Lesson (1-4) - Engg 401

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This module will introduce you to the engineering profession. It will discuss the most important
things and information you ever wanted to know about engineering. This material will give a
thorough discussion about what engineering and the profession is all about. The qualities or
attributes of a good engineer should possess as well as the different engineering disciplines are
also enumerated in this section. The last part of this module will tackle the different career
opportunities and options of engineers and their role in community and nation building will likewise
be discussed.

Hopefully, when you are finished reading this module, you will have a comprehensive
understanding of the engineering profession and perhaps have found the engineering niche that
attracts you most. This information, coupled with knowledge of the personal benefits you will reap
from the profession is intended to strengthen your commitment to completing your engineering
degree. Having a clear picture of the many payoffs will be a key factor in motivating you to make
the personal choices and put forth the effort required to succeed in such a challenging and
demanding field of study.

Topic Outcome

1. Discuss the meaning of engineering as a discipline and a career

2. Describe the important traits of successful engineers.
3. Differentiate the various areas of engineering specialization
4. Explain the importance of engineering profession in the development of a community
and in nation building

The Engineering Profession

Engineering is considered to be one of the most challenging and exciting career. It is the
application of the principles of science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to
technical problems. It is the task of an engineer to link the scientific discoveries and the
commercial applications that meet societal and consumer needs.

There are a lot of definitions that you can find about what engineering is all about but a
good starting point for answering this question is the theme of National Engineers Week, held
each February in honor of George Washington, considered to be the first engineer in the United
States. That theme depicts engineering according to its function:
“Engineers turn dreams into reality.”

2 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

Over the years, many variations of this theme have been put forth, from that of the famous
scientist Count Rumford over 200 years ago:

“Engineering is the application of science to the common purpose of life”

to the current standard definition of engineering provided by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET):

“Engineering is the application of science to the common purpose of life.

Engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural
sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop
ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of

As you learn more about the field of engineering, you will find there is no simple answer
to the question “What is engineering?” Because engineers do so many different things and
perform so many different functions, learning about engineering is a lifelong endeavor. Still, there
is a variety of ways to start learning about and understanding engineering, one is to tap the
tremendous amount of information available online.

A question that is usually being asked: How is engineering different from science? An
excellent answer was provided by astronaut Neil Armstrong in the foreword of A Century of
Innovation: Twenty Engineering Achievements That Changed Our Lives .

Engineering is often associated with science and understandably so. Both make
extensive use of mathematics, and engineering requires a solid scientific basis. Yet as
any scientist or engineer will tell you, they are quite different. Science is a quest for “truth
for its own sake,” for an ever more exact understanding of the natural world. It explains
the change in the viscosity of a liquid as its temperature is varied, the release of heat
when water vapor condenses, and the reproductive process of plants. It determines the
speed of light. Engineering turns those explanations and understandings into new or
improved machines, technologies, and processes – to bring reality to ideas and to provide
solutions to societal need.

Qualities Of Engineers

Industrial, chemical, civil, electrical, electronics, mechanical and other engineering fields
are all words that come before the title of an engineer. Each of these professions do very different
things in order to change the way we live. Collectively, they work to make our daily personal and
professional lives more comfortable, safer, and easier to navigate. There are several qualities that
most engineers share: among them are curiosity, critical thinking, creativity, effective
communication, and a collaborative spirit.

3 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

1. Curiosity
Children who spend hours taking apart toys just to see how they work are the kind of
kids who grow up to be engineers. Engineers are curious because they want to know how
and why things work as they do. For many engineers, once they have this understanding,
their thinking morphs into how they can make it better, faster, and more efficient for less

2. Critical Thinking
Engineers need to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to make objective
judgments and recommendations. They rely on these critical thinking skills in every stage
of their work, particularly when it comes to decision-making. Engineers who can think
critically, are able to effectively handle the wide variety of technical, administrative, policy,
and interpersonal communication challenges that arise within a day’s work or a project’s

3. Creativity
Many may think that the words “creative” and “engineer” are mutually exclusive. At first
glance, it would seem that in a field structured by math and science there would be little to
no room for a creative spirit but when one looks more deeply, the creative engineer is
changing the way we live and work as creativity often spurs innovation! It was a creative
engineer who converted another glue-based project into Sticky Notes.

4. Effective Communication
An engineer, in any industry, can have brilliant ideas for a project but if he or she
cannot articulate those ideas to management, teammates, clients, and other stakeholders
they are of no use. Effective engineers understand that clear, concise, written and verbal
communication is the key to giving their ideas life and their team a competitive edge.
Succinct communication becomes even more important in today’s global business context
where language and meaning often become lost in translation. While it is true that many
graduate programs in engineering place little focus on teaching students these skills, there
are plenty of resources such as books, podcasts, and webinars of which engineers may
avail themselves in order to improve their ability to effectively communicate.

5. A Collaborative Spirit
Engineers do not work in a vacuum. They work with other engineers, supply chain
management, financial and project managers, and others from various business units.
Engineers are tasked with contributing to collaborative and cross-functional teams to
ensure integrated development. The more easily an engineer can collaborate with a team,
the more likely the project or product will be successful.
Engineers who remain curious throughout their lives, while employing sharp critical
thinking skills, combined with the ability to clearly communicate their ideas in a creative and
collaborative way, are those who will continue to ease the way in which people navigate
their world.

Aside from the above-mentioned qualities of engineers, the ff. are some additional

4 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

personality traits and work habits that typify most of today’s successful engineers

● Engineers are adept at using computers in many different ways to model

and analyze various practical problems.
● Good engineers have time management skills that enable them to work
productively and efficiently.

● Good engineers have a desire to be lifelong learners. They have to take

continuing education classes, seminars and workshops to stay abreast of
innovation and new technologies . This is particularly important in today’s
world because of the rapid change in technology.
● Good engineers have people skills that allow them to interact and
communicate effectively with various people in their organization.
● Well-trained engineers regardless of their area of specialization, have a core
knowledge that can be applied in other related fields.

In summary, successful engineers are problem solvers. They have a good grasp of
fundamental physical and chemical laws and principles to design, develop, test and
supervise the manufacture of millions of products and services. Engineers, regardless of
their background, follow scientific procedure when designing the products and services we
use in our everyday lives.

Areas Of Engineering Specialization

There are over 20 major disciplines or specializations that are recognized by the
professional engineering societies. Moreover, within each discipline there exist a number
of branches. The following are just the common engineering fields:

1. Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is one of the oldest of the engineering fields. It emphasizes
mathematical knowledge in geometry, calculus and physical sciences. Civil engineers
oversee the construction of transportation systems, roads, architecture, construction sites.

2. Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is the field of applied science that employs physical, chemical,
and biochemical rate processes for the betterment of humanity. Chemical engineers apply
their skills to fundamental problems in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and drug-delivery
system, semiconductor manufacturing, and more

3. Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering involves the conception, design, development, and
production of the electrical or electronic products and systems. It involves the application
of electricity, needed by our technological society. Electrical engineers design, develop,
test, and supervise the manufacturing of electrical equipment such as electric motors,
radar, and navigation systems

5 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

4. Electronics Engineering
Electronics Engineering integrates available and emerging technologies with
knowledge of mathematics, natural, social and applied sciences to conceptualize, design,
and implement new, improved, or innovative electronic, computer and communication
systems, devices, goods, services and processes.

5. Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineers research, develop, design, manufacture and test tools,
engines, machines, and other mechanical devices. They work on power-producing
machines such as electricity-producing generators, internal combustion engines, steam
and gas turbines, and jet and rocket engines.

6. Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering focuses on the entrepreneurial and business aspect of
engineering projects. Whether it is research and development or group projects, industrial
engineers desire to create the most efficient plans for employee, scheduling, factory
schedules, and a multitude of other factors.

7. Computer Engineering
This discipline is referred to in a multitude of terms including computer hardware
engineering, computer software engineering, and computer science., This field
encompasses the development of the programming and the physical components of a
computer system. Computer engineers work on computer hardware chips, circuit boards
and keyboards.

