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5 Light

• Introduction
• Reflection of Light through Mirror
• Refraction of Light
• Lens
• Human Eye
Light is a form of invisible energy which produces the sensation of sight.. the object
which emit light are known as sources of light or luminous object. A ray of light is a path
followed by light energy in a transparent medium. A group of parallel rays of light
emitted by the source of light is called beam of light.

Reflection of light
The process of returning (or bouncing back) the light to the same medium after striking a
surface is called reflection of light
A surface which reflects the light is known as a reflector. The polished metal surfaces are
good reflector. However, silver metal is the best reflector.
Type of reflection
Regular reflection : When a parallel beam of light falls on a smooth and highly polished
surface, then the reflected beam is also parallel and directed in a fixed direction. Such
reflection of light is called regular reflection.

Diffused reflection.
When a parallel beam of light falls on a rough surface, then the reflected light is not
parallel but spreads over wide area. Such reflection of light is called irregular or diffused
Light Physics, Class : VIII

Law of Reflection

The reflection of light from a surface obey certain laws called laws of reflection. They
(i) Incident angle is equal to the reflected angle, i.e. i = r.
(ii) Incident ray, reflected ray and normal to the reflecting surface lie in the same plane.

When we stand in front of a looking mirror, we see our face. The picture of our face in
the mirror is known as the image of our face. Images are of two types.
(i) Real image : When a beam of light from an object actually meets at a point after
reflection then image formed at the point is known as real image. A real image can be
obtained on a screen.
(ii) Virtual image : When a beam of light from an object does not meet at a point but
appears to diverge from it, then image of the object at the point is known as virtual image.
A virtual image can not be obtained on a screen.

Characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror

1. The image formed by a plane mirror is virtual.

2. The image formed by a plane mirror is erect.
3. The size of the image formed by a lane mirror is same as that of the size of the
object. If object is 10 cm high, then the image of the object will also be 10 cm
4. The image formed by a plane mirror is at the same distance behind the mirror as
the object is in front of it. Suppose, an object is placed at 5 cm in front of a plane
mirror then its image will be at 5 cm behind he plane mirror.
5. The image formed by a plane mirror is laterally inverted i.e., the left hand appears
as right hand and vice-versa. As shown in fig.

Use of plane mirror

(i) Plane mirror is used as looking glass.
(ii) Plane mirror is used in a solar cooker to reflect the sun light.
(iii) Plane mirrors are used in a solar cooker to reflect the sun light.

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(iv) Plane mirrors are used in periscopes usually used in submarines.

Spherical Mirror
Spherical mirrors are the reflecting part of spherical surface.
(i) Concave mirror : Concave mirror is the part of the hollow sphere whose outer
surface (i.e. bulging surface ) is silvered and the inner surface (i.e., depressed surface)
acts as reflecting surface (fig.)

(ii) Convex mirror : Concave mirror is the part of a hollow sphere whose outer surface
(i.e., bulging surface) acts as reflecting surface and the inner surface (i.e. depressed
surface) is silvered as shown in fig.

Convergence and Divergence of light

Convergence of light
If a parallel beam of light after reflection meets at a point, then the process is known as
convergence of light.

Divergence of light
If a parallel beam of light after reflection diverges (i.e. spreads out) and appears to come
from a point, then the process is known as divergence of light.

Important terms in respect of spherical mirrors

Centre of Curvature : The center of a hollow sphere of which the spherical mirror forms
a part is called center of the curvature. It is denoted by C.

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Radius of Curvature
The radius of a hollow sphere of which the spherical mirror forms a part is called radius
of curvature. It is denoted by R.

The mid point of spherical mirror is called its pole. It is denoted by P.

The part of the spherical mirror exposed to the incident light is called the aperture of the
mirror. In other words, diameter of a spherical mirror is known as its aperture. The a
concave mirror and a convex mirror are represented by XY as shown in fig.

Principal axis.
A line joining the center of curvature (C) and pole (P) of spherical mirror and extended on
either side is called principal axis.

Principal focus
A point on the principal axis of a spherical mirror where the rays of light parallel to the
principal axis meet or appear to meet after reflection from the mirror is called principal
focus. It is denoted by F.

Focal plane
A plane normal or perpendicular to the principal axis and passing though the principal
focus (F) of the spherical mirror is called focal plane of the mirror.

Focal length
The distance between the pole (P) and principal focus (F) of a spherical mirror is called
the focal length of the mirror. It is denoted by f. Focal length of a mirror is given by
f = PF

Sign conventions for reflection by spherical mirrors.

(i) All distances are measured from the pole of a spherical mirror.
(ii) Distance measured in the direction of incident light are taken as positive while
distance measured in a direction opposite to that of the incident light are taken as

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(iii) The upward distances perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as positive. While
the downward distance perpendicular to the principal axis are taken as negative.

Relation between focal length and radius of curvature of a spherical mirror.

