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22. Calculate the angular velocity of the minute's

hand of a clock. [Ans. T/1800 rad. s-1
23. The wheel of an automobile is rotating with 4
rotations per second. Find its angular velocity.
If the radius of the fly wheel is 50 cm, find the
linear velocity of a point on its circumference.
[Ans.8 T rad.s ;400 t cm s]
24. A body of mass 5 kg is revolving in a circle of
diameter 0-30 m making 2000 revolutions in 2
minutes. Calculate the linear velocity and
centripetal acceleration.
[Ans. 15-71 ms, 1646:3 ms]
25. Find the magnitude of the centripetal
acceleration of a particle on the tip of a blade,
0-30 m in diameter, rotating at 1200 rev/minute.
[Ans. 2370-6 ms-]
26. The angular velocity of a particle moving in a
circle of radius 50cm is increased in 5 minutes
from 100 revolutions per minute to 400
revolutions per minute. Find (a) angular
acceleration (b)1linear acceleration.
[Ans. t/30 rad. s, 5 r/3 cm s]
27. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of apoint
on the equator of earth due to the rotation
earth about its own axis. Radius of earth
= 6400 km. [Ans. 439 km h
Objective Questions
Single Correct Option
1. Aparticle is revolving in a circle with increasing its speed uniformly. Which of the following 1s
constant ?
(a) Centripetal acceleration (b) Tangential acceleration
(c) Angular acceleration (d) None of these
2. Aparticle is moving in a circular path with a constant speed. Ife is the angular displacement.
then starting from e = 0, the maximum and minimum change in the linear momentum will
occur when value of 0 is respectively
(a) 45° and 90° (b) 90° and 180°
(c) 180° and 360° (d) 90° and 270°
3. Asimple pendulum of length l has maximum angular displacement 6. Then maximum kinetie
energy of a bob of mass m is
1 1
2 (b)= mgl cos (c) mgl (1- cos ) (a) 2 mgl sin 9
4. Aparticle of mass mis fixedto one end of a light rigid rod of length l and rotated in a
circular path about its other end. The minimum speed of the particle at its highest pointvertical
(a) zero (b) Vgl
(c) 15 gi (d) 2 gi
given +l.
5. A simple pendulum of length land mass m is initially at its lowest position. It issuspensi
minimum horizontalspeed necessary to move in a circular path about the point of
The tension in the string at the lowest position of the bob is
(a) 3 mg (b) 4 mg
(c) 5 mg (d) 6 mg

6. A point moves along a circle having a radius 20 cm with a constant tangential acceleration
5cm/s. How much time is needed after motion begins for the normal acceleration of the point
to be equal to tangential acceleration?
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s
(c) 3 s (d) 4 s
7. A ring of mass (2t) kg and of radius 0.25 m is making 300 rpm about an axis through its
perpendicular to its plane. The tension in newton developed in ring is approximately
(a)50 (b) 100
(c) 175 (d) 250
8. A car ismoving on a circular level road of curvature 300 m. If the coefficient of friction is 0.3 and
acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s, the maximum speed of the car can be
(a) 90 km/h (b) 81 km/h
(c) 108 km/h (d) 162 km/h
9. A string of length 1 m is fixed at one end with a bob of mass 100 g and the string makes
rev s around a vertical axis through a fixed point. The angle of inclination of the string

with vertical is

(a) tan (b) tan

(e) cos (d) cos

10. In the previous question, the tension in the string is

5 8
(a) 8 N (b) N
50 80
(c) N (d) N
8 5

11. Asmall particle of mass 0.36 grests on a horizontal turntable at a distance 25 cm from the axis
of spindle. Theturntable is accelerated at a rate of a=rad
s, The frictional force that the
table exerts on the particle 2 s after the startup is
(a) 40 uN (b) 30 uN
(c) 50 uN (d) 60 uN
. Asimple pendulum of length land bob of mass m is
a position P so that height of P above O is h. It is displaced from its egquilibrium position Oto
when the bob passes through the equilibrium positionreleased. What is the tension in the string
O? Neglect friction. vis the velocity of the
bob at O.

(a)mg| b) 2mgh

(d) mg|1+
43 Two particles revolve concentrically in a horizontal plane in
required to complete one revolution for particle A is 3 min, while forsame direction. The time
particle Bis 1 min. The
time required forA to complete one revolution relative toBis
(a) 2 min (b) 1min
(c) 1.5 min (d) 1.25 min
44. Three particles A, Band C move in a circle in anticlockwise direction with speeds 1 ms,
2.5 ms and 2 ms respectively. The initial positions of A, Band Care as shown in
figure. The
ratio of distance travelled by Band C by the instant A, Band C meet for the first time is

(a) 3:2 (b) 5:4 (c) 3:5 (d) data insufficient

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