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India’s New Kashmir Policy and Implications for Pakistan

Submitted by
SIDRAT NISAR (70080409)
Submitted by

Department of Social sciences

University of Lahore



The Kashmir issue has been a bone of countries between India and Pakistan soon after
the Indian partition 1947. It has passed 70 years and still the issue has not resolved.
After signing the Simla agreement, high hopes were attached to both of countries
India and Pakistan in order to resolve the conflict bilaterally. But the issue could be
resolved. After the abrogation of article 370, the objectives of BJP government are
utterly vicious for the Kashmiri people. The purpose of this small effort is to make
aware the reader that the India’s new Kashmir policy was only initiated to develop
demographic change in order to merge the J&K state into the Union of India by
dividing the state into two union territories. This move has only defaced the
conditions of Kashmiri people rather than any development which India claimed after
the abrogation of article 370.

The J&K State is a mountainous valley which is well-renowned for its endless
beauty and geographic importance for its immense resources in South-Asia. The J&K
was once a princely state of sub-continent before the Indian partition 1947. When the
sub-continent was divided into two independent dominions India and Pakistan, the
J&K state like all other princely state was given an option to annex with any country
Pakistan or India. The ruler of that time Maharaja Hari Singh was a Hindu by religion.
His rule is marked with violence and aggression in the J&K state in the annals of
history. The Maharaja Hari Singh who was Hindu wanted to annex with India but the
Kashmiri people revolted against the Mahraja’s decision. Because they had tired with
the belligerent policies of Hindu ruler and did not want to annex with any Hindu
dominated Indian state. After it, the revolt erupted against the Hindu Maharaja from
different parts of the J&K state which led the two countries India and Pakistan in
conflict. The Maharaja asked for military assistance from India in order to suppress
the resistance but Indian state denied to provide any military assistance unless the
state joins with Union of India. The Maharaja Hari Singh signed the instrument of
annexation with India in order to save his Dogra dynasty. But the resistance could not
be stopped rather it developed more crisis and confusion in the J&K state. The
Kashmiri people from Gilgit agency joined with Pakistan after revolt which led to the
involvement of Pakistan into the war with India. The Indian army attempted to capture
the whole J&K state which resulted in war with Pakistan. This was the beginning of
conflict between two states as the Pakistan and India fought with each other in 1948.
In the same year, the PM of India Jawaharlal Nehru took the issue in UN in order to
protect the illegal occupation of his country and demanded to stop the crisis. The UN
passed the resolution and demanded both countries to evacuate the J&K state in order
to conduct plebiscite to resolve the conflict by the wishes of Kashmiri people after a
ceasefire. But India who went in UN to protect her illegal occupation did not accept
the UN resolution as it did want to conduct the plebiscite. Because she knew that if the
plebiscite is conducted, then the Kashmiri people would definitely wish to join with
Pakistan. So, the plebiscite could not be conducted. The both countries India and
Pakistan have gone into wars several times with each other. The wars of 1948, 1965
and 1971 have greatly noted in history of these two countries. In 1974, the one of the
famous agreement known as Simla agreement was signed between both countries in

which it was clearly mentioned that no parties would take any step to unilateral
resolve the conflict. Both countries would resolve the conflict by peaceful means of
negotiations bilaterally. No parties would violate the provisions of the treaty. After the
treaty, the confrontation stopped between two countries. But India turned her intention
towards the J&K state to suppress the Kashmiri people in order to integrate the whole
state into the Union of India. Since many years India has been involved in various
aggression and violence against the Kashmiri people. Several Kashmiri people have
been killed. Many women have been raped by Indian army. The Kashmiri people have
been resisting against the ill- treatment of India government and their forces since
several years.

The situation has not remained sustain due to Indian aggression and
antagonistic policies. It has passed several years but still the Kashmir conflict has not
yet resolved. Since many years, the demand for conflict ending has increased. Many
Kashmiri people have become the victim of Indian aggression and belligerent policies
in their freedom struggle against the Indian illegal occupation. Now, the conflict has
more spoiled due to adverse attitude of Indian state. Pakistan always willed to resolve
the Kashmir conflict which has been bone of contention with India since its inception.
In this regard, Pakistan supported the demand of self-determination for Kashmiri
people on many international forums. Pakistan always desired for the solution of this
conflict which is becoming humanitarian problem gradually. But on the other side,
India never let the voices of Kashmiri people reached to the international level. It is
not incorrect to say that the worth of Kashmiri body is worse than a street dog and
their blood is more soiled than the human spit. But no one is here to hear the voices of
Kashmiri people who have been persecuting by the hands of Indian state. It has now
become a dense issue of humanity on the world.

The unexpected change appeared on the day of 5th August 2019 when Indian
government announced its new policies for the Jammu and Kashmir state. It issued an
order of the revocation of article 370 of an Indian constitution along with its clause
35-A with a bill to divide Jammu and Kashmir State into two union territories. The
article 370 was the pillar stone of the state that with its presence there cannot be made
any changes in the Jammu and Kashmir state until the conflict get resolved according
to the UNO resolution as it has been defined in the UN resolution of 1948 which

demanded the conduct of plebiscite in the state of Kashmir and the issue is to be
resolved up according to the will of Kashmiri peoples. To stem a tide of resistance and
deterioration, the Indian government sent her army to control the situation in the
Jammu and Kashmir state by imposing curfew, lockdown, detention of political
leaders, cutting all means of communications and many more brutal actions which
their army were allowed to take up in order to crush the erupting crisis and chaos. The
current Indian PM Narendra Modi is a racist man who has been in charge of the office
of Chief executive of India usually known for its RSS ideology and vision for the
extermination of Muslim community all around the world. The Prime Minister
Narendra Modi became the chief executive of India in 2014 from that year onward.
He has been involved in series of attempts and actions against the innocent Kashmiri
peoples. In this research, it has been discussed the new policy of Indian government
for the Jammu and Kashmir State after 2019 under the leadership of Narendra Modi
and his objectives before this new initiated policy. The main focus of the research
would remain to cover the policy of Indian government after the revocation of article
370 and the challenges which it has brought for Pakistan.

1.1 Research Objectives

1. To describe the reader about the new plans of Modi’s government for the
Jammu and Kashmir state.

2. To make aware the reader about the effects which came after the abrogation
of article 370

3. To explain the challenges which the Pakistan can face with this new policy.

4. To highlight the conditions of Kashmiri people after the India’s new Kashmir
policy in the Jammu and Kashmir under the Indian occupation.

1.2 Research Questions

1. What is the Kashmir dispute and how did it start?
2. What is the India’s new Kashmir policy and Why did the Indian government
revoke the article 370 and its clause 35-A?