8. Sanitary Engineering
Sanitary engineering, also known as public health engineering or wastewater
engineering, is the application of engineering methods to improve sanitation of human
communities, primarily by providing the removal and disposal of human waste, and in
addition to the supply of safe potable water.

9. Petroleum Engineering
Petroleum Engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the activities related
to the production of hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or natural gas. Exploration
and production are deemed to fall within the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry.
Petroleum engineers specialize in the discovery and production of oil and natural gas.

10. Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics engineering is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering that focuses
on the engineering of both electrical and mechanical systems, and also includes a
combination of robotics, electronics, computer, telecommunications, systems, control, and
product engineering.

11. Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Instrumentation and control engineering (ICE) is a branch of engineering that
studies the measurement and control of process variables, and the design and

6 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

implementation of systems that incorporate them. IC engineers focus on the

implementation of control systems, mainly derived from mathematical modeling.

12. Food Engineering

Food engineering is a multidisciplinary field which combines microbiology,
applied physical sciences, chemistry and engineering for food and related industries. Food
engineers provide the technological knowledge transfer essential to
the cost-effective production and commercialization of food products and services.

13. Automotive Engineering

A branch of vehicle engineering that focuses on the application, design and
manufacturing of automobiles. This field of engineering involves the direct application of
mathematics in the design and production of vehicles. An automotive engineer designs and
tests various components of vehicles, including fuel technologies and safety systems.

14. Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concerned with the design,
development, testing, and production of aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems and
equipment. Aerospace engineers develop leading-edge technologies and integrate them into
aerospace vehicle systems used for transportation, communications, exploration, and defense

15. Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineering is a branch of civil engineering that is involved in the
planning, design, operation, and maintenance of safe and efficient transportation systems.
These systems include roadways, railways, waterways, and intermodal operations.
Transportation engineer is not only interested in the infrastructure (e.g., bridges, rails, etc.)
and the individual units (cars, trucks, railcars) that use the infrastructure, but also the user.

16. Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering combines engineering principles with medical and biological
sciences to design and create devices, computer systems, software and equipment for use in
healthcare e.g. artificial limbs, organ implants, diagnostic equipment, software for equipment
etc. A biomedical engineer works as part of a team which creates a device, procedure or
system that will aid in healthcare.

17. Geodetic Engineering

The practice of Geodetic Engineering is a professional and organized act of gathering
physical data on the surface of the earth with the use of precision instruments. It is also the
scientific and methodical processing of these data and presenting them on graphs, plans,
maps, charts or documents.

7 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

18. Geological Engineering

Geological Engineering is the application of geological knowledge to the siting, design,
construction, operation and maintenance of civil engineering structures and facilities.
Geological engineers assess the physical landscapes where dams, mines, roads, pipelines,
railways, forestry, and other extractive operations are planned.

19. Ceramics Engineering

Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating objects from
nonmetallic, inorganic materials that are processed at high temperatures. Ceramic engineers
develop new

ceramic products (ranging from glassware and electronic components to nuclear reactors and
linings for blast furnaces and jet engines) as well as methods and equipment for processing
ceramic materials.

20. Metallurgical Engineering

Metallurgical engineering is the study of metals and how it can be safely transformed
into products that benefit humanity. Metallurgical engineers transform metals into high-
performance alloys, high-purity metals, and new materials used in all types of products
including superconductors, advanced coatings, cars, aircrafts, and surgical implants.

21. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Naval architecture and marine engineering can be described as the design of floating
vessels and the integration of their components. Marine engineers and naval architects design
and oversee testing, installation, and repair of marine apparatus and equipment.

Engineering Career Opportunities

Engineering graduates have a broad range of career options, including different
kinds of engineering roles, jobs in related areas such as supply chain and jobs in other
industries such as finance and IT. The focus of your engineering degree will affect the types
of engineering jobs you are suited to. You can work as engineers in your specific field.
Other job roles and career areas you could work in follows:
● Engineering consultancy
● Process engineering
● Technical sales engineering
● Construction, civil engineering and surveying
● Engineering, design and manufacture
● Logistics, transport and supply chain
● Scientific research and development
● Design and installation
● Engineering and building professionals
● Information technology professionals

8 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

● Academicians
● Engineering Supervisors/Managers
● Health and Safety Engineers
● Pollution Control officers
● Surveying and Mapping Technicians
● Cadet engineers
There are a lot more job opportunities that engineers can land in. This broad field
of engineering encompasses an array of rewarding opportunities. Most engineers focus on
a specific field but no matter what your specialization is, qualified engineers are in demand
in a variety of fields.

Engineering positions typically require a bachelor’s degree in engineering or

relevant field. Some engineering jobs, especially in management, require a master’s
degree. An engineering degree in a specialty area may qualify engineers for a career in a
related field. Whatever your

area of focus, an engineering degree will require a heavy dose of math and science

Many engineers have rewarding careers working with cutting edge technology. With
this advanced technology, the engineering field is ever-evolving and innovative. Engineers
typically enjoy working in collaboration with other team members to develop innovations in
technology. Their work environment is rarely stagnant.

Role Of Engineers In Daily Lives, Community And Nation Building

Engineers play a key role in ensuring the growth and development of a country's
economy as well as in improving the quality of life for citizens within the country. Their main
focus is on making things work efficiently and effectively by applying the theories and
principles of sciences and mathematics to research and develop economic solutions.
Engineers make products and provide services that make our lives better.

❖ To see how engineers contribute to the comfort and betterment of our everyday
lives, just look around more carefully. During the night, your bedroom was kept
at the right temperature- thanks to the mechanical engineers who designed the
heating, air-conditioning and ventilating systems in your home.
❖ When you get up in the morning, and turn on the lights, thousands of electrical
engineers and technicians in the power plants and power stations around the
country are making sure that the flow of electricity remains uninterrupted. The
TV you are using to watch your TV and morning news are designed by electrical
and electronics engineers.
❖ Manufacturing and industrial engineers are involved in creating final products.
❖ The water could be heated by natural gas that is brought to your home was
made possible through the effort of chemical, mechanical civil and petroleum

9 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

❖ The cotton towel that we use daily was made with the help of agricultural,
industrial manufacturing, chemical, petroleum, civil and mechanical engineers
❖ The foods that we eat daily were made through the collaborative effort of various
engineering disciplines-from agricultural to mechanical, to food engineers.
❖ The transport vehicles that we use are made with the effort of automotive,
mechanical, electrical, electronics, industrial, electronics, chemical and
petroleum engineers.

There is an important link between a country's engineering capacity and its

economic development. Engineers play an important role in the development of society
and the nation.

How exactly does Engineering impact society?

Are you aware of the extent of the impact engineering has made on our society as
a whole? In fact, engineers have completely changed the world we live in, from modern
homes, bridges, space travel, cars and the latest mobile technology. Innovative ideas are
at the heart of what engineers do, and they use their knowledge to create new and exciting
prospects and solve any problems that may arise.

□ Health

The health industry has hugely benefited from engineering. Advances in

medical technology is solely down to engineers, and without it, doctors would
not be able to treat patients the way they do today; with fantastic success rates.
Engineering has essentially allowed us to understand the medical issues in
today’s society.

□ Technology

Engineers are the reason for the phenomenal growth in technology of every
generation. Just think about what the technological advances that are in our
everyday lives; not only can we access the world with our fingertips, engineers
have also allowed us to build satellites and machines that help us to understand
the world we live in and shape our lives on a daily basis.

□ Communication

Whilst on the subject of technology, the way we communicate has also vastly
improved due to engineering. We can now get in touch with people at any time of the
day in any part of the world. This has greatly improved the way we do business and
how we talk to our friends, family and strangers on a daily basis.

□ Development

Steam engines, jet engines and aeroplanes are all down to hard work from

10 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

Introduction to Engineering

engineers, and it has allowed businesses to work smarter and faster than ever
before. Improvements to travel have changed the way humans connect with one
another, opening trades for business and allowing us to literally travel to the
other side of the planet in a mere 24 hours.

