Sociology of Industrial Societies - Marriage and Divorce

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Topic 2: Marriage and Divorce

a. Definition of Marriage

Marriage is a socially supported union between individuals in what is intended to be a stable

enduring relationship that involves sexual interaction as one of its key elements. As such the
institution of marriage is the basis for the institution of the family.


 A socially supported union – traditional, civil, religious

 Between individuals – does not specify age, sex, gender

b. Types of Marriages

Different types of marriages embrace different beliefs, values, norms and attitudes.

 Monogamy: marriage to only one spouse at a time

 Polygamy: marriage to more than one spouse at a time
 Polygyny: man married with more than one wife at a time
 Polyandry: woman married with more than one man at a time

Marriage between heterosexuals (there is polygamic variation)

Marriage between homosexuals (no polygamic variation)

c. (i) Marriage in Pre-modern / Agrarian society

 Arranged by a match maker
 The head of the families gave their approval
 It is usually presided by an engagement
 It creates an alliance between families
 Continues the family of the husband’s father
 Compared to post-industrial society, they marry at a relatively younger age
 Fixed social roles within the marriage
 The wedding day signs the day when the spouses can live together
 Sexual activity is permitted only in married life
 Sexual activity, reproduction and married life are not separated
 Marriage according to customs is more important than the civil marriage

(ii) Marriage in modern / Industrial society

 Spouses choose with whom they will get married

 Family approval is not necessary
 Engagement is less important
 Marriage does not create alliances between families
 Marriage is the foundation of a new family
 They marry at an older age after they ensure that they can afford their living
 Social roles within the family tend to be more flexible according to the need,
although they still face certain stereotypes
 Spouses may experience a period of cohabitation before they marry
 Sexual activity, reproduction and married life tend to get separated

(iii) Marriage in post-modern / post-industrial society

 They choose their own partners

 Speak of partners and not spouses
 They tend to meet and know each other
 Parents should not interfere with their choice
 Marriage is not socially necessary to form a family
 Engagement is useless
 Marriage is postponed to an older age, even if economically well off
 Marriage is a big challenge (as the couple feel insecure of commitment)
 Marriage can hinder their career since it implies other commitments
 Social roles are very flexible, less stereotypes
 Wedding is not that important to start married life
 Sexual activity, reproduction and married life are totally separate
 Cohabitation and civil union are considered a better choice than marriage
 Insecurity is quite high

d. (i) Traditional Marriages according to Local Customs

 They vary from one culture to another
 They can be combined with religious beliefs, but not necessary
 Traditional marriages usually require to be accepted from the families

(ii) Civil Marriages

 All marriages recognised by the law

 Mainly contracts
 Give couples rights and duties

(iii) Religious Marriages

 Religious marriages vary from one religion to another

 Example the understanding of religious marriage in the catholic church

e. Marriage Statistics

Trends in Malta – NSO

Total Marriages % Civil Marriages

2006 2536 33.8
2007 2479 34.9
2008 2482 33.8
2009 2353 35.3
2010 2596 32.6
2011 2562 37.6
2012 2823 41.4
2013 2578 46.5
2014 2871 48.3

f. Problems In Married Life

Problems in married life are usually connected to lack of communication and interpersonal
skills, unrealistic expectations, infidelity and violence

Definition of violence:

Domestic violence is usually defined as any act of violence even only verbal, perpetrated by a
household member upon another household member and includes any omission which causes,
physical, psychological or moral harm to the other.

g. Divorce

Divorce is the dissolution of marriage pronounced by a judge

Statistics from 2006-2015 show a rise in separations and a decrease in annulments. Whilst from
2011 to 2015 a rise in divorce.

Problems in married life create frustration, stress, outburst, demotivation, suffering and conflict
with colleagues (transfer) which can have consequences on any business.

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