3. What is the article 370 and why it is important for the disputed state of
Jammu and Kashmir?

4. What changes came after the abrogation of article 370 in the J&K?

5. Why the Jammu and Kashmir has been divided into the two union territories?

6. How the Kashmiri people are being treated in Jammu and Kashmir after the
revocation of article 370?

7. What is the new policy of Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi for the
Jammu and Kashmir disputed state?

8. What can be the implications of the India’s new policy for Pakistan?

1.3 Significance of Research

This brief research will explain the objectives of Indian PM Narendra Modi for the
J&K State which are totally illegal according to the UN resolutions and also the
Shimla agreement which was signed to settle the Kashmir issue between both
countries India and Pakistan by the mutual and bilateral means of negotiation. It will
also make aware the reader that how this changes would affect the Pakistan and
deteriorate the on-going struggle of Kashmiri people for their independence against
the Indian occupation.

1.4 Hypothesis
The India’s new Kashmir policy is totally based on ‘Hindutva’ which would
only bring demographic change in the Jammu and Kashmir. The new policy of Indian
PM Narendra Modi for J&K would only end the struggle of Kashmiri people after
illegally merging the whole J&K State into the Union of India by the Indian

1.5 Research Methodology

The research methodology is based on the available content of qualitative means. Data
will be collected from the articles, journals and internet sources. The data will
encompass the India’s Jammu and Kashmir policy and the new objectives of Indian
government for the disputed territory of J&K in order to establish full control over the
state by the Indian government and the new vision of Indian PM Narendra Modi in

Literature Review
This classifies different aspects of the thesis topic discussed by many authors
in the available content of written literature. This literature review explores the views
of different authors on the line of hypothesis of this research. Literature review is
considered a very significant part of any academic research. It gives a wide set of
information related to the particular topic of thesis work by gathering facts,
perceptions and opinions of different articles, research papers and reports. There have
been analyzed and studied many articles of different writers, authors, journalists and
some expertise in different newspapers and other internet sources in order to complete
this little valuable research work.

2.1 Status of Kashmiri People under Dogra Rule

Raja Nazakat Afaq Ahmed and Asghar ali wrote that the story of atrocities and
aggression on the innocent Kashmir peoples is not new one in history. It started long
decades when the Dogra rule established in the Kashmir valley. It has a long history
which is full of violence and exploitation over the innocent people. The Dogra rule
was considered the start of notorious darkest time of Kashmir people in which they
were started to plunder, beginning of genocide and aggression. Under the Dogra rule,
the Kashmiri Muslim bore different kinds of exploitations and oppression. It treated
them ill-mannerly and created the environment of exploitation. Heavy tax system and
beggary developed sense of slavery among the Kashmiri Muslims which further
created the economic backwardness in the state. These all forms of exploitation
further resulted in the origin of many movements especially economic, political and
social against the Dogra rule and became the reason of several uprisings and
resistance against the inhuman policies of Dogra rule1.

Aliya Nazki explained the conditions of Kashmiri Muslims in her

documentary video series that the Dogra raja established similar kind of system which
was related to monarchy. In which many brutal incidents were noticed. When Gulab
Singh took control of the state, the major source of state’s income was from
agriculture. Gulab Singh declared himself as the sole owner of the all land of Kashmir

1Raja Nazakat, Afaq Ahmed, and Asghar Iqbal, “Political Consciousness of the Muslims in Jammu and
Kashmir State 1846-1947”, Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan 56, no. 1(Jan-June, 2019).
*2_56_1_19.pdf (

according to him that he had purchased the whole Kashmir state through the treaty of
Amritsar. After it, he introduced a heavy tax system for Kashmir people. It means that
the real landowners would become renter and according to treaty of Amritsar and to
work on their fields, they had to pay tax to Gulab Singh. Land grabbing and forced
labour were the common thing in Kashmir under Dogra rule. The Kashmiri peoples
were treated worst than animal in their own forefather’s land. Many bans were
imposed on the freedom of Kashmiri Muslims regarding religious and social liberties.

Due to aggressive policies of heavy taxes on Kashmir Muslims by the Dogra

raj, the agriculture system of state collapsed which resulted in many forms of
resistance movements against the brutal raja rule. At one occasion, many Kashmiri
farmers gathered for protest against Dogra rule and demanded relief in agriculture
belligerent policies and heavy taxes. In response, the police sent by the Dogra raja
opened fire on the protesting farmers which led to the killing of several Kashmiri
farmers2. Because of these brutal policies, many movements developed against Dogra
rule demanding their social and economic rights. The condition of Kashmir Muslims
were very worst and known notorious in the historical document of Dogra raj.

2.2 Status of Kashmir People after 1947

Erin Blakemore wrote about the status of J&K state after the division of sub-continent
into two dominions Pakistan and India 3. He wrote that the J&K state was given an
option to annex with any state like all other princely state. But the issue started after a
great revolt which erupted from different parts of Kashmir valley against the
Maharaja’s annexation decision of Kashmir state with Indian state. He described
many events which led to the involvement of both countries Pakistan and India into
the crisis of J&K state. He also held Maharaja responsible to align the J&K with India
which further developed the conflict of decades.

Dr Shahbaz, Ghulam Mustafa and Muhammad Imran wrote that the J&K state
has been cause of great rivalry between India and Pakistan since its inception. India
has been violating the human rights of Kashmiri people since occupying the J&K

2 Aliya Nazki, “Kashmir History (Ep-2)”, BBC News, November 1, 2020, 2:00 to 7:12, Kashmir
History (Ep 02): Kashmir during Dogra Rule - BBC URDU - YouTube.
3 Erin Blakemore, “The Kashmir conflict: How did it start”, National Geographic, March 2, 2019, The
Kashmir conflict: How did it start? (

state4. It also introduced several cruel laws and adopted unethical means to curb the
epic struggle of Kashmiri people. But Pakistan always supported the cause of Kashmir
rather than India. The UN passed resolutions which demand the conduct of plebiscite
in order to resolve the Kashmir conflict after the Indian partition. Instead of
conducting plebiscite, the India suppressed the Kashmir struggle through nefarious

Chitralekha Zutshi wrote about the relations of India and Pakistan over the
Kashmir dispute. He wrote that it was greatly expected that the Issue would resolve
after the involvement of UN. The UN demanded to resolve the conflict through a
conduct of plebiscite. So, the Kashmiri people could decide their destiny 5. But there
happened nothing as the issue which started soon after the Indian partition has led to
the cause of three wars between two states. Under the Indian occupation, the J&K
state was remained under great unrest which only generated more violence as the
years passed on. Since the beginning of Kashmir issue, both countries have been still
struggling and the issue has not yet resolved.

