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Michelangelo di Lodovico

Buonarroti Simoni
Address: Caprese Italy
Phone: 0123-456-789
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Personal Detial
Birth Date: 6 March 1475
Nationality: Italian
Marital Status: Married

➢ Study in grammar school with famous humanist teacher: Francesco da Urbino
➢ At age 13, I became an apprentice of a famous renaissance artist: Domenico
➢ At age 14, I got paid by Ghirlandaio for his work as an apprentice
➢ In 1489, I attended school at Florence’s Humanist Academy
➢ I studied under Donatello, A great sculptor at that time.
➢ At age 17, my sculpting skills were widely revered
➢ I study anatomy and dissect the dead at church of Santo Spirito

Work Experinence
➢ In Bologna, I received a commission to finish the carving of the Tomb of St. Dominic.
○ Including addition to a statue of St. Petronius, a kneeling angel holding a
candlestick, and St. Proculus
➢ In 1494, I made two statues, St. John the Baptist , and a small cupid.
➢ I work for the Cardinal
○ I made the statue of Bacchus
○ I made the Pietà for the King of France in St Peter's Basilica.
➢ I work for the Guild of Wool
○ I completed an unfinished project begun by Agostino di Duccio, a 17-foot-tall
statue of David.
➢ I Work for Pope Julius II
○ I finished the painting of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling
➢ I Work for Pope Leo X
○ I work on the façade of the Basilica San Lorenzo (project stop because no
➢ In 1520, I worked on the Medici chapel in the Basilica of San Lorenzo
➢ I paint the fresco of the Last Judgement on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel
➢ I draw a black chalk drawing Pietà for Vittoria Colonna
➢ I designed Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Sforza Chapel and Capitoline Hill.
➢ I designed the dome of the Basilica
➢ Painting, sketching (Sistine Chapel's ceiling, Pietà)
➢ Architecture (dome of the Basilica)
➢ Sculpture (statue of David)

Why I chose him

I chose Michelangelo as the individual of my research because he was one the most
outstanding renaissance artists in the renaissance period. Having a good understanding of him
can help me understand the values and beliefs of that time period. The great art that he made
brings titles to him, Michelangelo and the other two fantastic artists: Raphael and Da Vinci
are called “the three outstanding artists of the Renaissance” (In Chinese called: "文藝術興藝
術三杰"). Due to all of those titles and outstanding art that he made, this proved that he was
one of the most talented artists at that time, having great talent on different skills, which I can
have a further understanding on the renaissance man baised of having an understanding
through the the talent that he got. The famous art and statues are also another way to show the
values of the renaissance time, so I think he was one of the best individuals to show the
values of that time period. Finally, I think through the inquiry of Michelangelo can let me
have a better understanding of that time.

I would like to be an architect, and I think I can really fit this job. First of all, I am very
experienced at creating buildings, which can be easily seen through the dome of the Basilica
that I made. From this example, you can see I really understand how the structure and
materials can hold the building. Also, I am very good at sketching, which can be easily seen
through the drawing Pietà that I created. Good sketching skills can help me create detailed
diagrams for the building, good diagrams will make creating the actual building easier.
Finally, the sculpture experience gave me a very strong understanding of how to create stone
statues. Because of this, I am able to draw a 3D diagram of the statue, which can make the
building look even better, especially when the building is made out of stone.

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