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 most important natural resources
 topmost layer of the Earth that supports life
 a mixture of organic material, clay and rock particles & also contains air and water
 essential for the food production, fodder cultivation and mining of minerals and fuel.


 Formed by weathering of rocks

 Weathering  breaking down of rocks into smaller particles due to the action of
weathering agents—water, wind and temperature.
 rock particles are also taken faraway by wind, water and moving glaciers(erosion)


 slow and continuous process

 millions of years for the formation of soil by weathering

How does rocks weather? (Mechanical Weathering mentioned below)

 Alternate heating and cooling due to the heat of the sun and rain  rocks crack  cracks
get filled with waterwater freezes due to severe cold in winterswater expands when
frozen due to pressure, ice breaks the rocks
 Rocks also breaks due to roots of trees and plants growing in size.
 Due to day and night variations
 Due to action of wind and flowing water
 Broken particles of rocks converted into soil mixes with the dead plants and animals
to form humus.

 Contains various minerals such as nitrates, sulfates, phosphates etc present in parent rock.
 contains humus( formed by decomposition of dead organic matter from plant and
animal matter)makes soil fertile(has the ability to hold water for plants to grow)
 Generally dark brown in colour.
 has microbes & small insects(Microbes helps breaks down dead matterconvert to
 Contains water (essential for all the life-sustaining activities)
 Has air (needed for respiration of plants through their roots).

Gradual removal of the topsoil by the action of flowing water, wind, waves and snow

Factor affecting soil erosion (natural or caused by humans).

 Heavy rains and floods make the soil particles loose and lead to soil erosion.

 Deforestation - loosens soil  easy erosion of soil by wind & water.

o Makes the land barren increase chances of floods.

o Areas with low vegetation suffer from more erosion of soil.

 Poor farming methods adopted by farmers

 Overgrazing by animals, construction of roads and houses


Contamination of soil by presence of man-made chemicals or other non-desirable


Causes of Soil Pollution

 Excessive use of pesticides, insecticides and fertilisers

 Excretory products of living organisms and untreated sewage water

 Plastic waste does not decay and hence pollutes the soil

 Salination degrades the quality of soil.


Protection of soil against erosion and degradation

Done by taking the following steps:-

 Afforestation or planting of trees and plants. The roots of plants and trees bind the soil
particles and prevent erosion.

 Terrace farming is a practice of farming followed on hilly area. Farmers build steps
called terraces on hillsides to prevent the top soil from being washed away.

 Crop rotation  prevents soil degradation.

 Dams and embankments are built to control flood and thus prevent soil erosion.

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