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Nature and Meaning of Movement

A tentative general theory of the meaning of human movement-kinesthesia

as a somatic-sensory experience which can be conceptualized by the
human mind was developed within the context of the basic assumptions of
the philosophy of symbolic transformation as they relate to the nature of
the process which enables human beings to find meaning in their sensory
perceptions. The essential elements common to all forms of human
movement were identified. A vocabulary was developed to refer to these
elements in their most general form. Using this vocabulary, the
relationships among these elements were analyzed in relation to the
process of human thought. From this analysis, a tentative general theory of
the meaning inherent in human movement-kinesthesia was formulated.

Fundamental Motor Skills:

Loco motor Skills: Skills used to move the body from place to place or to project
the body upward (walking, running, skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding, leaping,
& jumping).

Nonlocomotor Skills: Skills performed without moving from place to place

(bending, twisting, pushing, pulling, & stretching).

Manipulative Skills: Skills used to handle an object.  These skills form the

foundation for many game skills.
          *Balloons                                  *Beanbags
          *Juggling Scarves                     *Ball Activities
          *Scoops & Balls                        *Paddles & Balls
          *Frisbees                                  *Hoops
          *Jump Ropes                             *Wands

Body Management Skills: Skills used to control the body in a variety of

situations.  These skills require an integration of agility, coordination, balance, and
          *Climbing Ropes
          *Cargo net
          *Balance Beam
          *Parachute Activities

Rhythmic Movement Skills: Rhythm is the basis of music and dance.  The

purpose is to provide a variety of fundamental movement experiences so the child
can learn to move effectively and efficiently and can develop a sense of Rhythm.
          *Fundamental Rhythms
          *Creative Rhythms
          *Square Dancing
          *Lummi Sticks
Gymnastic Skills: Skills used to develop body management (flexibility, agility,
balance, strength, & body control).
          *Tumbling & Balance Stunts                          *Inverted Balances
          *Partner & Group Stunts                               *Individual Stunts
          *Animal Movements

Game Skills:
Team Sports: Games are excellent activities for developing social skills. Students
can be taught to display appropriate interactive skills such as leading, following,
and making decisions.  Cooperative skills that include following directions,
accepting individual differences, and participating in a teamwork situation are
necessary for reaching common goals.
*Sport Lead-up Games           *Basketball
*Soccer                                  *Volleyball
*Flag Football                        *Team Handball
*Floor Hockey                        *Badminton

Movement concepts
are the ideas used to modify or enrich the range and effectiveness of skill
employment. Movement concepts include space awareness, effort, and

1. Body awareness
Body awareness is how conscious and connected you are to your own body. It's
also known as kinesthesia, or the awareness of the position and movement of
body parts in relation to muscles and joints. In short, it's how you recognize
where your body is in space.

Why is body awareness important in physical education?

Body Awareness is important for children to learn to motor plan and

coordinate their body parts through space and around objects in their
environment. Children with poor Body Awareness often appear uncoordinated
or clumsy because they do not know where their body parts are.

2. Space awareness
in physical education refers to the ability to be aware of where your
body is during physical activities and where and when to move
it. This ability is really important in any aspect of life, but it's crucial in PE.

Why is space awareness important in sports?

Skillful games players often marginalize and exclude teammates who do not
understand where and when to move within games. Enhancing players' spatial
awareness can improve offensive off-the-ball movements and defensive
positioning when trying to prevent opponents from scoring.

3. Relationship Awareness
Relationship awareness expresses the concepts of with whom or with what the
body moves

 Of body parts: Describes patterns of movement made by moving body

 With object or with people: Describes movement with
equipment/people or moving around and about equipment/people.
 With people: Describes movement with people and our partners

Similar to fundamental movement skill themes, movement concepts are

interrelated and displays in various combinations. In the early phases of
development,  teaching/coaching of fundamental movement skills includes
movement concepts heavily, creating more opportunities for the child to
explore the basis of movement.
Movement concepts can determine the level of difficulty in and activity. The
variation of movement concepts can trigger complex movement patterns that
are suitable for children with better-developed skills, or simple movement
patterns to practise basic techniques. Knowing how movement concepts work
allows activities designs to be more meaningful and structure. The diagram
shows how movement concepts are used to achieve skill progression. It
illustrates that movement concepts can facilitate skill teaching by considering
individual factors, environmental factors, and task factors, hence implicating
that movement concept should not be left out entirely.


Swing dance is a lively style of social dancing in

which a dancer often lifts, spins and flips his or
her partner. Considered both hip and cool, swing
dancing is a favorite among social dancers of all

Swing Style
It's not difficult to spot swing dancers...look for the couple with the biggest smiles
having the most fun. Swing dance is characterized by lots of swinging, flipping,
and throwing of dancers. Because it is a non-progressive dance style because it is
mostly performed in one spot, it is a popular dance for a crowded dance floor.
Swing is a quick, fast-paced dance. Couples hold hands as opposed to placing
hands on the shoulders or around the waist, as ballroom dancers do. Swing
dancing takes a little practice, but once you learn the steps, you may never want
to stop swinging.
Swing Dances

The term "swing" refers to a variety of unique partner dances.

 Lindy Hop:Perhaps the most popular swing dance, this dance originated
in Harlem.
 East Coast Swing:Seen often on club or tavern dance floors, this dance
was influenced by the Foxtrot.
 West Coast Swing:A slotted dance in which the follower travels back and
forth along a rectangle, or slot.
 Jitterbug:An umbrella term generally referring to swing dancing.
 Jive:Jive is a fast-paced variation of the Jitterbug.
 Boogie-woogie:This dance is usually danced to rock music or blues.
 Carolina Shag:A dance performed to beach music.

Swing Music

Many musicians say that there is no such thing as swing music, there is only
music that "swings." Swing dance music is as varied as the many styles of swing
dance. The development of swing dance styles was heavily influenced by the
popular music of the time. Swing music may include styles such as jazz, hip-hop,
blues, rock-n-roll, ragtime, R&B, funk, and pop. The chosen music style typically
determines which swing dance should be danced. Swing dancers enjoy dancing to
many different rhythms, as slower beats allow them to have a break from the fast-
paced swinging.

Swingin' Fun

Swing dancing is energetic and lots of fun, and a great way to meet people. One of
the main reasons why swing dance is so much fun is because dancers have the
chance to add their personal style and expression. If you attend swing classes,
you will be taught basic steps and patterns, but your teacher will encourage you
to add your own special touches.

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