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Time, Money
and Data
My name
Copyright © 2009 3P Learning. All rights reserved.
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ISBN 978-1-921860-09-6

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Series A – Time, Money and Data
11– Time
– Answers
(pp. 1–17)
(pp. 1–39) Date completed

l daytime/nighttime__________________________1
time___________________________________ / /

l morning/afternoon __________________________
money_________________________________ 18 / /

l yesterday/today/tomorrow ___________________
data___________________________________ 31 / /

l before/after/next___________________________ / /

every day/special days______________________

l / /
Section 2 – Assessment with
days of the
week (pp. 40–55)
___________________________ / /
l and weekdays_____________________40 / /
seasons __________________________________ 48 / /
long 52
time/short time________________________ / /

l clocks____________________________________ / /

l o’clock times_______________________________ / /
Section 3 – Outcomes (p. 56)

Topic 2 – Money (pp. 18–30)

l value____________________________________ / /

l coins_____________________________________ / /

l counting coins_____________________________ / /

l adding coins______________________________ / /

l notes____________________________________ / /

l explore___________________________________ / /

Topic 3 – Data (pp. 31–39)

l sorting data_______________________________ / /

Series Author: l collecting and representing___________________ / /

Rachel Flenley l interpreting and analysing data_______________ / /

Copyright ©
Time – daytime/nighttime
1 Do we usually do these things in the daytime? Colour yes or no.

yes no yes no yes no

2 Do we usually do these things in the nighttime? Colour yes or no.

yes no yes no yes no

3 Draw yourself in

daytime clothes nighttime clothes

Drawings will vary.

Time, Money and Data A 1 1

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – morning/afternoon

You will need: scissors glue stick

a piece of paper or your maths book copy

What to do:
Fold your piece of paper in half, then unfold it. Write morning on one
side and afternoon on the other side.
Cut out the pictures below and sort them into things you do in the
morning and things you in the afternoon. If you do them at both
times, choose the time of day you do them most often.
Stick them under the right heading.
In the empty boxes draw your own morning and afternoon pictures
and stick them on too.

Drawings will vary.

2 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – yesterday/today/tomorrow
1 Draw something that you did yesterday, that you are doing

today and that you might do tomorrow.

yesterday today tomorrow

will vary.
Teacher check.

Time, Money and Data A 1 3

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – before/after/next
1 Draw something you do before school and something you do

after school.

Before school I … After school I …

Drawings will vary.

2 Next means straight after. Draw what could happen next.

will vary.

will vary.

4 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – every day/special days
1 What are 3 things you do every day? Draw them.

Every day I … Every day I … Every day I …

will vary.

2 Special days have events that don’t happen every day.

Brainstorm with your class and think of all the special days
you can. Choose your favourite 2 and draw them. Tell
someone why they are so special to you.

Drawings will vary.

Time, Money and Data A 1 5

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – days of the week
1 Say the days of the week. Join them to the right number

to show their order in the week.

Sunday 2nd
Monday 4th
Tuesday 3rd
Wednesday 7th
Thursday 5th
Friday 1st
Saturday 6th

2 Write the day that comes

before after

Sunday Monday _________________

Friday Saturday _________________

6 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – days of the week

You will need: a partner scissors glue stick


What to do:
Cut out the days of the
week. Mix them up. Race
against your partner
to put them in order,
starting with Sunday.
Play 3 times.
What to do next:
Stick the days in order in your maths book.

Time, Money and Data A 1 7

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – days of the week
1 Draw pictures to show what you do each day. You might need

to ask your mum, dad or teacher to help you think.

On Sunday I … On Monday I …

Drawings will vary.

On Tuesday I … On Wednesday I …

8 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – days of the week (continued)

On Thursday I … On Friday I …

Drawings will vary.

On Saturday I …

Time, Money and Data A 1 9

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – weekends and weekdays
1 Draw red stripes on the weekdays and green stripes on the

weekend days.
Sunday Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday Friday

2 Do you have a favourite time or day of the week? Draw it and

explain to someone why.

