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Nano works to
transformed, while cooling, into the body-

Poisoned arrows,
centered cubic form known as martensite, after
Adolf Martens, a German metallurgist who
developed the technique in the 1860s.

snake venom
Martensitic transformation of BN has resulted
in cBN, with grain size down to 14 nanometres
and hardness, which is measured in units of

get it harder
and nerve gases
pressure, of 85 billion atmospheres (or Giga
Pascals – GPa). This hardness is still short of the
hardness of over 100 Gpa in the case of synthetic
diamond, with grain size of 10-30 nanometres.
Understanding various toxins and
Chinese transformation
The method the Chinese group has developed illustrating how clearly their modes
brings the grain size of cBN down to 3.8 of action can be explained is vital
nanometres and hardness of the order of 100 for human health, writes
Diamond may yield place = > tapan kumar maitra

Courtesy: NATURE
to a material that was
long on its heels, says BECAUSE the coherent functioning of the human
body depends so critically on the nervous system,
s ananthanarayanan anything that disrupts the transmission of nerve
impulses is likely to be very harmful. And because of
the importance of acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter,
any substance that interferes with its function is
THE diamond-cutting tool has been the last almost certain to be lethal. Various toxins are known
word in hardness for cutting and grinding other to disrupt nerve and muscle function by specific
materials. Chinese scientists Yongjun Tian, Bo effects on cholinergic synapses, so let us consider
Xu, Dongli Yu, Yanming Ma, Yanbin Wang, several of these substances — not only to underscore
Yingbing Jiang, Wentao Hu, Chengchun Tang, the serious threat they pose to human health but also
Yufei Gao, Kun Luo, Zhisheng Zhao, Li-MinWang, to illustrate how clearly their modes of action can be
Bin Wen, Julong He and Zhongyuan Liu (two of explained once the physiology of synaptic transmission
them in the USA) have found a way to reduce the 50 nm is understood.
grain size of Boron Nitride to do better than Once acetylcholine has been released into the
diamond. @ A B synaptic cleft and depolarisation of the postsynaptic
The element carbon, of which diamond is one membrane has occurred, excess acetylcholine must
form, owes its remarkable properties to its SFs

atomic structure. Atoms have between one and TB

eight electrons in their outermost electron shell.

The cases of two electrons or eight electrons in (020)

the outer shell are balanced and stable. Atoms

that do not have this structure try, by combining
with other atoms, to mutually borrow and lend TB