Zain Ul Haq, Zhilonga and Rafay Mubeen wrote that the Indian armed forces
have been greatly involved in a massive human rights violation since the beginning of
Kashmir issue67. As the Indian forces occupied the J&K region, it took every step to
incorporate the state into Indian state which resulted in mass amount of resistance by
the Kashmiri people. In order to suppress the resistance by the Kashmiri people, the
Indian forces began their crackdown which proved a disastrous and peril for the
Kashmiri people. Thousands of Kashmiri people have been killed and the incidents of
grave human rights violation have been seen which are utterly inhumane in reality.

4 Dr Shahbaz, Ghulam Mustafa and Muhammad Imran, “The Indo-Pak rivalry and Kashmir issue: A
historical analysis in the security context of the South Asia”, Journal of Political Science 26, no.
Context_of_the_South _Asia/links/5e77a3f7299bf1892c01fe5a/The.
5 Chitralekha Zutshi, “India, Pakistan and the Kashmir issue 1947 and beyond”, Asian Intercultural
Contacts, accessed on September 5, 2021, Fall09_covers_new (
6 Zain ul Haq, Zhilong and Rafay Mubeen, “Human rights violations in Kashmir”, International
Journal of Political Science (IJPS) 6, no.2 (July-2020): 19-24.
7.pdf (

2.3 India’s New Policy after 2019

Fatima Sheikh wrote about the vision of Narendra Modi who is current Prime
Minister of India after the revocation of article 370 and 35-A from the Kashmir State
by his government. She wrote that after revocation of article 370, the mindset of
Hindu nationalism and RSS ideology is hidden. The Narendra Modi wanted to
incorporate the whole disputed state into India to form a greater India. He issued a
domicile certificate in order to change demography of the state and turn the Muslim
majority population into Muslim minority population after settling Hindus in the J&K
State. These steps are the beginning of Modi’s dream to turn into reality and to form
grand Hindu rashtra in India8.

Shamsa Nawazwrote about the India’s massive design plan of Hindus

settlement in the disputed J&K region. She wrote that the BJP party has a plan of
200000 to 300000 Hindus in IOK since 2015 to change the demography of state and
reshape the politics in the region. She termed this settlement with the Israel-
Palestinian style settlement to capture the Kashmir region by bringing demographic
shift which may take both countries Pakistan and India at warpath. She added that the
BJP manifesto’s objectives are based to erode the Muslim majority population and it
deeply base on the promotion of Hindutva ideology. She stated that if all kind of
moves are taken by the Modi’s government then, it would lead to devastating of
Kashmiri Muslims and their culture identities and create imbalance in state’s politics9

Angana P. Chatterji wrote about the circumstances in J&K after the abrogation
of article 370 and conditions of Kashmiri peoples. She wrote that 5 august day has
become a mourning day in the history of Kashmir. On this day, the special status
which has provided autonomy to state was removed illegal. In order to prevent public
resistance, many security forces have been deployed whose ratio are in thousands.
State of emergency imposed soon after the revocation of article 370. It has now
become a place of no-liberty no rights and complex system of laws have been used to
enforce militaristic governance. The rule of law has totally collapsed and target
killings have become a common thing in J&K. She also discussed the purpose and

8 Fatima Shiekh,“The Hindu Nationalist Agenda on Kashmir”, Montana State University, March 26-
28, 2020, 3341-Sheikh-Fatima-FINAL-1.pdf (
9 Shamsa Nawaz, “Indian Efforts to change the Demography of IOK”, Strategic Studies 37, no. 2,
(September.2017): 40-57. Indian efforts to change the demography of IOKon JSTOR.

objectives of removing article 370 which determines the hidden objectives of BJP in
order to incorporate the whole J&K into India10.

Arundhatti Roy wrote about the abrogation of article 370 and the conditions of
Kashmiri people. She explains the reason of the Modi’s new policy and his plans for
the J&K State. She says that after the abrogation of article 370, the Indian government
has turned the J&S State into a giant prison camp. It is the act which has stripped off
the special autonomous status which was the source of protection of the State. After
this decision by the Indian army, the state has been divided into two union territories.
She says that the effects will be worse. This modi’s policy has been designed to
inflame the violence and hostility against the Kashmiri Muslims by the RSS
Organization which was formed to volunteer militia. In addition, the new draconian
law act has been amended to designate any individual a terrorist to make crackdown
in the state against the innocent Kashmiri peoples11.

Hannah Ellis Peterson wrote about the repeal of article 370 and the Modi’s
plan of action for J&K. she wrote that the residency status for non-Kashmiri people to
come into J&K state for permanent settlement through the new domicile law issued by
Modi’s government is a great proof of the Modi’s real aim to establish India as a
Hindu state rather than secular country by bringing demographic change in the region
to turn the Muslim majority Kashmiri population into minority12

After its removal, the Hindu nationalist BJP government under the leadership
Narendra Modi issued new domicile law which determines the future plan of bringing
demographic change into the J&K of the Indian government. The new domicile law
has only been issued to turn Muslim majority population into Hindu majority
population. Under the new domicile law, many domicile certificates have been issued
to the Hindu people in order to settle them into the J&S valley by the BJP
10 Angana P.Chatterji, “Kashmir: A place without Rights”, Just Security, August 5, 2020, Kashmir: A
Place Without Rights - Just Security.
11 Arundhatti Roy, “The silence is the loudest sound”, The New York Times, August 15, 2019, Opinion
| The Silence Is the Loudest Sound - The New York Times (
12 Hannah Ellis, “Our identity has been robbed: life in Kashmir after a year of crisis”, The Guardian,
August 5, 2020, 'Our identity has been robbed': life in Kashmir after a year of crisis | Kashmir | The
13_v21_2_20.pdf (
14 Kaisar Andrabi and Zubair Amin, “Modi is trying to engineer a Hindu majority in Kashmir”,

Both counties have fought three major wars and one limited war in Kargil. They also
say that if the issue is not addressed property in proper time, it would bring another
war between both countries. And if the war starts, then it may transforms into nuclear
confrontation which would only have disastrous consequences15.

Sultan Ahmed wrote that the removal of article 370 is the first step of Indian
BJP government to settle thousands of Hindu in the dispute region of J&K which they
aimed in 2015 project of settlement of Hindus into J&K region. The step of Indian
BJP government is utterly based on the settlement of Hindus into disputed region of
J&K by turning Muslim majority Kashmir population into Muslim minority Kashmiri
population. He also added that this move would bring harm the right of self
determination of Kashmiri people in the future18.

