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School: Governor Ferrer Memorial Integrated National High School Grade Level: Grade 10
Teacher: JOHN A.G. Learning Area: TLE – Cookery
Teaching Date: March 17, 2023 Quarter: 3rd
Teaching Time: 1:20 pm – 2:10 pm No. of Days: 1 day

A. Content
The learners demonstrate an understanding basic concepts and underlying theories in preparing poultry and game dishes
B. Performance
The learners prepare a variety of poultry and game dishes found in different culture
I.OBJECTIVES 1. Determine the types and causes of food spoilage and cross-contamination.
2. Demonstrate the proper hygiene in preparing food.
3. Value the importance of preparing poultry and game dishes hygienically to prevent foodborne illness.
A. Sub-topic Cook Poultry and Game Bird Dishes
Types of Food Spoilage and Cross-contamination - TLE_HECK10PGD-IIIf-h26
B. Reference Learning Activity Sheets, Technology & Livelihood Education– Grade 10 Learner’s Material First Edition, 2013
C. Materials PowerPoint presentation, CP, Smart TV, Video and Audio Clip, Activity sheets
D. Values
Appreciative, Self-confidence, Teamwork, Honesty, Cooperation
Pedagogical Integrative Approach – Discussion
Approaches Constructivist Approach – Thinking Skills Strategies
Collaborative Approach – Jigsaw Method
Inquiry-Based Approach – Demonstration
Reflective Approach - Multimedia Presentation
Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance
House Rules 1. Respect your teacher and classmates especially their behavior,
beliefs, economic status, skills, and knowledge.
2. Raise your hand if you have questions and clarifications.
3. Find a comfortable place and keep your things nearby.
4. Monitor the cleanliness of the classroom.
5. Do whatever activities given by your teacher.

Check the learning environment and behavior of learners.

Recap/Review 1. What is poultry?
2. What are the market forms of poultry?
3. Which do you prefer in buying poultry, the fresh chicken from the market or the frozen chicken from the
supermarket? Why?

Motivation Directions: Form the word by writing the missing letters inside the box. After writing, add up the points for each
word. Use clip art in the presentation for corresponding points for each letter. Add it up, then total the points.

1. It is also called “germs”.


2. Result of decay.


3. Small living things that can be seen with a microscope.

Guide Questions:
1. What words have you formed?
2. How could we avoid these words in the preparation of our food in the kitchen?

Check the numeracy skills of the learners.

Technical terms Directions: Please read carefully the technical terms provided for you to really understand the lesson and
(Unlocking of pronounce the word correctly.
 Contamination - Con·tam·i·na·tion/ kənˌtaməˈnāSH(ə)n/ - Presence of an unwanted constituent,
harmful substance or impurity in a material, physical body, or environment
 Hygiene - Hy·giene /ˈhīˌjēn/ - conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing
disease, especially through cleanliness.

Check the literacy skills of the learners.


Presentation of the Discussion of the types and causes of food spoilage and contamination and demonstration by showing a sample
Lesson video on how to maintain proper hygiene in preparing food.

In discussing the types and causes of food spoilage, ask them if they are familiar with the different bacteria
responsible in foodborne illness.
Science – Biology – Fundamental Food Microbiology

In discussing the common causes of food spoilage, ask them how they store their food in their home especially
their dessert.
TLE 9 - Cookery – Proper Storing of Desserts Quarter 4 - TLE_HECK9PD-IVh-18

C.ANALYSIS Let’s answer this!

1. Why do you think people are afraid of bacteria?
2. How do you practice good food hygiene in your own kitchen?
3. Do you consider yourself a hygienic person? Give a situation that supports your answer.

Check the critical and creative thinking skills of the learners.

D. APPLICATION Differentiated Activities:

Directions: Each group will be given time to finish the task. Follow the given rubrics.

Group 1&2: Researcher

They will search about some news in food poisoning (at least 1 news). They will share their thoughts
and what they think the possible ways to prevent the food poisoning/contamination.

Araling Panlipunan – Contemporary Issues Grade 10 (news about food poisoning)

Group 3&4: Slogan maker

Make a SLOGAN about Safety Practices on how to avoid foodborne illness. Make a short description
of your work. Do this in a short bond paper.

Group 5: Chef
You are a chef/owner of the restaurant and before the day starts you want to explain and demonstrate
to your employees the Do’s and Don’ts in preparing and cooking. Also, the personal hygiene that kitchen
employee should have to avoid spoilage and cross-contamination.
Group 6: Critic
They will be the one who will tell what they have learned and understand to the presentation about
proper hygiene, safety practices and the Do’s and Don’ts in the kitchen to avoid food contamination and
foodborne illness.

Giving correct and clear instructions to perform the task correctly.

Giving positive discipline in roaming around while doing the activity.

Only one group will present their task, the other group will present it the next day.

E. ABSTRACTION Good food hygiene means knowing how to avoid the spread of bacteria when cooking, preparing, and storing
food. Foods that are not cooked, stored, and handled correctly can cause food poisoning and other conditions.


ASSESSMENT Directions: Multiple choice: Read and analyze each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is a common cause of food contamination and spoilage?
a. Foods prepared a day or more before they are served c. Thorough heating or cooking of food
b. proper refrigeration of food d. clean equipment used for cooking
2. Which of the following are signs of food spoilage?
a. change in color c. change in odor
b. change in texture d. all of the above
3. What are the four basic steps to food safety at home.
a. cooking, refrigerating, cleaning, avoid cross-contamination
b. chilling, avoiding cross-contamination cleaning, texture checking
c. cleaning, cooking, avoiding cross-conatmination, texture checking
d. cleaning, cooking, chilling, avoid cross-contamination
4. What is the purpose of avoiding cross-contamination?
a. to prevent growth of harmful bacteria
b. to ensure food is cooked throughout to kill harmful bacteria
c. to clean surfaces and equipment before, during, and after cooking
d. none of the above
5. Which of the following can cause foodborne illness?
a. chemicals c. infected employees/workers
b. microorganisms d. all of the above
V.ASSIGNMENT/ 1. Research about the Different Methods of Cooking Poultry.
Prepare for the presentation next meeting.
A. You will find a partner to discuss ideas and explain in front of the class. (Think-Pair-Share)
References: Technology & Livelihood Education– Grade 10 Learner’s Material First Edition, 2013

A. No. of learner’s
who earned 75% in
B. No. of learner’s
who required
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lesson work’? No. of
learner’s who caught
up w/the lesson
D. No. of learner’s
who continue to
require remediation

10 - Mapagkalinga 10 - Maunawain 10 - Malinis
Total No. of Students
Correct Responses

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