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Minutes of the HRPTA Meeting

Date: September 8, 2023

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Location: Grade 11 Fidelity room


1. Mr. John Smith (Principal)

2. Mrs. Jane Johnson (HRPTA President)

3. Mrs. Karen Davis (HRPTA Secretary)

4. Mr. David Williams (Grade 11 Teacher)

5. Parents of Grade 11 students


1. Class Schedule

The meeting started with a discussion on the class schedule for Grade 11 students. Mr. David Williams
provided an overview of the current schedule and highlighted the importance of adhering to the
designated timetable. Several parents raised concerns about clashes between subjects and requested for
a more balanced schedule. Mr. Williams acknowledged the issue and assured the parents that he would
work with the administration to make the necessary adjustments.

Action Item: Mr. Williams to collaborate with the administration in resolving conflicts in the class

2. Grading System

The second agenda item was the grading system for Grade 11. Mr. Williams presented the existing
grading system, explaining the different components such as assessments, projects, class participation,
and homework. Parents were given an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification. There were
suggestions from the parents to include more criteria for evaluation, such as group projects and
presentations, to provide a more holistic assessment of the students.
Action Item: Mr. Williams to review the grading system and consider including additional assessment

3. Classroom Guide for Parents

Next, Mrs. Jane Johnson introduced the idea of creating a classroom guide for parents. The guide would
include information about classroom policies, expectations, communication channels, and important
school events. All parents agreed that such a guide would be helpful in keeping them informed and
involved in their child’s education. Mrs. Johnson volunteered to collate the necessary information and
create the guide.

Action Item: Mrs. Johnson to prepare a classroom guide for parents.

4. Election of HRPTA Officers

During the meeting, the election of HRPTA officers was conducted. Mrs. Jane Johnson was unanimously
reelected as the HRPTA President for the academic year. Mrs. Karen Davis was elected as the HRPTA
Secretary. Both officers expressed their commitment to serving the HRPTA and fostering a strong
partnership between parents, teachers, and the school administration.

Action Item: None

Closing Remarks:

Mr. John Smith, the principal, thanked everyone for their active participation and noted the productive
discussions during the meeting. He encouraged all parents to stay engaged in their child’s education and
reiterated the importance of the HRPTA in promoting a supportive learning environment.

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM.

Minutes recorded by: Nova, AI Assistant

Date: September 8, 2023

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