CAPS - 3170507 - Common Lab Manual With Acknow

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A Laboratory Manual for

Computer Aided Process Synthesis


B.E. Semester 7 (Chemical)

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Directorate of Technical Education, Gandhinagar,

L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ___________________________________

________ Enrollment No. _______________ of B.E. Semester _____

Chemical Engineering of this Institute (GTU Code: _____ ) has satisfactorily

completed the Practical / Tutorial work for the subject Computer Aided

Process Synthesis (3170507)) for the academic year 2023-24.

Place: __________

Date: __________

Name and Sign of Faculty member

Head of the Department

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)


Main motto of any laboratory/practical/field work is for enhancing required skills as well as
creating ability amongst students to solve real time problems by developing relevant
competencies in the psychomotor domain. In view of this, GTU has designed competency focused
outcome-based curriculum for engineering degree programs where sufficient weightage is given
to practical work. It shows the importance of enhancement of skills amongst the students and it
pays attention to utilize every second of time allotted for practical amongst students, instructors
and faculty members to achieve relevant outcomes by performing the practical work rather than
having merely study type experiments. It is essential for effective implementation of competency
focused outcome-based curriculum that every practical is keenly designed to serve as a tool to
develop and enhance relevant competency required by the various industries among every
student. These psychomotor skills are very difficult to develop only through classroom teaching.
Accordingly, this laboratory manual is designed to focus on developing software skills for
understanding and applying the theoretical aspects to achieve industry-defined relevant outcomes.

By using this laboratory manual students can go through the relevant theory and procedure in
advance before the actual performance which creates an interest and students can have basic ideas
prior to performance. This in turn enhances predetermined outcomes amongst students. Each
experiment in this manual begins with competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes as
well as practical outcomes (objectives).

This manual also provides guidelines to faculty members to facilitate student centric laboratory
activities through each experiment by arranging and managing necessary resources in order that
the students follow the procedures with required safety and necessary precautions to achieve the
outcomes. It also gives an idea of how students will be assessed by providing rubrics.

Computer Aided Process Synthesis is a course which deals with process integration in a chemical
industry for minimization of cost while being environmentally friendly. It provides a platform for
students to see how the conventional methods of handling process streams and equipment can be
replaced with advanced methods with energy and cost targets. Students will also learn the usage
of various software and mathematical tools like MS Excel, SCILAB, GAMS, HINT etc. wherein
the benefits of computational power can be realized for solving the same problems done in
lectures using various analytical techniques.

Utmost care has been taken while preparing this laboratory manual however there are chances of
improvement. Therefore, we welcome constructive suggestions for improvement and removal of
errors if any.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Practical – Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs):

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks
using pinch design approach.
CO 2: Develop reactor network synthesis using attainable region
CO 3: Analyze various alternatives for heat integration of distillation columns
CO 4: Design batch processes using cycle time for a single/multi product plants
CO 5: Develop HENs using various tools
Objective(s) of Experiment
No. 1 2 3 4 5
To find minimum utility requirements and pinch point
1. for the given stream data by Temperature Interval (TI) √

To construct Hohmann/Lockhart Composite curve

2. (HCC) and Grand Composite Curve (GCC) in Microsoft √
Excel for the given stream data.

To use HINT software to find minimum utility

requirements for the given stream data by HCC, GCC
3. and Transhipment Model and also study the effect of √
varying ΔTmin on the ulitity requirements.

To find the pinch point and minimum utility requirement

4. by Mixed Integer Linear Programming method √
(Expanded Transhipment Model) using solver in excel.

To find the pinch point and minimum utility requirement

5. by Linear Programming method (Transhipment Model) √
using GAMS.

To design a Heat Exchange Network for the given

6. problem using HINT software. √

Form a MILP model for the given stream data and find
7. the minimum number of heat exchangers required for √
minimum utility targets using GAMS.

To find the optimal optimum value of ΔTmin for a

8. given problem using HINT software. √

To generate Attainable Region (AR) of PFR & CSTR

9. for Van De Vusse reaction system using MS Excel or √

For the given batch process operation schedule the batch

10. process for different types of operation and calculate the √
cycle time and makespan.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Write a code in SCILAB to determine the number of

11. possible sequences of ordinary distillation column for √
separation of n number of relatively pure products.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant competencies are expected to be developed in the student by
undertaking the practical work of this laboratory.
1. Develop HENs using various software and methods.
2. Develop reactor network and separation train synthesis.
3. Design and scheduling of batch process.

Guidelines for Faculty members

1. Teachers should provide the guidelines with demonstration of practicals to the students
with all features.
2. Teacher shall explain basic concepts/theory related to the experiment to the students
before starting each practical.
3. Teacher shall explain the basics of software related to the experiment to the students
before starting of each practical.
4. Involve all the students in the performance of each experiment.
5. Teachers are expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the
students and ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the
students after the completion of the experimentation.
6. Teachers should provide opportunities to students for hands-on experience after the
7. Teachers may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though not
covered in the manual but are expected from the students by the concerned industry.
8. Give practical assignments and assess the performance of students based on tasks
assigned to check whether it is as per the instructions or not.
9. Teacher is expected to refer to the complete curriculum of the course and follow the
guidelines for implementation.

Instructions for Students

1. Students are expected to carefully listen to all the theory classes delivered by the faculty
members and understand the COs, content of the course, teaching and examination scheme,
skill set to be developed etc.
2. Students shall organize the work in the group.
3. Students shall attempt to learn the related software and build confidence.
4. Students should develop the programs related to the experiments on their own..
5. Students shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc. apart from
those included in scope of manual.
6. Students shall refer to technical magazines and data books.
7. Students should develop a habit of submitting the experimentation work as per the schedule
and s/he should be well prepared for the same.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

(Progressive Assessment Sheet)
Sr. Objective(s) of Experiment Pag Date of Date of Assessmen Sign. of Remark
No. e performanc submission t Teacher s
No. e Marks with
1 To find minimum utility requirements
and pinch point for the given stream
data by Temperature Interval (TI)

2 To construct Hohmann/Lockhart
Composite curve (HCC) and Grand
Composite Curve (GCC) in Microsoft
Excel for the given stream data.

