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Republic of the Philippines

Department O Education
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
San Fernando II
Limatong Pangokoyan Ta Appo Man Ohay


Know all men by this presents:

That this deeds of donation, made and entered into by and between:

------------------, legal age, single, and with postal ADDRESS AT sitio tugop, barangay sto.domingo, San
Fernando, bukidnon here in reffered to as the “donor”


That the donor is the absolute owner of a certain parcel of land consisting an area oof 20,000,000
square meters more or less, particularly bounded on the east by the properties of : -----------------, west
by , ----------- north by -------------- south by ______________________,

That for in consideration of the desire to contribute to a share for a cause of education and the
Filipino students which the done inspire in the donor, and as an act of liberality and generosity, the
donor hereby voluntarily and freely transfer

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