Consider a concave mirror of small aperture. Let AB be the incident ray parallel to the
principal axis which falls on the concave mirror at point B. B is normal to the concave
mirror at B. After reflection, the ray passes through the principal focus F on the principal

S.No Position of object Position of image Nature of image Relative size

of Image
1. Infinite At principal focus Real and Highly
(F). inverted diminished
2. Between F and 2F Between focus (F) Real and Diminished
(or beyond C) and center of inverted
curvature (C)
3. Centre of curvature Centre of curvature Real and Same size as
(C) (C) inverted that of an
4. Between center of Between F and 2F Real and Magnified
curvature (C) and or beyond C. inverted
focus (F)
5. At the focus (F) At infinite Real and Highly
invented magnified
6. Between pole (P Behind the concave Virtual and erect Magnified
and focus (F) mirror

Uses of concave Mirror

(i) Reflector

(ii) Shaving and make up mirror

(iii)In solar cookers

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(iv) In Hospital
Image formation by a convex mirror
(i) Position of object (AB) : Between infinite and pole of the convex mirror. Formation
of image (AB) is shown in fig.

(ii) Position of object : At infinite formation of image is shown in fig.

Uses of a convex mirror

(i) Rear view or driver’s mirror :
(ii) In street lights
Mirror Formula
The distance of the position of an object on the principal axis from the pole of a spherical
mirror is known as object distance. It is denoted by u.
The distance of the position of the image of an object on the principal axis from the pole
of spherical mirror is known as image distance. It is denoted by v.

The relation between u, v and focal length (f) of a spherical mirror is formula
1 1 1
It is given by + =
u v f

Magnification (or linear magnification)

Linear Magnification produced by a mirror is defined as the ratio of the size (or height) of
the image to the size (or height) of the object. It is denoted by m
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If h = size (or height) of the image produced by the mirror and h = size (or height) of the
Then, linear magnification, m =
Linear magnification has no unit.

Illustration 1: The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 30 cm. Find the focal length of
this mirror.

Solution : Here, R = 30 cm

Using f = , we have

f= = 15cm

Thus, focal length of the spherical mirror = 15 cm

Illustration 2: A concave mirror produces four times magnified image of an object placed at 10
cm in front of it. Find the image of the image

Solution : Here, u = -10 cm (Singh convention)

M = 4, But m = −

or 4 = −  v = −4u = −4 ( −10cm ) = 40cm

Thus, image of the object is at 40 cm from the pole of the mirror and behind the mirror.

Illustration 3: An object 4 cm high is placed at a distance of 6 cm in front of a concave mirror

of focal length 12 cm. Find the position, nature and size of the image formed.

Solution : Here, size of object, h = 4 cm

u = - 6 cm (sing convention)

f = -12 cm (sing convention)

Step 1

1 1 1
Using + = , we get
u v f

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
− + =− or = − + = or v = 12 cm
6 v 12 v 12 6 12

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thus, image is formed at a distance of 12 cm behind the concave mirror as v is positive,

Therefore, image is virtual (nature).

Step 2.

h −v
Using = , we get
h v

v −12cm
h = −  h =  4cm = 8cm
u −6cm

so, image is 8 cm tall. Since h is positive, so image is erect.

Refraction of light
The bending of light rays when they pass obliquely from one medium of another medium
is called refraction of light.

Laws of Refraction
Refraction of light follows the following to laws :
1. The incident rays, the refracted ray and the normal to the surface separating the
two media all lie in the same plane.
2. The ratio of the sine of the incident angle ( i ) to the sine of the refracted angle
( r ) is constant for a pair of two media.
This constant is knows as the refractive index of the medium in which incident
rays travels.
Refractive index of second medium with respect to the first medium is denoted by
sin i
n 21 =
sin r

This law is also known as Snell’s law as it was stated by Prof. Willebrord Snell
(Dutch mathematician and astronomer).

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Refractive index.
The amount of change in the speed of light in a medium depends upon the property of the
medium. This property is known as refractive index of the medium. Refractive index is a
measure of how much the passed of light changes when it enters the medium from air.

speed of light in air or vacuum ( c )

speed of light in medium ( v )

or n = where, c = 3 108 ms−1


Refraction through a glass slab

When a ray of light falls on a glass lab obliquely (i.e. by making a certain angle with the
normal), it emerges out of the glass slab parallel to its original directing of propagating .
However, there is a shift in the path of the incident ray. This shift is known as lateral shift
or lateral displacement.
Consider a rectangular glass slab LMNP of thickness t. Let incident ray AO traveling in
air strikes the glass slab at an angle of incident i After refraction, the ray bends
towards the normal N1N1. Let the refracted ray OB makes r1 with the normal N1 N1 .

According to Snell’s law of refraction

sin i
n 21 = …(i)
sin r1

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The ray OB suffers refraction at B and emerges out of the glass lab into the air.
Let the emergent ray BC makes an angle i with the normal N2N2.
According tot Snell’s law of refraction,
sin r1
n12 = ….(ii)
sin i
we know n 21 =
substituting the values of equ. (i) and (ii) in eqn (iii), we get
sin i 1 sin i
= =
sin r1 sin r1 sin r1
sin i
or sin i = sin i or i = i
this shows that in refraction through a rectangular slab the incident ray and emergent ray
are parallel to each other.
Lateral shift (or displacement). The perpendicular distance between the original path of
incident ray and the emergent ray coming out of a glass slab is called lateral shift.

Factors on which lateral shift depends

(i) lateral shift varies directly proportional to the thickness of the glass slab.
(ii) Lateral shift varies directly proportional to the incident angle
(iii) Lateral shift varies directly proportional to the refractive index of glass slab.
(iv) Lateral shift varies inversely proportional to the wavelength of incident light.