Drawings will vary.

10 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – seasons
1 Brainstorm with your class and then draw something that

is special to each season.

Spring is special because … Summer is special because …

Drawings will vary.

Autumn is special because … Winter is special because …

Time, Money and Data A 1 11

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – long time/short time
1 Draw something that takes you a

long time to do short time to do

Drawings will vary.

2 Find a partner. Follow the instructions and for each pair,

loop the activity that takes a longer time.

1. Clap 10 times. 1. Touch your toes 5 times.

2. Clap 10 times very slowly. 2. Do it again very quickly.

1. Sing the alphabet. 1. Open a book.

2. Sing it again very quickly. 2. Open it again very slowly.

How do you know which activity takes longer? Tell someone.

12 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – clocks

Clocks tell us the time.

We find clocks in many places.

1 Look around your house or classroom. How many clocks

can you find? Draw a for each one you find.

Answers will vary.

2 Some numbers seem to have fallen off this clock. Can you write

them on again? Draw the hands as well.

of hands
will vary.


Time, Money and Data A 1 13

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – o’clock times

Look at this clock.

The minute (big) hand points to the 12.
The hour (little) hand points to the 8.
This tells us the time is 8 o’clock.

1 What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

77 o’clock 5 o’clock 3 o’clock

9 o’clock 6 o’clock 11 o’clock

8 o’clock 4 o’clock 1 o’clock

14 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – o’clock times
1 Draw the hour (little) hand on these clocks to match the times.

4 o’clock 2 o’clock 8 o’clock

6 o’clock 11 o’clock 5 o’clock

2 Does this clock say 4 o’clock?

Tell someone why or why not.

The hour hand and minute

hand are mixed up.

3 Find a partner and a clock with movable hands.

Take turns telling each other some o’clock times to make.

Time, Money and Data A 1 15

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time – o’clock times

This is a digital clock.

The time is 11 o’clock.
There are 11 hours and no minutes.

1 What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

88 o’clock 2 o’clock 5 o’clock

3 o’clock 12 o’clock 4 o’clock

2 Write the hour to match the times.

5 9 12

5 o’clock 9 o’clock 12 o’clock

16 A 1 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Time – o’clock times

You will need: a partner scissors

What to do:
Cut out the dominoes. Mix them up and then work with your partner
to put them back together again so that the times match.



Time, Money and Data A 1 17

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – value
1 Draw or write some times we use money.

Drawings will vary.

2 Draw or write some different ways we pay for things.

Drawings will vary.

18 A 2 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Money – value

Cheap means we think something doesn’t cost very much money.

Expensive means we think something costs a lot of money.

You will need: catalogues scissors glue stick

A3 paper

What to do:
Fold your piece of paper in half, then unfold. Label one side Cheap and
the other side Expensive as below.
Look through the catalogues. Cut out things (and their prices) that you
think are cheap and glue them under the right heading.
Do the same for things that you think are expensive.

Cheap Expensive

What to do next:
Share your ideas with a partner. Do they agree with you? If not, can
you both be right? Is there a rule for what makes something cheap or
Time, Money and Data A 2 19
Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – value

Precious and valuable are words we often use when we talk

about how much something is worth.

1 Draw 3 things you think are valuable.

will vary.

Are valuable things worth a lot of money? Write or tell someone

what you think.
Teacher check.

2 Draw 3 things that are very precious to you.

will vary.

Are precious things always worth a lot of money? Write or tell

someone what you think.
Teacher check.

20 A 2 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Money – coins
1 Use plastic coins to help you work out the missing values

on these coins. Write them on.



2 Find one of each of the coins above. Make a rubbing of

each coin in the space below using a lead pencil. Join them
to the right label.


Answers will vary.

Time, Money and Data A 2 21
Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – coins
1 Circle the coin you would use to pay for these things.






