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College-level Writing

College-level writing is a bit different from high school writing. You need to be more

careful with grammar and sentence structures. Your writing should be concise, simple and

understandable. Researching and citing the resources properly is also very important in college-

level assignments. But if I have to share my ultimate strategy for these assignments, it would be

understanding the assignment and making sure you know what you are writing (University of the

People [UoPeople], 2018). That way, you don’t miss out on responding to all aspects of the

prompt and can further explain and support your idea or opinion. And writing becomes so much

easier when you use this strategy.

Personally, I don’t think there is much difference between writing a paper and writing a

discussion post. The main difference though is on a paper, I might just state my beliefs facts after

facts and avoid controversial subjects. But in discussion assignments, I wouldn’t mind writing

something controversial knowing I will get feedback from my peers and will later discuss that

matter. In the writing process on a paper, I usually research first to know more about the subject

and write my opinion on it. On the other hand, in the writing process of a discussion post, I

usually state an opinion first and research to support my claim. I am not sure about the difference

between writing an initial discussion post and a response to one of my classmates as I haven’t

written any initial discussion post yet. But as far as I have learned, there are usually questions on

an initial post but more answers and discussions in responses. Either way, I think both are very

beneficial for the students writing them and I wish all my peers and I can engage in more of

these discussions.

Word count - 300


University of the People. (2018). UNIV 0001 - New Student Orientation - AY2022 -


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