3 To use HINT software to find minimum

utility requirements for the given stream
data by HCC, GCC and Transhipment
Model and also study the effect of
varying ΔTmin on the ulitity

4 To find the pinch point and minimum

utility requirement by Mixed Integer
Linear Programming method
(Expanded Transhipment Model) using
solver in excel.

5 To find the pinch point and minimum

utility requirement by Linear
Programming method (Transhipment
Model) using GAMS.

6 To design a Heat Exchange Network for

the given problem using HINT

7 Form a MILP model for the given

stream data and find the minimum
number of heat exchangers required for
minimum utility targets using GAMS.

8 To find the optimal optimum value of

ΔTmin for a given problem using
HINT software
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

9 To generate Attainable Region (AR) of

PFR & CSTR for Van De Vusse
reaction system using MS Excel or

10 For the given batch process operation

schedule the batch process for different
types of operation and calculate the
cycle time and makespan.

11 Write a code in SCILAB to determine

the number of possible sequences of
ordinary distillation column for
separation of n number of relatively
pure products.

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 01
Minimum utility target and pinch point using Temperature Interval method


Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of pinch analysis and process integration.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: To find minimum utility requirements and pinch point for the given stream data by
Temperature Interval (TI) method.

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, MS-Excel


Multiple streams at different temperatures are to be cooled and heated. For this, reducing energy
consumption by minimizing the capital and operating costs in the heat transfer process becomes a
key goal. The process-to-process heat transfer is to be maximized so that external utility
requirements like steam and cooling water are minimum thereby reducing the operating costs. The
pinch approach achieves this by separating the entire problem into two parts (above pinch and below
pinch) where the minimum utility requirements are found out. Pinch point is obtained as a part of
this where the partitioning is done. Temperature Interval (TI) method is a simple table-based method
for finding the pinch point of a particular stream data along with the minimum hot and cold utility
values for a given ΔTmin. The method enables the users to quickly calculate these values without
the need for inconvenient graphical procedures.

Problem: Find the minimum utility requirements (QH and QC) for the given stream data and find
the pinch point.

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

C1 120 235 20

C2 180 240 40

H1 260 160 30

H2 250 130 15
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

1) Instead of dealing with hot and the cold streams separately, the Temperature Interval method
simplifies the procedure by bringing all the streams to a single common temperature level. This can
be done either by raising the temperatures of the cold streams by ΔTmin or by lowering the
temperatures of the hot stream by ΔTmin or by parallelly raising and lowering the temperatures of
both cold and hot streams by ΔTmin/2 respectively.

2) Reframe the stream data using any of the above methods. In this instance, the cold stream
temperatures have been raised by ΔTmin.

3) Arrange the temperatures in the descending order to form the required temperature intervals.

4) Add a second column mentioning the temperature difference in different intervals.

5) Check for the range of each and every stream in the newly framed stream data and enter the
value of (ΣFCph – ΣFCpc) in the third column which denotes the total summation of the FCp values
of all the streams present in that particular interval where FCph stands for hot streams and FCpc
stands for cold streams. For instance, in the first interval from 260 – 250 0C, only stream H1 is
present as per the reconstructed stream data. Hence, FCp of only H1 stream is written (30) with a
positive sign (as it’s a hot stream).
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
6) Construct 4th column for the total heat availability/deficiency in a particular interval by
multiplying columns 2 and 3. Use formula to drag and complete the entire column.

7) Cascade the values of the 4th column using relevant formula.

8) Make a final column representing the adjusted cascade values where the most negative value of
the cascaded column has been added to every single entry.

9) The top and bottom values represent the QH and QC for the problem with the “0” entry
representing the pinch temperature. The exact pinch temperatures can be found by reversing the
procedure done in the beginning for reframing the stream data. That is, subtracting ΔTmin from 190
C. Hence the pinch temperature becomes 180/190 0C.

Result: The minimum hot and cold utilities (first and last entry of the last column) for this problem
using TI method are:

QH = 127.7 kW

Qc = 250.1 kW

Also, the Pinch Point for the problem is 249/239 0C.

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, the minimum hot and cold utility requirements are 127.7
kW and 250.1 kW respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C. The pinch point is at 249/239 0C representing
the minimum driving force for the problem. Hence, the TI method has been successfully applied
using MS-Excel to find the pinch point and minimum utilities for the given problem.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. What are the merits and demerits of the temperature interval method as compared to
composite curve method?
2. Define pinch point.
3. Differentiate process streams and utility streams.
4. What is the significance of the “0” entry in the adjusted cascaded heat column of the TI

Suggested Reference:

1. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
2. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 02
Minimum utility target and pinch point using HCC & GCC method in MS

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the knowledge of composite curve (graphical procedure) method for
finding pinch point and minimum utility targets.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: To construct Hohmann/Lockhart Composite curve (HCC) and Grand Composite

Curve (GCC) in Microsoft Excel for the given stream data to find pinch point and minimum utility

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, MS-Excel

THEORY: Composite curve methods like Hohmann Lockhart Composite Curve method and Grand
Composite Curve method are graphical procedures to determine the minimum utility requirement
and the pinch point for a given problem. Although, more tedious than TI method, these methods
also provide great insights into the heat transfer driving force and temperature levels of utilities
which need to be provided. HCC method deals with the hot and cold streams separately to arrive at
minimum utility values whereas the GCC method takes them together thereby providing some

Problem: Find the minimum utility requirements for the given stream data and also find the pinch
point for a minimum approach temperature difference, ΔTmin = 10 0C.

