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Conflict at the Workplace

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Conflict at the Workplace

My Experience with a Work Conflict

In my previous job, I was involved in a conflict with a colleague I felt was not pulling

their weight in the team. I had been working extra hours to compensate for their lack of effort,

and I felt resentful. The conflict came to a head during a team meeting when I brought up the

issue in front of everyone. My colleague was defensive and denied any wrongdoing, leading to a

heated argument.

The outcome of the Conflict

The negative outcome of the conflict had several adverse effects on our working

relationship, team productivity, and morale. The argument between my colleague and I escalated

to a personal level, which caused us to feel disrespected and unheard. As a result, we could no

longer communicate effectively, which led to further misunderstandings and

miscommunications. This communication breakdown also hindered our ability to work

collaboratively on projects and tasks, resulting in delays and suboptimal outcomes. Ramadhini

and Manafe (2022) illustrate conflicts within organizations can affect the entire team's morale

impacting team productivity and cohesion. The tension and animosity between us were palpable,

making other team members uncomfortable and uneasy. The team's productivity suffered due to

the conflict, as we could no longer work together efficiently and effectively.

Feelings about the Resolution

Our manager intervened and set up a meeting to address the conflict. During the meeting,

we were allowed to express our viewpoints and listen to each other's concerns. Still, we were

defensive and unwilling to listen to each other's perspectives, worsening the situation. We

expressed dissatisfaction with the outcome, as we felt our concerns were not fully addressed, and

our communication breakdown further compounded the situation. The failure to resolve the

conflict collaboratively and respectfully left both parties feeling frustrated and with a damaged

professional relationship.

Improving the Situation and Outcome

We could have handled the conflict differently to improve the situation and outcome.

Instead of confronting my colleague in a team meeting, I could have approached them privately

to discuss the issue. I could have also taken a more collaborative approach by trying to

understand their perspective and working together to find a solution.

Professional Civility/Incivility

Professional civility refers to the respectful and courteous behavior exhibited in the

workplace. It includes respecting others' opinions, listening actively, and communicating

effectively (Clark, 2022). Professional incivility, on the other hand, refers to disrespectful

behavior, such as bullying, harassment, and belittling others.

Impact on Professional Relationships and Patient Care Outcomes

Professional relationships are essential for effective teamwork, communication, and

patient care. Incivility in the workplace can lead to a breakdown in these relationships, resulting

in poor patient care outcomes (Clark, 2022). Incivility can also increase stress and burnout

among healthcare professionals, further impacting patient care.

Impact of Conflict Resolution on Work Environments and Patient Care


Effective conflict resolution strategies, such as open communication, active listening, and

collaboration, can help prevent and resolve conflicts, improve professional relationships, and

enhance patient care outcomes (Mata et al., 2021). However, when conflicts are not resolved

effectively, they can escalate into more significant problems, negatively impacting the work

environment and patient care.



Clark, C. (2022). Core Competencies of Civility in Nursing & Healthcare. Sigma Theta Tau.






Mata, Á. N. D. S., de Azevedo, K. P. M., Braga, L. P., de Medeiros, G. C. B. S., de Oliveira

Segundo, V. H., Bezerra, I. N. M., ... & Piuvezam, G. (2021). Training in communication

skills for self-efficacy of health professionals: a systematic review. Human Resources for

Health, 19(1), 1-9.


Ramadhini, C., & Manafe, L. A. (2022). The Leader Effective Communication in Solving

Employee Conflict; REACH Analysis. International Journal of Economics Development

Research (IJEDR), 3(2), 172-188.

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