Refraction by spherical lenses

Lens is a transparent medium bounded by two refracting surface. Out of thee two
refracting surfaces at least one is spherical. Thus a lens may have two spherical surfaces
or one spherical and other plane.

Types of lenses
Lenses are of two types.
(i) Convex lens or converging lens
(ii) Concave lens or diverging lens

Convex lens
A lens having both spherical surfaces or one spherical surface and other plane surface
such that it is thick in the middle and thin at the edges is knows as convex
1. Bi-convex or double convex lens
2. Plano-convex lens
3. concavo-convex lens

Bi-convex Plano-convex Concavo-convex

lens lens lens

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Concave lens
A lens having both spherical surfaces or one spherical and other plane surface such that it
is thin in the middle and thick at the edges is known as concave lens.

Bi-concave Plano-concave Convexo-concave

lens lens lens

Some term used in Lenses

Principal axis.

A line joining the center of curvature of two spherical surface forming a lens is called principal

Optical center .
A point in a lens through which rays of light pass undeviated. It is denoted by O and shown in

Principal focus
A point on the principal axis where all rays of light parallel to the principal axis meet or appear to
meet after passing through the lens is called principal focus of the lens.

Focal length .
The distance between the principal focus and optical center of a lens is known as focal length of
the lens.

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Images formation by a convex lens

A convex lens forms real as well as virtual images of different sizes depending upon the
position of the object on the principal axis. The images formed by a convex lens for
different positions of object are shown below :

S.No. Position of Formation of image Position and image

Infinity (i) At focus

(ii) Real, inverted and

diminished (small in

Beyond 2F1 (i) Between F2 and 2F2

(ii) Real, inverted and


At 2F1 (i) At 2F2

(ii) Real, inverted and of

same size as that of

Between F1 (i) Beyond 2F2
2 F1 (ii) Real, inverted and of
large, size than that of

At F1 (i) At infinity

(ii) Real inverted and

highly magnified

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Between focus (i) on the same side as
and optical that of object
(ii) virtual, upright (or
erect) and of larger
size than that of object.

Used in simple microscope to

observe small objects. Also used by
gold smiths and watch makers
(magnifying glass).

Formation of image by a concave lens

A concave lens always forms a virtual, erect and diminished image irrespective of the position of
object between the optical center and infinity.
Infinity (i) image is formed at focus

(ii) size of image is very small

i.e. point like.

Between optical (i) image is formed between
center of the the focus and optical center
lens and infinity of the lens.

(ii) size of image is diminished.

(iii) image is virtual and erect.

Sign conventions (or Cartesian sigh conventions) for spherical lenses)

(i) All distance are measured from the optical center of a lens
(ii) Distance of the propagation of incident ray of light are taken as positive, while
distance measured in a direction opposite to the direction of incident ray of light
are taken as negative.
(iii) Upward heights with respect to the principal axis are taken as positive, while
downward heights with respect to the principal axis are taken as negative.
Lens formula
Distance of object from the optical center of a lens is known as object distance. Denoted
by u.

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Distance of image from the optical center of a lens is known as image distance. It is
denoted by v.
The relation between object distance (u), image distance (v) and focal length (f) of a lens
is called lens formula. The lens formula is given by
1 1 1
− + =
u v f
Magnification produced by a lens

image distance
magnification of lens=
object distance

Power of a lens

Power of a lens is defined as the reciprocal of the focal length of the lens (expressed in
metres). It id denoted by P

1 100
i.e. P = or P =
f ( in m ) f ( in cm )

Unit of power of a lens is dioptre (D)

Definition of dioptre (D). Power of a lens is dioptre if its focal length is 1 meter.
Illustration 4: A convex lens has focal length of 20 cm. Calculate at what distance from the
lens should the object be placed so that the image is formed at 40 cm on the
other side of the lens ? Also state the nature of the image formed.
Solution : Here, f = 20cm
v = 40cm
u =?
Step I.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Using − + = , we have − + − = −
u v f u f v 20 40
1 1
or − = or u = −40cm
u 40
Thus, the object should be placed at a distance of 40 cm in front of the convex lens.

Step II
v 40
m= = = −1
u −40
Negative sign shows that the image is real and interned.

Illustration 5: An object 4 cm high is placed at a distance of 27 cm in front of a convex lens of

focal length 18 cm. Find the position, nature and size of the image formed.
Solution : Here, u = −2cm ( singn convention )
f = 18cm
h = 4cm
Step 1,
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Determination of ‘v’
1 1 1
Using − + = , we get
u v f
1 1 1 1 1
− + = − = (Position of image)
( −27 ) v 18 27 54
Step 2.
h v
Using = , we get
h u
v 54
h =  h =  4 = −8cm
u −27
thus, size of image is 8 cm. Negative sing shows that the image is inverted.


The Human Eye
The human eye is the most important organ. It is used to see the beautiful nature and the
natural phenomena. The human eye is shown in fig. The main parts of an eye and their
functions are given below :
1. Cornea . It is a transparent part of eye and allows the light to enter in the eye. Cornea
is also known as the window or aperture of the eye.
2. Iris : It is circular diaphragm having a hole in its center. This hole is called pupil.
The pupil becomes small when bright light falls on the eye. However, it becomes
wide when there is dim light.

