CE Orient. ULO-1 Reviewer

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CE Orientation ULO 1-A Reviewer

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What are the Symbolic Notation and Engineering? Empiricism
when there was human life before records documented human
activity—roughly datesfrom 2.5 million years ago to 1,200 B.C. It
is generally categorized in three archaeological periods: the Stone
Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age
means belonging to the distant past, especially to the period in
history before the end of the Roman Empire.
It is generally believed to have started with the fall of the Roman
Empire in 476 and to have lasted about 1,000 years until about Medieval
The humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature,
andlearning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later
spread throughoutEurope. The period of this revival, roughly the Renaissance
14th through the 16th century,marking the transition from me-
dieval to modern times.
If you describe something such as a period of time or an econ-
omy as expansive, you mean that it is associated with growth or Expansive
It includes the early period, called the early _______ period, which
lasted from c. 1500 to around c. 1800 (most often 1815). Particular Modern Era
facets of early modernity include: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire
It is a subset of modern history that describes the historical period
from approximately 1945 to the present.
It represents creative thoughts and skilled actions associated with
the use of natural material and phenomena in planning, designing,
developing, manufacturing, testing, implementing, improving and
disposing of devices.
evidently engaged not only in tactile actions but also in a cognitive
innovative Roman ingeniator
It represents aspects of thought and actions in graphical form
which are familiar to students of all engineering discipline
It constitutes a practical way of depicting complex processes of
central importance to the theory and practice of engineering
It suggests useful and efficient means of organizing and exploring
the historical progression and contemporary context of engineer- Heuristics
N(t) Dynamics
Creative thought
Skilled actions
Material Artifact
Cognitive object
D(t) Commodity support
Maker/user stimulant
Engineering unit
Homogeneous Progression
Heterogeneous Progression
what are the 4 classes of progressions
Primal Progression
Connectivity Progression
Homogeneous Progression X(t0)--->X(t1)-->X(t2)-->X(t3)

CE Orientation ULO 1-A Reviewer
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Heterogeneous Progression A(t0)--->B(t1)-->C(t2)-->D(t3)
Primal Progression N(t)--->E(t)-->D(t)
Connectivity Progression N(t)--->E(t)-->D(t)-->(additional terms)
Peking Man
Early Humans
Neanderthal Man
Cro-Magnon Man
early skeletal evidence has been dated to a time between 3 and
2 million years ago.
estimated to have lived about 500,000 BP. Chipped stones and
ashes from that site suggest that both stone tools and fire making Peking Man
were known to this early cave dweller
existed between about 300,000 BP and 30,000 BP, stone-tipped
spears, wooden clubs, and variously chipped stones had by then Neanderthal Man
been crafted.
dated to an initial appearance of about 30,000 BP. Cro-Magnon
people are generally viewed as our oldest anatomically similar Cro-Magnon Man
they are profoundly endowed with the instinct to examine, to Humans
invent, to make, and to use devices. materials --> inventiveness --> devices
What are the earliest stone tools? Chopping tools
The act of making such prehistoric tools is now known as Stone knapping
The discovery of a means to produce and transport fire at will is
Stone Age Humans
widely viewed as a most epochal achievement of _________
All animals fiercely seek to avoid fire so that burning sticks and
campfires can fend off predator attacks
Many foods are difficult to digest raw (e.g. raw vegetables, meats,
...) but may be rendered edible upon heating; heat also destroys Nutrition
parasites and bacteria.
The transport of fire enabled Stone Age people to migrate from
tropical Africa to colder climates of northern Europe and Asia.
One may well image that evening campfires provided a suitable
social environment for re-enactments of hunting experiences and Community
for story telling.
Three particular practices seem to have emerged in these prehis-
toric times:
Some graves contain human skeletons aligned in a sunrise/sunset
direction, implying therefore some specific beliefs associated with Burial
natural phenomena.
Stone pits have been found containing mostly bear skulls, sug-
gesting the first practice of collecting trophies associated with Hunting
successful hunts
Identification of piles of ibex bones at the base of cliffs and bottoms
of wide crevices indicates the prehistoric practice of stampeding Stampeding
animals for food supplies.
These people possessed a special aptitude and interest in creat-
ing ingenious devices. They focused on improving pottery, weav- THE SUMERIANS
ing skills, and also developed kiln-fired pottery and bricks.
Sumerians invented wheel, axle, and chariot. Technological Innovations
Sumer and Egypt had early large Engineering projects. These
Large Engineering Projects
began with basic furrow-based irrigation channels.

