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Grade 7 Pilot

Hands on Activity 1
1. Open a New document
2. Zoom the view to 150%
3. Type (as is): the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. Change all text to proper capitalization – (capitalize the first letter of each word)
5. Change all text to capital letters.
6. Change all text to sentence case.
7. Copy the sentence 10 times.
8. Find the word fox and change the font color to red.
9. Find the word dog and change the font color to green.
10. Move 5 lines below
11. Type the following: But the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat it: for the day that thou eatest
therefore thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17
12. Format the text to Drop Cap and change the font, color and sizes defending on your choice. Have it centered.
13. Create a table : 6 columns and 4 rows
14. Each column should have a title of Name, 1st Grading, 2nd Grading, 3rd Grading, 4th Grading and Average
15. Fill each column with name, grades and compute for the average
16. Save your file to :surnameActivity1
17. Save your file again to :surnameActivity1 backup
18. Let your leader check your work
19. Close the program and shut down the pc.
20. Arrange the pc and your chair and leave the computer lab quietly.

Grade 7 Pilot
Hands on Activity 1
1. Open a New document
2. Zoom the view to 150%
3. Type (as is): the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. Change all text to proper capitalization – (capitalize the first letter of each word)
5. Change all text to capital letters.
6. Change all text to sentence case.
7. Copy the sentence 10 times.
8. Find the word fox and change the font color to red.
9. Find the word dog and change the font color to green.
10. Move 5 lines below
11. Type the following: But the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat it: for the day that thou eatest
therefore thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17
12. Format the text to Drop Cap and change the font, color and sizes defending on your choice. Have it centered.
13. Create a table : 6 columns and 4 rows
14. Each column should have a title of Name, 1st Grading, 2nd Grading, 3rd Grading, 4th Grading and Average
15. Fill each column with name, grades and compute for the average
16. Save your file to :surnameActivity1
17. Save your file again to :surnameActivity1 backup
18. Let your leader check your work
19. Close the program and shut down the pc.
20. Arrange the pc and your chair and leave the computer lab quietly.

Grade 7 Pilot
Hands on Activity 1
1. Open a New document
2. Zoom the view to 150%
3. Type (as is): the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. Change all text to proper capitalization – (capitalize the first letter of each word)
5. Change all text to capital letters.
6. Change all text to sentence case.
7. Copy the sentence 10 times.
8. Find the word fox and change the font color to red.
9. Find the word dog and change the font color to green.
10. Move 5 lines below
11. Type the following: But the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat it: for the day that thou eatest
therefore thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17
12. Format the text to Drop Cap and change the font, color and sizes defending on your choice. Have it centered.
13. Create a table : 6 columns and 4 rows
14. Each column should have a title of Name, 1st Grading, 2nd Grading, 3rd Grading, 4th Grading and Average
15. Fill each column with name, grades and compute for the average
16. Save your file to :surnameActivity1
17. Save your file again to :surnameActivity1 backup
18. Let your leader check your work
19. Close the program and shut down the pc.
20. Arrange the pc and your chair and leave the computer lab quietly.

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