□ Space

Visiting Space may have been a mere dream in the past, but not anymore. The
International Space Station is the largest and most complex science
undertaking ever. It allows scientists, analysts and engineers from all over the
planet to come together and conduct research that cannot be done elsewhere,
finding answers to queries that have been unquestioned for years.

There are no aspects of the world we live in today that aren't affected by the work
of engineers. The great thing is that engineering is continuing to affect society in a great
and beneficial way.

Supplemental Content

What is Engineering? https://youtu.be/bipTWWHya8A

Crash Course Engineering https://youtu.be/btGYcizV0iI
World without Engineers https://youtu.be/jvbWUJRtHBs

Role of engineers in Nation Building. (2016, May 8). Study Moose.
The Engineering Profession. (n.d.). Discovery Press. Retrieved July 26, 2020, from
Top Personality Traits of Engineers. (2016, October 6). Kettering University | Online.
Moaveni, S. (2010). Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering.
Cengage Learning.
Engineering Disciplines. (n.d.). Science Reference Services. Retrieved July 26, 2020,
from https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/SciRefGuides/eng-disciplines.html
TBS Staff. (2019, March 2). Engineering Careers. TheBestSchools.
How exactly does Engineering impact society? (n.d.). Gloucestershire Engineering
Training. Retrieved July 26, 2020, from

11 | Module 1 - Engineering Careers and Professions

The Engineering Profession
Engineering is considered to be one of the
most challenging and exciting career. It is
the application of the principles of science
and mathematics to develop economical
solutions to technical problems.

It is the task of an engineer to link the

scientific discoveries and the commercial
applications that meet societal and
consumer needs.

The Engineering Profession
“Engineers turn dreams into reality.” –
theme from National Engineers Week held
at United States in honor of George
Washington who is considered to be the
first engineer in the United States

“Engineering is the application of science George

to the common purpose of life” – Washington
Benjamin Thompson (aka Count Rumford)

The Engineering Profession
“Engineering is the application of science to the common purpose of life. Engineering
is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences,
gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways to
utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of

Current standard definition of engineering provided by the Accreditation Board for

Engineering and Technology (ABET)

How is engineering different
from science?
An excellent answer was provided by
astronaut Neil Armstrong in the foreword
of A Century of Innovation: Twenty
Engineering Achievements That Changed
Our Lives .

Neil Armstrong

How is engineering different from
Engineering is often associated with science and understandably so. Both make
extensive use of mathematics, and engineering requires a solid scientific basis. Yet as
any scientist or engineer will tell you, they are quite different.

Science is a quest for “truth for its own sake,” for an ever more exact understanding of
the natural world. It explains the change in the viscosity of a liquid as its temperature
is varied, the release of heat when water vapor condenses, and the reproductive
process of plants. It determines the speed of light.

Engineering turns those explanations and understandings into new or improved

machines, technologies, and processes – to bring reality to ideas and to provide
solutions to societal need.
Qualities of an Engineer


Collaborative Critical
Spirit Thinking

Communication Creativity

Qualities of an Engineer

Engineers are curious because they want

to know how and why things work as they
do. For many engineers, once they have
this understanding, their thinking morphs
into how they can make it better, faster,
and more efficient for less money.

Qualities of an Engineer
Critical Thinking

Engineers need to analyze, evaluate, and

synthesize information to make objective
judgments and recommendations. They
rely on these critical thinking skills in every
stage of their work, particularly when it
comes to decision-making.

Qualities of an Engineer
Critical Thinking

Engineers who can think critically, are able

to effectively handle the wide variety of
technical, administrative, policy, and
interpersonal communication challenges
that arise within a day’s work or a project’s

Qualities of an Engineer

At first glance, it would seem that in a field

structured by math and science there
would be little to no room for a creative
spirit but when one looks more deeply, the
creative engineer is changing the way we
live and work as creativity often spurs
innovation. It was a creative engineer who
converted another glue-based project into
Sticky Notes.
Qualities of an Engineer
Effective Communication

An engineer, can have brilliant ideas for a

project but if he or she cannot articulate
those ideas to management, teammates,
clients, and other stakeholders they are of no
use. Effective engineers understand that
clear, concise, written and verbal
communication is the key to giving their ideas
life and their team a competitive edge.

Qualities of an Engineer
Effective Communication

Succinct communication becomes even

more important in today’s global business
context where language and meaning often
become lost in translation. While many
graduate programs in engineering place little
focus on teaching students these skills, there
are plenty of resources which engineers may
avail themselves in order to improve their
ability to effectively communicate.
Qualities of an Engineer
Collaborative Spirit

Engineers work with other engineers, supply

chain management, financial and project
managers, and others from various business
units. Engineers are tasked with contributing
to collaborative and cross-functional teams
to ensure integrated development. The more
easily an engineer can collaborate with a
team, the more likely the project or product
will be successful.
Qualities of an Engineer
Engineers who remain curious throughout
their lives, while employing sharp critical Curiosity
thinking skills, combined with the ability to
clearly communicate their ideas in a creative Collaborative Critical
Spirit Thinking
and collaborative way, are those who will
continue to ease the way in which people
navigate their world. Effective
Communication Creativity

Qualities of an Engineer
Additional personality traits and work habits that typify most of today’s successful
engineers are as follow:

 Adept at using computers in many different ways to model and analyze various
practical problems.

 Have time management skills that enable them to work productively and

 Have people skills that allow them to interact and communicate effectively with
various people in their organization.

Qualities of an Engineer
Additional personality traits and work habits that typify most of today’s successful
engineers are as follow:

 Have a desire to be lifelong learners. They have to take continuing education

classes, seminars and workshops to stay abreast of innovation and new
technologies . This is particularly important in today’s world because of the rapid
change in technology.

 Regardless of their area of specialization, have a core knowledge that can be

applied in other related fields.

Qualities of an Engineer
Successful engineers are problem solvers.
They have a good grasp of fundamental
physical and chemical laws and principles
to design, develop, test and supervise the
manufacture of millions of products and
services. Engineers, regardless of their
background, follow scientific procedure
when designing the products and services
we use in our everyday lives.

Area of Specialization
Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is one of the oldest of the

engineering fields. It emphasizes mathematical
knowledge in geometry, calculus and physical

Civil engineers oversee the construction of

transportation systems, roads, architecture,
construction sites.

Area of Specialization
Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is the field of applied science

that employs physical, chemical, and biochemical
rate processes for the betterment of humanity.

Chemical engineers apply their skills to

fundamental problems in pharmaceuticals,
medical devices and drug-delivery system,
semiconductor manufacturing, and more.

Area of Specialization
Electrical Engineering

It involves the conception, design, development,

and production of the electrical or electronic
products and systems. It involves the application
of electricity, needed by our technological society.

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and

supervise the manufacturing of electrical
equipment such as electric motors, radar, and
navigation systems.
Area of Specialization
Electronics Engineering

Electronics Engineering integrates available and

emerging technologies with knowledge of
mathematics, natural, social and applied sciences
to conceptualize, design, and implement new,
improved, or innovative electronic, computer and
communication systems, devices, goods, services
and processes.

Area of Specialization
Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineers research, develop, design,

manufacture and test tools, engines, machines,
and other mechanical devices. They work on
power-producing machines such as electricity-
producing generators, internal combustion
engines, steam and gas turbines, and jet and
rocket engines.

Area of Specialization
Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering focuses on the

entrepreneurial and business aspect of engineering
projects. Whether it is research and development
or group projects, industrial engineers desire to
create the most efficient plans for employee
scheduling, factory schedules, and a multitude of
other factors.

Area of Specialization
Computer Engineering

This discipline is referred to in a multitude of terms

including computer hardware engineering,
computer software engineering, and computer
science., This field encompasses the development
of the programming and the physical components
of a computer system.

Computer engineers work on computer hardware

chips, circuit boards and keyboards.
Area of Specialization
Sanitary Engineering

Sanitary engineering, also known as public health

engineering or wastewater engineering, is the
application of engineering methods to improve
sanitation of human communities, primarily by
providing the removal and disposal of human
waste, and in addition to the supply of safe potable

Area of Specialization
Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum Engineering is a field of engineering

concerned with the activities related to the
production of hydrocarbons, which can be either
crude oil or natural gas. Exploration and production
are deemed to fall within the upstream sector of
the oil and gas industry.