Policy, August 11, 2021, BJP Gerrymandering in Kashmir Seeks to Create a Hindu Majority
15 Ahmed Saeed, Bashir Ahmad and Dr Masrur Alam, “Seizing Kashmir’s identity: Implications for
global peace and stability”, NDU, accessed on September 14, 2021, 04-Seizing-Kashmir.pdf.18 Sultan
Ahmed, “Demographic changes: A challenge to the decolonization of Kashmir”, International Journal
of Social Sciences (ISSN 2454-5899)6, no. 1(April-2020): 433-449.
43d6def760674ea024adb52e41b396733aa8.pdf (

Historical Background
3.1 Introduction of Kashmir State
Kashmir is situated in the Himalayan region which was once a princely state
before the Indian partition 1947. It is a mountainous valley which is well renowned
for its endless beauty and geo-graphical importance. It is full by enriched natural
resources, art, food and culture.16 Its area is mostly consisted on deep narrow valleys
and high plateaus in which different communities of different linguistic peoples live.
The majority population of Kashmiri peoples is Muslims and others are mostly
divided into Sikh, Hindu, Buddhists and other ethnic communities. It is surrounded by
Indian province Himachal Pradesh and Punjab to the South, China to the east side and
Pakistan from the west.17 After the Partition, the Kashmir state divided into two
regions Azad Kashmir and Jammu Kashmir. The history of suppression of Kashmiri
peoples has not started after the Indian partition. It has long years of repression under
different phases of ascendency. The Kashmir history is full of invaders which consist
of four phases.

1. Ancient Era of Hindu Raja

2. Era of Kashmiri Muslims (Era of Salatin-e-Kashmir)

3. Era of Mughal Empire

4. Era of Pathans or Durrani Era

The thing which is similar or common in between these four eras is the
oppression and brutality which were inflicted over the Kashmiri peoples18. The sordid
hours started since the beginning of Sikh rule as the Ranjit Singh ended the Durrani
rule in Kashmir. The peoples of Kashmir whose once were invitees of the
establishment of Maharaja Ranjit Singh rule had become oppressed by the unfair
policies of the Sikh rule in Kashmir. The peoples bore many sufferings and pains
owing to forced labours, increased revenues and trade and industrial decline 22. The

16 Britannica, “Kashmir”, accessed September 03, 2021.

Kashmir | History, People, & Conflict | Britannica
17Arghya Ray, “A short Introduction to the Kashmir Issue,” Grin, August 29, 2021, A Short
Introduction to the Kashmir Issue - GRIN.
18 Aliya Nazki, “Kashmir History (Ep-1),” BBC News, October 26, 2020, 1:00 to 4:00, Kashmir
History (Ep1): When Kashmir was sold to Dogra Raja in Amritsar Sale Deed - BBC URDU -

document of Kashmir history has divided into different phases which are discussed
following as:

3.2 Beginning of Sikh rule and Barbarism over Kashmir Peoples

Kashmir had been remained under the control of different dynasties which rose
and fell with time to time. As the Sikh rule made their foot firm in Punjab, the
Maharaja Ranjit Singh started his campaigns to occupy the Kashmir valley which was
under the control of Afghan Pathans at that time after signing a famous treaty of
Amritsar 1809 with the East India Company which had made their position firm in the
Indian subcontinent. The Treaty of Amritsar 1809 was an agreement of Punjab Sikh
Empire with East India Company in which the Ranjit Singh’s supremacy was
accepted across the Sutlej River on the Western side by the British. It was clearly
mentioned in the treaty that the British would not involve in any campaign against
Maharaja Ranjit Singh across the Western side of Sutlej River and in return the Ranjit
Singh would not create any difficulty from the other side of River Sutlej on the
Eastern side with British. This treaty basically was made to create buffer zone for
British to keep the Napoleon Bonaparte away to invade in subcontinent. Although, by
this agreement Ranjit Singh had no stone left in his way to conquer and occupy the
Kashmir State23. The powerful Maharaja Ranjit Singh launched three attacks over the
Kashmir state. At the last attack at the battle of Shopian 1819, he occupied the
Kashmir state and established the first ever Sikh rule on Kashmir valley. The battle of
Shopian 1819 ended the Durrani Empire and laid the foundation stone of Sikh Rule in
Kashmir after a decisive battle in between the Sikh forces and the forces of Jabbar
Khan who was the governor of the Srinagar at that time 24. The Sikh rule had been
considered one of the notorious years for the Kashmiri nation. It was a considered a
beginning of repression on the Kashmir peoples which has rooted their stems for
many decades. The non-Muslim rule brought miseries, social, political and economic
persecution for the Kashmir peoples. The appointees of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
adopted the policy of corruption repression that was unbounded to their extreme. His
representatives instead of stabilizing the state produced disorder

Dr Manzoor Ahmad, “Sikh Rule and Economy of Kashmir,” IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social
Science (IOSR-JHSS), no. 25 (November 2020): 43-50. F2511034350.pdf (

Dekho Suno Jano, “Who was Ranjit Singh,” April 23, 2019, 9:00 to 10:10, Wo Kon Tha # 14 | Who
was Maharaja Ranjit Singh? | Faisal Warraich - YouTube.
“Battle of Shopian,” Wikipedia, accessed September 10, 2021.

and destroyed the economic system of state by imposing heavy taxes. The British
traveller Moorcroft once visited the Valley and got shocked after looking at the
conditions of Kashmiri peoples. As the Sikh rule began, the famous industries were
once seized to work. Heavy taxes were made to pay oppressively on Kashmiri peoples
including poor boatmen, Butchers, vendors, public notaries especially prostitutes. The
Kashmiri peoples were looked little finer than cattle. The imposition of free- labour
and oppressive policy of taxes ruined the trade and the treatment of Sikh rulers with
Kashmir labourer resulted in the collapse of economic bone of the Kashmir State 19.
The inhuman behaviour and imposition of illicit bans damaged the religious
sentiments of Kashmiri peoples a lot. The persecution was extremely painful of
Muslim religious communities. Mosques were shut down. Cow slaughtering was
strictly prohibited and considered a crime whose punishment was declared a death 20.
It was inhuman behaviour for Kashmiri Muslim peoples which were in majority. If
any Muslims slaughtered the Cow, they were dragged through the city of Srinagar and
even though burnt alive21.The policy of repress the Kashmiri peoples by the Sikh
rulers under the Maharaja Ranjit Singh rule had been the worst years for Kashmir
peoples which were lasted to twenty- seven years until the Anglo-Sikh war that ended
the Sikh empire.
These years are considered notorious in the Kashmir history.

