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Department of Education


Ligao City


(Effective for School Year 2023-2024)

1. Submit Expected Outputs on Time: To keep the classroom running smoothly,

everyone needs to be on time most especially in submitting your expected outputs (EOs)
per subject. Special arrangement/s may only be provided for by the teacher/adviser.
2. Attend to Personal Needs Before Working on Learning Activity Sheet/s: Use
the restroom or do all necessary preliminary activities before class to have focus on
working on the learning activity sheets.
3. Have a Checklist of Required Materials: Unless you have been instructed
otherwise, make sure that everything is prepared for each subject with all of the
required materials you were advised to bring at the beginning of the school year or
upon any given point that you have been instructed.
4. Use Polite Speech and Body Language: Always behave in a way that is respectful
to your teacher and fellow students. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior are
unacceptable at all times and may lead to disciplinary actions. Be respectful of other
students when they are speaking. Any form of bullying (personal or virtual
(online/internet/ cyber bullying to anyone) will not be tolerated.
5. Speak When Permitted: Most of the time, you may want to share a message
personally, in class--- a direct or otherwise in the group chat, you have to wait to be
acknowledged by the teacher concerned. Wait for his / her response and do not insist to
receive an urgent reply by sharing and/or resending multiple queries. During in person
or face-to-face class, if you have queries or clarifications, you may raise your hand or
during a Zoom or Google Meeting, if that may be permitted or an option given by the
subject teacher, you must raise your virtual hand in the course of the discussions
instead of talking directly towards the mic and wait to be called on before speaking. Be
aware of when talking is and isn't allowed. It is important that students remain quiet
during virtual / video-recorded exams, if this is one of the options given by the teacher
concerned, until all students have finished. Otherwise, wait for the specific instructions
from individual teacher as may be deemed possible.
6. No Cheating or plagiarizing: Students caught cheating will receive a zero and the
concern shall be addressed to the parent or legal guardian based on the adviser’s or
teacher’s prerogative and/or decision. Both the student who shares his work and the
person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. Be mindful of accidental
cheating by directly copying internet sources and / or by not getting information
without citing sources of your submitted outputs and preparation of other graded
7. Listen and Follow Directions: It is important for you to pay attention in class and
follow the adviser’s / teacher's directions. You will be a more successful student if you
listen in class and follow instructions.
8. Never Leave Face-to-Face Class / Group Chat without the Teacher’s /
Adviser’s permission: It may be tempting to leave the class / group when it's getting
close to the end of class or when something annoys you. Nevertheless, you should keep
your patience and wait until the class adviser / teacher has dismissed you before
preparing to leave.
9. Turn in Work on Time: Unless you have been given an extension, always turn in
your work on time. Late assignments will receive a lower score. Face-to-face learners
should make sure that all expected outputs in all subjects are submitted. If they have
missed some outputs, they shall immediately inform the class adviser and/or the
subject teacher concerned to work on appropriate action.
Department of Education
Ligao City

10.Use Technology for Learning: In using any form of technology such as cellphone,
computer or tablet for this class, use the technology for its intended purpose—learning.
Don't browse the web or use social media in vain. Use them to create positive impact
amidst pandemic. You are also discouraged to use social media as platform to spread
negativities such as rants and /or other defamatory acts against the teacher, fellow
students, the school, and other connected institutions. If you need clarifications about
something your find erroneous, baffling, or confusing, you can direct them to the class
adviser or concerned teacher. They should be the first to be consulted as regards these
things as they have been put in charge.
11. Make up Missed Work: If you have missed a lesson or an assignment, make
arrangements with your teacher in person to complete the work or check the group chat
or Google classroom to get updates. The subject teacher may opt to change the learning
modality if deemed necessary and / or upon determining some factors that call for such
application even amidst short notice.
12. If You Have a Question or Subject / Teacher Concern: If something is
confusing—such as assignment instructions or something in your reading materials—
ask your subject teacher / class adviser first. Allow the subject teacher / class adviser to
resolve any issue / concern on his level first before elevating them to higher school
authorities. It is understood that proper communication is the key to issue resolution.

NOTE: This House Rules shall be re’d by the student and his / her parent / legal guardian as
attestation that they fully understood and voluntarily conform and abide to all rules written
here without prejudice to other instructions that may still be given to the student / class by
their duly designated teacher / class adviser and shall have its legal effect.

Prepared by:


Master Teacher II
Class Adviser / Subject Teacher / Coordinator


Master Teacher II
Subject Group Head, A&D Group


Signature of Student over Printed Full Name
Grade __________ Section ______________

Signature of Parent / Legal Guardian
over Printed Full Name

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