3. Lens. The eye lens is a crystalline double convex and made of transparent and
flexible tissues. It is behind the pupil and held by the muscles called ciliary muscles.
4. Ciliary muscles. These muscles hold the eye lens in position. Ciliary muscles
controls the focal length of the eye lens. When the these muscles contracts, the focal
length of the lens increases. On the other hand, when they expand, they exert inward
pressure on the eye lens and decrease the focal length of the lens.

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5. Retina. It acts as a screen to obtain the image of the object. It contains special cells
which are sensitive to light. These cells converts light energyinto nerve impulses or
6. Optic nerve. Optic nerve is formed by the nerve fibres coming from the retina. It
carries nerve impulses or signals to the brain . The brain finally interprets the signal.

Definition of Accommodation
The ability of an eye to change the focal length of its lens in such a way that the sharp
image of an object at difference positions from the eye is formed on the retina is known
as accommodation of the eye.

Near point
The nearest point from an eye at which an object can be placed so that its sharp image is
formed on the retina is known as the near point of the eye.

Range of vision : The distance between the near point and far point of an eye is known as
range of vision.

For a normal eye, the range of vision is 25 cm to infinity.

Power of accommodation
Power of accommodation of an eye is defined as the maximum variation in the power
 1
 P =  of the eye lens.
 f

Power of Accommodation or normal human eye

For a normal eye, the near point is 25 cm from the eye lens i.e., u = −25 cm. The distance
of the retina (screen) from the eye lens is about 2.5 cm i.e., v = 2.5 cm. Now using
1 1 1
= − + , we get
f u v
1 1 1 1 1 11
= + = + = cm −1
f − ( 25 ) 2.5 25 2.5 25
100 11
 power of eye lens, P = = 100  = 44D
f ( in cm ) 25
The far point of a normal eye is at infinity i.e. u = -  . Since image is formed at the
retina, so v = 2.5cm.
1 1 1 10
 = − + = cm −1
f u v 25
100 11
Hence, power of eye-lens, P = = 100  = 40
f 25
Thus, we find that the maximum variation in the power of eye lens = 44D – 40 D = 4 D.
Therefore, for a normal eye, the power of accommodation is about 4 dioptre (D).

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Defects of Vision and Their correction

Common defects of Vision

(i) Long sightedness or Far sightedness or Hypermetropia

A human eye which can see for off objects or distant object clearly but can not see
the near objects clearly is said to be suffered with a defect known as long
sightedness or Hypermetropia.

Causes of Hypermetropia
This defect arises due to either (i) increase in the focal or (ii) the size of the eye
ball become too small so that the light rays from the nearby point or object is nor
brought to focus on the retina of the eye.

Correction of long-sightedness (or Hypermetropia)

This defect can be corrected by using a convex lens of suitable focal length.

(ii) Short-sightedness or near-sightedness or Myopia

A human eye is short sight or Myopic if it can see the near objects clearly but
unable to see for off objects or distant object clearly.
This defect arises due to either (i) elongation of the eye ball ball or (ii) the
excessive curvature of the cornea.

Correction of short sightdness or Myopia

This defect can be corrected by using a concave lens of suitable focal length so
man suffering from this defect.

(iii) Presbyopia
A man eye which cannot see the near objects as well as far off (or distant) object
clearly is said to suffer from a defect known as Presbyopia.

This defect arises due to the ageing of a person. The ciliary muscles are weakened
ad the flexibility of the crystalline lens of the human eye decreases with age of the
Correction of Presbyopia
This defect can be corrected by using a bi – focal lens.

(iv) Astigmatism
A human eye which cannot focus on both horizontal and vertical lines
simultaneously is suffering from a defect known as Astigmatism.
If such an eye sees an object then the horizontal part of the object will not be
visible clearly but its vertical part will be clearly visible as shown in figure.

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Cross seen by Cross seen by

Normal eye Astigmatic eye
This defect arises when the cornea of the eye has different curvatures in different
directions in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Correction of Astigmatism
Astigmatism can be corrected by using glasses with cylindrical lens.

Illustration 6: The near point of a hypermetropic person is75 cm. Calculate the focal length and
power of a convex lens used in his spectacles.

Solution : Here d = 75 cm

1 1 1
Using = + , we get
f 25cm ( −d )

1 1 1 2 75
= + = or f = = 37.5cm
f 25cm −75cm 75 2

100 100
Power of lens P = = = +2.67D
f ( in cm ) 37.5

Illustration 7: The far point of a myopic person is 150 cm in front of the eye. Calculate the focal
length and power of the lens required to enable him to see distant objects clearly

Solution : Here d = 150 cm

1 1 1 1
Using = − , we get, = − or f = -150 cm
f d f 150
100 100
 power of lens = = = −0.67D
f ( in cm ) −150

❖ ❖❖

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• Light is a form of energy which produces the sensation of sight.

• Ray of light A line drawn in the direction of propagation of light is called beam of light.

