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Topic: How Bullying Affects a Student

Problem: Intimidates, or coerces people, especially those with less power

than they have or those considered weaker or vulnerable in some way.

Solution: Important protective factors against bullying are strong parent

relationships and positive experiences at school.


1. What is bullying? And how can it affect a student?

2. What are the Causes of Bullying?

3. Is there any republic act that states about bullying?

4. What are the effect of a student who experienced being bullied?

5. What solution or interventions stop bullying?


1. School bullying, like bullying outside the school context, refers to one or
more perpetrators who have greater physical strength or more social power
than their victim and who repeatedly act aggressively toward their victim.

2. Some people seem to think bullying is a natural aspect of growing up.

Kids are teased and can be mean to each other. While this is not true,
bullying itself is not something that should be considered normal. Bullying
behavior often crosses the line from normal growing up behavior into cold-
hearted meanness.
3. Students who are bullied show less academic improvements due to fear
of standing out. As a result, teachers often identify those students as low
achievers . These students may then receive less attention from teachers
which only pushes them further down the academic ranking.

4. There are several causes of bullying such as rage, increased anger,

revenge, jealousy, and the urge to be in control.

5.There are many different types of bullying that can be experienced by

children, some are obvious to spot while others can be more subtle. The
different types of bullying are Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying, Social
bullying, and Cyber bullying.

6. Republic Act No. 10627 Sec. 2. Acts of Bullying—“bullying” refer to any

severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, or
electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination
thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing
or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or
damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for the
other student; infringing on the rights of the other student at school.

7. Anti Cyber Bullying Act of 2011—The bill imposes a fine of not more than
P100,00 or imprisonment of 6months to six years, or both to any person
who commits a series of acts directed towards another person that causes
substantial emotional distress through the use of electronic devices.

8. Bullying can affect everyone-those who are bullied , those who bully, and
those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes
including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide.

9. Evidence from several longitudinal studies on the effects of bullying

suggests that experiencing bullying, especially in adolescence, can severely
impair a person’s physical, psychological, and a social functioning, leading
to risky behaviors, anxiety, depression, and lower levels of academic

10. An important premise to prevent bullying is by restructuring the social

environment, bullying, behavior could be transformed into acceptable and
positive social behavior. Restructuring reduced the number of opportunities
and rewards for bullying.


1. Wikipedia, 2015

2. Paolo Garcia, 2012

3. Public School Review, 2022

4. Grade Fixer, 2023

5. National Centre Against Bullying, 2023

6. Official Gazette, 2013

7. House of Representative, 2013

8., 2021

9. PubMed Central, 2022

10. Nebraska Department Education, 2023

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