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

C1 60 160 7.62

C2 116 260 6.08

H1 160 93 8.79

H2 249 138 10.55

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

1) Enter the given stream data table as given in the question

2) Form temperature intervals in the descending order keeping a difference of ΔTmin = 10 0C

between the hot and cold side columns.

3) Mention stream ranges (as given in the data) in the form of their FCp values written in between
the temperature entries (separate column for each stream). Put the value “0” in the intervals where
the particular stream does not exist.

4) Calculate available and required heat for hot and cold sides using excel formula for Q= FCp*ΔT.
Type “=” and enter the cell reference numbers of temperature and FCp entries as shown in figure
below. Drag the value inserted through formula in the first cell till the end of the column to get all
the values of available and required heat.

5) Make separate columns for calculating the cascaded heat values on both hot and cold sides.
Entries should be in line with temperature values and the first entry in the cascaded heat should be
put “0”. Use the formula to calculate the second entry and then drag to get the values for the entire

6) Plot graph between the cascaded heat values of hot and cold versus their respective temperatures
(HCC). Goto “Insert” → “Scatter”. Name the series as hot or cold composite curve and select the
respective values from the table.

7) In cases where the hot composite curve lies below the cold composite curve, the hot composite
curve must be shifted left side to bring it above the cold composite curve at all places. For this, find
out the net heat in another separate column (Available heat – Required Heat). Cascade the net heat
values and add the most negative value of this cascaded net heat into the values of cascaded
available heat calculated above in step 5. Plot this new cascaded hot side heat values (shifted hot
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
curve) with respect to their hot temperatures to get the shifted hot curve in the same chart.

8) The Minimum hot and cold utility requirements can be found by taking the cursor to the starting
and terminating points of both cold and shifted hot curves and then finding the difference in their
values. For this particular problem QH = 127.7 kW and QC = 250.1kW. The pinch point of the
problem is the point where the shifted hot curve and cold composite curve touch each other which
is 239/249 0C for this problem.

9) For plotting Grand Composite curve, make another column named Adjusted Cascaded heat
where the most negative value of the Cascaded Net heat column is added to all its entries. The first
and the last entries are the Minimum Hot and Cold Utility requirements for the problems and
temperatures in front of which “0” is displayed is the pinch temperature for this particular problem.
Plot this adjusted cascaded heat with any one of the temperature columns for obtaining the Grand
Composite Curve. The minimum hot and cold utility requirements can be found by measuring the
horizontal distance of the starting and terminating points of GCC respectively from origin (Q H =
127.7 kW and QC = 250.1kW for this problem). The pinch point is the point where the GCC touched
the y-axis which is 239/249 0C for this problem.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Result: The minimum hot and cold utilities for this problem in both HCC and GCC are

QH = 127.7 kW

Qc = 250.1 kW

Pinch Point: 249/239 0C

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, the minimum hot and cold utility requirements are 127.7
kW and 250.1 kW respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C from both HCC and GCC curves. The pinch
point is at 249/239 0C representing the minimum driving force for the problem. Hence, both HCC
and GCC methods have been successfully constructed using MS-Excel to find the pinch point and
minimum utilities for the given problem.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. What is the slope of the composite line drawn in both HCC and GCC?
2. What will be the effect of change in ΔTmin on the pinch point and minimum utilities?
3. What is the significance of GCC?
4. What additional information can we get from both HCC and GCC which is unavailable from
the TI method?
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Suggested Reference:

3. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
4. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 03
Minimum utility target and pinch point using HINT software

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of process integration and pinch analysis.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: Use HINT software to find minimum utility requirements for the given stream data
by HCC, GCC and Transhipment Model and also study the effect of varying ΔTmin on the ulitity

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, HINT software

THEORY: The software HINT was developed by Angel Martin at a small university in Spain. It
is a freeware which is used for heat integration problems. The interface of the program has been
designed focusing on getting a clear presentation of the concepts of the pinch design methods and
letting students the control of all the stages of the design. The program guides through all the main
steps of the design, including energy and cost targeting, utilities selection, heat exchanger network
specification, and optimisation and retrofitting analysis.

Problem: Find the minimum utility requirements (QH and QC) for the given stream data and find
the pinch point. Also, study the effect of varying the ΔTmin on the minimum utility requirement
values and pinch point.

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

C1 120 235 20

C2 180 240 40

H1 260 160 30

H2 250 130 15
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

1) Open HINT software, enter the stream data at the bottom by adding the + sign for every single
stream. (highlighted in red in figure below)

2) The HCC and GCC curves can be instantly seen in the “diagrams” tab. The vertical dotted line
in the middle of the “Grid” diagram at the centre shows a pinch temperature of 180/190 0C. And
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
the first and the last entries in the “cascade” diagram on the left panel shows the minimum QH and
QC requirements for the problem (highlighted in red in the figure below).

3) The default ΔTmin in the HINT software is 10 0C. Change the ΔTmin value and note the changes
in the pinch point temperatures as well as the values of hot and cold utilities.

4) The entire analysis for various ΔTmin can be directly obtained by going to “diagrams” tab → “DT
Analysis” → “energy targets”. A constant rise in the utility requirements with increase in the ΔTmin
can be clearly seen in the graph.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

5) Similar analysis can also be obtained for changes in the pinch temperature.

6) It can be clearly seen that the both the utility requirements increase linearly by same amount
with increase in ΔTmin. Also, the bottom pinch temperature remains constant while the upper
pinch temperature varies linearly with ΔTmin.