Petroleum engineers specialize in the discovery

and production of oil and natural gas.
Area of Specialization
Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics engineering is a multidisciplinary

branch of engineering that focuses on the
engineering of both electrical and mechanical
systems, and also includes a combination of
robotics, electronics, computer,
telecommunications, systems, control, and
product engineering.

Area of Specialization
Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Instrumentation and control engineering (ICE)

is a branch of engineering that studies the
measurement and control of process
variables, and the design and implementation
of systems that incorporate them.

IC engineers focus on the implementation of

control systems, mainly derived from
mathematical modeling.
Area of Specialization
Food Engineering

Food engineering is a multidisciplinary field which

combines microbiology, applied physical sciences ,
chemistry and engineering for food and related

Food engineers provide the technological

knowledge transfer essential to the cost-effective
production and commercialization of food
products and services.
Area of Specialization
Automotive Engineering

It is a branch of vehicle engineering that

focuses on the application, design and
manufacturing of automobiles. This field of
engineering involves the direct application of
mathematics in the design and production of
vehicles. An automotive engineer designs and
tests various components of vehicles,
including fuel technologies and safety
Area of Specialization
Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is the primary field of

engineering concerned with the design,
development, testing, and production of aircraft,
spacecraft, and related systems and equipment.

Aerospace engineers develop leading-edge

technologies and integrate them into aerospace
vehicle systems used for transportation,
communications, exploration, and defense
applications. 32
Area of Specialization
Transportation Engineering

Transportation engineering is a branch of civil

engineering that is involved in the planning,
design, operation, and maintenance of safe and
efficient transportation systems. These systems
include roadways, railways, waterways, and
intermodal operations.

Transportation engineer is not only interested in

the infrastructure and the individual units that
use the infrastructure, but also the user. 33
Area of Specialization
Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering combines engineering

principles with medical and biological sciences
to design and create devices, computer
systems, software and equipment for use in
healthcare e.g. artificial limbs.

A biomedical engineer works as part of a team

which creates a device, procedure or system
that will aid in healthcare.
Area of Specialization
Geodetic Engineering

The practice of Geodetic Engineering is a

professional and organized act of gathering
physical data on the surface of the earth with
the use of precision instruments. It is also the
scientific and methodical processing of these
data and presenting them on graphs, plans,
maps, charts or documents.

Area of Specialization
Geological Engineering

Geological Engineering is the application of

geological knowledge to the siting, design,
construction, operation and maintenance of civil
engineering structures and facilities.

Geological engineers assess the physical

landscapes where dams, mines, roads,
pipelines, railways, forestry, and other extractive
operations are planned.
Area of Specialization
Ceramics Engineering

Ceramic engineering is the science and technology

of creating objects from nonmetallic, inorganic
materials that are processed at high temperatures.

Ceramic engineers develop new ceramic products

(ranging from glassware and electronic
components to nuclear reactors and linings for
blast furnaces and jet engines) as well as methods
and equipment for processing ceramic materials.
Area of Specialization
Metallurgical Engineering

Metallurgical engineering is the study of metals

and how it can be safely transformed into
products that benefit humanity.
Metallurgical engineers transform metals into
high-performance alloys, high-purity metals, and
new materials used in all types of products
including superconductors, advanced coatings,
cars, aircrafts, and surgical implants.

Area of Specialization
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Naval architecture and marine

engineering can be described as the
design of floating vessels and the
integration of their components. Marine
engineers and naval architects design
and oversee testing, installation, and
repair of marine apparatus and

Career Opportunities
Engineering graduates have a broad range of career options, including different
kinds of engineering roles, jobs in related areas such as supply chain and jobs in
other industries such as finance and IT.

Other job roles and career areas you could work in follows:
Engineering Consultancy Process Engineering Technical sales Engineering
Engineering, design and Scientific research and Logistics, transport and supply
manufacture development chain
Design and installation Academicians Cadet engineers
Health and Safety Pollution Control Engineering
Engineers officers Supervisors/Managers

Role of Engineers
❖ At night, your bedroom was kept at the right temperature- thanks to the
mechanical engineers who designed the heating, air-conditioning and ventilating
systems in your home.

❖ When you get up in the morning, and turn on the lights, thousands of electrical
engineers and technicians in the power plants and power stations around the
country are making sure that the flow of electricity remains uninterrupted. The TV
you are using to watch your TV and morning news are designed by electrical and
electronics engineers.

Role of Engineers
 The water could be heated by natural gas that is brought to your home was
made possible through the effort of chemical, mechanical civil and petroleum

 The cotton towel that we use daily was made with the help of agricultural,
industrial manufacturing , chemical, petroleum, civil and mechanical engineers

 The foods that we eat daily were made through the collaborative effort of
various engineering disciplines - from agricultural to mechanical, to food.

 The transport vehicles that we use are made with the effort of automotive,
mechanical, electrical, electronics, industrial, electronics, chemical and
petroleum engineers.
Impact on the Society

The health industry has hugely benefited from

engineering. Advances in medical technology is
solely down to engineers, and without it, doctors
would not be able to treat patients the way they do
today; with fantastic success rates. Engineering
has essentially allowed us to understand the
medical issues in today’s society.

Impact on the Society

Engineers are the reason for the phenomenal

growth in technology of every generation. Just
think about what the technological advances that
are in our everyday lives; not only can we access
the world with our fingertips, engineers have also
allowed us to build satellites and machines that
help us to understand the world we live in and
shape our lives on a daily basis.

Impact on the Society

Whilst on the subject of technology, the way we

communicate has also vastly improved due to
engineering. We can now get in touch with people
at any time of the day in any part of the world. This
has greatly improved the way we do business and
how we talk to our friends, family and strangers on
a daily basis.

Impact on the Society

Steam engines, jet engines and aeroplanes are all

down to hard work from engineers, and it has
allowed businesses to work smarter and faster
than ever before. Improvements to travel have
changed the way humans connect with one
another, opening trades for business and allowing
us to literally travel to the other side of the planet in
a mere 24 hours.

Impact on the Society

The International Space Station is the largest

and most complex science undertaking ever. It
allows scientists, analysts and engineers from
all over the planet to come together and
conduct research that cannot be done
elsewhere, finding answers to queries that have
been unquestioned for years.

Supplemental Content
What is Engineering?


Crash Course Engineering


World without Engineers


1. Summarize very briefly what is Engineering. What specialized area within this discipline
interests you the most? Explain why.

2. a. Research and discover one engineer (past or present) working or educated in this
discipline (or any discipline) from BatStateU, and summarize briefly who he or she is/was, and
what they have accomplished.

2. b. Give examples of products and services that engineers design that makes our lives

3. Distinguish between knowledge, experience, and intuition. Discuss briefly why taking
courses outside of math/science/engineering is important to your education. Give an example
of a non-technical course you have already taken, or one you plan to take, that you think will
be especially relevant and useful to you as an engineer.

Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is the application of
science, mathematics and economics to
the process of converting raw materials or
chemicals into more sustainable forms.
The terms economics & sustainability are
very important here.

Chemical Engineering
Where did it get us?

Chemical Engineering
What do we do?
 Work with unit operations for purposes of chemical synthesis and/or
separation (chemical reaction, mass-, heat- and momentum- transfer

 Apply physical laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum

 Apply principles of thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and transport


 Solve problems – design & operate processes

 More than just process engineering – applies chemical knowledge to

create better materials and products that are useful to our modern
Fields of ChE
The traditional fields of ChE are as follow:

petrochemicals, composite materials, manufacture of instrumentation and

petroleum and natural corrosion and microelectronic process control
gas processing protective coatings components
energy conversion and plastics and polymers environmental biomedical and
utilization control biochemical
biotechnology food processing pulp and paper pharmaceuticals

Workplace of ChE
The majority of Chemical Engineers work in businesses known collectively as

the Chemical Process Industries (CPI):

Chemicals Food and Beverage Pulp and Paper Rubber and Plastics
Agricultural Chemicals Oil and Gas (upstream Metals, mineral Electronics and
Industries and downstream) processing microelectronics
Electronics/IT Cosmetics/ Biotechnology/ Textile
Pharmaceutical Biomedical
Environmental, technical, and business consulting

Workplace of ChE
 Many Chemical Engineers also work in supplier, consulting and governmental
agencies related to the CPI by engaging in equipment manufacture, plant design,
consulting, analytical services and standards development.

