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A Bleak Spot in a Bright Place

I am but a bleak spot that yearns to be in bright places. I don’t want to be just another
mundane piece of a pebble on the shore that no one cares to look closer at. I cared to be a
trinket. I cared to be the first-rate version of myself until I’ve grown much enough to meet
As I grew, the bleakness spreads wide enough to consume my ever radiant dreams and
hopes in arts, sciences and in life as a whole. It is when I came to know how unforgiving the
world is, where decisions are final and mistake all too crucial. It steals away from me the
confidence, fun, and passion I once had as a kid.
All were shaded by vignettes I never thought would emerge in me. Criticism has the
power and is much capable to do that. I kept on reminding myself to never falter my courage,
even when faced with intimidation and humiliation but, it does not help the flame to ignite
further. It gradually dims until I was left unexcited and listless. I wonder how things I am most
fond of turned to be my real nightmares.
I understood then how my limitations could create complications. How capable I am to
disappoint myself. How I have been so hard on myself by hearing and agreeing only their words
rather than mine's, pressing the deep cut wound open instead of stitching it. No wonder the
pain lingers longer more than the very seconds those moments happened.
But, with pain comes the gain. I traded tears with a new mind-set. One that bears
kindness of knowing who I truly am and what I am capable of. Not the unrealistic images I did
paint but, the very purpose of me, to look for opportunities to learn and develop not much
necessarily of aptitude but of the right attitude. I changed my attitude since the world won’t
change for me. Although I’ve been through storms and thunders after that, the light was even
brighter, and it was made more perfect for my bleak spot.
Only then, I was able to trudge more countless battles, never afraid, always forgiving.

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