Exercise 29

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Exercise 9

Write Adjectives in the correct form of comparison.

1. This monkey is … than that monkey. (funny)

2. This cat is … than that cat. (lazy)
3. This house is … house in our town. (big)
4. This film is … of all. (good)
5. This woman is … than that woman. (busy)
6. This book is … book in this library. (interest)
7. She is … actress than her sister. (famous)
8. These flowers are … in the garden. (beautiful)
9. This classroom is … classroom in my school. (large)
10. Peter is … boy in my class. (tall)

Exercise 10
Write Adjectives in the correct form of comparison.

1. I am ___________ (tall) than my sister.

2. Daniela is ___________ (funny) than I.
3. London is ___________ (big) city in England.
4. Bicycles are ___________ (slow) than cars.
5. I think this picture is ____________________ (beautiful) than that picture.
6. A dolphin is ____________________ (intelligent) than a whale.
7. The sea is __________________ (large) than a lake.
8. This book is ___________________ (interest) I ever read.
9. A sports car is __________ (fast) than a motorbike.
10. My English is __________ (good) than yours.
Exercise 11
Write Adjectives in the correct form of comparison.

1. Mount Everest is __________ (high) mountain in the world.

2. This car is __________ (comfortable) than that car.
3. A blue whale is __________ (heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
4. I think Rafael Nadal is ___________(good) tennis player in Spain.
5. Our house is __________ (large) than their house.
6. My dog is __________ (nice) than your dog.
7. My Mum thinks that cats are __________ (good) pets than dogs.
8. I am __________ (strong) than you.
9. Elaine is __________ (wise) than her sister.
10. My dog is __________ (good) dog in the world.

Exercise 12

Compare months of the year. Use Adjectives: warm, cold, hot, rainy, snowy.
Example: May is warmer than January.

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