 Chemical Engineers hold lead positions in industrial firms and governmental

agencies concerned with environmental protection since environmental problems
are usually complex and require a thorough knowledge of the Social Sciences,
Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry for their resolution.

 Chemical engineers have been referred to as “universal engineers.”

History of ChE
The European Crucible

In the beginning of the 19th century, the study of chemistry

was flourishing in Germany. Justus von Liebig (1803–1873)
is considered a major force in 19th-century chemistry, not
only because of his research achievements but also
because he is a great educator. Liebig taught scientists
who did imaginative research that led to new production
Justus von Liebig
methods of important chemicals and nourished the
German, European, and—indirectly—American industry.

History of ChE
The European Crucible

What set Liebig and his students apart was the interest in
applying their fundamental discoveries to the development
of specific chemical processes and products. One of his
students, August Wilhelm Hofmann’s aniline dye process is
only one of many such processes developed between 1840
and 1880 in Germany.
August Wilhelm Hofmann

History of ChE
The European Crucible

In 1848, the political revolution that had started in France swept eastward,
overthrowing Germany and giving central Europe a taste of liberal reform.

The Industrial Revolution, made possible by chemistry, proved immensely profitable

on the one hand, but on the other it also created new factory environments with
deplorable working conditions.

One result of the revolution was an attempt to revise industrial processes on safer
and more efficient methods. These were the circumstances from which the field of
chemical engineering would emerge in the mid-19th century.

History of ChE
The European Crucible

Industrial chemistry was recognized as the production of valuable products from raw
materials via chemical and physical processes. Developing and controlling these
processes, however, was viewed as separate. This separate discipline eventually
became known as “chemical engineering”.

The Dawn of Chemical Engg
George E. Davis : Father of Chemical Engineering

 Decided to transfer his vast knowledge from years of

inspecting chemical plants into the classroom.

 Gave a series of 12 lectures on chemical engineering

which covers individual chemical operations such as
mixing, evaporation, and filtration
George E. Davis
 Coined the term chemical engineering to describe an
area of engineering that addressed the chemical
industry’s problems.

The Dawn of Chemical Engg
George E. Davis : Father of Chemical Engineering

 Presented the 12 lectures at Manchester Technical

College in 1887.

 This lecture series became the basis for his most

famous publication: the Handbook of Chemical
Engineering, published in 1901.
George E. Davis

The Dawn of Chemical Engg
Lewis M. Norton

 In 1888, Professor Norton of the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT) initiated the first four year
bachelor program in chemical engineering entitled
"Course X" (ten) as part of chemistry department. Soon,
other colleges, such as the University of Pennsylvania
and Tulane University followed MIT's lead in 1892 and
1894 respectively. Lewis M. Norton

 This program was a response to the rapid rise of

industrial chemical industries
The Dawn of Chemical Engg
Chemists vs. Chemical Engineers, 1904 in American Chemical Society

 Hugo Schweitzer (a prominent New York industrial chemist): "absolutely against

the introduction of chemical engineering in the education of chemists.”

 M. T. Bogert: “progress in technical chemistry was best achieved in research

laboratories by researchers without engineering training.

 Milton C. Whitaker argued that: “a chemist was generally not the man who is
capable of transmitting from a laboratory to a factory the ideas which he has
developed because he lacks education in the engineering branches.”

The Dawn of Chemical Engg
AIChE, 1908

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) was

formed after members of the ACS recognized the
need for a separate association for chemical
engineers. When the Institute was formed, it had fewer
than 1,000 members; today, it has more than 60,000

The Dawn of Chemical Engg
Arthur D. Little

 Coined the term unit operations in 1915 which referred

to the idea that all chemical processes can be analyzed
by dividing them into distinct operations all of which
are governed by certain principles

 Wrote that unit operations should be the foundation of

Chemical Engineering Arthur D. Little

Unit Operations
In transforming matter from inexpensive raw materials to highly desired products,
chemical engineers became very familiar with the physical and chemical operations
necessary in this metamorphosis.

distillation Physical and
crystallization Chemical
sedimentation Operations
heat exchange
Unit Operations
While mechanical engineers focused on machinery, and
industrial chemists concerned themselves with products, and
applied chemists studied individual reactions, no one, before
chemical engineers, had concentrated upon the underlying
processes common to all chemical products, reactions, and

The chemical engineer, utilizing unit operations, could now

make claim to industrial territory by showing his or her
uniqueness and worth to the American chemical
ChE Paradigms
Paradigm - defines a profession and an intellectual discipline

 Firm theoretical foundations, triumphant applications to

solve important problems

 Universities agree on core subjects taught to all students,

standard textbooks and handbooks, accreditation of

 Professional societies and journals

 Organize research directions - what is a good research

problem and what are legitimate methods of solution?
ChE Paradigms
Engineers with no Transport
formal education Phenomena, 1960

Pre- 1st 2nd 3rd

Paradigm Paradigm Paradigm Paradigm

Unit Operations, ?

ChE Paradigms
 Fire – first chemical technology, led to pyro-technologies:
cooking, pottery, metallurgy, glass, and reaction

 Chemical technology as empirical art, with no reliable

scientific foundation or formally educated engineers.

 Ecole des Ponts et Chausee, 1736, first modern

engineering school (Civil).

ChE Paradigms
First Paradigm
 Arthur D. Little, unit operations

 Walker-Lewis-McAdams’ first textbook “Principles of Chemical Engineering”, 1923

Early Success Later Stagnation
Became core of chemical engineering curriculum, World War II creation of new technologies by scientists
unit operations, stoichiometry, thermodynamics without engineering education: atomic bomb, radar.
Inspiration for research to fill in the gaps in Engineering students needed to master new
knowledge concepts and tools in chemistry and physics.
Became principle to organize useful knowledge Unit Operations no longer created streams of
Effective in problem solving where graduates have exciting new research problems that were
a toolbox to solve processing problems in oil challenging to professors and students, and useful
distillation, petrochemical, and new polymers in industry.

ChE Paradigms
Second Paradigm
Byron Bird
 First textbook “Transport Phenomena” by Warren Stewart
Bird- Stewart-Lightfoot, 1960, based on Edwin Lightfoot
kinetic theory of gases

 Textbook by Amundson “Mathematical Neal Amundson

Methods in Chemical Engineering”, (1966).

ChE Paradigms
Second Paradigm
 A new burst of creative research activities.

 American chemical industry dominated world, DuPont and Exxon content to recruit
academically educated graduates, willing to teach them technology.
Early Success
The Engineering Science movement became dominant in the US, and was taught at all
the leading universities.
AIChE accreditation requires differential equations, transport phenomena.
Research funding agencies and journals turn their backs on empirical and qualitative
research as “old fashioned”.

ChE Paradigms
What’s next for Chemical Engineering?
 Phasing out of formerly successful products: tetra-ethyl lead, DDT, cellophane, freon
or CFC.
 End of the parade of new polymers: celluloid, bakelite, nylon, and kevlar.
 To attract the best students, the lure of new products to enhance lives - laptop
computers, cellular phone and internet.
 Cost-cutting and environmental protection is no match for glamorous new products.
 We need to give chemical engineers the intellectual toolbox, to innovate exciting new
products that people will learn to love.
ChE Paradigms
Third Paradigm
Product engineering: A third paradigm?

