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Bharat is the most ancient civilization on the planet and the largest

democracy in the world. It is the 7th largest country by landmass with a

population of 141.62 core ranking 2nd in the world. More than 50% of
Bharat’s population is below 25 years of age and 65% is below 35 years .
This makes India the youngest large economy!
Out of 1,41.62 core approximately 110 core Bharatiyas are literate, that’s a
77% literate population, larger than US and Europe put together ! For such
a large population, the employment rate is at an astounding is 92.3%.
The projected GDP growth rate
of Bharat in 2022 was 7 % while
by the end of the year it was
8.3%. The projected GDP growth
rate of Bharat for 2023 is around
6 – 6.5%, again the fastest major
Bharat is currently the 5th largest
economy in the world and by
2050 it is projected that it will be
the second largest economy in
the world.
56% of people are working in
primary sector (agriculture,
animal husbandry etc ). In the
secondary sector (manufacturing
industry, building and construction work etc) around 18% of people are
working. The tertiary sector provides employment to 26% of people.

Bharat is clearly in the pole position to become the Vishwa Guru once again
and lead this world into a new era of inclusive growth !

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