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John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University-Arevalo, Inc.


Molo, Iloilo City


Final Examination


Technology in the Effective Communication

Submitted to

Dr. Geneva M. Eler


2/E Harel Cohen S. Rosacia MME

MSSM Student
1. Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. How

would you relate this statement in maritime communication?

Communication today is instantaneous with the help of

social media, emails and text messaging. We can send a

message and receive a response in seconds. Digital

communication also allows us to share photos, videos and

stories instantly.

Communicating onboard ship is not just about being

proficient in English, the 'language of the sea'. For

example, nautical colleges have long taught students about

the challenges of cross-cultural interactions. Now, with

huge changes to maritime jobs on the horizon, good

communication skills are more important than ever.

Technology is changing how we learn, and it is also

rapidly changing the way we work both at sea and on shore.

These changes are influenced and enabled by several

different drivers, including automation, decarbonization and

connectivity – but also by our modern approaches to

improving mental health.

The Covid-19 pandemic propelled learning, training and

assessment forward with a range of 'ed tech tools'. Whether

you are a trainee or a qualified seafarer, you're now likely

to use an online account on a learning management system for

blended learning – education is no longer confined to the

shore, to classrooms, books and instructors.

If you are a seafarer, your company's approach to

training may also be evolving as ship operators shift to

digital competency management systems and phase out DVDs and

'computer-based training' (CBT). Nowadays, the 'computer' is

in your pocket: bite size learning can be accessed on mobile

apps; you can manage your own learning; and digital systems

record your progress.

The importance of communication was underlined by the

2022 Concentrated Inspection Campaign from the Tokyo and

Paris MOUs on compliance with STCW – the IMO Standards of

Training, Certification and Watchkeeping. The inspectors'

checklist included the question: 'Can the seafarers onboard

the vessel communicate effectively with each other in the

working language of the vessel?' The results will soon be

presented as data for all to see. Perhaps in future,

inspectors will also ask: 'Can seafarers onboard work

effectively with shore staff using real time communication.

Seafarers will need to absorb much new information and

acquire skills that go way beyond traditional seamanship and

technical terminology. Officers may work at sea for just a

few years before moving into shore-based roles. Academies

therefore are not only educating cadets to be future

seafarers but also future superintendents, crew managers,

technical directors and other corporate leadership

positions. So on top of technical, commercial and IT skills,

it's clear that communication, language, leadership and

learning skills will help people cope with change and

prepare for new roles.

2. We are now in the VUCA world as brought about by the

pandemic. Do you think this affected technology in effective

Yes, because the business world has changed

dramatically over the past few decades, and we now live

in a connected society where change can be fast-paced,

constant and unpredictable. Rapid advances in technology

created an environment where the internet, smartphones,

and social media are ubiquitous, and global events such

as the 2008 financial crisis, the COVID pandemic, and,

most recently, conflict in Ukraine, have increased the

sense of turbulence, danger and unpredictability. A

state of flux has replaced the sense of certainty,

stability and familiarity that people were used to. This

type of environment can be described using the "VUCA"

acronym, which stands for "Volatile," "Uncertain,"

"Complex," and "Ambiguous."

VUCA represents a set of challenges that individuals,

teams, managers, and organizations in affected industries

all have to face. Individually, these challenges can be

significant, but they can be formidable when they're

combined. Many people predict that volatility,

uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity are going to

become more and more prevalent in the business world. To

manage teams in the VUCA age, you should be aware of the

changes that this kind of environment can cause.

A VUCA environment can:

 Destabilize people and make them anxious.

 Sap their motivation.

 Thwart their career moves.

 Make constant retraining and reshaping a necessity.

 Take huge amounts of time and effort to fight.

 Increase the chances of people making bad decisions.

 Paralyze decision-making processes.

 Jeopardize long-term projects, developments and


 Overwhelm individuals and organizations.

 Take its toll on internal culture.

 "Bleed" inwards and create VUCA environments within


In an industry or organization that's affected by

VUCA, you have a choice. Either you allow VUCA to

"manage," overload and overwhelm you, or you accept and

manage it, so that you and your team can mitigate its

effects. When you decide to accept VUCA, you choose to

make yourself and your people less vulnerable, and you

empower everyone to deal with uncontrollable,

unpredictable forces.
You can view VUCA as a challenge to improve your

leadership and management skills, and you can turn it

into an opportunity to make your team more effective by

focusing on the following areas:

 Implementation: work with your people to address VUCA

threats at a team level.