Result: The minimum hot and cold utilities for this problem seen from HINT software are

QH = 500 kW

Qc = 600 kW

Pinch Point: 180/190 0C

QH ,Qc and upper pinch temperature values increase linearly with rise in ΔTmin and vice versa.

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, the minimum hot and cold utility requirements are 500
kW and 600 kW respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C from HCC, GCC and cascade diagram in HINT
software. The pinch point is at 180/190 0C representing the minimum driving force for the problem.
Additionally, variation of ΔTmin using HINT software revealed that both utilities increase by same
amount with an increase in ΔTmin .
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. What is the default value of ΔTmin in the HINT software?

2. What does the “heat type” column in the stream data entry region at the bottom indicate?
3. Which type of diagram in the HINT software looks similar to the Transhipment model?
4. What happens to the Fixed Cost and Operating Cost of a plant when the ΔTmin increases for
a given stream data?

Suggested Reference:

5. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
6. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 04
Minimum utility target and pinch point using LP in MS Excel

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should be familiar with generating the Mixed Integer Linear Programming model
(Expanded Transhipment Model) for a given stream data.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: To find the pinch point and minimum utility requirement by Mixed Integer Linear
Programming method (Expanded Transhipment Model) using solver tool in excel.

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, MS-Excel


Solver is a Microsoft Excel add-in program which can be used for what-if analysis and to find an
optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in one cell — called the objective cell —
subject to constraints, or limits, on the values of other formula cells on a worksheet. In this practical
solver add-in has been used to find the minimum utility requirements (objective cell) subject to the
constraints posed by the equations generated in the expanded transshipment model.

Problem: Find the minimum utility requirements (QH and QC) for the given stream data and find
the pinch point using solver in MS -Excel.

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

C1 120 235 20

C2 180 240 40

H1 260 160 30

H2 250 130 15
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

1) Firstly, Add the solver add-in in the excel’s “data” tab from the excel options as shown below

2) For the given problem statement, prepare the Expanded Transhipment model consisting of
relevant equations.

3) List down all the variables in the model in excel as shown in the figure above. Keep the cells
adjacent to the variables blank as they are cell references (marked blue and green in the above
figure) to be used while entering the equations.

4) List down all the equation names (E1,E2….etc) as shown in the figure. Enter the equations in
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
the cells adjacent to the E1,E2….etc such that all the terms of the equations are one side (marked
yellow in the above figure). Use the cell references of the cells adjacent to the variables for entering
all the equations using as shown in the figure. Also, enter Z = QH + Qc in cell adjacent to the
objective variable Z.

5) After entering all relevant data, open solver dialog box under the data tab. Set Z as the target
cell with the objective to minimize the cell adjacent to Z. select the cells adjacent to the variables
for “By changing cells” section.

6) Enter all the relevant constraints under the constraint section. Cells adjacent to all the variables
and equation names should be greater than or equal to zero. Additionally, cells adjacent to the
equation names should be equal to zero (denoting the RHS of the equation after all the terms have
been taken to the LHS while entering the equations).
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
7) The solver dialog box entry is now complete. Click solve button to get the minimum value of Z
in its reference cell. The individual values of QH and QC can also be seen. All the cells in yellow
are ‘0’ or very close to ‘0’ which can be neglected.

8) In this particular example, there is a pinch point as some residual heat values are zero. So, the
first interval from the top where the residual heat value of hot utility is zero (Rs2 in this case)
represents the pinch point of the problem.

Result: The minimum hot and cold utilities for this problem by solving Expanded Transhipment
Model (MILP) in solver are:

QH = 60 kW

Qc = 225 kW

Pinch Point (first interval from the top where the residual heat value of hot utility is zero): 140/150

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, the expanded transhipment model was created and solved
using Solver tool in MS-Excel to obtain the minimum hot and cold utility requirements as 60 kW
and 225 kW respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C. The pinch point is at 140/150 0C representing the
minimum driving force for the problem.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. What will happen to the solver solution if the constraint “all variables >= 0” is not entered?
2. Why some of the variables in the solver solution are “0”? What do these variables represent?
3. How is Pinch Point identified from the solver solutions?
4. Why there is not a connecting path between Qs and QC in the expanded transhipment model?

Suggested Reference:

7. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
8. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

1 2 3 4 5
Rubrics Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 05
Minimum utility target and pinch point using LP in GAMS

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of LP model for process integration.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: To find the pinch point and minimum utility requirement by Linear Programming
method (Transhipment Model) using GAMS.

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, GAMS software


About GAMS: The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system
for mathematical programming and optimization. It consists of a language compiler and a stable of
integrated high-performance solvers. GAMS is tailored for complex, large scale modeling
applications, and allows you to build large maintainable models that can be adapted quickly to new
situations. GAMS is specifically designed for modeling linear, nonlinear and mixed integer
optimization problems. (from

About LPP: Linear programming is used for obtaining the most optimal solution for a problem with
given constraints. In linear programming, we formulate our real life problem into a mathematical
model. It involves an objective function, linear inequalities with subject to constraints. Linear
programming is a technique for the optimization of a linear objective function, subject to linear
equality and linear inequality constraints. Its feasible region is a convex polytope, which is a set
defined as the intersection of finitely many half spaces, each of which is defined by a linear
inequality. Its objective function is a real-valued affine (linear) function defined on this polyhedron.
A linear programming algorithm finds a point in the polyhedron where this function has the smallest
(or largest) value if such a point exists. (from

Problem: For the following stream data, find the pinch point and minimum utility requirement
using LP model in GAMS software.

