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Ocean Renewable Energy

Prospective in Indonesia

• Introductory Background
• Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy
• Indonesian Resources
• Economic Aspect of Marine Renewable Energy
• Legal Aspect
• Prospectus
Field Test of Turbine
Structural Failure

Boat Propeller
Stuck by Garbage
in the area
Field Testing (Suramadu Bridge)
Field Testing
NOAA Nightlight Map of Indonesia


Other Tidal
Type of Energy

Renewable Tidal
Energy Stream

Wave Thermal
Wave Energy Converter Technology

Pelamis. It is arguably the most successful wave

device to have been developed to date. There are Point absorber device: OPT Powerbuoy
several variants of which the largest is a 750kW

Oyster is an example of a near-shore

apper device. The latest version is a
2:5MW device It is a seabed mounted
device. The incident waves drive the
motion of the buoyant ap which rotates
about a hinge at its base. The motion of
the ap is carefully phased with the
incident wave so as to extract optimum
Terminator device: Salter’s Duck Submerged pressure power. The ap's motion drives uid in
hydraulic pistons
differential: the Archimedes
Wave Swing
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
• Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
(OTEC) uses the ocean thermal gradient
between cooler deep and warmer
shallow or surface seawaters to run a
heat engine and produce useful work,
usually in the form of electricity.
• OTEC can operate with a very high
capacity factor and so can operate in
base load mode.
• Among ocean energy sources, OTEC is
one of the continuously available
renewable energy resources that could
contribute to base-load power supply.[
• The resource potential for OTEC is
considered to be much larger than for
other ocean energy forms. Up to 88,000
TWh/yr of power could be generated
from OTEC without affecting the ocean's
thermal structure.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
Tidal Barrage

Single mode operation

La Rance Tidal Barrage, Dual mode operation


Swansea Tidal Lagoon, UK

Device Concept

Cross flow turbine Axial flow turbine (Oxford) Axial flow turbine open

Transverse axis turbine (Kepler Other type; tidal sail

Cross flow turbine
Turbine –Oxford)
Major player and turbine scale

Simec Atlantis Sabella

Tocardo Hammerfest Andrytz Hydro

Offshore Wind Turbines
Offshore Wind Turbines
Wind Speed Distribution
Floating Solar Panel
Move to Ocean Floating Solar Power Plant
Outlook Energi Laut Indonesia (P3GL-ASELI)
Peta Potensi Arus Laut, P3GL-ASELI 2014
Peta Potensi Energi Gelombang, P3GL-ASELI 2014
Peta Potensi OTEC, P3GL-ASELI 2014
Potensi Energi Laut (Berdasarkan ASELI 2014)

Berdasarkan Perkiraan tahun 2014 ini total Potensi Energi Laut bisa mencapai 60 GW

Kapasitas pembangkit tenaga listrik sampai dengan tahun 2018 adalah 64,5 GW (Outlook
Energi Indonesia 2019)
Wind Energy Map
Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE)
• Measures lifetime costs divided by energy production
• Calculates present value of the total cost of building and operating a power plant over an assumed lifetime.
• Allows the comparison of different technologies (e.g., wind, solar, natural gas) of unequal life spans, project size,
different capital cost, risk, return, and capacities

Simplified LCOE Calculation
𝐶𝐴𝑃𝐸𝑋 + 𝑡 𝑝 =0 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑋 . (1 + 𝑖𝑟 )−𝑡 𝑝
𝐿𝐶𝑂𝐸 = ,
𝑡 𝑝 =1 𝐴𝐸𝑃 . (1 + 𝑖𝑟 )−𝑡 𝑝

CAPEX = Capital Expenditure or the Investment expenditures in year t (including financing)

OPEX = Operations and maintenance expenditures in year t
AEP = Annual Electricity Production or the electricity generation in year t
Ir = Discount rate
n = Life of the system
tp = time of the project

The LCOE calculation usually include Ft or Fuel expenditures in year t, since renewable energy doesn’t need fuel,
this item is excluded in the calculation

Economic-financial model for Marine
Renewable Energy Projects.

The life-cycle costs (LCC) of a project will be determined with the objective of providing useful criteria for decision-making
in any or all of the stages that comprise the life-cycle of the project

𝐿𝐶𝐶 = 𝐶1 + 𝐶2 + 𝐶3 + 𝐶4 + 𝐶5 + 𝐶6

where : 𝐶1 represents the concept and definition costs,

𝐶2 : design and development costs,
𝐶3 : manufacturing costs,
𝐶4 : constitutes the installation costs,
𝐶5 : operation and maintenance costs
𝐶6 : decommissioning costs.