3.3 Anglo-Sikh War and Fall of Sikh Empire in Kashmir

After the demise of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh Empire could not remain
stable and starting to decline due to weak successors Kharak Singh, Sher Singh and
Duleep Singh etc. The political instability began to shake the foundations of Singh
Empire in Sub-continent. It was a great opportunity for the East India Company to
occupy the Punjab State which was pursing their policy of imperialism. After several
19 Khawar Khan, “The ignored exoduses of Kashmiri Muslims- Part I: Slavery and Subjugation”, Free
Press Kashmir, July 27, 2021, The ignored exoduses of Kashmiri Muslims—Part I: Slavery and
subjugation | Free Press Kashmir.
20 “Persecution of Muslims in the Sikh Empire”, Materia Islamica, accessed September 10, 2021,
Persecution of Muslims in the Sikh Empire - Materia Islamica.
21GMD Sufi Kashir, “A History of Kaashmir”, vol-2, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 1948, P.726,
quoted in khawaja Zahid, “Ranjit Singh’s Kashmir Extensionism and Britain’s role”, University of the

events the battle broke out between the Sikh army and East India Company in 1845.
The first battle was fought at Mudki and the Sikh was defeated in this battle. The
British also gave a defeat to the Sikh Khalsa army at Firozpur. At third time, the Sikh
army once again got defeat at the battle of Sobraon. The Ranjit Singh Majithia
destroyed the English forces at the battle of Buddwal but it could not save the
inexorable downfall of the Sikh Empire. The dishonesty of Tej Singh and Lal Singh
and the secret pact of Gulab Singh pave the way of the East India Company in
achieving the decisive victory against the Sikh Empire 22. The battle of Sobroan led the
ending of war with the signing of Treaty of Lahore 1846. It was signed between East
India Company and the Lahore Darbar on March 1, 1846 in which Dalip Singh was
accepted the Maharaja of Punjab with certain imposition of limiting the Sikh forces,
surrendering of forts and cannons, paying of war indemnity which cost 15 million
rupees. It also led the Kashmir Valley to make a separate princely state under the
British suzerainty23.

3.4 Kashmir before and After the Indian Partition 1947

As the Partition years came along, the political activism in J&K got
increased.As the Muslim league - a majority party of Muslims in Sub-continent which
was fighting for the establishment of Pakistan- a country for Muslims under the
leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah devised a two-nation theory. With the vision of
Two-Nation theory, Muhammad Ali Jinnah visited the state and tried to convince
Sheikh Abdullah to accede with Pakistan after the partition. But Sheikh Abdullah
rejected the Two-Nation theory and opposed this concept 24. In the times of partition,
Sheikh Abdullah was in great favour of acceding with the India as he has close
relationships with Nehru who was about to become the first Prime Minister of India.
But the Maharaja of J&K Hari Singh wanted to remain independent and signed the
‘standstill agreement’ with India and Paksitan. The Independence of both countries
India and Pakistan didn’t bring sigh of relief rather it has ignited more chaos and
conflicts as the future matter of princely state occurred25. Like all other princely states,
22 Sansar Lochan, “First Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46)- Causes and Results,” Sansarlochan. January 4,
2020, First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46) - Causes and Results (
23 “First Sikh War,” National Army Museum, accessed September 10, 2021, First Sikh War | National
Army Museum (
24 “Sheikh Abdullah rejected Jinnah’s 2-nation theory: Soz”, Greater Kashmir, March 13, 2015,Sheikh
Abdullah rejected Jinnah’s 2-nation theory: Soz (
25 William Dalrymple, “The Great Divide”, the New Yorker, June 22, 2015, the Bloody Legacy of
Indian Partition | The New Yorker.

the J&K state was given an option either to accede with India or Pakistan. Till
October 1947, the J&K state was independent. The decision of Maharaja Hari Singh
to remain independent proved to be a biggest blunder which the risked the future of
the J&K state.

The Kashmir crisis started with the Poonch rebellion 1947 conducted by the
local peoples against the punitive taxes system imposed on them by the Maharaja Hari
Singh. At that time, the tax policy was only limited to the Muslims and Hindus were
freed according to the Maharaja’s tax system. The tax was imposed on every hearth
and every widow. Even the cattle animals weretaxed heavily 26.Poonch was an
autonomous until the Second World War within the J&K state. When the local ruler of
poonch was deposed, the Maharaja imposed a heavy tax on it. The revolt started from
the poonch against brutal unfair policies of taxation imposed by the Dogra rule had
wrapped the whole state of J&k into chaos, tensions and led to appaling massacre 27.
The uprisings in poonch played a vital role in the creation of Azad Kashmir. This
crisis was the resemblances of 100 year hatred against the Sikh rule of their brutal
policies. More than two million peoples killed in the crisis. According to the London
Times, 237000 Kashmiri Muslims were assassinated by the Maharaja under his own

During the Uprising from Poonch, the Maharaja Hari Singh asked military
assistance to combat against the rebellion after being looked his losing position in the
uprising. He sent his request to Delhi but Lord Mountbatten refused to send the
military assistance without signing the document of ‘Instrument of Accession’. In
these troubled time, the Maharaja had no other chance rather to sign an instrument of
accession in order to combat against the rebellion tribe from Poonch. So, he signed on
the document of instrument of accession either to combat the invaders. If he never
signed the accession document then, he would have a change of losing the J&K
State29. Mahatama Gandhi held the Maharaja Hari Singh responsible for all these

26 Alastair Lamb, “Incomplete Partition: The Genesis of the Kashmir Dispute 1947-1948”, (United
Kingdom: Oxford, 1997), 120-122.
27 Usman Yousafzai, “The forgotten Poonch revolt: A stain on our history”, Express Tribune, March
18, 2021, The forgotten Poonch revolt: A stain on our history (
28 Shaheen Showkat, “Shadow of Unresolved Conflicts on the security forces of States: A Conceptual
Analysis of Kashmir Conflict”, 41-44.
29 Aliya Nazki, “Kashmir Histort (Ep-4),” BBC URDU, November 15, 2020, 7:10 to 16:08, Kashmir
History (Ep 4): Accession to India, tribal attacks, referendum & legal status - BBC URDU - YouTube.

uprisings in the state. The last viceroy Lord Mountbatten appointed Sheikh Abdullah
as an Emergency administrator of the state on the Nehru’s advice. On the 27 th
October, the India army invaded in the J&K valley to stop the invader and occupy the
Jammu and Kashmir state.

On the same day, Muhammad Ali Jinnah ordered General Gracy to send army
into J&K State to start operation but General Gracy declined to send army in
accordance by Field Marshal Auchinleck who said that If Pak army is sent into J&K
then, all British troops would be withdrawn out from the state as the Maharaja Hari
Singh has signed the instrument of Accession with India and according to the treaty
that we don’t possess any right to intervene in the matter30.

3.5 Significance of Kashmir State for India

India claims the Kashmir State as sole integral part of India according to the
instrument of accession signed by the Maharaja Hari Singh with India and Sheikh
Abdullah who was the first Prime Minister of J&K also confirmed the instrument of
Accession as final document of Accession. It rejects the Pakistan’s claim over
Kashmir and believes that the Pakistan has illegally occupied half of state since 1947.
According to Mr. Gopal – a writer of Indianperiodical explained in his own written
article ‘Caravan’ that without having Kashmir, India would cease to occupy her
position on the political map of Central Asia. The route of caravan directly passes
through Kashmir from Central Asia to India 31. It is the only window which India
considers to the Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan and China.

