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Communication Studies

Si meaning na nasa libro.

Explanation: It explores the ways people create, exchange, and interpret information and
meaning through various forms of communication.

This field encompasses a wide range of communication, including:

 Interpersonal Communication
Explanation: tig eexamine kung pano ang individuals mag communicate one-on-one and sa
small groups, focusing on factors like verbal and nonverbal communication, and listening skills.

 Mass Communication
Explanation: Analyzing the production and distribution kang message through mass media
channels arog kang TV, radio, newspapers, and digital media.

 Intercultural Communication
Explanation: Ini man Examining the communication across cultures and how cultural differences
impact communication and relationships.

 Political Communication
Explanation: Investigating how political information is disseminated, received, and processed,
including na jan ang campaign strategies, and media coverage of political events.

 Digital Communication
Explanation: Analyzing the impact of digital technologies on communication, including social
media, online communities, and virtual communication platforms.

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