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Moreno, Mary Jessa M.



Read Nolte’s poem then answer the ff. questions: 

1. Do you agree with D. Nolte’s poem? 

I definitely agree. It just somehow, it cannot be permanent if the person sees this personality as a
social deviance they will try to improved or developed their personality for a better opportunity in
the future.

2. Which line of the poem is most meaningful to you? Explain. 

The most meaningful line in Nolte’s poem for me is “If children live with ridicule, they learn to be
shy”. I don’t know if you will read this or not Ma’am Emma, I just want to express this suppressed
emotion in the past that I just realized recently. I grew up just like any ordinary kids had numerous
name callings such as” Ubod” short for ubod ng itim, kabayo, “buni” because I have a red birth
mark in my right temple. But the most unharmful words that I heard is anak ng Mily a stranger guy
to me now. Who give me allowance because my mother can’t ‘coz I have a father who doesn’t
financially support us. Because of poor family I grew up having low self-esteem, got ridicule by
neighbors and relatives. My coping mechanisms is to not talk, suppress my emotions and being
shy for whatever I have. But to tell you the truth I may be shy until now but I’m working on it. I’m
progressive, you know what’s my inspiration? poverty. I knew that being shy won’t let me go in
places that I wanted to go it will only hindrance me. I need to improve myself to have
connections, build personality and skills to grab any opportunity enable for me and my mother
live comfortably as all people deserved.

Children Learn What They Live 

by Dorothy Law Nolte
If children live with criticism, 
They learn to condemn. 
If children live with hostility, 
They learn to fight. 
If children live with ridicule, 
They learn to be shy. 
If children live with shame, 
They learn to feel guilty. 
If children live with encouragement, 
They learn confidence. 
If children live with tolerance, 
They learn to be patient.
If children live with praise, 
They learn to appreciate. 
If children live with acceptance, 
They learn to love. 
If children live with approval, 
They learn to like themselves. 
If children live with honesty, 
They learn truthfulness. 
If children live with security, 
They learn to have faith in themselves and others.  If children live with friendliness, 
They learn the world is a nice place in which to live. 
(Copyright © 1972/1975 by Dorothy Law Nolte)

1. Based on Nolte’s poem, which plays a very important role in the socio-emotional development
of children? 

I think all of the lines here affects the socio-emotional development of children. As it emphasizes
the experiences of child in his/her home. Which these experiences cultivate the attitude,
personality and social response of the child. Now, since home is the first environment where the
children are exposed. They’ll tend to adapt whatever is inside the home. In result, what’s the
family members attitude will reflect in the child’s characteristics.

2. From what kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most probably come?
What about maladjusted children? 

Well, if a child grew up in harsh and cruel environment which can be happening inside the home.
They’ll probably grew up being selfish, guilty, bully, low-esteem overall they are insecure. In result
of their trauma response, they will not know what is not right not until they go outside. And they’ll
learn it in school and in their acquaintances. These types of children grew up in a maladjusted
environment. While children who feel loved, appreciated, worthy inside home are in the right
environment. They’ll grew up being friend, optimistic, happy-go-lucky and trusted person.

3. State in a sentence what poem is saying about a child’s socio-emotional development.

The poem stated how important the home environment plays in socio-emotional of a child. Now,
depending on the situation in environment how will the child act and what kind of social and
emotional relationship will build up after experiencing the child experience what’s inside their

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