• Mirror Formula : the relation between u, v and focal length (f) of a spherical mirror is known
1 1 1
as mirror formula. That is + =
u u f

• Linear magnification : Linear magnification produced by a mirror is defined as the ratio of

the size (or height of the image to the size of the object. It is denoted by m.

h v
That is m = =−
h u

• Relative refractive index of medium 2 w.r.t. the medium 1 is defined as the ratio of the speed
of light in medium 1(v1) to the speed of light in medium 2(v2).

i.e. n 21 =

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1. The plane mirror form the
(A) virtual and latterly inverted image
(B) virtual and erect image
(C) real and laterally inverted image
(D) real and real image
2. The magnification of plane mirror is
(A) –1 (B) +1
(C) zero (D) +1/2
3. The speed of light in vacuum is
(A) 3  108cms-1 (B) 3  108mms-1
(C) 3  108ms-1 (D) 3  108kms-1
4. According to 1aws of reflection
(A) i  r (B) i is less than r
(C) i is greater then r (D) i =  r
5. i incident angle, and r = reflected angle, if i = 0, then
(A) r = 90 (B) r = 100
(C) r = 0 (D) r = 60
6. An object 10 cm height is placed in front of a plane mirror. The height of the image will
(A) 5 cm (B) 10 cm
(C) 15 cm (D) 20 cm
7. A body is standing at a distance of 1 m in front of a plane mirror. The distance between
the body and his image is
(A) 1 m (B) 1.5 m
(C) 2 m (D) 3 m
*8. Incident angle of array of light is 30. The angel between the incident ray and the
reflected ray is
(A) 30 (B) 60
(C) 90 (D) 15
9. A letter written on a white paper is placed in front of a plane mirror. The image of this
letter in the plane mirror will appear as
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
10. An object is placed between two plane mirrors inclined at on angle of 60. How many
images of the object will be formed
(A) 10 (B) 8
(C) 7 (D) 5

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11. If a mirror has a focal length of +15 cm, it is a

(A) convex mirror (B) concave mirror
(C) plane mirror (D) plane-concave mirror
12. If a mirror has a focal length of –20 cm it is a
(A) convex mirror (B) concave mirror
(C) plane mirror (D) plano-convex mirror
13. In case of virtual and erect image, the magnification of mirror is
(A) positive (B) negative
(C) unity (D) infinity
14. In case of real and inverted image, the magnification of a mirror is
(A) positive (B) negative
(C) unity (D) infinity
15. The mirror used by dentists to concentrate light on the tooth to be examined is a………
(A) concave (B) plane or concave
(C) convex (D) plane
16. For an object at infinity, the concave mirror produces an image at its focus which is
(A) enlarge (B) virtual
(C) virtual, inverted and diminished (D) real, inverted and diminished.
17. The mirror used in out mobiles to see the rear field of view is
(A) concave (B) convex
(C) plane (D) plano-concave
18. The mirror used in search light is
(A) concave (B) convex
(C) plane (D) plano convex
19. Shaving mirror are
(A) convex mirrors (B) concave mirrors
(C) plane mirror (D) plano-concave
20. Which is the wrong statement out of the following
(A) A concave mirror can give a virtual image
(B) A convex mirror can give a virtual image
(C) A concave mirror can give a diminished virtual image
(D) A convex mirror cannot give a real image.

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1. Mirror formula is given by
1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) − + = (B) − =
u v f u v f
1 1 1 1 1 1
(C) + = (D) + =−
u v f u v f
2. A convex mirror has a focal length f. An object placed at a distance f is front of it from
the pole, produces on image at
(A) 2f (B) 2/f
(C) f (D) 
3. If an object is 30 cm away from a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm, the image will be
(A) erect (B) virtual
(C) diminished (D) of same size
4. A concave mirror forms an erect image twice the size of a object. The object distance
from the mirror is
(A) (B) 2f
3f 2f
(C) (D)
2 3
5. A concave mirror produces of four times magnified image of an object placed at 10 cm in
front of it. The position of the image
(A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm
(C) 40 cm (D) 60 cm
6. An object is placed at a distance of 6 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 12
cm. The position of image is
(A) 10 cm (B) 12 cm
(C) 14 cm (D) 16 cm
7. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a convex mirror of focal length 20 cm.
The position of the image is
20 10
(A) cm (B) cm
3 3
(C) 8.4cm (D) 12.5cm
*8. An object 3 cm light is placed at a distance of 10 cm in front of concave mirror of focal
length 20. The size of the image will be
(A) 4 cm (B) 5 cm
(C) 6 cm (D) 8 cm
9. The focal length of a convex mirror is 15 cm The radius of curvature of mirror is
(A) 15 cm (B) 30 cm
(C) 7.5 cm (D) 45 cm
*10. An object 4 cm full is placed on the principle axis of a concave mirror of focal length 20
cm at a distance of 30 cm from it. The size of the image is