 Decision making: see complexity and uncertainty as drivers

for delving deeper before making decisions , rather than as

overwhelming forces.

 Innovation and creativity: consider process and workflow

innovation as a way to tackle VUCA, rather than as something

that might suffer because of it.

 Searching for opportunities : look for better deals and

opportunities, instead of relying on your usual vendors and

suppliers. In a VUCA world, these opportunities can be

fleeting, so you have to stay alert and seize them when they


 Team building and organizational culture: adversity and

challenge can unsettle people, but they can also focus their

attention and encourage them to work towards a common goal.

 Recruitment: improve agility by promoting and recruiting

people who are comfortable in less-structured and ever-

changing environments.

3. The world now is talking about Artificial Intelligence

specifically CHAT GPT, BARD,BING and other Generative AI.

What do you think are the implications of these in maritime

Industry?  Will affect the way you communicate as a

seafarer- say in writing reports, etc?

Yes, because many industries benefit from and use AI to
streamline operations and receive valuable insights, each
has unique applications. Understanding how the maritime
industry is adapting AI and machine learning can better
prepare you for working on the water alongside this

AI is helping many industries manage operations and

implement improvements. In the maritime industry, crew
members and vessels can experience many benefits from
implementing AI and machine learning into equipment. Some
benefits include:

 Reducing costs: AI data tracking and insights can identify

inefficient resource use and costly operations. Analyzing
fuel use can locate where you are overconsuming resources.
Crews can determine strategies to reduce fuel usage, helping
cut organization costs. Other processes like more efficient
routes and optimized maintenance also cut fuel use, helping
vessels reduce their expenses for each trip. Because AIs use
historical and forecasted data alongside present conditions,
crews can make adjustments to save money on the water.

 Improving efficiency: From streamlining routes and port

access to automated navigation, ships leveraging AI and
machine learning can help crews maintain and improve
efficiency standards. With automated features, teams can
leave processes like data collection and navigation to the
computers, allowing them to focus on other essential tasks
that require their attention. With data collecting in real-
time, crew members can react quickly to changing conditions
and use historical data to take more proactive approaches to
handle problems more efficiently.
 Supporting sustainability: For many organizations,
maintaining sustainable practices is a significant priority.
AI can support efforts to reduce carbon emissions and waste
through resource use and analysis. Tracking fuel burning and
use can see if ships consume more finite resources than
necessary or highlight when emissions decrease. Crew members
can better implement new sustainable practices when they
understand how actions impact the environment.

 Eliminating human error: In any industry, individuals make

mistakes, especially in data collection and analytics.
Individuals can easily misread numbers, causing them to
accidentally omit or incorrectly record information about
essential operations. These mistakes can impact present
decisions and make historical data unreliable. With AI data
tracking, you can ensure your information is accurate, so
you can ensure changes in metrics are due to different

AI and machine learning technology can help ships and

crews improve operations in several ways to strengthen your
services and reputation. When you can safely and efficiently
deliver goods, you can develop stronger relationships with
your clients.

As AI increases in popularity on ships and vessels,

many crew members and Deckhands are concerned they will lose

their jobs as computers can perform more and more. However,

crew members shouldn’t worry. While AI and machine learning

can streamline and assist with operations, they can only

automate so much. Individuals offer unique skills and

capabilities that machines cannot replicate, making a human

presence on ships invaluable.

Individuals interested in working in the maritime

industry can advance their careers by learning more about

the technology used on ships. Education and training can

better prepare crew members for what it is like working with

AI and using the data it provides.

4. What are your major take ways in this course? Any

suggestions to better improve the modules. 

 The importance of an effective communication as a

tool to help solve problems in interpersonal
 How networks facilitate communication and how it
evolved to date.
 Importance of ship communication system
 The development of the maritime communication system

Must include the topic for artificial intelligence,

 The importance and process of artificial intelligence

which brought a big change into the maritime industry,

 Barriers to artificial intelligence, implementation.

 Advantages of Artificial Intelligence in Shipping for an

Improved Future,

 The Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Shipping


 How artificial intelligence play a important role in

maritime industry.

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