India is very well-aware about the geo-political importance of Gilgit Baltistan

which is currently under the occupation of Pakistan. It has a direct physical continuity
with Afghanistan, Central Asian States and East Tajikistan. More than 60 percent
population wants to make an independent J&K State and nearly 10 percent population
want to annex with India32. After this, there are many areas in Kashmir which lies
great importance to India. One is Siachen Glacier which is the only way that has
prevented the Pakistan and China to link up in J&K. If India lost it then, there would
30 Arif Jamal, “Shadow War: The Untold Stories of Jihad in Kashmir”, 40-41.
Victoria Schofield, Kashmir in conflict, 41-49.
31 Naseer Ahmed and Shaheen Showkat, “Geo-political significance of Kashmir: An Overview of
IndoPak Relations”, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR- JHSS) 9, no. 2 (March-
April. 2013): 115-123. O092115123.pdf (
32 Shabir Ch, “Gilgit Baltistan: A Battleground for Future War”, Counter Currents, accessed on
August 28, 2021.

have a great threat to India’s national security over the entire Northern Frontier 33.
That’s why, India spent huge funds in order to maintain her check-posts on Siachen.
The cost of maintaining one soldier at the Siachen is approximately 2 million US a
month and from 1984 to 2009 India’s monthly cost of maintaining troops has been 5
billion dollar34. So, practically the significance of Kashmir for India has lie on the
security importance. According to the Indian government that Pakistan has been
trying to spread false propaganda against the India. It hasbeen using the radio and
television channels to spread hate and venom against the India to alter the Kashmir

3.6 Significance of Kashmir for Pakistan

The strategic location of Kashmir has great importance for Pakistan because the
presence of India army poses a threat to the Northern areas of Pakistan from the
Jammu and Kashmir region which is currently under the occupation of India. Pakistan
claims the Kashmir State as its Jugular Veins and her lifeline 36. Pakistan rejects the
Instrument of Accession as the Maharaja Hari Singh was not a popular leader who
could represent the will of Kashmiri peoples. It claims that Indian forces were there in
Kashmir before signing an Instrument of Accession and therefore Indian forces
violated the standstill agreement of Hari Singh which was signed to maintain the
status quo in J&K state37. It also believes that India never let the plebiscite conducted
and disregards the UN resolutions of Security Councils. Pakistan believes that the
Kashmiri peoples would vote in favour of Pakistan rather than India.

Out of six rivers, three rivers of Pakistan Jhelum, Chenab and Indus flow from
Kashmir to Pakistan which is the very important source for the water canal system of
Pakistan. The agriculture of Pakistan also depends on the water of the rivers which

33 Zainab Akhter,“The Strategic Importance of the Siachen Glacier for India”, IDR, February 13,
2016, the Strategic Importance of the Siachen Glacier for India (
34 Shaheen Showkat, “Shadow of Unresolved Conflicts on the security of States: A Conceptual
Analysis of Kashmir Conflict”, 43-46.
35 “Pak media being anti-India: J&K CM”, The Indian Express, accessed on September 19, 2020,
36 “Kashmir jugular vein of Pakistan: Durrani”, Dawn News, December 16, 2006, Kashmir jugular
vein of Pakistan: Durrani - Newspaper - DAWN.COM.
37 Victoria Schofield, “Kashmir: The origins of the dispute”, BBC News, January 16, 2002, BBC
NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir: The origins of the dispute.

directly originates from Kashmir38. According to militaristic importance, thirteen

routes go to
Siachen via Kashmir. Siachen is considered the highest peak-post among the
Pakistan’s army which has a great significant importance. One of the reasons is also
that the India was partitioned on the basis of two nation theory in 1947. Therefore, the
Kashmir should have with Pakistan due to its Muslim majority population which was
nearly 75% percent at the time of partition. So that is why, Pakistan cannot lose the

In 2015, China which has been a close ally of Pakistan in the Kashmir’s stand started
the mega project CPEC with Pakistan. Since the beginning of CPEC project, the
antagonism of India has increased. The CPEC passes through the Gilgit Balitistan
which is a part of disputed state of J&B. India claims that Pakistan has illegal
occupied this area on which India possess her legal right as the Maharaja Hari Singh
signed instrument of accession with India and Pakistan has also started CPEC project
in order to establish her full control of Gilgit Baltistan which Pakistan would merge
this state in future. The CPEC project is an investment of 62 billion dollars which is
the biggest project the Pakistan ever has in its history. By this project, many
development programs are being started which would transform Pakistan into
progressed country. If Pakistan loses the Kashmir state, then there would be a great
loss for Pakistan. Through the CPEC projects, the people of Pakistan would be able to
get jobs. More opportunities of jobs would generate. More than 39% Pakistani people
are unemployed. After the completion of CPEC, there is greatly expected than 20%
unemployment ration would reduce which would also indirectly reduce the crime
ration in Pakistan. The importance of CPEC is not limited to the development means.
But it would also connect Pakistan with different countries like Russia, Central Asian
states, and from the west to Turkey etc through a giant network of roads and
highways. These connections would also help Pakistan to establish strong bone
relations with other countries which may transform into more trade agreements with

The importance of Kashmir state has increased with the increase in population.
Pakistan has been facing of water shortage since many years. The demand of water

38 Mervyn Piesse, “The Indus River and Agriculture in Pakistan”, Future Directions International,
December 8, 2015, The Indus River and Agriculture in Pakistan - Future Directions International.

also has increased with the increase of population. The importance of water cannot be
denied. There are many battle have been fought for the resources of water and still the
world is involved in this act. The agriculture system of Pakistan is heavily dependent
on the water resources of Kashmir state. It is absolutely correct that three rivers of
Pakistan flows out from Kashmir out of six. It is also an immense source which fulfil
the requirement of water of Pakistan’s people. So if Pakistan lose the Kashmir, then
there will be a barren land in Pakistan. Agriculture would destroy. There would be no
crop and no food to eat and export. India has been threatening Pakistan to block the
water supply which comes from Kashmir state. If India stops a water, then there
would be a great disaster for Pakistan.