41 Narayana IIT Foundation Programme

Light Physics, Class : VIII

(A) 4 cm (B) 6 cm
(C) 8 cm (D) 10 cm
11. The S.I units of refractive index is
(A) meter (m) (B) centimeter (cm)
(C) m/s (D) unit less
12. Which of the following statement wrong
(A) speed of light changes during refraction
(B) wavelength of light constant during repletion
(C) speed of light constant during repletion
(D) frequency of light changes during refraction
13. The refractive index of diamond is 2.4. It the velocity of light in air or vacuum is 3 
108ms-1 then the velocity of light in diamond is
(A) 1.25  108 ms-1 (B) 12.5  108 m/s
(C) 0.8  108 ms-1 (D) 125  108 m/s
14. The speed of a light in vacuum is 3108m/s If speed of light in glass is 2  108m/s. Then
the refractive index of glass is
(A) 2.5 (B) 1.5
(C) 1.33 (D) 1.45
*15. Refractive index of rear medium w.r.t denser medium is . If c is the critical angle for the
given pair of media, among the four the correct relation is
(A)  = (B) sin c = 
sin c
(C)  = (D)  = tan c
tan c
*16. The refractive index of water is 1.33. What will be the speed of light in water
(A) 3 108 m / s (B) 2.25 108 m / s
(C) 4 108 m / s (D) 1.33 108 m / s
17. Critical angle for total internal reflection will be smallest for light traveling from
(A) water to glass (B) glass to air
(C) glass to water (D) water to air
18. A beam of monochromatic light is refracted from vacuum into a medium of refractive
index 1.5. The wavelength of refracted light ray will be
(A) same
(B) smaller
(C) larger
(D) dependent of intensity of refracted light
19. A ray of light from air is incident in water then which property of light will not change in
(A) velocity (B) frequency
(C) amplitude (D) colour
20. The time taken by the sunlight to pass through a window of thickness 4 m is (g=1.5)
(A) 2  10-8sec (B) 2  108sec
(C) 2  10-11sec (D) 2  1011sec
Narayana IIT Foundation Programme 42
Light Physics, Class : VIII

1. A concave lens always formed
(A) virtual image (B) erect image
(C) diminished image (D) all of the above
2. Which of the following term is associated with a lens
(A) optics axis (B) x-axis
(C) y-axis (D) axis
3. A convex lens is also called a
(A) diverging lens (B) converging lens
(C) cylindrical lens (D) both converging and diverging
4. The focal length can be expressed in
(A) meter (B) dioptre
(C) watt (D) Horse power
5. 1D is equals to
(A) 1m (B) 1cm
(C) 1 m-1 (D) 1 cm-1
6. The focal length of a lens is –0.4m. The lens is
(A) convex (B) concave
(C) cylindrical (D) both concave and convex
7. A thin prism of 6 angle gives a deviation of 3. What is the refractive index of the
material of the prism
(A) 1.5 (B) 0.5
(C) 3 (D) 1
*8. A small angle prism (=1.64) gives a deviation of 4.8. The angle of prism is
(A) 3 (B) 7.5
(C) 15 (D) 2
9. On entering a glass prism, sun rays are
(A) deviated but not dispersed (B) deviated and dispersed
(C) dispersed but not deviated (D) neither deviated nor dispersed
10. The principle axis is also called ……………..of the lens.
(A) optic axis (B) x-axis
(C) y-axis (D) z-axis

43 Narayana IIT Foundation Programme

Light Physics, Class : VIII

11. An object placed at a distance 10 cm from a convex lens of focal length 15 cm. The
position of image of object will be
(A) 20 cm (B) 30 cm
(C) 15 cm (D) 25 cm
12. An object 4 cm high is placed at a distance of 27 cm in front of a convex lens of focal
length 18 cm. The size of the image is
(A) 2 cm (B) 4 cm
(C) 6 cm (D) 8 cm
13. A concave lens of focal length 20 cm from an image at a distance of 10 cm from the lens.
The object distance from the lens is
(A) 20 cm (B) 10cm
(C) 15 cm (D) 12 cm
14. The power of a concave lens is –1D, then the focal length of lens will be
(A) -1 cm (B) –100 cm
(C) +1 cm (D) +100 cm
15. A concave lens has a focal length of 20 cm. The power of lens will be
(A) -5D (B) 5 D
(C) 1 D (D) 0.5 D
16. A lens used in spectacles has power +2D. The nature of lens is
(A) diverging (B) converging
(C) plane (D) both diverging and converging
17. A lens of power +2 dioptre is placed in contact with a lens of power –1 dioptre The
combination will behaves like
(A) convergent lens of focal length 50 cm
(B) convergent lens of focal length 100 cm
(C) divergent lens of focal length 50 cm
(D) divergent lens of focal length 100 cm
*18. Two thin lenses are in contact and the focal length of the combination is 80 cm. If the
focal length of one lens is 20 cm, then the power of the other lens will be
(A) 1.66 D (B) 4.00 D
(C) –1.00 D (D) –3.75 D
19. Two lenses of power – 0.5D and +2.75D are kept in contact. The focal length of the
combination is
(A) 44.4 cm (B) 40.4 cm
(C) 36.6 cm (D) 38.6 cm
20. In a convex lens we get virtual image when the object is
(A) between f and 2f (B) beyond 2f
(C) between f and optic center (D) At 2f