Scheme of electricity provision in Indonesia

Owning an Operational Power Purchased Power Wheeling Scheme

Agreement (PPA) contract
Area with PLN
• Peraturan Pemerintah no. 25 tahun • The MoEMR regulation No. 4 • Regulated in the MoEMR regulation
2021 (PP no. 25 / 2021) govern that a 2020 has also revoked the No 1 the year 2015
private sector is eligible to own a transfer obligation in the Build- • Is not limited to the operational
wilayah usaha.
Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) area
• This wilayah usaha means that the
private sector could manage the
scheme. • It is compulsory for the grid owner
wholesale electricity business, from • Risk sharing between tidal power to open for this scheme.
power generation to distribution. developer with PLN • Based on grid capacity
• Furthermore, most of the operational • IPP contract is determined by an • The management operational of
areas have been owned by PLN. open tender transmission system is conducted
• Although, based on PP no. 25 /2021, it • No right to match by the largest local system
is possible for an owner of a wilayah • The unsolicited right is • Technical agreement is a part of the
usaha to lose their right in an
unrecognized. contract agreement
operational area.
• However, it is not recommended for an
• The best option for the PPA • The grid rental cost follows the
executing entity renewable energy to contract is having a joint venture price from the operating entity
pursue this path. with PLN subsidiary company based on its role.
with direct assignment scheme • Doesn’t need new permit (IUPL).
• Electric Power Provision
There are three (3) schemes that possible for an Independent Power Producer (IPP) in the
Floating PV :
1. Wilayah Usaha (PP no. 25 / 2021) : might not be feasible due to the intermittency and
the capacity of power production that might not be adequate to provide the electricity
as needed in a particular area and most of the operational areas have been owned by
2. PPA contract with PLN: The most common scheme for an IPP, however, the problem
with is this scheme is relatively risky for a PPP scheme (KPBU) since PLN should do an
open tender for an electricity quota in a particular grid system.
3. Power Wheeling Scheme: MoEMR regulation no 1/2015 allows any independent
power producer (IPP) to sell its electricity production using business to business (B2B)
contract scheme with their prospective buyer. However, this power wheeling scheme
has never been implemented since the regulation was issued.
Power Wheeling Scheme Transmission Scheme between power producer that
already have prospective costumer with the
Transmission scheme between two operational Area operational area
• Transmitting electrical power by the Independent Power • Operational permit holder rent the transmission to PLN/PPU
Producer (IPP) to an operational area by own by any company for transmitting electricity to his own company
that own an operational area or a company that hold an infrastructure at the different location.
operational area contract (IUPL that own Wilayah Usaha • Note: The operational entity (badan usaha pelaksana-BUP)
• Purchasing of electricity from an operational area or should be the same company of the operational permit
operational area permit holder by an

The only problem with this scheme is since the MoEMR regulation No 1, the year 2015 is issued, this scheme is never
been implemented
• Issue with Electricity Generation Cost or “Biaya Pokok Pembangkitan
(BPP) “
• BPP is different in each region and is usually used to benchmark the purchasing
• The MoEMR no 169, the year 2021, show that the BPP is slightly lower than the
BPP based on MoEMR no 50, the year 2021.
• Cacaban has significantly lower BPP (with only 6.23 cents USD/kWh) than
Pandan Duri (with 11.77 cents USD/kWh).
• The MoEMR no. 4, the year 2020, regulate that the BPP for the photovoltaic
maximum is 85% from the BPP. Therefore, it is necessary for a BUP to develop a
floating solar PV in the dam's reservoir to consider this condition.
Provision of Energy from Renewable Challenge
• Indonesia arguably has enormous potential for the tidal stream energy. However, the local
demand might not meet the economic of scale of the technology development
• The electricity price in Indonesia is relatively low

Northern Sumatra =
9.26 cent USD/KWh

Java- Bali = 6.23 cUSD/KWh Flores = 12.63 cents USD /KWh

Lombok = 11.77 cents USD Tambora (Bima dan Sumbawa =

/KWh 12.63 cents USD /KWh

Electricity generating cost (Biaya Pokok Pembangkitan – BPP) based on MoEMR no 169/ 2021
Rencana Phase out Batu Bara dari Pemerntah
Program Dedieselisasi Tahap 1

Terdapat 5200 PLTD yang akan dipensiunkan oleh Pemerintah

Thank you

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