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

C1 120 235 20

C2 180 240 40

H1 260 160 30

H2 250 130 15
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
GAMS solver code:
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Result: The minimum hot and cold utilities for this problem by solving Transhipment Model in
GAMS are

QH = 50 kW

QC = 60 kW

Pinch Point: 190/180 0C

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, the minimum hot and cold utility requirements are 50 kW
and 60 kW respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C from GAMS software. The pinch point is at 190/180
C representing the minimum driving force for the problem. The linear programming model, thus,
has been successfully solved to find the minimum utilities using GAMS program.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. Write a short note on GAMS software and its utility.

2. How can GAMS be used for solving Linear Programming (LP) problem?

Suggested Reference:

9. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
10. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 06
Design of heat exchanger network using HINT Software

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of Heat Exchange Network Design and the associated
rules and procedure.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: To design a Heat Exchange Network for the given problem using HINT software.

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, HINT software


HINT software offers a very user friendly interface for carrying out network synthesis problems in
heat integration. With the given stream data, one can easily find the pinch point and the minimum
utility requirements and subsequently design a network using the pinch analysis and set of stream
matching criteria inbuilt in the software. The rules for HENS (Heat Exchange Network Synthesis)
are already fed into the software which can be readily used while designing the network.

Problem: The following problem has a pinch point of 330/310 deg C and the values of minimum
hot and cold utility requirements are QH = 60 kW and QC = 225 kW respectively. Design a heat
exchange network using the given stream data in the HINT software.

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

H1 400 120 1

H2 340 120 2

H3 160 400 1.5

C1 100 250 1.3


1) In the HINT software, enter the given stream data. Directly check the pinch point and the
minimum utility requirements. A grid diagram is shown in the central part which is the basis for
network design.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

2) To start the network design, goto the “streams” tab and select the “feasibility” option as shown
in the figure. Feasibility of stream matching needs to be checked for both above and below pinch

3) Feasibility above the pinch is shown in the figure below. Based on the criteria mentioned in the
dialogue box, feasible matches will turn light in colour whereas unfeasible matches will be indicated
by an error message as shown in the figure below.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

4) After suitable stream matching, heat exchangers for the same will be reflected in the grid diagram
as a circle as shown in the figure below. The exit temperatures are indicated near the circle whereas
the heat duty of the exchanger are indicated inside a rectangular box near the heat exchanger circle.

5) For finishing off remaining part of the above pinch area, manual heat exchangers need to be
added manually from the “heat exchangers” tab. Click add button to input a new exchanger for the
stream under consideration. Remaining part of the cold stream can be satisfied using hot utilities
after entering all the relevant information in the dialog box.

6) Similar procedure below the pinch completes the entire network design where the N-1 rule is
satisfied for the total number of heat exchangers above and below the pinch.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Result: The total number of heat exchangers above and below the pinch point are 3 and 2
respectively and this follows the N-1 rule where N is the total number of streams including the
utility streams above/below the pinch.

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, Heat Exchange Network was successfully synthesized
using HINT software for minimum hot and cold utility requirements of 60 kW and 225 kW
respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C. The pinch point is at 140/150 0C representing the minimum driving
force for the problem. The total number of heat exchangers above and below the pinch were 3 and
2 respectively which satisfied the N-1 rule.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. Enlist the rules for HENS both above and below the pinch?
2. In the N-1 rule, is the utility stream considered along with the process stream? Justify.
3. What is the significance of “Stream Splitting”?
4. In the HINT software, is it possible to carry out HENS using streams undergoing phase

Suggested Reference:

11. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
12. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 07
Application of GAMS to solve MILP model for HENS with minimum number
of heat exchangers for minimum utility targets using expanded transhipment

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of the MILP model (expanded transhipment model)
for process integration.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach

Objectives: Form a MILP model for the given stream data and find the minimum number of heat
exchangers required for minimum utility targets using GAMS.

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, GAMS software


The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for
mathematical programming and optimization. It consists of a language compiler and a stable of
integrated high-performance solvers. GAMS is tailored for complex, large scale modeling
applications, and allows you to build large maintainable models that can be adapted quickly to new
situations. GAMS is specifically designed for modeling linear, nonlinear and mixed integer
optimization problems. (from Mixed Integer Linear programming enables users
to solve and find optimal solution to complex problems.

Problem: For the following stream data, find the pinch point and minimum utility requirement
using LP model in GAMS software

Stream Tin (0C) Tout (0C) FCp (kW/0C)

C1 60 160 7.62

C2 116 260 6.08

H1 160 93 8.79

H2 249 138 10.55

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

MILP Model:
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

GAMS Program for Stream Matching

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Result: Six heat exchangers (corresponding to 5 matches) is the minimum required for this network

with the minimum hot and cold utilities of QH = 127 kW and Qc = 250 kW at Pinch Point of
249/239 0C

CONCLUSION: For the given problem, GAMS was successfully used to solve the MILP model
for finding the minimum no. of heat exchangers (6 heat exchangers) required for the minimum hot
and cold utility requirements are 127 kW and 250 kW respectively at a ΔTmin of 10 0C with a pinch
point of 249/239 0C . The GAMS program was successfully run showing the stream matching for
minimum number of heat exchangers.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. What is residual heat in MILP?

2. Explain how MILP model helps in providing additional information for a given stream
problem as compared to LP model.

Suggested Reference:

13. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
14. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 08
To find the optimal value of ΔTmin for a given problem using HINT software

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of Heat Exchange Network Design and the associated
rules and procedure.

Relevant CO:

CO 1: Identify minimum hot and cold utilities and develop heat exchanger networks using pinch
design approach.

