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Bước 1 : Mô tả bối cảnh vấn đề và ngăn chặn tiến trình suy luận tự do ngẫu hứng của ChatGPT

Prompt 1 :

The problem = Progestin-primed ovarian stimulation (PPOS) is a new ovarian stimulation protocol
that can block the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge through progesterone instead of traditional down
regulating or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist, and in order to achieve multi-
follicle recruitment.

We want to determine whether PPOS is as effective as conventional protocols (such as GnRH_ant).

Just acknowledge my problem and don’t make any conclusion or say anything yet.

ChatGPT : Acknowledged. I understand the problem you want to resolve regarding the effectiveness
of Progestin-primed ovarian stimulation (PPOS) compared to conventional protocols like GnRH_ant.
Please let me know how you'd like to proceed.

Bước 2 : Cung cấp dữ liệu/thông tin đầu vào theo từng khối giải pháp độc lập, và yêu cầu ChatGPT
phân tích thông tin này, nhận diện các yếu tố quan trọng cho phép đánh giá hiệu quả, ưu thế và
nhược điểm của mỗi giải pháp.

Prompt 2 :

On [The problem], let’s conduct a brainstorming 3 disctinct suggestions (in form of abstracts).

1) Study by Tu et al in 2021 : […] (lưu ý : chỉ cung cấp objective, method và results, không cung
cấp conclusion)
2) Study by Zhang et al. In 2021 […]
3) Study by Yang et al in 2022 […]

Please consider the most relevant factors (arguments and/or evidences) that will have impact on the
outcome. For each suggestion, evaluate their potential, consider pros and cons, limitations and
difficulties, and the expected outcome. Assign a probability of success and confidence to each option
based on these factors

Raw a chart of this analysis

ChatGPT :

1) Study by Tu et al in 2021

Objective: Assess the feasibility of PPOS protocol vs. mild stimulation protocol for advanced age
women with DOR undergoing their first IVF/ICSI cycle.


Greater number of retrieved oocytes and top-quality embryos in the PPOS group.

Significantly lower incidence of premature LH surge in the PPOS group.


Greater amount of total gonadotropin and longer duration of stimulation in the PPOS group.

No significant difference in CCPR and CLBR between the two groups.

Retrospective cohort study

Age has a significant negative effect on CCPR and CLBR.

Expected Outcome: PPOS might be a viable alternative to mild stimulation for advanced age women
with DOR, but age remains a significant factor affecting outcomes.

Probability of Success: 70%

Confidence: 80%

2) Study by Zhang et al. In 2021

Objective: Compare outcomes of DYG and MPA in the PPOS protocol for patients with POR.


Comparable outcomes between DYG and MPA in terms of oocytes retrieved, 2PN, available embryos,
and pregnancy rates.


No significant difference in biochemical pregnancy rate, clinical pregnancy rate, and miscarriage rate
between the two groups.


Retrospective cohort study.

Only patients who met the Bologna criteria for POR were included.

Expected Outcome: Both DYG and MPA in the PPOS protocol can be considered for patients with
POR, with similar outcomes.

Probability of Success: 65%

Confidence: 75%

3) Study by Yang et al in 2022

Objective: Evaluate pregnancy outcomes of PPOS protocol for patients with endometrioma
undergoing IVF/ICSI-ET.


No significant difference in implantation, biochemical pregnancy, clinical pregnancy, and ongoing

pregnancy between PPOS and other protocols.


PPOS protocol had a lower biochemical pregnancy and clinical pregnancy rate than the ultra-long
GnRHa protocol.


Observational retrospective cohort study.

Only infertile patients with endometrioma were included.

Expected Outcome: PPOS can be considered for patients with endometrioma, but ultra-long GnRHa
protocol might offer better outcomes in terms of live birth.

Probability of Success: 60%

Confidence: 70%

Bước 3 : Từ kết quả phân tích và định lượng hóa, ChatGPT tự động áp dụng quy tắc xếp thứ hạng để
đề cử giải pháp tối ưu/thích hợp nhất trong số 3 giải pháp

Highest Rated Idea Synthesis:

Study by Tu et al in 2021:

The study aimed to assess the feasibility of the PPOS protocol in comparison to the mild stimulation
protocol for advanced age women with DOR undergoing their first IVF/ICSI cycle. The PPOS group
demonstrated a greater number of retrieved oocytes and top-quality embryos with a significantly
lower incidence of premature LH surge. However, the study also noted a greater amount of total
gonadotropin and a longer duration of stimulation in the PPOS group. Despite these differences,
there was no significant variation in the CCPR and CLBR between the two groups. The study
concluded that while the PPOS might be a potential alternative for advanced age women with DOR,
age remains a pivotal factor affecting the outcomes. The probability of success for this approach is
estimated at 70% with a confidence level of 80%.

Các bước trong quy trình suy luận theo cơ chế bầu chọn này có thể trình bày chi tiết như sau :

Voting approach :

Root Problem: We start with the main problem, which is determining the effectiveness of PPOS
compared to conventional protocols.

Studies: From the root problem, we branch out to the three studies you provided:

Study by Tu et al in 2021

Study by Zhang et al in 2021

Study by Yang et al in 2022

Pros & Cons: For each study, we delve deeper into the pros and cons. This helps us understand the
strengths and weaknesses of each study.

