Polyatomic Ions - How To Name Ionic Compounds Containing Common Polyatomic Ions

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Polyatomic ions

How to name ionic compounds containing common polyatomic ions

Polyatomic ions are ions that contain more than one atom and are different from
monatomic ions, which consist of a single atom. Examples of monatomic ions include
Na+ (sodium), Fe3+ (iron), Cl− (chloride), and many others.

Polyatomic ions are found in various compounds, and understanding their names and
charges is essential in chemistry. To name ionic compounds containing common
polyatomic ions, you need to be familiar with both the polyatomic ions themselves
and the naming conventions for ionic compounds.

Certainly, here are the key points from the section on the structure of polyatomic
ions, presented in bullet points:

- Monatomic ions are single atoms that have gained or lost electrons, resulting in
a net charge.
- A neutral atom has the same number of protons and electrons.
- Gaining an extra electron leads to the formation of negatively charged anions
(e.g., chloride ion, Cl−).
- Losing an electron results in positively charged cations (e.g., sodium ion, Na+).
- Polyatomic ions are different from monatomic ions; they consist of multiple atoms
bonded together.
- Polyatomic ions carry a net charge due to an imbalance between electrons and
protons in the entire group of atoms.
- Lewis dot structures illustrate the distribution of electrons in polyatomic ions.
- The overall charge of a polyatomic ion is the sum of formal charges on individual
atoms within the ion.
- For instance, the hydroxide ion (OH−) contains one oxygen atom and one hydrogen
atom connected by a covalent bond.
- Hydroxide has six lone pair electrons around oxygen and is represented as [OH]−
with a 1- charge.
- To calculate the protons and electrons in a hydroxide ion:
- Total protons = Protons in H + Protons in O = 1 proton + 8 protons = 9 protons.
- A neutral molecule would have an equal number of protons and electrons.
- Since hydroxide has a 1- charge, it possesses one more electron than the total
number of protons.
- Therefore, the hydroxide ion has nine protons and ten electrons.

If you need more information or have further questions, feel free to ask!

Certainly, here are the common polyatomic ions presented in bullet points:

**Cations (Positively Charged)**:

- Ammonium (NH4+)
- Mercury(I) (Hg2^2+)

**Anions (Negatively Charged)**:

- Hydroxide (OH−)
- Cyanide (CN−)
- Thiocyanate (SCN−)
- Nitrite (NO2−)
- Nitrate (NO3−)
- Sulfite (SO3^2−)
- Sulfate (SO4^2−)
- Hydrogen sulfate (Bisulfate*) (HSO4−)
- Hypochlorite (ClO−)
- Chlorite (ClO2−)
- Chlorate (ClO3−)
- Perchlorate (ClO4−)
- Acetate (C2H3O2− or CH3COO−)
- Permanganate (MnO4−)
- Dichromate (Cr2O7^2−)
- Chromate (CrO4^2−)
- Peroxide (O2^2−)
- Oxalate (C2O4^2−)
- Phosphate (PO4^3−)
- Hydrogen phosphate (HPO4^2−)
- Dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4−)

*Note: Some ions have alternative, informal names in parentheses.

These common polyatomic ions play crucial roles in various chemical reactions and
compounds. If you have any further questions or need more information about any of
these ions, please feel free to ask!

Certainly, here's a summarized version of the information about naming and writing
chemical formulas for compounds containing polyatomic ions:

- Baking soda, known as sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), contains the bicarbonate ion
- To name and write formulas for such compounds:
- Use parentheses when there are multiple polyatomic ions of the same type.
- Ensure the total charge in the ionic compound equals zero for neutrality.

These guidelines simplify the process of naming and forming chemical formulas for
compounds with polyatomic ions.

Let's consider some examples.

**Example 1: Finding the chemical formula for calcium hydroxide:**

- Calcium is an alkaline earth metal, forming ions with a 2+ charge.

- Hydroxide has the formula OH⁻ and carries a 1- charge.
- We need two hydroxide ions (OH⁻) to cancel out the 2+ charge on calcium (Ca²⁺).
- The chemical formula for calcium hydroxide is Ca(OH)₂.

**Example 2: Naming ionic compounds with polyatomic ions (Ni₃(PO₄)₂):**

- Start by breaking down the formula into cations and anions.

- In this compound, the cation is based on nickel (Ni).
- Nickel is a transition metal, and we need to determine the charge on the nickel
ion in this specific compound.
- Phosphate (PO₄³⁻) always has a charge of 3-.
- The net charge of the compound must be zero.
- We calculate the charge on the nickel ion as follows:

Net charge = 0 = (# cations × cation charge) + (# anions × anion charge)

Rearranging this equation: # cations × cation charge = -1 × (# anions × anion

Plugging in the values: 3 × cation charge = -1 × (2 × 3-) = 6+

Therefore, the cation in the compound is nickel(II).

- The compound is named as "nickel(II) phosphate."

Explaination for -1 in rearranging this equation part:

Certainly! In Example 2, when rearranging the equation to calculate the charge on

the nickel ion, we have the following equation:

# cations × cation charge = -1 × (# anions × anion charge)

The -1 on the right side of the equation is used because we want to calculate the
charge on the nickel cation (Ni²⁺), which is a positive charge. However, in our
equation, we are considering the overall net charge of the compound to be zero, and
polyatomic ions like phosphate (PO₄³⁻) carry a negative charge (in this case, 3-).

Here's the reasoning:

1. The charge on phosphate (PO₄³⁻) is -3.

2. In the compound Ni₃(PO₄)₂, there are two phosphate ions (PO₄³⁻).
3. So, the total charge contributed by the phosphate ions is -3 (the charge on one
phosphate ion) × 2 (the number of phosphate ions) = -6.

To make the overall charge of the compound zero, the charge on the nickel cation
(Ni²⁺) must balance out the negative charge from the phosphate ions. Since we're
trying to find the charge on Ni, we set up the equation as follows:

# cations × cation charge = -1 × (# anions × anion charge)

In this equation, -1 represents the charge of the anions (polyatomic ions) because
we're dealing with negatively charged ions. By rearranging and solving the
equation, we determine that the cation (nickel) has a charge of 2+ (Ni²⁺) to
balance the -6 charge contributed by the phosphate ions, ensuring a net charge of
zero for the compound.

**Example 3: Breaking apart an ionic compound (Ca(MnO₄)₂):**

- Analyze the formula to find familiar ions.

- Identify permanganate (MnO₄⁻) as a polyatomic ion.
- The parentheses and subscript 2 indicate two permanganate ions.
- Permanganate has a 1- charge, contributing a net charge of 2- to the compound.
- Calcium (Ca²⁺) is present as the cation to balance the charge.
- The ionic compound contains one Ca²⁺ cation and two MnO₄⁻ anions when dissociated
in solution.

In Example 2, the complete equation for calculating the charge on the nickel ion is
as follows:

3 × cation charge = -1 × (2 × 3-) = 6+

This equation helps determine the charge on the nickel ion, which is essential for
naming the compound accurately.

- Polyatomic ions are groups of covalently bonded atoms that carry a net charge due
to an imbalance in the total number of electrons and protons within the molecule.
- In the Lewis dot structure of a polyatomic ion, the sum of the formal charges on
all the atoms must equal the net charge on the ion.
- Familiarity with common polyatomic ions is useful for identifying ionic compounds
and predicting their reactivity.
- Although there are many polyatomic ions, they often follow patterns in their
formulas, names, and charges, making them easier to learn without strict
- A fun exercise is to find examples of compounds containing polyatomic ions in
everyday life, such as in cosmetics and household products.

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