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Santa Muerte or also called as our Lady of holy death. Santa Muerte
is a religious figure known for her strong devotion to death and the
underworld. She is often portrayed as a skeleton or as a woman with
a skull for a head. Her followers often worship her as a protector
against evil forces and as a means of contacting the dead.

Many people in Mexico and other parts of Latin America consider

Santa Muerte to be an important spiritual force, often visiting
shrines to pray to her or make offerings. However, some people
view her as a dangerous cult, believing that she can bring bad luck
and even death if misused.

In conclusion based on my understanding and research, Santa

Muerte has been connected to several crimes in Mexico and other
parts of Latin America. Some people believe that she is behind the
increase in violence and crime in their communities, while others
say that she is just another form of superstition used to explain away
difficult events. In any case, it's clear that Santa Muerte has drawn
both interest and controversy, making her one of the more intriguing
aspects of religion and spirituality in Latin America.

Mike Juniel M. Pestañas WoSa #1 Reaction Paper-

Santa Muerte


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