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Light Physics, Class : VIII

1. The splitting of white light into several colours on passing through a glass prism is called
(A) refraction (B) reflection
(C) interference (D) dispersion
2. Rainbow is formed due to a combination of
(A) refraction and absorption
(B) dispersion and focusing
(C) refraction and scattering
(D) dispersion and total internal reflection
3. Blue colour of sky is due to phenomena of
(A) reflection (B) refraction
(C) scattering (D) dispersion
4. The human eye forms the image of an object at its
(A) cornea (B) Iris
(C) pupil (D) retina
5. The changed in focal length of an eye lens is caused by the action of the
(A) pupil (B) retina
(C) cilliary muscles (D) Iris
6. The least distance of distinct vision for young adult with normal vision is about
(A) 25 cm (B) 2.5 cm
(C) 25 m (D) 2.5 m
7. At sunrise or at sun set the sun appears to be redish while at mid day it looks white this is
(A) Scattering due to dust particles and air molecules causes this phenomena
(B) the sun is cooler at sun rise or at sunset
(C) refraction causes this phenomena
(D) diffraction sends red rays to the earth at this time.
8. Cornea is a transparent spherical structure which
(A) reflects light (B) scatters light
(C) refracts light (D) disperse the light
9. The image on the retina remains for
(A) 20 sec (B) 10 sec
(C) 1/10 sec (D) 1/16 sec
10. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by the
(A) Iris (B) cornea
(C) pupil (D) crystalline lens
45 Narayana IIT Foundation Programme
Light Physics, Class : VIII

11. Ability of the eye to see objects at all distance is called

(A) Binocular vision (B) myopia
(C) Hypermetropia (D) Accommodation
12. Myopia is due to
(A) elongation of eye ball (B) Irregular change in focal length
(C) shortening of eye ball (D) older age
13. In case of hypermetropia
(A) the image of near objects is formed in front of retina
(B) the image near objects in formed behind the retina
(C) A concave lens should be used for correction
(D) A convex lens can not be used for correction
14. Asitgmatism can be corrected by
(A) Bifocal lenses (B) cylindrical lenses
(C) concave lenses (D) plano convex lenses
15. A man hearing glasses of focal length +1m cannot clearly see beyond one metre
(A) If he is far sighted (B) If he is near sighted
(C) If he is vision is normal (D) In each of these cases
16. A man cannot see objects closer than 1 m from the eye clearly. The power of corrective
lens is
(A) +4D (B) +3D
(C) +2D (D) +1D
17. The power of accommodation for normal eye is
(A) 4D (B) 40D
(C) 44D (D) 400 D
18. A person cannot distinguish between different colours. There is a problem with his
(A) carnea (B) cillary muscles
(C) cones (D) rodes
*19. A person can see clearly only upto 3m. What will be power of his spectacles lens, so that
he can see clearly upto 12 m
(A) 0.25 D (B) –0.25 D
(C) 0.5 D (D) –0.5 D
*20. What focal length should the reading spectacles have for a person whose near point is 50
(A) 20 cm (B) 50 cm
(C) 100 cm (D) 25 cm

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Light Physics, Class : VIII

Straight Objective Type
This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C), (D), out of which ONLY
ONE is correct. Choose the correct option.
1. A mirror forms a virtual image of real object
(A) It must be a convex mirror
(B) It must be a concave mirror
(C) It must be a plane mirror
(D) it may be any of the mirrors mentioned above
2. An object is placed at the center of curvature of a concave mirror. If it is parallel to the principal
axis, the reflected ray will
(A) equal to f (B) Between f and If
(C) equal to 2f (D) greater than 2f axis
3. If an incident ray passes through the center of curvature of a spherical mirror, the reflected rays
(A) pass through the pole (B) pass through the focus
(C) retraces its path (D) be parallel to the principal axis
*4. A ray of light traveling in air is incident on the plane of a transparent medium. The angle of
incident is 45 and that of refraction is 30. Find the index of the medium
(A) 2 (B)
(C) 2 2 (D) 2
*5. Find the refractive index of glass with respect to water. The refractive indices of these with
respect to air are 3/2 and 4/3 respectively
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2
(C) 9 : 8 (D) 8 : 9
6. A real, inverted and equal in size mage is formed by :
(A) a concave mirror (B) a convex mirror
(C) a plane mirror (D) none of these
7. In case of concave mirror, the minimum distance between a real object and its real image is :
(A) f (B) 2f
(C) 4f (D) zero
8. The minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by a convex lens
(A) f (B) 2f
(C) f (D) 4f
9. A real object is placed in front of a concave lens of focal ‘f’ at its principal focus Then the image
is formed at
(A) zero (B) infinite
(C) at a distance 2f (D) at a distance f/2
10. Which of the following will not produce a magnified image of an object ?
(A) convex mirror (B) concave mirror
(C) convex lens (D) two convex lenses in contact

47 Narayana IIT Foundation Programme

Light Physics, Class : VIII

11. It is possible to observe total internal reflection when a ray travels from
(A) air into water (B) air into glass
(C) water into glass (D) glass into water
12. Looking into a mirror one finds his image long and thin; the mirror is :
(A) concave (B) convex
(C) cylindrical (D) parabolic

Multiple Correct Answer Type

This section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C), (D), out of
which ONE or MORE is correct. Choose the correct options.

