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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

IT Developer Program for Abans Group

Data Requirement Document

Abans Electricals PLC - Services Department
Air Conditioner Division

Prepared by:
Gayashan Srimal
Rajintha Ravishan

Sirius Technologies (pvt) Ltd

Date: 11-05-2023

1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................3
2. Data Requirements.........................................................................................................................4
2.1 Data Sources..................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Data Entities...................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Data Attributes.............................................................................................................................5
2.5 Entity Relationship Diagram..................................................................................................6
3. Data Tables.......................................................................................................................................7
4. Constraints........................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Customers Table Constraints.....................................................................................................9
4.2 Products Table Constraints........................................................................................................9
4.3 Jobs Table Constraints................................................................................................................9
4.4 Job_Spares Table Constraints....................................................................................................9
4.5 Inventory Table Constraints.......................................................................................................9
4.6 Technicians Table Constraints.................................................................................................10
4.7 Invoices Table Constraints........................................................................................................10
5. Data Backup and Processing Requirements............................................................................11
5.1 Data Volume................................................................................................................................11
5.2 Performance Requirements.....................................................................................................11
Backup and recovery requirements:.............................................................................................11
Data retention requirements:.........................................................................................................12
6. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................13
1. Introduction
The purpose of this document to identify requirement and prepare a plan for creating a proper database
for Abans Electricals PLC – Services Department. Abans services department handles customer
requirements on air conditioner installation/ servicing and breakdowns. So, these multiple tasks need to
be managed by a proper software system using a relational database which includes proper data for each

The service department database needs to be a relational database that would be designed to manage
and store information related to customers, products, spares inventory, invoicing, and technical staff. The
database is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various types of services such as AC installations,
services and breakdowns.

The database consists of six main entities: Customers, Products, Jobs, Technical staff, Spares inventory
and Invoices. Each entity has its own set of attributes that are used to describe and store information
related to that entity. For example, the Customer entity has attributes such as Customer_Code,
Customer_Name, Phone_No, Address, Email.

The relationships between the entities are also defined in the database. For example, a customer can have
multiple jobs, but each job belongs to only one customer. A back-office executive can manage multiple
jobs, but each job is managed by only one executive. Likewise, each relationship is described for all
entities in this data requirement document.

The service department database is designed to help Abans service center to manage their jobs,
customers, technical staff, and payments more efficiently. It allows them to store and access all the
relevant information in one central location, making it easier to manage and track information of each
customer job. The database also allows service department to generate reports and analyze data to help
them make informed decisions about their services and strategies.
2. Data Requirements
2.1 Data Sources
Below diagram briefly describes the Process of handling a job of an air conditioner.

Followings are the sources of Data.

 AC Sales Division (SAL) (Product details)
 Call Center (Customer details/ jobs)
 Executive Users (technician details/ spares requests/ invoicing)
 Spares Inventory (spares issuing)

2.2 Data Entities

1. Customers: A Base of customers who are registered by sales division or service department
consisting of attributes as Customer_Code, Customer_Name, Phone_No, Address, Email.
2. Products: A Base of products which are registered by sales division or service department
consisting of attributes as Serial_Number, Product_Model, Brand, Product_Type, Customer_Code,
Date_of_Purchase, Price
3. Jobs: A list of jobs entered by call center users after receiving a requirement or complaint from a
customer. This entity consists of attributes as Job_Number, Job_Date, Site, Job_Type,
Technician_EPF, Job_Starting_Date, Job_End_Date, Customer_Code, Inspection_Data, Defect,
Estimation_Amount, Product_Serial, Invoice_Number. MIN_Number, Remarks.
4. Job_Spares: A list of spares which are allocated to each job. Consisting of attributes are
MIN_Number, MRN_Number, Job_Number, Part_Code, Job_Part_Quantity
5. Inventory: Spares Inventory table to maintain stocks of each part for issuing parts for jobs.
Attributes are Part_Code, Part_Description, Part_Number, Quantity, Price.
6. Technicians: A list of technicians registered in the company for handling jobs of AC division.
Technicians entity consists of attributes as Technician_EPF, Technician_Name, Technician_Address,
Technician_Contact, Technician_Category.
7. Invoices: Invoices are generated after completing the jobs for billing purposes. This entity has
attributes as Invoice_Number, Job_Number, Customer_Code, Invoice_Amount.