India’s new Kashmir policy

4.1 New Jammu and Kashmir Policy after 2019
The Indian atrocities over the Kashmiri people are not hidden to the world.
The aggression on the Kashmiri people is not a new one. The Kashmir people have
long history which is full of violence and exploitation. There is no doubt that the
Kashmiri people have been a victim of India’s belligerent policies for many years
which not only aggressive and discriminatory in its nature but also a disgraceful to the
human rights with impunity. Since struggling for their freedom against the brutal
occupation of Indian troops in their own forefather’s land, the Kashmiri people
haven’t breathed a sigh of relief which could maintain their respect and honour under
the occupation of Indian state which has been involved in negating their right of self-
determination for many decades. As usual, the Kashmiri people were given another
shock by the Indian state as it stripped off the special autonomous status of disputed
state under 370 Article along with the 35-A clause of the Indian constitution.The
Indian President Ram Nath Kovind issued a decree to abrogate the 370 Article of an
Indian constitution. On 5th August 2019, the Indian Home minister Amit Shah read the
presidential degree which official abolished the 370Article along with the 35-A clause
in the parliament39. The Article 370 of the Indian constitution was the pillar stone and
due to its presence there cannot be made any changes in the J&K state until the
conflict gets resolved according to the UN resolutions as it has been clearly defined

39 “India revokes disputed Kashmir’s special status with rush decree,” Al-Jazeera, accessed on
September 19, 2021, India revokes disputed Kashmir’s special status with rush decree | Human Rights
News | Al Jazeera.

the conduct of plebiscite in order to resolve the Kashmir issue by the wishes of its
people. It was added into Indian constitution through the presidential order of 1954.
The clause 35-A was also added with article 370 to avoid the coming of Indian
citizens in hope of settling into the disputed region. The article of 35-A defines
different rights of the J&K peoples under the Indian constitution which explains that
no one outside from Jammu and Kashmir state possess the right to buy a land in the
disputed region. It restricts the Indians to have own any property or other activities in
the disputed region40. The article 370 also allowed the J&K state to hold its own flag,
assembly means legislature to legislate into their internal matters. But certain portfolio
including defence, communication etc was given to the control of Indian State.
Afterwards, the Indian government issued an order to bifurcate the Jammu and
Kashmir state into two union territories through the Jammu and Kashmir
reorganization bill 201941. The lower house of Indian parliament Lok Sabha passed
the bill by overwhelmingmajority of 367 voters in favour and 67 votes against by it.
The Indian Home minister Amit Shah who is a close aide to PM Narendra
Modi marked the moment with the phrase of ‘historical moment which has to be
written with golden words’. As the bill passed in the lower house, it has also ratified
the bill for the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir State into two union territories 42.
Through this Bill, the Jammu & Kashmir state has been divided into two union
territories namely Jammu and Kashmir union territory and other would be Ladakh
union territory which would be run by the Lieutenant Governor. Under the Jammu and
Kashmir reorganisation bill, the Ladakh union territory would comprise on Kargil
district and Leh district. The Jammu and Kashmir union territory will have its own
legislative assembly in which members would be elected. The Union territories would
be administered under the article 239 of Indian Constitution which is applicable in the
state of Puducherry etc. The Indian President would control the union territories by
their appointees Lieutenant Governors and continues the process of regulation and

40 Javaid Hayat, Azad Jammu & Kashmir: Polity, Politics and Power Sharing (Oxford: Oxford
university press, 2020), 38-39.

41 Hannah Ellis, “India strips Kashmir special status and divides it in two”, The Guardian, October 31,
2019, India strips Kashmir of special status and divides it in two | Kashmir | The Guardian.
42 “India’s lower house ratifies bill to split occupied Kashmir,” Dawn news, August 6, 2019,

order43.This was the first step taken by the Indian government to change the historical
status of the disputed state.

4.2 New Domicile Law

After the successful bifurcation of J&K State into two union territories, the
Indian government played its next move by issuing the new domicile law which
shows the mindset of Indian discriminatory Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his
hidden plans in order to change the demography of the J&K State. New domicile law
has unveiled the master plan of demographic engineering initiated by the Modi’s
government for beginning the process of settlement of Hindu community into the
disputed state in order to transform the Muslim majority into Muslim minority
Kashmiri population. By the new domicile law, everyone who has resided for 15 years
or studied more than seven years in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir is
eligible to get the permanent citizenship of J&K State. The Indian retired Air vice
Marshal Kapil Kak also filed a petition against the abrogation of article 370 in the
Supreme Court and termed this new domicile law as a permanent resident by stealth
for which the Kashmiri people should worry. In giving an interview to Al- Jazeera
channel he further added that the effect of new domicile law would be felt because
there are many people who have not yet come into Kashmir in the last 15 years 44.
Under the conditions of new domicile law, the parents of any one whose do not
possess a existing certificate of permanent residency would not be able to domicile
without being lived in the region for a required time or being employed for 10 years in
the Indian government. These are the requirements which the Indian government has
maintained in order to grant a new domicile certificates to the Indian people for
settling into the Jammu and Kashmir State.

4.3 Crackdown of Indian Government in J&K State

Soon after the revocation of article 370, the Indian government through the
Home Ministry permitted the approval of deployment of more security forces into the
J&K state. The Indian government explained the reasons of the deployment of Indian
forces that the all steps are being taken in order to maintain law and order situation in

43 “What is Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Bill”, Business Standard, accessed on Sep 21, 2021,
what is Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Bill | Jammu Kashmir Bifurcation | J&K Union Territory |
Business Standard (
44 Akash Bisht,“Demographic flooding: India introduces new Kashmir domicile law,” Al-Jazeera,
accessed on September 5, 20212,

the state45. Three days before the abrogation of article 370, the Indian government
notified all tourists to leave the J&K area. These actions produced fear among the
Kashmiri people that the Indian government is going to remove the special status of
the J&K state. But on 3th August Omar Abdullah said by the assurance of Satya Pal
Malik- a governor of Meghalaya that there is not being taken any initiative which may
affect the special autonomous status of J&K state 46.On 4th August 2019, many satellite
phones were distributed to security forces in different areas of J&K. Afterwards, the
government passed order to total communication blackout, shutting down internet,
cellphones and cables. Strict curfew was imposed with the crackdown of the Indian
forces47.Roads were blocked with concrete barricades. Shops, clinics and all other
educational institutions were closed. The official lockdown was imposed on 5 th
August 2019 soon after the abrogation of article 370 and introduction of J&K
reorganisation act 2019. Since the imposition of lockdown, no foreign journalists were
allowed to report in the J&K state. According to the report came on 6 th September by
the Indian government that nearly four thousand people have been arrested. Among
them, there are 200 hundred local politicians including two former chief ministers of
the J&K state along with the 100 activists in which many belong to All Party Hurriyat
Many journalists termed the actions of Indian government ‘gag’ after being observed
the communication blackout and total blockade of internet services and mobile
phones. On 4th October 2019, many Kashmiri people protested against the crackdown
of the Indian government where the pro-Pakistan slogans were chanted and demanded
to end the Indian illegal occupation 49. But nothing being proved fruitful as it has
passed more than 2 years and the J&K state is still under strict occupation of Indian

