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A. Galuh Pramananda, NPM: 20207470069

B. The Use of Simple Present Tense Verb and Adjective on Students’ Writing in

Descriptive Text (A Study at Private Junior High School in South Jakarta).

Thesis: Jakarta: English Education Program: Postgraduate Faculty, University of

Indraprasta PGRI, May, 2023.

C. ix + 5 Chapters + 119 pages + Appendices

D. Keywords: simple present, verb, adjective, writing, descriptive text.

E. This research aims to know the use of simple present tense and adjectives by

students in Junior High Schools in South Jakarta when writing a descriptive text.

The method used in this study was Descriptive Qualitative. The procedure

employed includes collecting students' work, analyzing the data, interpreting them,

and concluding. The result shows that in the simple present tense, students make

many errors when writing a descriptive text to describe people. The most dominant

errors made by the students are misformation (42.42%), followed by omission

(24.24%), then misordering (21.21%), and finally, the addition (12.12%). In the

use of the adjective, the most errors produced by the students are misformation

(42.42%), followed by omission (24.24%), misordering (21.21%), and the least is

addition (12.12%). Students' interlanguage problem usually causes the high

frequency of errors made by students. They use their native language's structure in

the target language.

1. Books 29
F. References :
2. Journals 3
3. Websites 2
G. Advisor : 1. Prof. Dr. H. Sumaryoto

2. Dr. Mamik Suendarti


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