2.3 Data Attributes

01. Customers:
Customer_Code | Customer_Name | Phone_No | Address | Email

02. Products:
Serial_Number | Product_Model | Brand | Product_Type | Customer_Code | Date_of_Purchase | Price

03. Jobs:
Job_Number | Job_Date | Site | Job_Type | Technician_EPF | Job_Starting_Date | Job_End_Date |
Customer_Code | Inspection_Data | Defect | Estimation_Amount | Product_Serial | Invoice_Number |
MIN_Number | Remarks

04. Job_Spares:
MIN_Number | MRN_Number | Job_Number | Part_Code | Job_Part_Quantity

05. Inventory:
Part_Code | Part_Description | Part_Number | Quantity | Price

06. Technicians:
Technician_EPF | Technician_Name | Technician_Address | Technician_Contact | Technician_Category

07. Invoices
Invoice_Number | Job_Number | Customer_Code | Invoice_Amount

2.4 Relationships

The following relationships exist between the data entities:

Products and Suppliers: A product is associated with a supplier through the SupplierID attribute in the
Products entity. Each supplier can supply multiple products.
2.5 Entity Relationship Diagram
3. Data Tables
Below are the tables of data requirements.
1. Customers data table
2. Products data table
3. Jobs data table
4. Job_Spares/ Accessories data table
5. Inventory Data table
6. Technicians data table
7. Invoices data table

Customers table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
Customer_Code Unique code for each customer VARCHAR (7) SED0001
Customer_Name Name of the customer VARCHAR (100) Nimal Perera
Phone_No Customer’s contact number VARCHAR (10) 0715483871
Address Customer’s location address VARCHAR (200) 134/2, Galle Rd, Col-03
Email Customer’s email ID VARCHAR (200)

Products table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
Serial Number Serial Number of the product VARCHAR (30) J5G-106PABQ056894IU
Product_Model Model of the product VARCHAR (20) S3-Q12JA2WB
Brand Brand Name of the product VARCHAR (20) LG
Product Type Product name VARCHAR (30) Air Conditioner
Customer_Code Unique code for each customer VARCHAR (7) SED0001
Date_of_Purchase The date of buying the product VARCHAR (10) 08-06-2018
Price Price of the product DECIMAL 296,000.00

Jobs table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
Job_Number Unique number for a job VARCHAR (17) HULGAC080718F2570
Job_Date Job opened data DATETIME 08-07-2018
Site Type of job (Workshop/ Field) VARCHAR (17) Field
Job_Type Installation/ Service/ Breakdown VARCHAR (20) Breakdown
Technician_EPF EPF number of the technician INT 0605528
Job_Starting_Date Technician attended date DATETIME 10-07-2018
Job_End_Date Job completed date DATETIME 11-07-2018
Customer_Code Customer unique code VARCHAR (7)
Inspection_Data Technician inspection details VARCHAR (150) Low Cooling
Defect Defect description VARCHAR (150) RT sensor failure
Estimation_Amount Job estimation amount DECIMAL (8,2) 5,600.86
Product_Serial Serial Number of the product VARCHAR (30) J5G-106PABQ056894IU
Invoice_Number Unique number for each invoice DECIMAL (8,2) 56,258.42
MIN_Number Material issue note number VARCHAR (9) MIN086389
Remarks Additional information VARCHAR (150) Customer requests

Job_Spares table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
MIN_Number Material issue note number VARCHAR (9) MIN086389
MRN_Number Material requesting note number VARCHAR (9) MRN045269
Job_Number Job number VARCHAR (17) HULGAC080718F2570
Part_Code Unique code for a particular part VARCHAR (7) ABCK025
Job_Part_Quantity Part quantity for each part of the job INT 4

Inventory table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
Part_Code Unique code for a particular part VARCHAR (7) ABCK025
Part_Description Part name in detail VARCHAR (255) RT Sensor
Part_Number Original part number mentioned by supplier VARCHAR (30) DT25805693
Quantity Balance quantity available in stores INT 56
Price Part price DECIMAL (8,2) 10,286.00

Technicians table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
Technician_EPF EPF number of the technician INT 0605528
Technician_Name Name of technician VARCHAR (100) Gayan Silva
Technician_Address Address VARCHAR (150) No.86, Galle Rd, Kalutara
Techncian_Contact Contact number INT 0761895269
Tachnician_Category Installation/ Service/ Breakdown VARCHAR (30) Breakdown

Invoices table:
Data Field Name Description Data Type Example
Invoice_Number Unique number for each invoice DECIMAL (8,2) 56,258.42
Job_Number Job_Number VARCHAR (17) HULGAC080718F2570
Customer_Code Unique customer code VARCHAR (7) SED0001
Invoice_Amount The amount invoiced DECIMAL (8,2)
4. Constraints
The following constraints will be applied to the database:

4.1 Customers Table Constraints

 Customer_Code – unique value, NOT NULL value
 Customer_Name – NOT NULL value
 Phone_No – number format, NOT NULL value
 Address – NOT NULL value
 Email – in valid email ID format