45“Additional troops deployed in Kashmir due to internal security situation, says the centre: Reports”,, accessed on September 8, 2020, Additional troops deployed in Kashmir due to internal
security situation, says Centre: Reports (
46 “No reason to panic, only rumours mongering going on: Governor Satya Pal Malik on tensions in
J&K”, Financial Express, August 3, 2019, No reason to panic, only rumor-mongering going on:
GovernorSatya Pal Malik on tensions in J&K - The Financial Express.
47 “Armed soldiers patrol silent streets after Kashmir curfew”, Gulf News, August 7, 2019, Armed
soldiers patrol silent streets after Kashmir curfew | India – Gulf News.
48 Devjyot Ghoshal, “Thousands detained in Indian Kashmir crackdown, official data reveals”,
Reuters, September 12, 2019, Thousands detained in Indian Kashmir crackdown, official data reveals |
49 Mohammed Vall, “Kashmir under lockdown: Anger over unacceptable burdens”, Al Jazeera,
October 5, 2019, Kashmir under lockdown: Anger over ‘unacceptable burdens’ | News | Al Jazeera.

Implications of India’s New Kashmir Policy for Pakistan

The previous policies of India were the core aspect of aggression and
antagonism for the J&K State and for its Kashmiri people. For many years, the state of
J&K has become the battleground in which many innocent Kashmiri people have been
killed. Women have been raped and their race is being exterminated by the Indian
army. The Indian PM Narendra Modi being a racist man has never let any chance pass
to blame Pakistan for the on-going situation in J&K as he claims that the Pakistan has
been sponsoring terrorism in the J&K State since many years. It has become a tool of
Narendra Modi which he has used several times to prove himself innocent at
international level and blamed the Pakistan for having responsible for the increasing
crisis in J&K State. Since last decade, the warlike situation has developed in between
both of countries India and Pakistan. The previous policies of India for Kashmir have
only ignited violence and barbarism in the disputed state. In this way, the India took
every step to crush the innocent Kashmiri people in the name of exterminating
terrorism in the J&K valley which has been sponsoring by Pakistan according to the
India. The resistance of Kashmiri people against the Indian barbarism is always
associated with the terroristic activities by the Indian government which Pakistan is
sponsoring through Kashmiri people in order to dismember the Indian state. This
phrase developed by India that Pakistan has been promoting terrorism has only more
aggravated the conflict instead of its solution. Since the implementation of new brutal
policy of J&K State by the Indian PM Narendra Modi has not only brought severe
concerns for the J&S State but also for Pakistan which is a peace-loving country and
always supported the negotiation means in resolving the Kashmir conflict. The India’s
new J&K policy is only based on her Hindutva ideology which is being implemented
by her racist Indian PM Narendra Modi to make a ‘Hindu Rastriya’ after illegally
merging the J&K State into the Union of India. Since the changing of India’s J&K
policy, Pakistan took every possible measures in order to make the world community
realize the importance of the Kashmir dispute which has now become so tense after
the unilateral illegal merging of J&K by the Indian state that has been posing many
threats not only for Pakistan but also on the peace of South Asian region.Besides
strengthening the Line of Control (LOC) between India and Pakistan, the Pakistan
also took many initiatives in order to reject the India’s illegal action of merging the
J&K State into Union of India by passing a resolution in the National Assembly on 6 th

August 2019 and Pakistan alson urged the international community to take notice of
the illegal Indian step50.In addition, Pakistan also expelled out the Indian High
Commissioner from Pakistan and removed its own High Commissioner from India.
Pakistan also ended its bilateral trade with India including Dosti Bus and Samjhota
Express Train Service with India.

At diplomatic level, Pakistan Foreign Office held many meetings to win the
support in favour of Kashmiri peoples and to remind the Indian state about the
importance of UN resolutions as it denied the right of self-determination of Kashmiri
peoples. Due to the diplomatic efforts of Pakistan, the Kashmir issue got more
international traction after 2019. There are following implications which Pakistan can
face after the Indian policy changing after 2019:

The J&K state has a great importance due to its immense resources for both
countries India and Pakistan. Since coming into power, the Indian PM Narendra Modi
has taken every step to illegally merge the J&K which has been declared a ‘disputed
territory’ according to the UN resolutions and international law. The adverse attitude
of Indian PM Narendra Modi has only spoiled the issue rather than finding its
solution. It has passed many decades but no effort has been made by the India to
resolve the conflict by peaceful means. The Kashmir conflict which started soon after

50 “Parliament unanimously passes resolution condemning India’s ‘unilateral move’ on Kashmir”,

Dawn News, August 7, 2019, Parliament unanimously passes resolution condemning India's 'unilateral
move' on Kashmir - Pakistan - DAWN.COM.

the Indian partition 1947 has not yet resolved but it has further turned into chaos and
Confusion after the abrogation of article 370. The Indian government under the
leadership of PM Narendra Modi has been adding more fuel into the fire of confusion
which only created problems not solutions. According to the UN resolutions which
were passed as the issue rose up in United Nations demanded the conduct of plebiscite
in order to resolve the conflict by the wishes of Kashmiri people who truly deserve the
right of selfdetermination to determine their own future. Unfortunately, the plebiscite
has not yet conducted. Since the Indian illegal occupation, the Kashmiri people have
been suffering and have lost their dignities. Many Kashmiri people have been killed
during struggling for their freedom by the Indian army. The Indian army which was
sent by the Indian government has not yet evacuated the valley since the Indian
partition 1947. But it further developed more garrisons for the establishing permanent
control of J&K state.

After revoking the article 370, the policy of BJP government for J&K state has
proved vicious for the Kashmiri people. Under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi,
the intentions of BJP government are utterly based on the promotion of ‘Hindutva’
and settlement of Hindu people of Indian state in the J&K which is a disputed territory
according to the UN resolution after the issuance of new domicile law in J&K. For
many decades, the Kashmiri people have been struggling from Dogra raj to Indian
illegal occupation. It has proved that no dissimilarity has been seen as the Kashmiri
people have the same condition which they had under the Dogra rule. The domicile
certificates which the Modi issued to other Hindus people will help the BJP
government in establishing the full-control of J&K state. Along the revocation of
article 370, the Narendra Modi also bifurcated the J&K state into two union territories
in order to divide the state to easily implement his Hindutva rule. All the steps of BJP
government proved to create more threats for the Pakistan state who has been
struggling since the beginning of conflict. Pakistan also willed to resolve the conflict
according to the UN resolutions. But after the abrogation of article 370, the BJP
government has built a great pressure on the Pakistan government and increased the
threats as the Indian government threatened to invade into Azad Kashmir. If these
policies implement by the BJP government, then there will be chaos and confusion
which would definitely leads to another war in the South Asian region.

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