Objectives: To find the optimal value of ΔTmin for a given problem using HINT software

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, HINT software

THEORY: As ΔTmin → 0, the true pinch is approached at which the area for heat transfer
approaches infinity, while the utility requirements are reduced to the absolute minimum. At the
other extreme, as ΔTmin → ∞, the heat transfer area approaches zero and the utility requirements are
increased to the maximum, with no heat exchange between the hot and cold streams. The variations
in heat transfer area and utility requirements with ΔTmin translate into the variations in capital and
operating costs shown schematically in the Figure below. As ΔTmin decreases, the cost of utilities
decreases linearly until a threshold temperature, ΔTthresh, is reached, below which the cost of
utilities is not reduced. Thus, when ΔTmin <= ΔTthresh, the trade-offs between the capital and utility
costs do not apply. The combination of capital cost and operating cost is represented by a total cost
curve as shown in the figure. The minima of this total cost curve represents the optimal value of
ΔTthresh or ΔTopt which is the desirable operating point.

HINT software offers a very user-friendly interface for carrying out network synthesis problems in
heat integration. After adding the details of streams and the utilities, one can easily do area as well
as cost targeting to find the ΔToptimum value for the given problem. This is done by selecting the
proper diagram option and looking for the ΔTmin value where the total cost curve has a minima.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Problem: For the process shown in the table below, pure counter current (1,1) shell and tube heat
exchangers are used and ΔTmin= 10K. Use the HINT software to find the ΔToptimum for the given

The cost can be estimated by the following equation:

Heat Exchanger Capital Cost ($) = 30000 + 400 (A)0.9

For total annual cost, the utility costs are as follows:

Steam cost = $ 120 (kW-1y-1)

Cooling water cost = $ 10 (kW-1y-1)

i=10%; n=5, Lang Factor = 1

Film Heat Transfer

FCp Coefficient (kW m-2K-1 )
STREAM Tin (0C) Tout (0C) 0
(kW/ C)

H1 159 77 22.85 0.1

H2 267 80 2.04 0.04

H3 343 90 5.38 0.5

C1 26 127 9.33 0.01

C2 118 265 19.61 0.5

Steam 360 359 0.05

Cooling water 20 60 0.2


1) Add all process streams one by one as mentioned in the previous practicals.

2) Goto “Streams” tab and click “area target”. A new window opens where the heat transfer
coefficient values are to be entered one by one for each of the 5 process streams and the 2 utility
streams. Ignore the temperatures of the utilities right now as these will be added separately.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

3) Goto “Utilities” tab and add the details of utilities.

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

4) After the addition of utilities, click “combine” option in the utilities tab which open a new
window. For heating as well as cooling, take the slider all the way to the right signifying that we
are using the entire utilities. Click OK and press Yes in the pop up window.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

5) Goto “Streams” tab and click “Cost Target”. In the new window, enter all the capital cost and
operating cost details given in the question for all the process as well as utility streams one by one.
Press OK when done with the entries. The capital and operating costs for the problem can be seen
at the bottom of this window.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

6) Goto “Diagrams” and in the “Delta T min analysis” option, click the “total cost” in the cost target
option. A new graph appears on the window which show the variation of Total Cost , Capital Cost
as well as the Operating Cost with the change in ΔTmin. The ΔTmin where the total cost curve has a
minima is the ΔToptimum for the given problem.


The ΔToptimum for the given problem is _________K which corresponds to the minimum total cost.


HINT software was successfully used to find the ΔToptimum value of _____ for the given problem.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. Explain the effect of variation in ΔTmin on the fixed cost and operating cost of a plant.
2. What are threshold problems?

Suggested Reference:

15. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
16. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 09
Attainable region for PFR & CSTR for Van De Vusse reaction system

Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of LP model for process integration.

Relevant CO:

CO 2: Develop reactor network synthesis using attainable region

Objectives: To generate Attainable Region (AR) of PFR & CSTR for Van De Vusse reaction
system using MS Excel or Matlab/Scilab

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, MATLAB/SCILAB Software


The concept of an Attainable Region (AR) was first articulated four decades ago

by Horn (1964) but, because of a probable inability to understand comprehensively its import, it
languished in relative obscurity for another two decades until pioneering work at the University of
the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa became known. Glasser et al. (1987) investigated
a problem of not inconsiderable interest namely, in an isothermal reactor, how could a geometrical
area be identified that would contain all the reactants and products associated with a chemical
reaction. Attainable Region (ARC ) be constructed but that it could be so developed through the use
of conventional plug flow reactors (PFRs) and continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in
suitable configurations and with appropriate by-pass arrangements.

Attainable Region can be used to solve the problem of finding an optimum solution for an objective
function which, for example, might be maximum yield, minimum residence time or maximum
selectivity, provided these functions could be expressed in terms of the relevant species’
concentrations. The geometry of the attainable region was examined again by Hildebrandt et al.
(1990). In this paper several reaction systems were studied to identify candidate attainable regions
under isothermal and adiabatic conditions and with variable and constant density systems. The
effects of direct (cold shot) and indirect (heat exchange) cooling upon the relevant ARC s were
analysed. The reactors considered in the paper were PFRs and CSTRs with suitable by-pass
arrangements. The usefulness and practicality of geometric ideas to solve reactor problems were

Seodigeng (2006) developed the Recursive Convex Control (RCC) policy as a numerical tool to
identify the boundary of an attainable region, AR. The RCC method employs the mathematical
features of basic processes, reaction and mixing, to identify the boundary of an AR that satisfies
compliance criteria. These compliance criteria for an attainable region, AR, were specified by
Glasser et al. (1987) and subsequently were clarified and refined by others including Hildebrandt
and Glasser (1990), Nisoli et al. (1997) and Feinberg and Hildebrandt (1997).
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
The compliance criteria for an attainable region are :

1. The AR includes all defined input and output states.

2. No rate vector on the boundary of the AR points outwards, i.e. all rate vectors must

point inwards or be tangential or be zero.

