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You are on page 1of 11 Writer's Cramp A Neurological Focal Motor Disorder. Causes: Overuse of Muscles, Emotional Stress. Signs: Unable to Write, Pain while Writing. a . Qk Be ca | | aa — | Vertebrogenous Lumbar Ischalgia / Schiatica Pain caused due to Compression of Lumbar Nerves, L4/L5 or Sacral Nerves, S2 / S3 or Schiatic Nerve. Pree euec cu 2 S f ¢ & Q r-3 Fs A = 3 & Fe E B Jk Signs: mali. Pain moves Down, from Lower Back to Leg. Pain in Lumbar Area, Numbness in Leg, Painful Palpation of Shin & Thigh. F Cie ‘ ae Trigeminal Neuralgia Mie nacsrurccukuis Pain at the Exit of Trigeminal Nerve, Paroxysmal Intolerable Facial Pain, Tonic Spasm of Facial Muscles. i JK Treatment: Finlepin = ““ nies jk Eee NG mer Facial Nerve Neuropathy / Facial Neuritis Signs: Facial Asymmetry, Absent of Facial Expressions, Problem with Closing of Eye, Smoothed Nasolabial Folds. www.mequwithexplan: .com/ dk Ulnar Neuropathy / Ulnar Nerve Palsy Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Causes: Trauma, Compression. Signs: ) Impaired Flexion of 4th & 5th Fingers, Impaired Sensitivity of Inner Dorsal & Palmar Surfaces of Hand & 4th Finger. Ru OLUe eae eae J eee Radial Neuropathy / Sleep Paralysis / Saturday Night Palsy Damage of Radial Nerve due to Prolonged Compression. Peres Causes: Abduction of Limb, during Operation. Prolonged Sleep after Alcohol or Drug Intoxication. Lead Poisoning, Humerus Fracture Pete tee Main Sign: Drop Hand / Drop Wrist: Problem with Extension of Wrist & Fingers l.e Metacarpopharyngeal Joint. aetna = Gk, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Damage of Median Nerve, due to Compression at the Carpal Tunnel. re A A e cS 3 8 Ey g g Fs 3 & g 3 5 3 3 Signs: Pain, Numbness, Tingling of 1st 3 Fingers, especially at Night. - Qk eae ea Y Cie Ganglioneuroma Cea ed NOTES/KEYWORDS Encephalitis/Cerebral Edema Meningoencephalitis - Negative Meningeal Signs - Positive Meningeal Signs -Headache - Hyper Excitement, High Reflex, - Hyper Excitement, High Reflex, Tremor of Limbs, Tonic Clonic spasm; Tremor of Limbs, Tonic Clonic spasm; Mental Confusion Mental Confusion Meningitis Eeoaag ns -Poaiive Meningeal Sa eal Signs i.e 1. Neck Stiffness / Nuchal Rigidity 2. Kerning’s Sign 3. Brudzinskik’s Sign For Conformational Diagnosis of Meningitis: CSF ANALYSIS “Tuberculous Meningitis: 6 a i same - Increased Number of “Enterovirus: *Purulent Meningitis: - Increased Number of - Increased Number of a Lymphocytes in CSF Neutrophils in CSF - Formation of Fibrin Films (after 24H) ~ History of Tuberculosis. *Subarachnoid/ Intracranial Hemorrhage: Blood in CSF Treatment: Coagulants y Purulent Meningitis: Increased Neutrophils. Primary Infection is seen mainly in Ear, l.e Otopyosis or Purulent Discharges from Ear. Pa UCU ECA Epileptic Seizures Tonic Clonic Convulsions, along with Loss of Consciousness. First Step of Emergency Aid : Ensure Patency of Airways Treatment : Diazepam Status Epilepticus More than 1 Seizures in a Day, without Normalization of Patient between the Seizures (unconsciousness) | Tactics: Hospitalization in Intensive Care Unit. Uk, Absentia Periods of Absence, Inattentive, Vacant Look (no-convulsions) Migraine (Genetic/Hereditary Disorder) | One Sided, Intense Sudden Onset Headache, Provocated by Smell / Light / Excitement, along with Nausea, Vomiting a Jk EI een (NC 4 main Syndromes are: Tremors, Bradykinesia, Rigidity & Postural Instability. (Manganese Poisoning) Signs: Gait Abnormalities, Speaking & Writing Problems, Hand & Tongue Tremors & Increased Muscle Tone. Wk — F a a Cerebral Abscess : History of Purulent Suppurative Infection. CT Scan: 3 Dimensional Growth with Capsule. (Cavity with Pus) uk Bilirubin / Hepatic Encephalopathy _: Due to Hyperbilirubinemia | Qh - ns:- Excitement & Convulsions, Setting Sun Eye. a =a ee os = ae VE Gk ys DCUMC \ Ischemic Stroke ae | Due to Vessel Obstruction & Lack of Blood Flow - Cell Death | Signs: Loss of Motor Functions of 1 side of the Body (Hemiparesis), Speech & Vision Disorders. Diagnostics : CT Scan, Treatment : Anticoagulant. Transient Ischemic Attack / Mini Stroke Attack due to Reduced Blood Supply, but without Cell Death. Symptoms lasts just for 1 or 2 hours. Intra-Cranial Hemorrhage (History of Trauma) Hemiparesis with Increased Tone & Reflexes, Neck Muscle Tension/ Rigidity ; Convulsive Syndrome Qk, J — Sub-Arachnoid Haemorrhage : Blood in CSF“ Sub-Dural Hematoma : Accumulation of Coagulated Blood Recent History of Sudden Intense Headache (Hemorrhage) Then: Hemiparesis with