 km and there are the 95 de km si exista urmatoarele
following gas stations : see next statii de benzina : vezi
slide for locations. urmatorul slide.
Map Showing the
major gas stations
Site Layout Plan
Site layout plan
Photo from 400 m

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