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-an artistic cultural

Humanities movement that portrays a wide
- The study of human experience array of themes of imagination,
-it includes philosophy, history, literature, art, choices of colors, and various art
music etc. techniques
- Surrealist artists focus
Figurative Abstraction on displaying the unconscious
- are abstractions or simplification of reality, mind
where detail is eliminated from recognizable
objects leaving on the essence or some degree of Dadoism
recognizable form - they often utilized collage, montage, and
assemblage of disparate elements to create their
Contemporary Arts art
- the present day events and passion of society. -often had left-wing political views and created
-Middle 20th century up to this very minute. work that questioned every aspect of society and
-Less is more culture
-post modernism in the west around late 1970’s
-produced by the 21st artists Cubism
-Artists wanted instead to emphasize the two-
Abstract Art dimensional flatness of the canvas in their
- it doesn’t relate to anything external or “try to artworks objects are analyzed broken up into
look like something” multitude of small facets and then assembled
-is a kind of art that uses a visual language or into geometric forms to evoke the same figures
form, color, and line to create a composition. and to show the subjects from multiple views.

Integrative Art Distortion

- different art can be melded together to -Artists used to store shin or obstruction to
prodeuced an integraded or combined art. convey feelings and a particular mood because
-Integration of Science and Humanities of intense can be expressed more successfully in
-Integration of Dance, Music and Song forms that are personalized rather than through
the use of realism
Visual Arts -Distortion is a change of a reality’s depiction
- painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography, altering it in anyway that one is able to still
installation art, mixed media works, illustration, recognize the item itself but notices it is change
graphic arts, performance art and/or imaging in some manner

Fauvism Art Realism

-an art movement that was established towards -Realism is an attempt to make art and literature
the beginning of the 20th century resemble life the term realism is also used to
- bold colours, texture brushwork and non- describe the movement in literature that attempts
naturalistic depictions to portray life as it is

Conceptual Art Non- Objectivism

- a visual representation that tells a story or -There is totally no subject at all just an
conveys a certain look. interplay of pure elements like line shape or
color and so on

-the most striking art element that catches the
eye is color
- it is a sensation created by visible wavelengths - The subject matter that carries the message of
of light caught in a prism the work.
- it is a mixture of organic or syntheticsubstance
called pigments. Form
- three dimensional
Shape - a figure that is separate from its background.
-When the ends of a line meets,they form a
- it can be geometric – angular
organic- curvy

- line is the extension of a point

- the degree of lightness and darkness of color
- in music it is called pitch

- the surface of an artwork
- it can really be felt by touch or it can be
illusory which means it can be only seen but not

- the wholeness of the design
- the agreement between parts of a composition,
resulting in a united whole.
- in music it id th combinstion of musical notes
- in writing it the theme or the topic is the
uniting factor

-it is a flow, or feeling of movement
- rhythm or beat is natural ex. the human

- assortment or diversity

- Elements have a relationship with one another

Emphasis and Subordination

- gives importance or dominance to a unit or an


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