electrons and get to these numbers. But among SFs Nanotwins )
all elements, carbon, and some others, have four (111
outer shell electrons that allow these elements to (02
form links with four other atoms, which may be 0)
other carbon atoms. This allows a variety of
compounds with carbon or other elements and
also many geometric forms where an atom shares
each of its outer electrons with similar atoms to 100 nm 5 nm 1 nm
give both sharing atoms the stability of the “eight
electron” state. (a) an image of oBN nanoparticles and (inset) an image corresponding to the position marked with the red box showing defects, The ribbon structure of the enzyme
Graphite is a form of carbon where carbon including lattice puckering, bending and stacking faults; (b) schematic icosahedral model of a five-shell oBN nanoparticle. d0 is acetylcholinesterase, which is very essential. Any
atoms form sheets of a honeycomb lattice, which the inter-shell spacing; (c) photograph of an nt-cBN bulk sample with a diameter of about 2 mm; (d) an image of a typical substances that inhibit its activity are usually very toxic.
sit on each other. The sheets can slide over each microstructure in nt-cBN. Nanotwins and stacking faults (SFs) are marked (inset, a selected area electron diffraction pattern); (e) be rapidly hydrolysed. If this isn’t done, the membrane
other and graphite is useful as a lubricant. But a an image of nt-cBN showing Shockley partial dislocations (red triangles) emitted from grain boundaries and a high density of cannot be restored to its polarised state and further
different form of carbon, where the atoms take stacking faults in twin domains. TB, twin boundary; (f) enlarged image of e, showing the orientation relationship between transmission will not be possible.
three-dimensional form of interpenetrating adjacent nanograins. Boron Nitrade cubes (below). The enzyme acetylcholinesterase is, therefore,
cubes, is diamond. This crystalline it was found that the smaller grain GPa, which is that of diamond. Going below the essential and substances that inhibit its activity are
structure has the feature that it does size impeded movement of level of 14 nm, which is what has been achieved usually very toxic. One such family of
not present “cleavage planes”, where dislocations and, hence, increased the so far, is limited by the high-energy grain acetylcholinesterase inhibitors consists of carbamoyl
the crystal could disintegrate, and it yield strength, methods have been boundaries that promote crystal growth. esters. These compounds inhibit acetylcholinesterase
has tremendous strength, higher than sought to reduce grain size. Attaining “twinning boundaries”, or symmetric by covalently blocking the active site of the enzyme,
that of other crystal forms. Diamond, One of the methods has been crystals which attach along matching surfaces, effectively preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine.
thus, shows luster and strength, in through heat treatment, which is to can reduce the boundary energy and make for An example of such an inhibitor is physostigmine
contrast to charcoal, which is control the rate of solidification after more stability. (sometimes also called eserine), a naturally occurring
chemically the same thing, and for its plastic deformation by heat. Variations The Chinese group started out with graphite- alkaloid produced by the Calabar bean.
hardness, diamond has extensive of this method include adding like sheets of BN and the BN precursor was Many synthetic organic phosphates form even more
industrial use. But as diamond is finally particles during the solidification subjected to High Pressure and High stable covalent complexes with the active site of
nothing by carbon, it is readily oxidised from the melt, to act as nuclei, or Temperature treatment and the crystal structure acetylcholinesterase and are, therefore, still more
and cannot be used where there are inducing a very small fraction of the was monitored using X-Ray interference potent inhibitors. Included in this class of compounds
high temperatures. This is a great melt to solidify at a higher methods. At 15 GPa and above 1,000? Celcius, are the widely used insecticides parathion and
limitation of its industrial use. temperature, creating a huge number the BN material transformed into a translucent malathion, as well as nerve gases such as tabun and
Another compound that forms this of miniscule seed crystals. As an equal cubic phase, mixed with diamond-like structures. sarin. The primary effect of these compounds is
interpenetrating cubic form of crystal is number of crystallites are formed, the At 1,600?Celcius, the material changed muscle paralysis, caused by an inability of the
Boron Nitride, or a compound of size of grain stays low. Another aspect completely into transparent cBN. postsynaptic membrane to regain its polarised state.
boron and nitrogen. As boron and of grain boundary strengthening is The reverse Hall-Petch effect, which reverses Nerve transmission at cholinergic synapses can be
nitrogen have three and five outer shell electrons Increasing hardness that when the grain size is esceedingly small, this the increase of hardness with reducing grain size, blocked not only by inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase
respectively, they form a stable molecule, but Materials are hard because component parts tends to facilitate rather than impede sliding and comes into action when the grain size is down to
when the molecules form crystals they form mesh together and resist shearing forces. It has we have the reverse Hall-Petch effect. about 10-15 nm, in metals and alloys. cBN with
bonds with four neighbouring molecules, just been found that materials formed of smaller In the case of cBN, very small grain size has twin domains that was produced by the China
like the carbon atom. There is, thus, the graphite- crystallites provide more irregularity and less been attained by synthetic transformation of team, is seen to continue growing in hardness
like form of layers that slide, which has use as a smooth surfaces and thus lead to greater other crystal forms, like the graphite-like BN well below this limit. “Our findings introduce a
lubricant and also the cubic form, which is like hardness. This kind of hardness is said to arise form. This method was first used for creating new strategy and direction in the quest for
diamond. This form, known as cBN, also has very from grain boundary strengthening or Hall- very hard steel, by rapid cooling or quenching of superhard materials,” say the authors in their
high hardness. And though hardness is not so Petch strengthening, named after EO Hall of the a form of steel known as austenite. Austenite has paper published in the journal, Nature.
high as that of diamond, the BN molecule is not University of Sheffield and NJ Petch of the a face-centered cubic structure and rapid cooling A-bungarotoxin (from snakes of the genus Bungarus)
affected by heat and for many industrial uses cBN University of Leeds, who published results in the capture of carbon atoms. This, in The writer can be contacted at and cobratoxin (from cobras) are small, basic proteins
is able to replace diamond. groundbreaking discoveries during the 1960s. As turn, results in the parent austenite getting that bind covalently to the acetylcholine receptor,
thereby blocking depolarisation of the postsynaptic