4.2 Products Table Constraints

 Serial_Number – unique value, NOT NULL
 Product_Model – standard model numbers existing in the sales system, NOT NULL
 Brand – standard brand names existing in the system, NOT NULL
 Product_Type – string of digits
 Customer_Code – valid code as per in the Customers entity
 Date_of_Purchase – single DATETIME format for all entities, NOT NULL
 Price – positive value, NOT NULL

4.3 Jobs Table Constraints

 Job_Number – Unique Number, NOT NULL
 Job_Date – DATETIME format, NOT NULL
 Site – Boolean Value (workshop or field)
 Job_Type – TYPE format(choosing installation,breakdwon or service), NOT NULL
 Technician_EPF – Valid EPF numbers existing in the system, NOT NULL
Job_Starting_Date – single DATETIME format, NOT NULL
 Job_End_Date – job complete DATE, NOT NULL
 Customer_Code – valid code as per in the Customers entity
 Inspection_Data – single DATETIME
 Defect –
 Estimation_Amount – positive value
 Product_Serial – valid Serial as per in the Serial_Number entity, NOT NULL
 Invoice_Number – unique value, NOT NULL
 MIN_Number –
 Remarks –

4.4 Job_Spares Table Constraints

 MIN_Number
 MRN_Number
 Job_Number
 Part_Code
 Job_Part_Quantity

4.5 Inventory Table Constraints

 Part_Code
 Part_Description
 Part_Number
 Quantity
 Price
4.6 Technicians Table Constraints
 Technician_EPF
 Technician_Name
 Technician_Address
 Technician_Contact
 Technician_Category

4.7 Invoices Table Constraints

 Invoice_Number
 Job_Number
 Customer_Code
 Invoice_Amount
5. Data Backup and Processing Requirements

5.1 Data Volume

The data stored in Customers, Products, Jobs, Job Spares, Inventory, Technicians, Invoices are daily
updated tables. The daily job opening rate is about 200. So, per year, there would be 48,000 job records
per year.

Average 5000 New customer records per year.
Average 100,000 records per year.
48,000 records per year as an average.
Average 48000*2 = 96,000 records per year.
On average 1000 records per year.
Average 200 records per year
As per jobs count, 48,000 records per year.

5.2 Performance Requirements

The data retrieving performance should be kept below 0.2ms processing time. Also, the requirements
could include things like throughput, availability, scalability, and security, among others. Depending on
the specific needs of the system and its users, different performance requirements may take priority over
others. The system should be able to handle concurrent user requests without significant degradation in
response time.

Efficient search and retrieval: The database should be able to quickly search for and retrieve data based
on various criteria, such as product name, supplier name, customer name, etc.
Fast response times: The database should be able to provide fast response times for user queries, even
when handling large volumes of data.
High concurrency: The database should be able to handle multiple users accessing and Security
The database system must be secure and ensure that only authorized users can access and modify data.
The following security requirements have been identified:
Backup and recovery requirements:
 The database should be backed up on a regular basis to ensure that data is not lost in case of
system failure or corruption.
 Full backups should be performed at least once a week.
 Incremental backups should be performed daily to capture any changes made to the database
since the last backup.
 Backups should be stored in a secure location to prevent unauthorized access or loss of data.
 A recovery plan should be in place in case of data loss or corruption. This plan should include
procedures for restoring data from backups and ensuring that the database is up to date.

Data Accessing and updating limitations:

 Product Price should be encrypted keeping visibility to only Sales Division and Service Heads.
 The Product data should be updated only by Sales Division. The Service Department should not
have permission.
 Inventory handling is restricted to other users, only allowed for stores department.
 Jobs table filled data should be locked restricting update. Data can be updated on the process
 Executives can view and update Job_Spares and Technicians table only.

Data retention requirements:

 Data should be retained in the database for at least 10 years before it can be deleted or archived.
 Any data that is no longer needed should be archived and stored in a secure location for future
 Before any data is deleted or archived, it should be reviewed to ensure that it is no longer needed
for business or legal purposes.
6. Conclusion

In conclusion, a proper database system is essential for Abans Electricals PLC - Services Department to
efficiently manage their customer requirements for air conditioner installations, servicing, and
breakdowns. The database should be designed to be flexible and adaptable to various types of services,
with six main entities including Customers, Products, Jobs, Technical staff, Spares inventory, and Invoices.
The relationships between these entities should also be clearly defined to ensure smooth management of
data. A well-designed database will enable the service department to store and access all relevant
information in one central location, streamline their processes, and make informed decisions about their
services and strategies.

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