CE Orientation ULO 1-A Reviewer
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These were impressive structures consisting of terraced and re-
Sumerian Ziggurats
cessed layers of stone and adobe brick, and a shrine at the top.
Emerged due to increasing Mediterranean traffic. Minoan Culture on Crete (2000 BCE)
The Minoans of this Bronze age culture displayed notable ac-
complishments, including the development of a unique system of
Bronze Age Cretans
writing, bronze tool making skills, proficiency in crafting wooden
ships, and construction expertise for stone buildings.
more specifically the region of modern-day Iraq between the Eu-
phrates and Tigris rivers, is frequently referred to as Mesopotamia,
which literally translates to "The Land Between Two Rivers, " Middle East
supplied climatic and soil conditions that were especially adapted
to spur changes in human behaviour.
literally translates to "The Land Between Two Rivers, " Mesopotamia
humans tended to become _______?when agriculture expanded
to wheat and cattle and finally, tillers of the soil.
It must have involved fleece of fluffy sheep wool from which con-
tinuous drafts were pulled and twisted with the aid of a freely rotat- Of Spinning and Weaving
ing whorl. By tying and interconnecting, a crude weave emerged.
was discovered thereby establishing the specific primal progres-
most significant series of developments occurred when a group of
people called the _______?began settling in the lower reaches of Sumerians
the Tigris River and Euphrates River
When this copper-bearing ore was accidentally mixed
with a black tin-bearing ore in a draft-blown fire, a
hard and chip-resistant new metal (bronze tool)
__________________________ resulted providing another vari-
ation on the primal
It was also discovered that if straw is mixed with moist clay and
the resultant blob molded into a more regular shape and allowed adobe brick
to sundry, an _________ useful for wall construction resulted.
Sumerians are credited with two most profound inventions: wheel and axle
It could conceivably have been inspired by the rotating motion
of grinding grain with chunks of flat sandstone, subsequently Wheel
rounded and adapted as a crude pottery wheel.
These people were the first who by their skills of irrigation and
adobe construction, as well as in casting and molding of bronze
products, had discovered primal forms of Civil Engineering and
12 periods of 30 days each with 5 added mythical days (for secular
Egyptian Solar Calendar
the identification of an early civilization: cities, written language,
organized hierarchical governments, unique community practices,
Settlements and Civilizations (About 3,500 BCE)
and shared beliefs, population clusters also emerged elsewhere
during this Ancient era.
29 day lunar month proved to be troublesome (for some religious
presently accepted values for these two time intervals are ______
365.2422... days and 29.5306... days, respectively.
days and ________ days, respectively.
Sumerian Ziggurats (terraced and recessed layers of stone and
adobe brick, and a shrine at the top) - Ziggurat at Ur (26 m high irrigation channels (3,500 BCE)
and a base of 60 m×70 m
Egypt - pyramidic symbolic structures (oversized brick and stone
pyramids (2500 BCE)
walled tombs)
Built three Great Pyramids at _______? Giza near Cairo

