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Shen Wei M4 Business english

Savings Account : A savings account is an interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or

other financial institution Sentence: I have a lot of money in my savings account.
Interest-bearing : refers to a financial arrangement or instrument that generates interest income
for the holder or lender. In such arrangements, one party lends money or provides capital to
another party, and in return, the borrower pays interest on the borrowed amount over a specific
period of time. Sentence: He decided to open an interest-bearing savings account to earn some
extra income on the money he had set aside.
Deposit account: A deposit account is a bank account maintained by a financial institution in
which a customer can deposit and withdraw money. Sentence: He opened a deposit account at
the local bank to keep her money safe and easily accessible.
Financial: refers to matters related to the management, creation, allocation, and utilization of
money and other financial resources
Sentence: She hired a financial advisor to help her create a strategic plan for saving, investing,
and achieving her long-term financial goals.

Institution: An institution refers to an established and recognized organization, system, or

structure that serves a specific purpose within a society or a particular field. Sentence : The
university is a prestigious institution known for its high-quality education.
Modest: Modest refers to a quality or characteristic of being unassuming, moderate, or humble
in one's appearance, behavior, achievements, or desires. Sentence: Even though he achieved
great success in his career, he continued to live a modest lifestyle
Limitations: Limitations refer to the restrictions, boundaries, or constraints that define the extent
or scope of something. Sentence: The project's success was hindered by budgetary limitations,
preventing the team from implementing all of their planned features and improvements.
Withdraw: In a financial context, it commonly refers to the action of removing money from a
bank account, investment, or other financial instrument. Sentence: She decided to withdraw
some cash from her savings account to cover her father hospital
Funds: A fund is a pool of money that is allocated for a specific purpose. Sentence: The
nonprofit organization successfully raised enough funds through their fundraising campaign to
build a new school
Exceptional: much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc.: an
exceptional student Sentence: Her exceptional artistic talent allowed her to create breathtaking
paintings that left audiences in awe.

Flexibility: Flexibility is the anatomical range of movement in a joint or series of joints, and length

in muscles that cross the joints to induce a bending movement or motion Sentence: His
exceptional flexibility enabled him to perform complex gymnastic maneuvers with ease
Emergency: An emergency refers to a sudden and often unexpected situation or event that
requires immediate action, attention, or intervention. Sentence:The paramedics quickly
responded to the emergency situation, providing life-saving medical assistance to the injured
Shen Wei M4 Business english

Sweeping: In a financial context, "sweeping" typically refers to the automatic movement of funds
from one account to another to optimize the use of available funds or to manage cash flow
efficiently. Sentence: The company implemented a sweeping arrangement where excess funds
from their checking account are automatically transferred to a money market account overnight.

Surplus: In a financial context, a "surplus" refers to the amount by which revenues or resources
exceed expenditures or liabilities. Sentence: The successful cost-cutting measures led to a
significant surplus in the company's budget, allowing for strategic investments in new projects.

Checking account: A checking account is a deposit account that allows you to easily make
withdrawals, deposits, and fund transfers. Sentence: I used my checking account to pay for
groceries and utility bills this month

Credit Union: A credit union is a financial cooperative institution that provides a wide range of
financial services to its members. Sentence: I became a member of a local credit union to take
advantage of their high interest rates

Exclusively: refers to something that is limited or restricted to a specific group, purpose, or

context. Sentence: The supercar car is exclusively for a billionaire who can buy it

Brick and mortar: refers to physical, traditional, or physical presence-based businesses that
operate from a physical location, such as a building or store, rather than exclusively through
online or digital means. Sentence: Even in the age of online shopping, many people still enjoy
the experience of browsing through a brick and mortar bookstore and holding physical copies of
books in their hands.

Brokerage: a financial institution or company that facilitates the buying and selling of various
financial instruments and assets on behalf of clients. Sentence: I contacted a brokerage firm to
help me invest in the stock market and manage my investment portfolio.
Firm: Refers to a business entity or organization, typically a company, that engages in
commercial, professional, or industrial activities with the goal of generating profit. Sentence:
The law firm provided expert legal advice to help me navigate the complex regulations
surrounding my business venture.
Fluctuate: Refers to the frequent and unpredictable changes in the prices or values overtime.
Sentence: The prices of stocks in the market can fluctuate significantly based on economic
news and investor sentiment.
Diluting: Refers to the process of reducing the value, concentration, or significance of something
by adding additional elements or factors. Sentence: The company's decision to issue a large
number of new shares had the effect of diluting the ownership stake of existing shareholders.
Federal Reserve: Often referred to as the "Fed," is the central banking system of the United
States. Sentence: The Federal Reserve announced a slight increase in the key interest rate as
part of its efforts to manage inflation
Impose: To impose means to establish, enforce, or apply a rule, law, regulation, tax, obligation,
or restriction on someone or something. Sentence: The government decided to impose stricter
regulations on environmental practices to ensure better protection of natural resources.
Shen Wei M4 Business english

Stash money: Means to hide, store, or keep money in a secret or secure place, often to avoid
detection, taxes, or other financial obligations. Sentence: He was rumored to stash money in
offshore accounts to evade taxes
Earmark funds: Means to set aside or designate specific funds for a particular purpose, project,
or expenditure. Sentence: The city council decided to earmark funds from the budget for the
road construction.
Sock drawer: Is a colloquial term often used to describe a place where people hide or store
items, especially valuable or important ones, that they want to keep private or secure.
Sentence: She kept her grandmother's antique jewelry hidden in the back of her sock drawer,
where she knew it would be safe and out of sight.
Hefty penalty: Refers to a substantial and significant fine or punishment imposed as a
consequence for violating rules, laws, agreements, or standards. Sentence: The company was
slapped with a hefty penalty for environmental violations
Convenience: Refers to the quality of being easy, comfortable, and well-suited to one's needs or
preferences. Sentence: The convenience of online shopping allows me to browse and purchase
a products from my home
Instantaneous: Refers to something that occurs or is done in an extremely short period of time,
often happening immediately or without any noticeable delay. Sentence: When I pressed the
button, the camera captured the photo and displayed it on the screen instantaneously
Bonds: Refer to debt securities or financial instruments issued by governments, municipalities,
corporations, or other entities to raise capital. Sentence: She decided to invest in government
bonds to diversify her investment portfolio and earn steady interest income over time.
Liquidity: Refers to the ease and speed with which an asset or investment can be converted into
cash. Sentence: During times of market volatility, stocks with higher trading volumes tend to
have better liquidity, allowing investors to buy or sell shares quickly.
Downside: Refers to the negative aspects or potential drawbacks associated with a particular
situation, decision, policy, or economic condition. Sentence: The downside of investing in high-
risk stocks is the potential for significant losses if the market experiences a downturn.
Restricted: Refers to a state of limitation, confinement, or limitation of freedom. Sentence: He
was restricted from making loans to banks due to his low credit score.
Outright: Refers to something that is complete, total, or without any conditions, reservations, or
complexities. Sentence: She made it clear that she outright disagreed with the proposed
changes to the company's policies.
Steadily: Refers to something happening in a consistent, gradual, and continuous manner,
without abrupt changes or fluctuations. Sentence: The company's revenue has been steadily
increasing over the past few quarters, indicating a consistent and positive growth trend.
Money draining: Refers to a situation where money is being continuously and rapidly spent or
used up, often resulting in a significant decrease in financial resources. Sentence: Repairs and
maintenance for old cars draining my money

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