Increased Tone & Reflexes, Neck Muscle Tension/Rigidity. Cece urea neays BRACHIAL PLEXUS INJURY / OBSTETRICAL PARALYSIS Duchenne - Erb Palsy, Supe: Proximal Active Movement Absent both in Shoulder & Elbow Joints [Injury of C5 & C6 Roots] 1 sided Diaphragm Paresis:- Affected Side Lag in Breathing vk Jk Dejerine - Klumpke Palsy, Inferior Distal Active Movement absent in Elbow Joint (Shoulder Is retained) Absence of Grasp Reflex, Hand - to - Mouth Reflex. [Injury to C8 & T1 Roots] . i ~~ : Schizophrenia Disorders Affecting the Thoughts & Behaviour of a Person. Mainly starts from Younger Age (20 - 30 yrs). Symptoms: Hallucinations, Delirium, Changed Behaviour, Changed Speech. Treatment: Neuroleptics Types: Paranoid: Frequent Auditory Hallucinations. Catatonic Stupor: Decreased Movement. Waxy Flexibility (Staying in a particular position someone else’s Changed); Mutism (No Answering of Questions). False Beliefs, which are not based on Reality. Mostly due to Alcohol Withdrawal. Dysphoria: Symptoms opposite to Euphoria. Depression, Anxiety or Aggression. Je ture eames Je Panic: Episodes of Intense Fear, lasting just for few minutes (10 - 20) Jk, Crecente Jk Depression Constant Depressed Mood, Wants to Die, Sorrowful Expressions, Speaks Slowly in a Monotonous Voice, Pessimist. Caused Due to Dysfunction of Hypothalamus. Treatment: Antidepressants Prevention of Suicide: Admission to Mental Hospital. JK, Jk, Types: Anxious Depression: Symptoms of Anxiety with Depression. Somatization Depression: Somatic Symptoms which are not Associated with any Medical Conditions. Signs: Body Ache. a3 Riau aac u ume Jk, Bipolar Disorder Treatment: Neuroleptics with Sedative Effect. Absence: Sudden Blackout, Absent Minded, Lack of Movements, Amnesia. -—_———— en A Psychogenic History of Emotional or Mental Stress (Closed in a Dark Room) Signs: Staring at a Point, No Response to Stimuli, Mood Change, Could not Remember the Incident the Next Day. Hysterical Neurosis / Hysteria / Conversion Disorder Due to any Stress Disturbed Sensory or Motor Functions. Sensations & Motions may either be Increased or Decreased. Foreign Body Sensations, Disturbed Swallowing, Often Crying. ———— vt —_ SCC I Neurasthenia Symptoms: Fatigue, Dizziness, Muscular Pain, Dyspepsia, Headache, Irritability, Sleep Disorder. ok eee Jk Cenestopathy J Syndrome of Abnormal Sensation in the Body, without any Medical Pathology. (Sensation “as if something Bursts, moves, bubbles under his Skin”.) >——————_ “t J History of use of Cocaine (Smoking) Maniac Onset Excitement, Euphoria, Talkativeness, Active. Cais “ i Symptoms of Mistrust & Suspicion. Yk Ree eue cums J, Dementia | Group of Symptoms associated with Loss of Memory. Types: Vascular Dementia: Due to Vascular Damage, like Infarction or Stroke. Senile Dementia: Due to Age. Alzehmier’s Disease: Degenerative Brain Disorder, causing Cell Damage leading to Dementia. Mechanism: Atrophy of Cerebral Cortex. we, Cetera Psychomotor Agitation: Purposeless Movements, Restlessness. oo — Ey Jt, Hallucinations Sensory Experiences which are not Real. It affects all the 5 Senses. Derealization: Feeling of Unreal Surroundings. Jk Ceausescu eu Jk Dependent Personality Disorder Relying on others. uk 4 Hen With E plo Glaucoma Increased Intraocular Pressure, causing Damage to Optic Nerve. Signs: Pain, Vision Impairment, Nausea, Vomiting, Dilated Pupils, Pupil is Unresponsive to Light. Emergency Aid: Pilocarpine, Diacarb (Acetazolamide), Lytic Mixture. Atropine is Contraindicated in Glaucoma, it Massively Increases the Intraocular Pressure. ky Re ee Sk F lridocyclitis Inflammation of Iris & Ciliary Body Associated with Bekhterev Disease. Signs: Iris Discolouration, Pain at Night, Severe Pain in Bright Light (Photophobia). — = Acute Conjuc' Inflammation of Conjuctiva. ne E iH 3 5 Bi Signs: Swelling of Conjuctiva, Burning of Eyes, Sensation of Foreign Body, Purulent Discharge in Conjuctival Sac. Photoelectric Opthalmia History of Working with UV - Radiations. Crue een Thr sis OF intral Veins o' in History of Vascular Pathologies. Signs: Loss of Eyesight, Hemorrhages. Treatment: Anti coagulants. ee Hemopthalmia Intra ocular Bleeding. History of Eye Trauma (Contusion). fu Signs: Loss of Vision, a; ie ree Math Cataract Cloudiness / Opacity of the Eye Lens. Causes: Age, Radiations. Signs: Blurred / Dim Vision, Thick Cornea, Decreased Opacity of Pupils, Vision Acuity is not Correctable. eee Normal Intraocular Pressure Normal Visual Acuity 10 - 21mmHg. 6/4 - 6/7.5(1.5-0.8) oC

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