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Software Engineering

Name of Student: Ekambe Ganesh Roll No.: 88

Experiment No.: 12

To Estimate the cost of the online banking system project using the COCOMO model, we need
to follow the following steps:

Determine the size of the project in lines of code (LOC) or function points (FP). In the previous
question, we have calculated the size of the project using the function point metric, which is 138
function points.

Determine the mode of the project. The COCOMO model has three modes:

Organic: Small team, familiar with the application area, less strict requirements.

Semi-Detached: Moderate team size, some familiarity with the application area, moderate

Embedded: Large team, no familiarity with the application area, strict requirements.

For the online banking system project, we'll assume a semi-detached mode.

Determine the coefficients for the selected mode. The COCOMO model provides default values for
each mode, but they can be adjusted based on the project's characteristics. The coefficients for the
semi-detached mode are:

Scale Factor: 1.20

Precedentness: low

Development Flexibility: high

Architecture/Risk Resolution: high

Team Cohesion: very high

Calculate the effort required for the project using the following formula:

Effort = a * (size)^b * EAF

where a and b are constants that depend on the selected mode, size is the size of the project in LOC or
FP, and EAF is the product of the scale factors. For the semi-detached mode, a and b are 3.0 and 1.12,
Software Engineering

Using the calculated size of 138 function points and the selected mode's coefficients, the EAF is
calculated as follows:

EAF = 1.2 * 0.95 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.25 = 1.93

Plugging in the values, we get:

Effort = 3.0 * (138)^1.12 * 1.93 = 404 person-months

Calculate the project duration using the following formula:

Duration = 2.5 * (Effort)^0.32

Plugging in the values, we get:

Duration = 2.5 * (404)^0.32 = 16.7 months

Calculate the cost of the project using the following formula:

Cost = Effort * Team Size * Cost per Person-Month

where Team Size is the number of people working on the project and Cost per Person-Month is the
cost of one person-month. Let's assume that the team size is 6 and the cost per person-month is

Plugging in the values, we get:

Cost = 404 * 6 * $8,000 = $19,392,000

Therefore, the estimated cost of the online banking system project using the COCOMO model in
semi-detached mode is $19,392,000.

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