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Verb Tense
Use the table below to fill in the boxes to make the
verb true for the correct tense of past tense, present
tense, and future tense.

Yesterday I I am Tomorrow I will

Jumped Jumping Jump

Walked Walk




simple Past Tense
Name: Class:
A. Change the verbs into past tense!

Read - Swim - Help - Watch - Study - Visit -

Write - Go - Drink - Fall - Walk - Wash -

B. Write the sentences using Simple Past Tense!

3. Tsaqif and Ibrahim (go)

1. My brother (cook) fried rice. 2. They (listen) to lecturing. jogging yesterday. 4. I ( visit) my grandparents.

5. Sally ( study) Math last night. 6. Annie (read) the quran. 7. We (plant) a tree last week. 8. He (ride) the bicycle.

9. Mom (shop) for groceries. 10. The cat (sleep) on the floor. 11. Athar (play) the kite. 12. We (have) dinner at home.


2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

6. 12.
Gap-fill Level B1-B2

Narrative Tenses
Complete the following short story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, or Past Perfect Continuous tense.

The Thompsons go hiking

It ___________ (be) a hot summer morning when The Thompsons ___________ (want) to
go for a hike and camp in the woods for a night.

First, they ___________ (pack) some food and a tent, and ___________ (put) on light
clothes. Then, they ___________ (walk) to the bus station. Their car ___________ (break)
down a week before, and the mechanic _____________________ (still work) on it, so they
___________ (take) a bus. They just ___________ (want) to have a family adventure!

The journey ___________ (take) longer than expected - about 2 hours - and the road
___________ (be) a bit bumpy. So the kids ___________ (feel) rather sick when they
___________ (get) off the bus. They ___________ (rest) for a while and ___________
(drink) some fresh water. When they ___________ (get) better, they ___________ (set)
off on a small trail into the forest.

The kids ___________ (be) delighted! They _____________________ (never be) on a hiking
trip before. Mum and Dad ___________ (want) to take them to the countryside for
years, but they ___________ (be) always quite busy with work. The night before,
however, they ___________ (think) they could take a couple of days off and enjoy some
family time. Before leaving the house, they ___________ (make) sure they ___________
(switch) their mobile phones off so that nothing would spoil their fun.

They _____________________ (walk) for a couple of

hours, enjoying the landscape and gentle breeze,
when suddenly, a phone ___________ (chime).
Whose phone was it?
Which Tense?
Name: Class:

Remember: Tense can be either PAST, PRESENT or FUTURE.

Write down the tense being used in each of these sentences.
a. Lily walked along the beach as the sun went down.

b. I will have to buy a present for Indie's birthday this weekend.

c. I walk towards the door to answer it.

d. Yesterday was the longest day. There was just so much to do!

e. Caitlin's recital will be so much fun.

f. I play tennis every weekend at the local club.

g. Imagine is we had practice yesterday. We would've gotten rained on!

h. Jiah has the cutest dog you've ever seen. Her name is Cleo.

i. We'd been watching movies all night, my eyes had started to hurt.

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