Product engineering is innovation and design of

useful products that people want

1. Define a product, study the customers &


2. Understand property-structure

3. Design and innovate the product

ChE Accomplishments
Production of Synthetic Energy production and the Commercial-scale production
Ammonia and Fertilizers development of new sources of antibiotics (biotechnology/
of energy pharmaceuticals)
Establishment of the plastics Establishment of the Establishment of the
industry synthetic fiber industry synthetic rubber industry
Electrolytic production of Production of fissionable Artificial organs and
Aluminum, isotopes biomedical devices
Production of petrochemicals Food processing Process Simulation tools
Production of IT products (storage devices, microelectronics, ultraclean environment)

Undergraduate Curriculum
 Designed to provide students with a broad background in the underlying sciences
of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

 Detailed knowledge of engineering principles and practices, along with a good

appreciation of social and economic factors

 Laboratory involvement is an important component

 Develop team work skills, problem-identification, and problem-solving skills.

 Stress the preparation of students for independent work and development of

interpersonal skills necessary for professional engineers.

Undergraduate Curriculum
 Elective courses provide an opportunity to obtain additional training in areas of
emphasis: Environment, Energy, Biotechnology, and Petroleum

Basic Sciences Engineering Sciences Engineering Design

Mathematics Thermodynamics (Heat, work, phase Computer-Aided Design
Physics equilibrium, chemical equilibrium) Chemical Reaction Engineering
Chemistry Transport Phenomena (heat transfer, Separation Processes
fluid mechanics, mass transfer) Process Control
Numerical Analysis Process Design

ChE Skills
 Technical skills are vital. But all employees will
have a high level of technical competence
(otherwise they aren’t employed for long).

 Soft Skills such as Leadership (self motivated),

Ability to work in groups, and Communication can
advance careers

With such a broad education, Chemical Engineers are

well prepared to address problems involving all types
of changes to the physical and/or chemical state of

Airra Mhae Ilagan, RChE

September 2021
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 1
Engineering Impacts
❖ Engineering gives shape to our world
❖ Engineers design, create, or modify nearly
everything we touch, wear, eat, see, and hear in our
daily lives.
❖ Their innovations and inventions fuel economic
growth, fortify national security, improve healthcare,
and safeguard the environment.
❖ Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers Theodore Von Karman
create the world that never was." -Theodore Von
Karman, aerospace engineer Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 2
Engineering Impacts
Positive Impacts Negative Impacts
Civil engineers have created beautiful structures People have created chemical weapons in
and roads that help countries become safe and chemical engineering. These chemical weapons
strong. have caused massive destruction.
Genetic engineers produce more food by Genetic engineering (cloning) is unnatural and
developing ways to enlarge fruits, vegetables, causes many problems in the clones, and create
and other crops. birth defects.
Genetic engineering will help us to understand Experiments in genetic engineering can be
things like mutations in genetics, DNA, and the extremely dangerous, life-threatening, mutating,
human genome. and have horrifying consequences. Also, the
healthiness of genetically modified (GM) foods
is the subject of much debate.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 3

Engineering Impacts
Positive Impacts Negative Impacts
Machines that transport can make our lives Several of the advancements made by
much simpler, such as the automobile and engineering such as the automobiles have
airplane. detrimental effects on the environment, as they
cause pollution.
CFC’s as coolants: Chosen for their excellent CFC caused destruction of the ozone layer
heat capacity.
Indoor water circulation and public sewage Caused extensive pollution of water
systems: Solved a huge problem, improved resources (underground water, lakes, rivers
sanitary conditions immensely, elevated people’s even tap water)
standard of living significantly
Automobiles: Solved the transportation problem, High fatalities from accidents, pollution, green
allowed faster movement of people and goods house effect (Global warming)

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 4

Engineering Impacts
Aswan High Dam, Egypt

Eliminated flooding of villages, ensured a

reliable water supply, provided a source of clean

Adversely affected farm lands by depriving it

from nutrients carried by flood water, affected
fish population, caused the displacement of a
large population which virtually eliminated one of
the oldest cultures/communities in the region

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 5

Engineering Impacts
Wind Farms, Eastern Europe Egypt

Electrical generators that harness the wind

power using giant turbines: Provided a source of
clean energy

Caused a noticeable increase in temperature

in Europe due to interference with
natural heat transfer by wind

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 6


September 2021
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 7
Six Pillars of Character
In 1992, Michael Josephson brought together a group of educators to create the Six
Pillars of Character—core ethical values for youth to learn and adapt.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 8

Six Pillars of Character
quality of dependability and includes
honesty integrity, loyalty, and promise-

treating others (superiors, subordinates,
clients, contractors) in a manner to enhance
their dignity.

comprises accountability, pursuit of
excellence and self-restraint.
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 9
Six Pillars of Character
Justice and Fairness
be objective and impartial, do what is right,
pursuit of excellence

when ethical decisions are made, the impact
to all concerned should be minimized

Civic Virtue (accepting appointments, give

time and money to social causes) and
obligation to community which extends
beyond self interest.
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 10
❖ Ethics is not just Black and White, but predominately grey from the deciders
point of view.
❖ Ethics is not a matter of majority vote but of private conscience.
❖ Loyalty causes ethical confusion
⮚ Client, employer, self, family, public - Who comes first?
⮚ Protect Public Health or keep your job - Nerve Agent
⮚ Disposal Engineer in Utah (Whistle Blower Laws)
⮚ Loyalty to friend or to self?
⮚ To take a job transfer or not - Family before employer?

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 11


Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 12

Engineer A is employed by a software company and is involved in the design of
specialized software in connection with the operations of facilities affecting the
public health and safety (i.e., nuclear, air quality control, water quality control).
As the part of the design of a particular software system, Engineer A conducts
extensive testing and although the tests demonstrate that the software is safe to
use under existing standards, Engineer A is aware of new draft standards that
are about to be released by a standard setting organization-standards which the
newly designed software may not meet. Testing is extremely costly and the
company ’s clients are eager to begin to move forward. The software company is
eager to satisfy its clients, protect the software company’s finances, and protect

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 13

existing jobs; but at the same time, the management of the software company
wants to be sure that the software is safe to use. A series of tests proposed by
Engineer A will likely result in a decision whether to move forward with the use of
the software. The tests are costly and will delay the use of the software by at
least six months, which will put the company at a competitive disadvantage and
cost the company a significant amount of money. Also, delaying implementation
will mean the state public service commission utility rates will rise significantly
during this time. The company requests Engineer A’ s recommendation
concerning the need for additional software testing.

Question: Should Engineer A design the software to meet the new standards?

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 14


Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 15


Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 16

PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 1. The chemical engineer shall be guided in all his relations by the highest
standards of honor and integrity and shall act with fairness and impartiality to all.
Section 2. The chemical engineer shall uphold at all times the dignity of the chemical
engineering profession and shall protect it from misrepresentation.
Section 3. The chemical engineer shall avoid being associated with any enterprise which
of questionable character or is contrary to law or public welfare.
Section 4.
The chemical engineer shall express a professional opinion only when he is adequately
informed of the facts related thereto and the purposes for which the opinion is asked.
Section 5. The chemical engineer shall not issue statements, criticism or arguments on
matters of public concern which are inspired or paid for by private interests, unless he
indicates in whose behalf he is making the statement.
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 17
PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 6. The chemical engineer shall not indulge in self-laudatory advertisement nor
exaggerated, untrue, or misleading statements in media or any public forum.
Section 7. The chemical engineer shall be mindful of the safety and convenience of the
public at all times and shall make every effort to remedy or bring to the attention of his
client or employer any dangerous defect in equipment or structures or dangerous
conditions of operation which come to his knowledge.
Section 8. The chemical engineer shall consider it his professional obligation to protect
the interest of his client, employer or any person of responsibility and he shall act
accordingly as long as it does not conflict with law, public policy, and welfare.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 18

PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 9. The chemical engineer shall make known to his client or employer all his other
professional obligations, financial interests, or other considerations which might restrict or
interfere with his meeting the legitimate expectations of his client or employer before
undertaking an engagement.
Section 10. The chemical engineer shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise form
more than one client or employer who is in the same line of business or has conflicting interest
with the others, without the consent of all parties; he shall not accept compensation directly or
indirectly from parties dealing with his client or employer except with the consent of his client or
Section 11. The chemical engineer shall present clearly the consequences or risk that will
arise if his professional judgment or work, for which he is responsible, is overruled.
Section 12. The chemical engineer shall not hesitate to engage, or advise his client or employer
to engage the services of other experts or specialists on problems on which his information or
experience is inadequate.
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 19
PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 13. The chemical engineer shall regard as the property of his client or employer any
plan, design, or other record which results from the use of information which is not common
knowledge or public property, but which information is obtained from his client or employer.
Section 14. The chemical engineer shall exchange general information and experience with his
fellow chemical engineers, contribute to the work of engineering societies and schools, and
cooperate in such other endeavors as will enhance the effectiveness of the chemical
engineering profession.
Section 15. The chemical engineer shall encourage and provide opportunity for the
professional development or advancement of chemical engineers in his employ.
Section 16. The chemical engineer shall recognize the view that inadequate compensation for
professional services tend towards inferior and unreliable work and shall not accept
compensation beneath the generally accepted level of professional fee.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 20

PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 17. The chemical engineer shall not compete with another engineer unfairly, such as
reducing his usual professional charges for work after having been informed of the charges
asked by others.
Section 18. The chemical engineer shall not injure or attempt to injure falsely or maliciously,
directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, competence, capability, prospects, or practice
of another professional.
Section 19. The chemical engineer shall endeavor at all times to give credit to those to
whom credit is properly due.
Section 20.The chemical engineer shall not review the work of another chemical engineer for
the same client or employer without the prior knowledge and consent of such engineer when
the client or employer relation of such chemical engineer has already been terminated, prior
notice is sufficient.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 21

PIChE Code of Ethics
Section 21. The chemical engineer shall report any infraction of any rules of professional
conduct to the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PICHE) for proper appraisal
and shall be ready to testify, if necessary.
Section 22. This Code shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in
the Official Gazette.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 22

❖ The impact of the Chemical Engineering
profession relies on how the professional do
one’s work and the motivation.
❖ Ethics serve as a guide in order to attain the
common goal of the practice of the Chemical
Engineering profession.
❖ It is a matter of attaining the positive impacts
over the negative impacts in order to benefit
the greater good.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 23

Chemical Accidents
Chernobyl (1986)

⮚ Result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
⮚ The resulting steam explosion and fires released at least 5% of the radioactive reactor core into
the environment, with the deposition of radioactive materials in many parts of Europe.
⮚ Two Chernobyl plant workers died due to the explosion on the night of the accident, and a
further 28 people died within a few weeks as a result of acute radiation syndrome.
⮚ The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation has concluded
that, apart from some 5000 thyroid cancers (resulting in 15 fatalities), "there is no evidence of a
major public health impact attributable to radiation exposure 20 years after the accident."
⮚ Some 350,000 people were evacuated as a result of the accident, but resettlement of areas
from which people were relocated is ongoing.

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 24

Chemical Accidents
Chernobyl (1986)

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 25

Chemical Accidents
Texas City Refinery explosion
(March 2005)

⮚ A hydrocarbon vapor cloud was ignited and

violently exploded at the ISOM isomerization
process unit at BP's Texas City refinery in Texas
City, Texas
⮚ Killed 15 workers, injuring 180 others and severely
damaging the refinery.
⮚ $1.6 Billion spent to settle 1000 claims

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 26

Chemical Accidents
The Prudhoe Bay oil spill
(March 2, 2006)
⮚ a pipeline owned by BP Exploration, Alaska
(BPXA) in western Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
⮚ Initial estimates of the five-day leak said that up to
267,000 US gallons (6,400 bbl) were spilled over
1.9 acres (7,700 m2), making it the largest oil spill
on Alaska's north slope to date.
⮚ Neglected multiple cries from employees
⮚ Guilty to negligent discharge of oil
⮚ Fined US$20 million

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 27

Chemical Accidents
JG Summit naphtha plant violates
environmental laws – Environment
Management Bureau

⮚ Odor violation.
⮚ Fine of P50,000 ($1,080) per violation if due to
negligence, but the company would not be fined if
the violation was due to “factors beyond their
⮚ “When the smoke is black, then there is wrong in
the operation because anything black is unburnt.
The combustion process is incomplete and this
may have long-term harmful effect to the people”

Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 28
Engg 401 - Introduction to Engineering 29

Airra Mhae G. Ilagan, RChE

September 2021
What is Design Thinking?
• Some of the world’s leading brands, such as Apple, Google, Samsung, and
General Electric, have rapidly adopted the design thinking approach, and design
thinking is being taught at leading universities around the world.
What is design thinking, and why is it so popular and effective?
• Design thinking is not an exclusive property of designers—all great innovators in
literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business have practiced it.
• What’s special about design thinking is that designers’ work processes can help
us systematically extract, teach, learn and apply these human-centered
techniques to solve problems in a creative and innovative way — in our designs,
in our businesses, in our countries, in our lives.
What is Design Thinking?

What is Design Thinking?
Design Thinking
is a design methodology and iterative
process that provides a solution-based
approach to solving problems.

It’s extremely useful in tackling complex

problems that are ill-defined or unknown, by
understanding the human needs involved,
by re-framing the problem in human-centric
ways, by creating many ideas in
brainstorming sessions, and by adopting a
hands-on approach in prototyping and
testing. 4
Definition and Descriptions
1. A design methodology

Design Thinking is a design

methodology and is more creative and
user-centered than traditional design

Definition and Descriptions
2. A problem-solving approach or process

Design Thinking can be regarded as a

problem solving method or, by some
definitions, a process for the resolution of

Definition and Descriptions
2. A problem-solving approach or process
A Creativity Approach
Unlike analytical thinking, which is associated
with the breaking down (narrowing the design
choices) of ideas, Design Thinking is a creative
process based on the building up (going
broad, at least during the early stages of the
process) of ideas.

Definition and Descriptions
2. A problem-solving approach or process
A User-Centered Approach That Brings Design into the Business World
 Design Thinking is a more creative and user-centered approach to
problem solving than traditional design methods.
 It is often used to explore and define business problems and to define
products and services.
 It combines empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the
generation of insights and solutions, and rationality and feedback to analyze
and fit solutions to the context.

We will focus on the five-stage Design Thinking model proposed by the Hasso-
Plattner, Institute of Design at Stanford.

Understanding these five stages of Design Thinking will empower anyone to apply
the Design Thinking methods in order to solve complex problems that occur
around us.


The first stage of the Design Thinking process is to gain
an empathic understanding of the problem you are trying
to solve. This involves consulting experts to find out
more about the area of concern through observing,
engaging and empathizing with people to understand
their experiences and motivations, as well as immersing
yourself in the physical environment so you can gain a
deeper personal understanding of the issues involved.

Empathy is crucial to a human-centered design process
such as Design Thinking, and empathy allows design
thinkers to set aside their own assumptions about the
world in order to gain insight into users and their needs.
Depending on time constraints, a substantial amount of
information is gathered at this stage to use during the
next stage and to develop the best possible
understanding of the users, their needs, and the
problems that underlie the development of that particular

Empathy is a term we use for the ability to understand other people’s feelings
as if we were having them ourselves. Empathy can also mean projecting our own
feeling onto a work of art or another object.

Sympathy refers to the ability to take part in someone else’s feelings, mostly
by feeling sorrowful about their misfortune. Sympathy can also be used in relation
to opinions and taste, like when you say that you have sympathy for a political


During the Define stage, you put together the information you
have created and gathered during the Empathize stage. This
is where you will analyze your observations and
synthesize them in order to define the core problems that
you and your team have identified up to this point. Seek to
define the problem as a problem statement in a human-
centered manner

To illustrate,
Instead of : “We need to increase our food-product market
share among young teenage girls by 5%”
Use: “Teenage girls need to eat nutritious food in order to
thrive, be healthy and grow.

In the Define stage you will start to progress to the third
stage, Ideate, by asking questions which can help you look
for ideas for solutions by asking:
“How might we… encourage teenage girls to perform an
action that benefits them and also involves your company’s
food-product or service?”