22 A 2 Time, Money and Data
SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Money – coins

You will need: a partner scissors glue stick

What to do:
Cut out the toys and the coins. Spread them out face down. Take turns
turning over 2 cards – if they match, you’ve bought the toy! Play until
all the toys have been bought.
Glue your toys and the matching coins into your maths book.

5c 10c

20c 50c $1 $2

5c 10c 20c 50c

Time, Money and Data A 2 23
Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – counting coins
1 How much money is in each purse?

$22 $ 3

$5 $ 4

$ 8

24 A 2 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Money – counting coins
1 How much money is in this purse?

$ 5

2 Draw $1 coins to give this purse more money than is in

the top purse. Write the amount.

will vary.

Drawings will vary. $

3 Draw $1 coins to give this purse less money than is in the

top purse. Write the amount.

will vary.

Drawings will vary. $

Time, Money and Data A 2 25

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – adding coins
1 Add the dollars.

$22 and $11 is $33 altogether.

$3 and $2 is $5 altogether.

$1 and $3 is $4 altogether.

$2 and $3 is $5 altogether.

26 A 2 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Money – notes
1 Colour the notes the right shade. Write in the values.

$5 $ 10

$ 20 $ 50
Orange Yellow

$ 100

2 Loop the note that is worth more.

Time, Money and Data A 2 27

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – notes
1 Draw lines to match the notes to the objects.





2 Use plastic coins to help you solve these problems.

Draw coins to show your answers.

Make using Make using

28 A 2 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Money – explore

You will need: a partner scissors counters

a copy of this page and page 30


What to do:
Cut out the cards on this page and page 30. Mix them up and put them
into a pile, face down. Ask your partner to do the same with their cards.
Both players turn over the top card on your pile. The card with the
highest value wins. The winner takes a counter. If the cards are the
same value, both players take a counter.
Play until all the cards are gone. Who has the most counters at the end
of the game?

Time, Money and Data A 2 29

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Money – explore


5c 10c

20c 50c $1

$2 $5 $10

$20 $50 $100

30 A 2 Time, Money and Data
SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Data – sorting data

You will need: scissors

What to do:
Cut out the pictures below.
Sort them into 2 groups. Tell someone what the groups are.
Now sort them into 2 different groups. Tell someone what the groups are.
Teacher check.

Time, Money and Data A 3 31

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Data – collecting and representing (group activity)

We can collect information about our world.

We call this information data.

1 Look at this group of children.

What information or data could we collect about this group?

We could find out:
how many kids wear glasses
how many kids have long hair and how many have short hair
Work with your team to think of some more information we could
find out. Share your ideas with the other groups.
Teacher check.
32 A 3 Time, Money and Data
SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Data – collecting and representing

You will need: cubes in 2 different colours a pencil pot

What to do:
Mix the 2 colours of cubes together.
Fill up your pencil pot with the cubes. Put the
left over cubes away.
Predict which colour cube you think you will
have the most of.
Separate the colours. Put the cubes in 2 lines.
Compare the 2 lines.
Which colour do you have the most of?

Teacher check.

What to do next:
Play again with a different set of cubes. You could also use teddy
counters, beads or popsticks.

Time, Money and Data A 3 33

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Data – collecting and representing (group activity)

You will need: your whole class sticky notes pencils

What to do:
Work together to answer these questions.
How many children in our class are wearing shoes with laces?
How many are not?
Line up in 1 line if you have laces. Line up in another line if you do not
have laces. Count the number of children in each line.
Work with your teacher to answer these questions.
 How many people have laces in their shoes?
 How many people do not have laces?
 D
 o more people have laces in their shoes or do more people have
shoes without laces?
 Do these lines tell us how many people have red shoes?

What to do next:
Draw a picture of one of your
shoes on a sticky note. Make
sure you show your laces if
you have them!
Stick your picture onto the
board in the right column.
You have now made a graph.

Drawings will vary.

