Julius Caesar B. Labadisos NSTP Ro-E Reflection

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Julius Caesar B.




I’m for being used to live in a cruel society, where wars and conflicts dominates the
most. I never learned to do an actual self defense in case my life was put on jeopardy. I believe
that peace should fed the mouth of every single person in this world. Rumors of wars and
massive deaths are the collectible results made by conflicts. The usage of gun held the world
into violence such as the existence of terrorism and war against opposing countries. One of the
example that we can cite in this passage is the conflict between Palestine and Israel. The battle
caused the lives of the civilians to be at risk. We can also relate with the terrorism that
happened in Marawi City. A group of people called ISIS started an attack to the civilians that
caused the military to be involved in addressing the conflict. Non-stop gunfights and bomb
detonations happened during the battle.
Both parties contains a different composition of people who engages in team fights and
defense. In Military, the people who sets firing and engages in most gun wars are called
Gunner Team, which mainly composed of a team called Fire Support Team. The team consists
of Observer, The Fire Direction Center (FDC) and the firing unit. These units masters the concept
of Artillery ( A group of soldiers primarily armed with heavy ranged weapons.) The mastery of
firearms brings advantage to every parties and considered as the most fundamental skill during
a war. The general mission of Artillery in a team fight is (1) to provide fire support to the close
combat elements, destroying or neutralizing these targets most likely to hinder the
accomplishment of their mission. (2) Add depth to combat by attacking reserves, command
posts, supply installations and routes of ground communication. (3) Achieve fire superiority
over enemy mortars, Artillery and nuclear delivery. The expertise of ranged weapons lessens
the possibility of close encounter against the enemy, in a way which close combat skills is less
applied. The capabilities and limitations of the Artillery must be known before a commander
can plan a tactical employment of the Artillery to the best advantage.
Combat manner requires more than a talent and skills, you should be devoted to the
field you are destined with. The possession of handheld guns is very essential in Military, not
only in an offensive manner but also to defend ourselves from malicious and harmful attacks.
Our world is full of hatred and misconceptions that serves as a fuel to start an ignite between
parties. The presence of violence turns everyone’s life to become dangerous and risky. If we
could just believe that peace should be fostered throughout ourselves and the society we
belong, hatred and mislead will be eradicated. When peace began to flourish and dominates
the life of every single person in the world, any aspect of negativities and harm will cease and
violations of the right to live in a harmonious and peaceful environment will never get the
chance to co-exist.

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