During the third stage of the Design Thinking process,
designers are ready to start generating ideas. You’ve grown
to understand your users and their needs in the Empathize
stage, and you’ve analyzed and synthesized your
observations in the Define stage, and ended up with a human-
centered problem statement. With this solid background, you
and your team members can start to "think outside the box" to
identify new solutions to the problem statement you’ve
created, and you can start to look for alternative ways of
viewing the problem.
There are hundreds of Ideation techniques such as Brainstorm,
Brainwrite, Worst Possible Idea, and SCAMPER.

Brainstorm and Worst Possible Idea sessions are typically used to

stimulate free thinking and to expand the problem space.

It is important to get as many ideas or problem solutions as possible

at the beginning of the Ideation phase.

Brainstorming is an activity that helps your organization
generate more innovative ideas. Brainstorming is one of many
methods of ideation—the process of coming up with new
ideas—and it occurs during the divergent phase of the
creative process. Brainstorming helps you generate a large
number of ideas so that you can produce different options for
solving your challenge.

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

IDEO 7 rules of Brainstorming

The design team will now produce a number of inexpensive, scaled
down versions of the product or specific features found within the
product, so they can investigate the problem solutions generated in
the previous stage.

Prototypes may be shared and tested within the team itself, in other
departments, or on a small group of people outside the design team.
This is an experimental phase, and the aim is to identify the best
possible solution for each of the problems identified during the first
three stages.

The solutions are implemented within the prototypes, and, one by

one, they are investigated and either accepted, improved and re-
examined, or rejected on the basis of the users’ experiences.

By the end of this stage, the design team will have a better idea of
the constraints inherent to the product and the problems that are
present, and have a clearer view of how real users would behave,
think, and feel when interacting with the end product.


Designers or evaluators rigorously test the complete product

using the best solutions identified during the prototyping phase.
This is the final stage of the 5 stage-model, but in an iterative
process, the results generated during the testing phase are often
used to redefine one or more problems and inform the
understanding of the users, the conditions of use, how people
think, behave, and feel, and to empathize.


Even during this phase, alterations and refinements are made

in order to rule out problem solutions and derive as deep an
understanding of the product and its users as possible.

Non-linear Approach
We may have outlined a direct and linear Design Thinking process in which
one stage seemingly leads to the next with a logical conclusion at user testing.
However, in practice, the process is carried out in a more flexible and non-
linear fashion.

For example, different groups within the design team may conduct more than
one stage concurrently, or the designers may collect information and prototype
during the entire project so as to enable them to bring their ideas to life and
visualize the problem solutions.

Results from the testing phase may reveal some insights about users, which in
turn may lead to another brainstorming session (Ideate) or the development of
new prototypes (Prototype).

Designers or evaluators rigorously test the complete product using the best solutions
identified during the prototyping phase. This is the final stage of the 5 stage-model, but in
an iterative process, the results generated during the testing phase are often used to
redefine one or more problems and inform the understanding of the users, the conditions of
use, how people think, behave, and feel, and to empathize.

Core Attributes
Attribute Description Comment
Being comfortable when things are Design Thinking addresses wicked , ill-
Ambiguity unclear or when you don’t know the defined and tricky problems.
Collaborative Working together across disciplines People design in interdisciplinary teams.
Creating new ideas based on old ideas, Design Thinking is a solution-based approach
Constructive which can also be the most successful that looks for an improved future result.
Considerable time and effort is spent on
Being interested in things you don’t
clarifying the requirements. A large part of the
Curiosity understand or perceiving things with
problem solving activity, then, consists of
fresh eyes
problem definition and problem shaping.
Seeing and understanding things from The focus is on user needs (problem
your customers’ point of view context).
Core Attributes
Attribute Description Comment
Looking at the bigger context for the Design Thinking attempts to meet user needs and
customer also drive business success.
A cyclical process where improvements are The Design Thinking process is typically non-
Iterative made to a solution or idea regardless of the sequential and may include feedback loops and
phase cycles.
Creating ideas with no judgment toward the Particularly in the brainstorming phase, there are
idea creator or the idea no early judgments.
Embracing design thinking as an The method encourages “outside the box
Open mindset approach for any problem regardless of thinking” (“wild ideas”); it defies the obvious
industry or scope. and embraces a more experimental approach.

Characteristics of Design
 Focus on human values and needs. Have empathy for the people, solicit user
feedback, and use it in their designs.

 Make experimentation an integral part of the design process, are active “doers”,
communicate through meaningful artifacts.

 Collaborate with people from various backgrounds and respects their viewpoints;
enable “breakthrough insights and solutions to emerge from the diversity”.

 Can deal with wicked problems, are curious and optimistic, are integrative (holistic)
thinkers who look at the bigger context for the customer.

 Are mindful of the overall Design Thinking process with respect to goals and

Design Thinking
Design thinking is essentially a problem-solving approach specific to design, which
involves assessing known aspects of a problem and identifying the more ambiguous
or peripheral factors that contribute to the conditions of a problem.

Design thinking is an iterative process in which knowledge is constantly being

questioned and acquired so it can help us redefine a problem in an attempt to identify
alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial
level of understanding.

Design thinking is often referred to as ‘outside the box thinking’, as designers are
attempting to develop new ways of thinking that do not abide by the dominant or more
common problem-solving methods – just like artists do.

Design Thinking
At the heart of design thinking is the
intention to improve products by analyzing
how users interact with products and
investigating the conditions in which they

Design thinking offers us a means of

digging that bit deeper to uncover ways of
improving user experiences. Companies are
facing ill-defined and complex problems
every day—and bringing design.

Airra Mhae Ilagan, RChE

Airra Mhae G. Ilagan, RChE

September 2021
C l u s t e r i n g Te c h n i q u e
A unique ethnography tool adopted by designer to
gather relevant user insights in order to suggest
potential design recommendation.

Its ultimate aim is for designers to be able to

translate these insights into meaningful user
experience or needs.

Steps to Data Clustering
AEIOU is a coding structure mnemonic used to
organize data under the following sections:
Activities, Environments, Interactions, Objects
and Users.

The goal of using this framework is to make

interpreting and analyzing data easier, while
visually mapping the significant relationships and
interactions between categories.

Steps to Data Clustering
Activities includes actions with specific goals in mind, and the
processes performed to achieve them.
Environments details the context and characteristics of the space
where activities are being observed.
Interactions includes both interpersonal and person-artifact
interactions. Proximity and space may also play an important role
within these relationships.
Objects catalogues the items within the environment and how they
are used. It is important to note both the central and peripheral uses
of objects and how people harness them to conduct their activities.
Users includes the people within the environment that are being
observed. Key information includes their values and biases,
behaviors, needs and relationships.
Steps to Data Clustering
AEIOU can be used in-field as worksheets or be applied later to code
data collected from other ethnographic or observational methods,
including notes, photos, and interviews.

Advantages: good for recording observations and small details;

creates a visual map of activities; can assist in uncovering latent
needs, workarounds and unspoken behaviors.

Disadvantages: not good for recording macro-level social, political or

cultural conditions; does not include changes over time; focuses on
users and excludes other actors.

A persona is a fictional person with characteristics
that are most representative of a major user group
“Inspire to innovate”. Helps the team to focus on the
users’ goals and needs.
A persona is not based on any specific person, but is
an abstract representation of many people with
similar characteristics. Developing personas based
on your research insights can help you focus on
designing solutions without having to concentrate on
dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people in your
target audience.
Why create a Persona?
Its purpose is to create a profile of the user which will serve as a reference and
inspiration throughout solution development.
How can I be
physically and
How can I be an Can I live
mentally fit to What’s next in
effective working manage the independently
my career?
mom? company? ?

Scenario vs. Persona
Scenario – short story of target group of users
- questions, tasks, and stories that bring user to
- Represents user’s social/demographic/cultural
information, behavior, belief and philosophy, pain
points, motivation or intentions and needs.

Persona – general profile of a target group of users

- Sketch or collect images to communicate the
imagined context

Sample Scenario

P e r s o n a Te m p l a t e



Ai r r a M h a e I l a g a n , R C h E

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