CE Orientation ULO 1-A Reviewer
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The larger pyramid has a _______ and ______. 230 m ×230 m square base and rises nearly 150 m
100 km west of London - 1000 years of construction Structures
and Symbols Your paragraph text 80 large vertical stones weigh-
Stonehenge (2000 BCE)
ing up to 50 metric tons and supporting horizontal lintels each
weighing about 4 metric tons
were intertwined in the ancient era, as commercial interactions
often led to both cooperation and competition among civilizations.
a network of trade routes connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa, fa-
Silk Road
cilitated the exchange of goods, technologies, and cultural ideas.
trade and conflict continued to play significant roles during
Minoan to Roman times
laid the foundation for technological advancements. TOOLS and DEVICE DEVELOPMENT
renowned mathematician, designed innovative devices like the
Archimedes screw for raising water.
exemplified societal interest in developing devices that improved
Ancient engineering
various aspects of life.
focused on practicality and grandeur, creating aqueducts, roads,
and bridges for efficient transportation, communication, and re- Roman engineering
source distribution.
valued intellectual curiosity and scientific inquiry, leading to inno-
Greek society
a complex analog computer used to predict celestial events Antikythera mechanism
Following the decline of the Roman military authority throughout
Medieval Engineering
Europe and the Mediterranean basin
is the concrete structure that holds back thereservoir. The reser-
Glenmore Dam
voir is a primary source of drinking water to the city
The most famous bridge of that age. begun in the late 12th
century under the direction of a priest, Peter of Cole church, and Old London Bridge
completed in 1209, four years after his death.
which features featured three separate ribs of stone under the
Monnow Bridge
were built from medieval towns, resulting in roads that weremore
'natural'- meaning not straight or metaled. The roads were built in
New Roads in Medieval Times
three layers: large stones, a mixture of road material, and a layer
of gravel
were the greatest construction projects. Castles and Cathedrals
help the lords and kings to protect themselves, the members of
Military buildings
nobility and the common masses.
is a concept inspired by the creative and technical minds where
individuals were supremely innovative by being part artist, part
Renaissance Engineering
scientist, part philosopher and part mathematician, adapting their
CE Orientation ULO 1-A Reviewer
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a french word which means "rebirth" Renaissance
*Crafting Proficiency
For engineering, the Renaissance proved to be highly conse-
*Private Wealth
quential for three underlying reasons:
*Interest in Novelty
The onset of the Renaissance coincided with the attainment of an
Crafting Proficiency
accomplished and widespread crafting proficiency
Accumulation of private wealth provided capital for architecture,
Private Wealth
commercial ventures, and patronage of the arts.
Innovative thought stimulated a growing interest in novelty and
Interest in Novelty
varied choices of ingenious devices.
an absolute masterpiece of art, enchanting the world since the
moment of its creation
Who planned the Cathedral Florence Dome? Filippo Brunelleschi
a method of printing text that involves arranging separate charac-
Movable-Type Printing
ters or letters on metal pieces.
who invented the movable type printing? Bi Sheng (200 BCE)
•Greek Bireme (~300 BCE)
• Viking (~900 CE)
• Coh (~1200 CE)
Oceanic Discovery
• Caravel (~1400)
• Carrack (~1450)
• Galleon (~1530)
refers to designing, building, and overseeing large-scale projects
Expansive ENGINEERING (1800-1940)
with intricate infrastructure or systems.
*Vision and Planning
*Multidisciplinary Collaboration
*Technical Expertise
*Resource Management
Keys to Successful Expansive Engineering
*Risk Management
*Public Engagement
*Safety and Quality
this era evolved with an increasing scientific focus, projecting
Modern Engineering
additionally an expanded interest in meeting societal expectations
A profound discovery in nuclear physics showed that the Urani-
um-235 nucleus (92 protons, 143 neutrons) could be split with an
The 1940s: Nuclear Energy
attendant per-reaction energy release about 107 greater than that
achievable by conventional hydrocarbon-based combustion.
The electronic computer emerged as the most visible and increas-
ingly important device, providing initially a centralized computation The 1950s: Computation and Computer
and simulation support capability for research and industry.
Who's concept of a stored program of instructions was first incor-
Alan Turing and John von Nuemann
porated in the Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)
The idea that humans might be able to move above the surface of
The 1960s: Outer Space
the earth has been a theme of imaginative writers for centuries
experienced the successful application of computer assisted to-
mographic scanning, expanded application of radioisotope trac-
The 1970s: Diversity I
ers, and the development of improved bio-compatible materials
for implantable devices.

The 1980-1990' s: Diversity II

CE Orientation ULO 1-A Reviewer
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Following the high-visibility technological developments from the
1940s to the 1970s, the style and focus of engineering activity in
the 1980s began to change.
Automobile pollution, smelting and metal processing plants which
discharge poisonous heavy metals into open holding ponds, etc.
automobile tire blowout, train derailment, dam failure, aircraft
crashes, building and scaffolding collapse, bridge collapse be- PUBLIC APPREHENSIONS: Device failures
cause of material degeneration, etc.
involving municipal dumps, landfills, industrial scrap, and soil
contamination, poses a significant problem for communities and
Repository storage capacity
corporations. Recycling, involving engineers, emerged as a miti-
gation process
Evolutionary changes in engineering over such a short and con-
temporary time interval and which may relate meaningfully to
the near future presents many uncertainties because the intrinsic Contemporary Engineering
developmental noise may mask or distort important emerging
it continue to be locally depleted at a significant rate liquid-hydrocarbon petroleum
continue to contribute to toxic and non-toxic waste production and
accumulation though at a reduced rate and more of it now in mining, extraction, and processing
sequestered form.
have experienced continuing development; to be noted is an ex-
panded emphasis on device reliability and adaptability, mathe-
Engineering educational programs and design recursion
matical simulation analysis, sensitivity to public preferences, and
expanded consideration of environmental impact


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