34 A 3 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Data – collecting and representing
1 Draw a picture of yourself and write your name

in the box below. Cut out your picture.
Help to arrange the class pictures into columns of
boys and girls.

Drawings will vary.

Name ________________________________

2 Now think of other ways you could sort the class. Perhaps you could
sort yourselves into people with brothers and people without brothers
or people who like swimming and those who don’t.

Time, Money and Data A 3 35

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Data – collecting and representing

When we show our data using pictures or symbols we call it a graph.

1 For each day of this week, draw one of these pictures to show

what kind of weather it is.

The weather this week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Drawings will vary.

2 On Friday use your graph to answer:

How many days were ?

How many days were ?

will vary.
How many days were ?

How many days were ?

3 Discuss with your class what other information this graph tells you.

36 A 3 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Data – interpreting and analysing data
1 Count the fish. You can colour each type of fish a different

colour. Write how many.

4 4 2

3 3 1

Time, Money and Data A 3 37

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Data – interpreting and analysing data

You will need: sticky notes pencils

What to do:
Look at this graph.

Does Ms Smith’s class prefer cats or dogs?



How many people like ? 3

How many people like ? 6

Do more people like cats or dogs? Draw the favourite.

Tell someone how you know this.

There are more dogs than cats.

What to do next:

Do you prefer or ? Draw your choice on a sticky note and

make a class graph of the information.

38 A 3 Time, Money and Data

SERIES TOPIC Copyright © 3P Learning
Data – interpreting and analysing data
What to do:
Look at this graph.

Favourite fruits



How many people prefer ? 6

How many people prefer ? 8

Which is the favourite fruit? bananas

Was it easy to tell this? Tell someone why or why not.

No, because the apple line is longer.

What to do next:
Draw the apples and bananas onto the graph below to make it easier to
understand the information.



Time, Money and Data A 3 39

Copyright © 3P Learning SERIES TOPIC
Time Name____________________

1 Colour the time of day you usually do these things.

daytime daytime daytime

nighttime nighttime nighttime

2 Colour the time of day you usually do these things.

morning morning morning

afternoon afternoon afternoon

3 Draw something that happens

every day on special days

40 Series A Topic 1 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Time Name____________________

4 Draw or write something you do

before school at school after school

5 Draw what could have happened before.

6 Draw what could happen next.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l  ses and understands everyday time terms such as
daytime, nighttime, morning, afternoon, every day,
special days, before, after, next
l  equences events in time and relates events to
particular times

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 1 Assessment 41

Time Name____________________

1 Colour the time of day you usually do these things.

daytime daytime daytime

nighttime nighttime nighttime

2 Colour the time of day you usually do these things.

morning morning morning

afternoon afternoon afternoon

3 Draw something that happens

every day on special days

Drawings will vary.

42 Series A Topic 1 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Time Name____________________

4 Draw or write something you do

before school at school after school

will vary.

5 Draw what could have happened before.

Drawings will vary.

6 Draw what could happen next.

Drawings will vary.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l  ses and understands everyday time terms such as
daytime, nighttime, morning, afternoon, every day,
special days, before, after, next
l  equences events in time and relates events to
particular times

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 1 Assessment 43

Time Name____________________

1 Number the days of the week to show their order.

Colour the weekend days.




Sunday 1

Saturday 7

2 Finish the sentences. Write or tell your teacher.

Today is_________________________________________________.

Tomorrow will be_________________________________________.

Yesterday was___________________________________________.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l  ses and understands the time terms yesterday,
today and tomorrow
l  ames and orders the days of the week, recognises
weekdays and weekend days

44 Series A Topic 1 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Time Name____________________

1 Number the days of the week to show their order.

Colour the weekend days.

Friday 6

Monday 2

Wednesday 4

Sunday 11
Thursday 5

Saturday 77
Tuesday 3

2 Finish the sentences. Write or tell your teacher.

Today is_________________________________________________.

Answers will vary. Teacher check.

Tomorrow will be_________________________________________.