Earth was hit by gamma ray burst

membrane. Many natural poisons act as neurotoxins
that can cause paralysis leading to death and have
functions for defence against predators or in hunting
and capturing prey. But some of these natural
inhibitors, despite their toxic attributes, are valuable
for therapeutic uses at lower doses.
the global atmosphere to trigger the light years away, a similar but also by substances that compete with
According to rise of radioactive carbon. event today could cause havoc acetylcholine for binding to its receptor on the
scientists, it came One suggestion was an intense with the sensitive electronics postsynaptic membrane. A notorious example of such
solar flare from the sun, but this that advanced societies have a poison is curare, a plant extract once used by native
from space in the was soon discounted as come to depend on,” South Americans to poison arrow tips. One of the
eighth century. implausible. Now Professor Ralph active factors in curare is d-tubocurarine. Snake
Neuhauser of the University of Jena venoms act in the same way. Both a-bungarotoxin
steve connor reports in Germany has suggested that the (from snakes of the genus Bungarus) and cobratoxin
cosmic radiation came from a (from cobras) are small, basic proteins that bind
massive collision either between covalently to the acetylcholine receptor, thereby
blocking depolarisation of the postsynaptic
A MASSIVE cosmic membrane.
explosion in deep space Substances that function in this way are called
sent out a pulse of high- antagonists of cholinergic systems. Other compounds,
energy radiation that hit called agonists, have just the opposite effect. Agonists
the earth between 774- also bind to the acetylcholine receptor, but in doing so
775 when the emperor they mimic acetylcholine, causing depolarisation of
Charlemagne ruled much the postsynaptic membrane. Unlike acetylcholine,
of western Europe, however, they cannot be rapidly inactivated, so the
scientists have found. The membrane does not regain its polarised state.
radiation pulse was Though of disparate origins and uses, poisoned
probably the most intense arrows, snake venom, nerve gases and surgical
cosmic event to have muscle relaxants all turn out to have some features in
affected earth in the past common. Each interferes in some way with the normal
3,000 years and it left an two black holes or two massive event to have hit the earth,” functioning of acetylcholine and each is, therefore, a
indelible imprint in stars located between 3,000 and Professor Neuhasuer said. Even neurotoxin because it disrupts the transmission of
ancient cedar trees dating 12,000 light years away, within so, it is not likely to have been Radioactive carbon-14 found in nerve impulses, potentially with lethal consequences.
to that time, they said. our own Milky Way galaxy. He noticed by anyone at the time rings of Japanese cedar trees Each has also turned out to be useful as an
Last year, scientists said that the cosmic collision because the burst lasted less than shows that earth had a major investigative tool, illustrating again the strange but
discovered that tree rings caused a “gamma-ray burst” – a two seconds, would not have left influx of cosmic rays about 1,230 powerful arsenal of exotic tools upon which biologists
from Japanese cedars had flash on intense radiation and a visible impression in the sky and years ago. and biochemists are able to draw upon in their con-
much higher levels of one of the most energetic was not close enough to cause Professor Neuhauser said. tinued probes into the intricacies of cellular function.
radioactive carbon 14 phenomena in the universe. species extinctions. The study is published in the
than normal for the years Astronomers have seen them “If the gamma ray burst had been monthly notices of the Royal The writer is associate professor and head,
774-775 AD, suggesting in other galaxies, but never in the much closer to the earth, it would Astronomical Society. Department of Botany, Ananda Mohan College,
that something dramatic Milky Way. “Over the past 3,000 have caused significant harm to the Kolkata
must have happened in Professor Ralph Neuhauser. years this was the most energetic biosphere. But even thousands of The Independent, London


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