3. The boundary of the AR is convex.

4. No basic process vectors on the AR boundary can intersect the AR boundary when

extended backwards.

5. No plug flow trajectory exists within the complement of the AR such that a line
linking two points of this trajectory can be extended to intersect the AR.

Problem Statement:
The following liquid phase, constant density, isothermal reaction network will be used to
illustrate the AR approach. It is well know van de Vusse reaction Kinetics.

Reaction Network Constants and Initial Concentrations

The initial characteristics of the reaction network are shown in table. The end goal of this exercise
is to determine the reactor configuration that maximizes the production of B for a feed of pure A.
These reaction kinetics were used because they represent a reaction network without an intuitively
obvious optimal structure. A PFR will maximize the amount of B produced in the first reaction,
but a CSTR will minimize the amount of A consumed in the second reaction.

Procedure :
Determining the candidate attainable region for this reaction scheme involves the completion of
the following simplified steps: selecting the fundamental processes, choosing the state variables,
defining and drawing the process vectors, constructing the region, interpreting the boundary as
the process flow sheet, and finding the optimum.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Documentation : You are asked to plot attainable region for giver van de Vusse
Kinetics. Sample MATLAB code is given which be used to generate AR plot
MATLAB Program
% Construction of Attainable Region for van de Vusse

global tau

x0=[1 0];

1)); for i=1:1000


r(i)); end




) axis([0 1 0 15e-5])

line([1 z],[0
interp1(x(:,1),x(:,2),z)]) j=1;


for i=1:10:10000
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
X=fsolve(@cstr,[0.2 0.4],options);



end j=1;

for i=1:100

tau=i; options=optimset('display','off');
X=fsolve(@cstr,[0.2 0.4],options);



end Grad=diff(C(:,2))./diff(C(:,1)); for






axis([0 1 0 15e-5]) hold on

line([1 z],[0 interp1(C(:,1),C(:,2),z)])


x0=[z interp1(C(:,1),C(:,2),z)];

[t,x]=ode45(@vandevusse,[0 10],x0);

Content of “cstr.m” and “vandevusse.m” function files

function f=cstr(x) global tau




function xdot=vandevusse(t,x)


xdot(2)=k1*x(1)-k2*x(2)-k3*x(2); xdot=xdot';
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Attainable region of PFR for van de vusse reaction kinetics

Figure: 2

Attainable region of CSTR - PFR – Recycle Reactor for van de vusse reaction kinetics

Result: Attainable Region (AR) of PFR & CSTR for Van De Vusse reaction system was
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
CONCLUSION: Attainable Region (AR) of PFR & CSTR for Van De Vusse reaction system has
been successfully generated using MATLAB.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. What is the significance of constructing an attainable region?

Suggested Reference:

17. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
18. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Experiment No: 10

Design and scheduling of batch process


Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of batch process scheduling and transfer policies.

Relevant CO:

CO 4: Design batch processes using cycle time for a single/multi product plants

Objectives: For the given batch process operation schedule the batch process for different types
of operation and calculate the cycle time and makespan.

Equipment/Instruments: NIL


Batch processes are used in production of many low-volume but high-value-added products (such
as speciality chemicals, health care, food, agrochemicals,. . .etc.) because of operation flexibility in
today’s market-driven environment. Manufacturing of these products generally involves multi step
synthesis. In addition, if two or more products require similar processing steps, the same set of
equipment is considered for at least economical reason. A batch plant producing multiple products
is categorized as either a multiproduct plant or a multipurpose plant.

Multiproduct plants produce multiple products following a sequential similar recipe. In such aplant,
all the products follow the same path through the process and only one product is manufactured at
a time. Each step is carried out on single equipment or on several parallel equipment units.
Processing of other products is carried outusing the same equipment in successive production runs
or campaigns. In a multipurpose plant, each product follows one or more distinct processing paths;
so more than one product may be produced simultaneously in such plants.

Single Product: A plant using batch processing produces a single product.

Multiproduct: A plant using same infrastructure produces more than one product.


Zero-Wait Transfer (ZW): when no intermediate storage vessel is available or when it cannot be
held further inside the current vessel (e.g, due to chemical reaction). It is the most restrictive policy.
It reduces the flexibility of operation.

Unlimited Intermediate storage (UIS): It is assumed that the batch can be stored without any
capacity limit in the storage vessel.

No-Intermediate storage (NIS): allows the possibility of holding the material inside the vessel.

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Cycle time for non-overlapping operation:

Cycle time for overlapping operation:

Makespan: Total time required to produce a given number of batches.

Bottleneck unit: Unit having the longest processing time.

Practical 1.

A batch process for a single product has the following processing steps (RECIPE)

1.- Mix A + B, heat to 80 ºC, react to form C. Total 4 hours

2.- Mix with solvent D for 1 hr at 20 ºC
3.- Centrifuge to separate the product C for 2 hrs
4.- Dry in a tray for 1 hour at 60 ºC.

Draw GANTT chart for different situations. Determine cycle time and makespan for:
(a) non-overlapping operation
(b) overlapping operation
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

For non-overlapping operation

Cycle time (CT) = 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 8 hours.

Makespan (2 batches) = 16 hours.

For non-overlapping operation

Cycle time (CT) = max {4, 1, 2, 1} = 4 hours.

Makespan (2 batches) = 12 hours.

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Practical 2.

A batch process for two products A and B has the following processing steps

Processing time (hour)

Stage 1 Stage 2

A 5 2

B 2 4

Draw GANTT chart for different situations. Determine cycle time and makespan for:
(a) single product campaign (AABB)
(b) mixed product campaign (ABAB)
(c ) mixed product campaign (ABAB) with cleaning time of 1 hour during changeover


For a single product campaign (AABB)

Cycle time (CT) A = max {5, 2} = 5 hours.

