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Arcane Fortune
If you roll 1-2 for your starting Hit Points, gain an
additional random Spellbook

Memorizing Spells
Once per Day, a Wizard can spend an Hour
memorizing a number of spells equal to their Level,
from Spellbooks. A Wizard can only memorize spells
of levels up to and equal to their current Level.
Rolling a natural roll equal to or less than the number
of your currently memorized spells will result in

Wizardry Discipline
As long as you keep rolling 12 or more when casting a
memorized spell, the spell remains memorized in
your mind.
Spell Concentration
It’s very difficult to cast spells in armor. When casting
a Memorized Spell while wearing armor, apply a
penalty equal to your armor bonus.
By playing music and singing, You may fascinate
Roguish Talents
Add a +1d4 bonus whenever youre rolling for the
following Actions:
◦ Delicate Tasks
◦ Climbing
◦ Listening or eavesdropping
◦ Moving silently and unseen
◦ Understanding written languages
◦ Finding Secret Things

Nimble Expertise
Roll with Advantage when rolling Dexterity Checks for
avoiding danger or effects from traps and magical

Sneak Attack
If a Thief has Moved Silently to get behind a
Creature, and they are unaware of the Thief’s
presence, the Thief may make an Attack that
automatically hits and deals damage equal to 2d6 +
the Thief’s Level.
Self Reliant
When rolling to recover hit points from a full night’s
rest, A Warrior may reroll 1s.

Shield Bash
When you are attacked in melee combat while
holding a shield and if the attacker rolls an 8 or lower,
the attacker takes damage equal to your level

Mighty Deeds
When attacking during combat, you may declare a
Mighty Deed before rolling to hit. This can be any
action or stunt (i.e. blinding an enemy, disarming an
enemy etc). To do this, roll an attack roll against the
enemy’s AC as normal, then roll a d3. If your attack
roll hits and your d3 roll is a 3, your Mighty Deed
succeeds. If your attack roll misses or you roll lower
than a 3 in your d3, your Mighty Deed fails.
Pilgrim Quest
A Cleric worships a specific deity who’s Virtue and
Goals aligns with theirs. They start their adventure
with a Quest they must undertake for their deity.

Banish Undead
Clerics can invoke their deity’s power to repel undead
creatures. To Banish Undead, spend an action while
holding your deity’s holy symbol and roll 2d6. The
GM consults the table to see if it is a success. Usually
a 7 against an undead of equal strength is a success.

Fortified Body
When resisting the effects of poison and paralysis,
roll with Advantage.

Memorizing Prayers
Once the Cleric has proven themselves to their Deity,
they will be allowed to invoke Divine Spells called
Monstrous: You are creature with destructive instinct. Humans
are generally hostile to creatures of this race.
Nok Instinct
hen you’re

Elusive Rascal
When you’re in melee with an enemy, you may use
your Nok Instinct to move away from that enemy
without being attacked. You don’t have to declare this
before initiative.

Cruel Entertainment
Golnoks have a morbid sense of humor. When Resting
to regain HP, gain +2 HP per hit dice when listening to
the sounds of pain or torture from a living creature.

Advantage on pickpocketing or
Demi-human: Humans are generally distrusting to creatures of
this race
Fae Ancestry
hen you’re

Khobantian Ferocity

Elusive Rascal
When you’re in melee with an enemy, you may use
your Nok Instinct to move away from that enemy
without being attacked. You don’t have to declare this
before initiative.

Cruel Entertainment
Golnoks have a morbid sense of humor. When Resting
to regain HP, gain +2 HP per hit dice when listening to
the sounds of pain or torture from a living creature.

Advantage on pickpocketing or

Starting Hit Points: roll 1d6+2

Hit Die: 1d8
◦ 2 days of rations
◦ One weapon of the player’s choice
◦ Holy Symbol of Deity or Alignment
◦ Roll for Starting Gear except for General Gear
1 or General Gear 2

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