13. In case of refraction of light which of the following quantities change?

(A) Frequency (B) Phase
(C) Speed (D) Wavelength
14. Total internal reflection may take place if light is passing from :
(A) water to glass (B) water to air
(C) glass to air (D) glass to water
*15. Our of the following, select the correct statements :
(A) Mirage and looming take place in hot places
(B) An object is not visible when its refractive index is unity
(C) On increasing the angle of incidence, the angle of deviation also increases
(D) during hot summer days, the trees and other tall objects seem to be quivering because the
density of air changes in an irregular way
*16. The focal length of convex lens is depends upon the
(A) refractive index of lens material
(B) radii of curvature of lens
(C) refractive index of the surrounding medium
(D) size of lens

Linked Comprehension Type

This section contains paragraphs. Based upon each paragraph multiple choice questions have to be answered. Each
question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Choose the correct option.
A pin which is 2 cm long is placed at a distance of 16 cm from a convex lens. Assuming
it to be perpendicular to the principle axis, If focal length of lens is 12 cm
24. The position of image is
(A) 28 cm (B) 48 cm
(C) 24 cm (D) 44 cm
25. The magnification of lens is
(A) -3 (B) +3
(C) -2 (D) +2
26. The height image is
(A) 4 cm (B) -4 cm
(C) 6 cm (D) -6 cm

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Light Physics, Class : VIII

A monochromatic light of wavelength 589 nm is incident from air onto water surface
such that the refractive index of water is 1.33
27. What is the wavelength and frequency of reflected light
(A) 589 nm, 3  108 Hz (B) 5  1014 nm, 3  108 Hz
(C) 1.7 nm, 5.7  1014 Hz (D) 589 nm, 5.1  1014 Hz
28. What is the speed of reflected light ?
(A) 2.256  108 ms-1 (B) 8.356  108 ms-1
(C) 3  108 ms-1 (D) 9.23  108 ms-1
29. What is the wavelength and speed of refracted light ?
(A) 589 nm, 2.256  108 ms-1 (B) 443 nm, 2.256  108 ms-1
(C) 632 nm, 3  10 ms
8 -1
(D) 726 nm, 3  108 ms-1

Matrix Match Type

This section contains Matrix-Match Type questions. Each question contains statements given in two
columns which have to be matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in Column–I have to be matched with
statements (p, q, r, s) in Column–II. The answers to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled as
illustrated in the following example.
If the correct matches are A-p, A-s, B-q, B-r, C-p, C-q and D-s, then the correctly bubbled 4  4 matrix
should be as follows:
17. Match the following
Column – I Column – II
(A) Reflection of light (p) Power of a lens
(B) Refraction of light (q) Mirrors
(C) Diopter (r) Spectrum
(D) Snell’s law (s) Lenses
(E) VIBGYOR (t) Refractive index
18. Match the following column
Column-I Column-II
(A) Concave mirror (p) Converging lens
(B) Convex mirror (q) Diverging lens
(C) Convex lens (r) Conversing mirror
(D) Concave lens (s) Diverging mirror

Integer Answer Type

19. The focal length of a convex mirror is 15 cm then the radius of curvature is
(10 n) cm Find the value of ‘n’.
*20. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm. in front of a concave mirror of focal length 20
cm. If the position of image is (5  n) cm. Find the value of ‘n’.
21. An object 4 cm high is placed at a distance of 6 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal
length 12 cm. Find the size of image formed.
22. Light energy from air to a glass plate which has a respective index of 1.5 . if the speed of
light in glass is (n108) . Find the value of ‘n’. speed of light in air = 3  108 m/s
*23. A 4 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principle axis of a convex lens of focal
length 20 cm. if the distance of object fro the lens is 30 cm then find the size of image

49 Narayana IIT Foundation Programme

Light Physics, Class : VIII


1. (A) 11. (A)
2. (B) 12. (B)
3. (B) 13. (A)
4. (D) 14. (B)
5. (C) 15. (A)
6. (B) 16. (D)
7. (C) 17. (B)
8. (B) 18. (A)
9. (C) 19. (B)
10. (D) 20. (C)

1. (C) 11. (D)
2. (B) 12. (D)
3. (D) 13. (A)
4. (A) 14. (B)
5. (C) 15. (A)
6. (B) 16. (B)
7. (A) 17. (C)
8. (C) 18. (B)
9. (B) 19. (B)
10. (C) 20. (A)

Narayana IIT Foundation Programme 50

Light Physics, Class : VIII

1. (D) 11. (B)
2. (A) 12. (D)
3. (B) 13. (A)
4. (A) 14. (B)
5. (C) 15. (A)
6. (B) 16. (B)
7. (A) 17. (B)
8. (B) 18. (D)
9. (B) 19. (A)
10. (A) 20. (C)

1. (D) 11. (D)
2. (D) 12. (A)
3. (C) 13. (B)
4. (D) 14. (B)
5. (C) 15. (A)
6. (A) 16. (B)
7. (A) 17. (C)
8. (C) 18. (C)
9. (D) 19. (B)
10. (C) 20. (B)

51 Narayana IIT Foundation Programme

Light Physics, Class : VIII

1. (D) 16. A, B, C, D
2. (C) 17. (B)
3. (A) 18. (A)
4. (B) 19. (D)
5. (D) 20. (D)
6. (C) 21. (C)
7. (B) 22. (B)
8. (A) 23. A→ s, B→ r, C→ p, D→ t, E→ q
9. (D) 24. A→ q, B→ s, C→ p, D → t, E→ r
10. (A) 25. 3
11. (C) 26. 4
12. (D) 27. 8
13. A, B, C, D 28. 2
14. A, B, C, D 29. 8
15. B, C, D

❖ ❖❖

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