Brasenose College Application-for-Casual-Work-2022

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Brasenose college


I could not find the application form in the link you had
provided ,it was not there, so i used a similar template from
another college .

WORK YOU ARE APPLYING FOR: Casual catering assitant

Surname:Jose Forename(s):Joel Title:Mr

Address: 6 Croft Road

Post Code:0X30JX Telephone No.: 07305802291

Email address:

National Insurance Number:SN 12 46 60 A

Are there any restrictions on you taking up work in the UK? Yes No :no

(If yes, please provide details of Visa or work permit)

When are you available to work? Which days, which times? : I am in sixth form so my hours vary on a
fortnightly basis (week 1 and week 2) :Tuesday week2 1pm -4 pm ,wednesday week1 11:30 am - 3pm week2
12pm - 3pm ,Friday week1 11am - 5pm week2 11am - 5pm, saturday 11am - 4 pm, sunday 11am -2pm
These are just rough guides

Are you able and willing to work at night? Yes No :no

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Please complete in full starting with your most recent and use a separate
sheet if necessary):
From – Name & Address of Job Title Duties Rate of Reason for
To Employer Pay Leaving
Parmal Office Support Accoutant Auditing Variable Temporary
Ltd-216 Headley Way, Assitant
Headington, Oxford OX3

Oxford mail-216 Newspaper Delivers Newspapers… £50 Did it for 6 or

Headley Way, delivery monthly so years
Headington, Oxford OX3


Schools/Colleges/University : cherwell school , completed Gcses , currently doing alevels

Qualifications Gained: GCSE’s 10 qualifications

Please state any other employment or casual work you would continue with and the hours, if you were
to become a casual worker?Iam currently doing no other jobs

Please could you let us know where you first saw this role advertised: Google

Please note here the names, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of two persons from whom
we may obtain work experience references. One must be your most recent employer.

Referee 1:

Occupation: accountant

Company Name Address Parmal Office Support Ltd

and Postcode: 216 Headley Way, Headington, Oxford OX3 7TA

Work Email Address:

Telephone No: 01865762988

Capacity in which known: Employer

Referee 2:
Name: Steven cappelman

Occupation: Teacher Form tutor

Company Name Address Cherwell school

and Postcode:

Work Email Address:

Telephone No:

Capacity in which known: Teacher/ form tutor for a year


Please state any criminal convictions except those ‘spent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
(or equivalent). If none please state this. In certain circumstances the offer of casual work is dependent
upon obtaining a satisfactory basic or enhanced disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau/Scottish
Criminal Records Office.

Do you have any unspent criminal convictions?

No Yes (please give details):No

DECLARATION (Please read this carefully before signing this application):

1. I confirm that the above information is complete and correct and that any untrue or misleading
information will give my employer the right to terminate any casual agreement of work

2. Should we require further information and wish to contact your doctor with a view to obtaining a
medical report, the law requires us to inform you of our intention and obtain your permission prior
to contacting your doctor. I agree that the organisation reserves the right to require me to undergo
a medical examination after commencing casual work. In addition, I agree that this information will
be retained on my personnel file for the duration of this casual work arrangement and for up to six
years thereafter. In addition, I agree that this information will be processed in accordance with the
Data Protection Act.

3. I agree that should I be successful in this application, I will, if required, apply to the Criminal Records
Bureau/Scottish Criminal Records Office (or equivalent) for a basic or enhanced disclosure. I
understand that should I fail to do so, or should the disclosure not be to the satisfaction of the
company, any offer of casual work may be withdrawn.

Signed:Joel Jose Date: 01/10/2022

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