Cycle time (CT) B = max {2, 4} = 4 hours.

CTA + B = 9 hours (To repeat AABB)

Makespan (2 batches) = 20 hours.

For a mixed product campaign (ABAB)

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

CTA + B = 7 hours (To repeat ABAB)

Makespan (2 batches) = 18 hours.

For a mixed product campaign (ABAB) with cleaning time of 1 hour during changeover

CTA + B = 9 hours (To repeat ABAB)

Makespan (2 batches) = 21 hours.

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
Practical 3.

A batch process for two products A and B has the following processing steps

Processing time (hour)

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

A 6 4 3

B 3 2 2

Draw GANTT chart for different situations. Determine cycle time and makespan for a mixed
product campaign (ABAB) with different transfer policies.


For a mixed product campaign (ABAB) with different transfer policies (ZW transfer, NIS
transfer and UIS transfer).
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
RESULT: For each different batch process, the GANTT chart for different situations was drawn
and the cycle time and makespan was determined.


The cycle time and makespan was found to be different for each case.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. Classify different types of batch process.

2. Define cycle time for design and scheduling of batch plant.
3. Explain different type of transfer policies.
4. Discuss effect of transfer policies on process cycle with Gantt chart.
5. What is the role of inventories in batch process?
6. Differentiate between single product and multi product batch plants.

Suggested Reference:
19. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of
Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.
20. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Experiment No: 11
Sequencing of multiple distillation column


Competency and Practical Skills:

The student should have the basic knowledge of SCILAB software

Relevant CO:

CO 3: Analyze various alternatives for heat integration of distillation columns

Objectives: Write a code in SCILAB to determine the number of possible sequences of ordinary
distillation column for separation of n number of relatively pure products.

Equipment/Instruments: Computer, SCILAB software


Let us consider a mixture of benzene, toluene and biphenyl. Because the normal boiling points of
the three components (80.1, 110.8 & 254.9 0C, respectively) are widely separated, the mixture can
be conveniently separated into three nearly pure components by ordinary distillation. There can be
only two possible sequences as shown in the figure. In the first sequence, the most volatile product
benzene is taken overhead as a distillate final product in the first column. The bottoms is a mixture
of toluene and biphenyl, which is taken to the second column for separation into two other final
products: a distillate of toluene and the bottoms of biphenyl, the least volatile component. In the
second sequence, separation can be achieved by removing biphenyl as bottoms in the first column,
followed by the separation of benzene and toluene in the second column. Any other sequence is not
possible because toluene is intermediate in volatility, hence separation of toluene from benzene and
biphenyl by ordinary distillation in the first column is impossible.
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)

Benzene Toluene

First Sequence



Second Sequence

Biphenyl Toluene

Determining the number of possible sequences of ordinary distillation column for separation
of products:

The number of different sequences NS for P products is given as:

[2(𝑃 − 1)]!
𝑁𝑠 = ∑ 𝑁𝑗 𝑁𝑃−𝑗 =
𝑃! (𝑃 − 1)!

P = no. of final products
Ns = no. of different sequences of ordinary distillation columns
j = no. of final products that must be developed from the distillate of the first column.
Coding in SCILAB:

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
1. Write the relevant code in SCILAB.
2. Run the code and get the output.



function [ ]=seq
Nc = input ('Enter number of products ')
if (Nc<2)
printf ('Number of product should be at least 2. Please run again');
S = fact(2*(Nc-1))/(fact(Nc)*fact(Nc-1));
printf ('Total number of columns required = %d ',Nc-1);
printf ('\nTotal number of possible sequence = %d ',S);


function [F] = fact(n)

F = 1;
for i = 1:n
F = F*i



To run the program first save and execute the program in the editor console.
Run the program in the main console by giving the command seq.

--> seq

Enter number of products 5

Total number of columns required = 4

Total number of possible sequence = 14

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)


Number of possible sequences for separation by ordinary distillation:

Number of Products, Number of separators in the Number of possible

P sequence, P-1 sequences, Ns
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 3 5
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
5 4 14
6 5 42
7 6 132
8 7 429
9 8 1430
10 9 4862

All possible sequences for 4 products


A code has been developed using SCILAB to determine the number of possible sequences of
ordinary distillation column for separation of n number of relatively pure products. The code can
correctly predict the number of separators required and number of possible sequences when number
of pure products is provided by the user.

Quiz: (Sufficient space to be provided for the answers)

1. Write the formula for determining the possible number of sequences.

2. What is the process of determine the best sequence?
3. What do you mean by direct sequence and indirect sequence? Show all possible sequences
of ordinary distillation columns to separate four components A,B,C,D into four single
component products A, B, C and D. Draw all sequences clearly showing direct and indirect
Computer Aided Process Synthesis (3170507)
4. Discuss heuristics for determining favorable sequences in distillation column.
5. Explain algorithm for establishing distillation column pressure and condenser type.
6. Explain Marginal Vapor flows and show how it will be useful for predicting the best
sequence of distillation columns.

Suggested Reference:

1. Lorens T. Biegler, E. Ignacio Grossmann, Arthur W. Westerberg, Systematic Methods of

Chemical Process Design, Prentice Hall International.

2. Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Product and Process Design Principles:
Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, 2nd Edition, Wiley.

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Computer Aided Process Synthesis

Lab Manuals are prepared by

Dr. S. M. Dutta
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Department
L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Dr. T. S. Rajaraman
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Department
L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad

Branch Coordinator
Dr. R. K. Mewada
Professor and Head of Chemical Engineering Department
L. E. College, Morbi

Committee Chairman
Dr N M Bhatt
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
L. E. College, Morbi

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