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Model Question Set IIA

Disclaimer: The question set has been created and disseminated entirely as supplementary
material for the teaching-learning process. In no way does this material guarantee either an
indicative or an exclusive or an exhaustive and comprehensive pattern of questions for the
coursework on Indian Economy.

1) Discuss about the performance of the Industrial Licencing system. (15 marks)
2) Discuss about the main features of the industrial scene in India at the eve of planning
(1950). What was the objective of the first five-year plan in terms of industrial planning and
what was the aim and the underlying objective that the 12th plan was to achieve? (15 marks)
3) How has the MSME sector emerged as a major contributor to the GDP as well as an
instrument of inclusive growth? Discuss the role of MSME in global as well as in the Indian
economy. (7+8 Marks)
4) What are the challenges arising from Government Policies that have adversely affected the
Indian industry? What is IIP? Why has growth moderated? (7+8 marks)
5) What were the major features of industrial scene in India on the eve of planning (1950)? (5
6) Worldwide MSMEs have been recognised as engines of economic growth. Discuss on the
above matter. (5 marks)
7) Briefly discuss the policy regimes and the trend in industrial growth since 1951. (15
8) Discuss the rationale behind for dominant role of the public sector that has been explicit or
implicit in all plan documents as well as policy statements, although the emphasis has
changes in degree depending upon the constraints and emerging major issues of time. (10
9) India’s manufacturing sector growth has been stagnating over years, whereas the south
East Asian economies and China has achieved miracles. Throw some lights on the above
matter. ( (7 marks)
10) Comment on the Industrial trend in India from 1991 to 2014. (10 marks)
11) What were the challenges that resulted from government policies in the industrial sector?
(7 marks)
12) A major gap in domestic policy reforms has been in the area of public sector with the
maximum adverse effects on the infrastructure sector with its consequences for the industrial
sector as a whole. Shed some light on the given matter. (8 marks)
13) The choice between the public sector enterprise and the private firms is not simple an
either/or question. While there may be eminently good reasons for promoting public sector
production under certain circumstances, nevertheless there is no basis whatever for the
doctrine of the so-called commanding-heights. Elucidate the given fact (15 marks)
14) What was the performance of the Industrial sector during boom and bust? (7 marks)
15) Discuss the performance of the Indian economy during the colonial period. (10 Marks)
16) Explain the reasons for stagnating agriculture during the British period. (8 Marks)
17) Describe the state of industries during the colonial period and the process of economic
drain and deindustrialization. (8 Marks)
18) Describe how the financial system changed from a Laissez Faire system to a government-
controlled system between 1950 and 1990? How the banking system changed into a modern
banking system after 1990? (7+8 Marks)
19) Briefly discuss the role of NBFCs in our financial system. How are they different from
commercial banks? (5+5 Marks)
20) How do small finance banks, payments banks and post office saving banks function?
How are they different from regular commercial banks? (5+5 Marks)
21) Discuss about the dualism in Indian manufacturing sector. What were the causes of
emergence and persistence of Dualism? (5+10 Marks)
22) What were the demand side constraints to industrial growth? Discuss about the industrial
growth in India after 1990s. (7+8 Marks)
23) Explain the conditions of the labour-intensive industries with context to India post-
Independence. (7 Marks)
24) Explain why the manufacturing sector in India had only a limited impact on the country’s
development in regards to employment generation with relevant facts and figures. (10 Marks)
25) Explain briefly the Industrial growth that India Witnessed after 1980s. (7 Marks)
26) Why should the phenomenon of ‘Dualism’ in manufacturing be regarded as a drag on the
growth and performance of the manufacturing sector? (10 Marks)
27) Explain the traditional central banking functions of RBI. [7 marks)
28) Briefly discuss about the various instruments of quantitative and qualitative credit control
by the RBI. (8marks)
29) How is SLR used to divert funds to fund government expenditure? Explain open market
operations of RBI. (5+5 Marks)
30) What were the two main goals of monetary policy since independence? Why did RBI
adopt the policy of “controlled expansion”? (5+5 Marks)
31) What were the challenges faced by RBI in maintaining a balance between price stability,
money supply growth and interest rates? (10/15 marks)
32) Write short notes on: (5+5 Marks)
a) Supervisory functions of RBI
b) Promotional functions of RBI
33) Explain the following: (5+5 Marks)
a) Revenue Receipt & Revenue Expenditure
b) Capital Receipt and Capital Expenditure
34) Discuss Revenue Deficit in Indian context. (8 Marks)
35) What do you mean Fiscal Deficit? Discuss India’s deficit trends in recent years. [3+7
36) Discuss Deficit Financing in Indian context. What are the effects of Deficit Financing?
(5+5 Marks)
37) Explain FRBM Act along with its exceptions. How to ensure fiscal prudence, if we are
making such exceptions? (5+ 5 Marks)
39) What is Debt-to-GDP Ratio and how is it related with fiscal deficits. Elucidate certain
Debt-to-GDP ratio positions of Indian states. (5+5 Marks)
40) What happened to labor intensive industries in India after the introduction of market
oriented economic reforms? (5 marks)
41) Explain industrial growth of India pre and post reform period. (5 Marks)
42) What do you mean by Missing Middle? List down the factors of the same. (15 Marks)
43) Explain the employment growth in tertiary sector in a comparative context. (5 Marks)
44) Why did India opt for capital intensive techniques of production? (5 Marks)
45) Explain the constraints to the manufacturing sector of India. (15 Marks)

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