Outcomes: After evaluating the pros and cons, we consider the outcomes of each study. This gives us
a clearer picture of the results and findings.

Probability & Confidence: Based on the outcomes, we then assess the probability and confidence of
each study. This step helps us gauge the reliability and potential success of the findings.

Best Idea: After evaluating all the factors, we determine the best idea or study. In this case, the study
by Tu et al in 2021 is highlighted as the best idea based on its probability and confidence.
Bước 4 : Bây giờ, ta áp dụng quy trình « Cây suy luận » (Tree of Thoughs) để phân tích vấn đề một
cách sâu hơn

Prompt :

Apply the tree of thoughs procedure to deepen the brainstorming to achieve the final outcome.

ChatGPT :

Tree of thoughs
Root Problem: We start with the main problem, which is determining the effectiveness of PPOS
compared to conventional protocols.

Studies: From the root problem, we branch out to the three studies you provided:

Study by Tu et al in 2021

Study by Zhang et al in 2021

Study by Yang et al in 2022

Pros & Cons: For each study, we delve deeper into the pros and cons. This helps us understand the
strengths and weaknesses of each study.

Outcomes: After evaluating the pros and cons, we consider the outcomes of each study. This gives us
a clearer picture of the results and findings.

Probability & Confidence: Based on the outcomes, we then assess the probability and confidence of
each study. This step helps us gauge the reliability and potential success of the findings.

Re-evaluation: After evaluating all the factors, we might need to step back and re-evaluate the studies
based on new insights or considerations.

Best Idea: After the re-evaluation, we determine the best idea or study. In this case, the study by Tu
et al in 2021 is highlighted as the best idea based on its probability and confidence.

Consider Alternative Approaches: If the best idea doesn't seem satisfactory, we can consider
alternative approaches and revisit the studies for further insights.

Bước 5 : Một cấp độ khác của tư duy – lúc này ChatGPT đã có khá nhiều thông tin về vấn đề, ta có thể
yêu cầu nó sáng tạo ra những ý tưởng nghiên cứu mới , sau đó so sánh với giải pháp tốt nhất tìm
được ở trên, và lập lại lần nữa quy trình suy luận ToT

Prompt :

Now, let’s add 2 new creative distinct solutions to [The problem], and include the the most relevant
solution found above, so we have 3 potential suggestions. Apply the tree of thoughs process to
brainstorm among the 3 ideas until getting the final outcome (best idea). Draw the chart of tree of
brainstorming steps from root problem to final outcome including re-evaliation steps.

ChatGPT :

Potential Solutions:

1) PPOS with Adjuvant Therapies:

Objective: To investigate the combined effect of PPOS with adjuvant therapies such as growth
hormone or androgens to enhance follicular response, especially in patients with diminished ovarian
reserve or those who have had previous poor responses.

Rationale: Some studies suggest that adjuvant therapies can improve ovarian response. Combining
these with PPOS might offer a synergistic effect, potentially leading to better outcomes.
Pros: Potential synergistic effect, improved ovarian response, especially in patients with poor

Cons: Increased cost, potential side effects of adjuvant therapies.

Expected Outcome: Enhanced follicular response and potentially better IVF outcomes.

Probability of Success: 70% (based on preliminary studies on adjuvant therapies)

Confidence: 75%

2) PPOS with Personalized Dosage Regimen:

Objective: To tailor the PPOS protocol based on a patient's individual hormonal profile, antral follicle
count, and age. This would involve adjusting the dosage and timing of medications to optimize
follicular development.

Rationale: Personalized medicine is becoming more prevalent in many medical fields. By tailoring the
PPOS protocol to each patient's unique profile, it might be possible to achieve better outcomes than
with a one-size-fits-all approach.

Pros: Tailored approach, potential for better outcomes based on individual patient profiles.

Cons: Requires more intensive monitoring, potential for errors in dosage adjustments.

Expected Outcome: Optimized follicular development and potentially better IVF outcomes.

Probability of Success: 80% (based on the success of personalized medicine in other fields)

Confidence: 80%

Study by Tu et al in 2021:

Pros: Proven methodology, significant positive effects of the number of retrieved oocytes and top-
quality embryos on pregnancy rates.

Cons: Limited to advanced age women with DOR, no significant difference in conservative CCPR and

Expected Outcome: Improved outcomes for a specific subset of patients.

Probability of Success: 85% (based on the study's results)

Confidence: 90%

Using the above evaluations, the "Study by Tu et al in 2021" has the highest probability of success
and confidence. However, before finalizing this decision, we should consider re-evaluating the other
two ideas based on any new insights or considerations.
We start with the root problem: "Effectiveness of PPOS vs. Conventional Protocols."

From there, we branch out to our three potential solutions:

PPOS with Adjuvant Therapies

PPOS with Personalized Dosage Regimen

Study by Tu et al in 2021

Each solution undergoes an evaluation of its pros, cons, and potential outcomes.

After the initial evaluation, there's a step for re-evaluation based on any new insights or
considerations that might arise.

Finally, we arrive at the best idea based on all evaluations, which in this case is the "Study by Tu et al
in 2021" due to its highest probability of success and confidence.

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