Yesterday was___________________________________________.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l  ses and understands the time terms yesterday,
today and tomorrow
l  ames and orders the days of the week, recognises
weekdays and weekend days

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 1 Assessment 45

Time Name____________________

1 Draw something that takes you a

long time to do short time to do

2 What’s the time?

o’clock o’clock o’clock

o’clock o’clock o’clock

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l Classifies events as taking a long time and a short time
l Reads o’clock times on analogue and digital clocks

46 Series A Topic 2 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Time Name____________________

1 Draw something that takes you a

long time to do short time to do

Drawings will vary.

2 What’s the time?

7 o’clock 5 o’clock 3 o’clock

3 o’clock 12 o’clock 4 o’clock

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l Classifies events as taking a long time and a short time
l Reads o’clock times on analogue and digital clocks

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 1 Assessment 47

Money Name____________________

1 Draw or write something that you think is

cheap expensive

valuable precious

2 Loop the coin you would use to pay for




48 Series A Topic 2 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Money Name____________________

3 How much money is in each purse?

$ $

4 Add the dollars.

$2 and $1 is $3 altogether.

$ and $ is $ altogether.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l Uses the language of money in everyday contexts
l Recognises and names coins and notes
l Counts by 1s to add $1 amounts

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 2 Assessment 49

Money Name____________________

1 Draw or write something that you think is

cheap expensive

Drawings will vary.

valuable precious

2 Loop the coin you would use to pay for




50 Series A Topic 2 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Money Name____________________

3 How much money is in each purse?

$ 3 $ 5

4 Add the dollars.

$22 and $11 is $33 altogether.

$ 3 and $ 2 is $ 5 altogether.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l Uses the language of money in everyday contexts
l Recognises and names coins and notes
l Counts by 1s to add $1 amounts

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 2 Assessment 51

Data Name____________________

1 Look and answer.

How many boys? How many girls?

How many dogs? How many birds?

Are there more boys or girls ? Loop your answer.

Are there more dogs or birds ? Loop your answer.

52 Series A Topic 3 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Data Name____________________

Favourite games in Mr Walker’s class

Duck, duck,
Sleeping logs

Red elbow


2 Answer.

How many people prefer ?

How many people prefer ?

What is the favourite game? Loop it.

How do you know this? Tell your teacher.

What is the least favourite game? Loop it.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l Compares groups by counting
l Interprets information in a data display to answer
l Makes reasonable explanations of data interpretation

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 3 Assessment 53

Data Name____________________

1 Look and answer.

How many boys? 8 How many girls? 5

How many dogs? 3 How many birds? 7

Are there more boys or girls ? Loop your answer.

Are there more dogs or birds ? Loop your answer.

54 Series A Topic 3 Assessment Copyright © 3P Learning

Data Name____________________

Favourite games in Mr Walker’s class

Duck, duck,
Sleeping logs

Red elbow


2 Answer.

How many people prefer ? 5

How many people prefer ? 7

What is the favourite game? Loop it.

How do you know this? Tell your teacher.

It has the most pictures in the graph.

What is the least favourite game? Loop it.

Skills and understandings Not yet Kind of Got it

l Compares groups by counting
l Interprets information in a data display to answer
l Makes reasonable explanations of data interpretation

Copyright © 3P Learning Series A Topic 3 Assessment 55

Series A – Time, Money and Data
Curriculum Outcomes
Compare and order the duration of events using the everyday
language of time
Curriculum ACMMG008 Connect days of the week to familiar events and actions

ACMSP011 Answer yes/no questions to collect information

Sequences events, uses everyday language to describe the durations

of events, and reads hour time on clock

MAe-17SP Represents data and interprets data displays made from objects
NSW Describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions,
materials and informal recordings

Uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to

support conclusions

Compare and order the duration of events using the everyday

language of time
ACMMG008 Connect days of the week to familiar events and actions

ACMSP011 Answer yes/no questions to collect information

56 Series A Outcomes Copyright © 3P Learning

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