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1. Community problems are as follows By the increase in the population the facilities goes down. The family needs cannot be fulfilled by the income of the family. Rapidly increase in population. Big families. Land division leading to Fragmentation of property. Lack of awareness on scientific methods.

2. Problems affecting the community

Increase in poverty. Down fall of standard of life. Under development. Small land Illiteracy. No happiness in the families. Unemployment. Increase in violence. Low efficiency in economic activities.

3. Problem solving techniques We also insisted the PHC to give right information about the sterilization practices to the needy and illiterates.

Mass rallies.

Awareness by Skits, Dramatizations, Role play etc.,. To give the Detailed Information on the topic this can be understood easily by the people.


Technologies- We have exhibited through power point presentation in the village regarding the measures of population control. We also showed the

spreadsheets highlighting the problems on the rapid growth of the population.

5. Benefits to the communityThey came to know problems arising from the Big families and made the community to be aware on the benefits of small and nuclear families. They all thanked us when they have been exposed to the ways and means of leading happy life and assured us that they will henceforth be leading happy life . Also they have been benefited much out of such programme conducted by our Vidyalaya.

6. Benefits to usWe have benefitted much by the Intel learn programme. We learnt the problems faced by the big family and realized that their needs cant be fulfilled easily. We had the opportunity to interact with the village people and to learn their problems through first hand information in person. The project

strengthened practically the slogan that the small family is the Happiest family.

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