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International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 16 (2019) 100138

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Sous-vide cooking of meat: A Maillarized approach T

a,b,⁎ a,1 c a,1
Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal , Mar Roldan , Francisco Refolio , Trinidad Perez-Palacios ,
Teresa Antequeraa,1
Institute of Meat and Meat Products, University of Extremadura, Spain
Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 26, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark
Albacería Cacereña, C/Moret 7, 10002 Caceres, Spain


Keywords: Sous-vide cooking of meats has been a game changer for most restaurants and foodies all around the world,
Sous-vide allowing very tender textures of tough cuts and enabling a perfect control of doneness. However, sous-vide
Volatiles cooked meat lacks strong browning on the surface and roasted flavour notes. Chefs have traditionally use a two
Long-time low-temperature stage procedure to overcome this problem, with a more intense cooking method either before or after sous-vide.
However, there is a lack of knowledge about the consequences on cooked meat quality parameters, such as
Browning index
cooking loss, water content, colour formation or flavour development. In this study we showed the consequences
on these parameters of cooking lamb loins by coupling oven roasting and sous-vide cooking in two possible
combinations: sous-vide followed by oven roasting (SV/O) or oven roasting before sous-vide (O/SV). The dif-
ferences were not so marked, with the exception of a more intense surface browning and lower rate of oxidation
to Maillard compounds in SV/O. The potential use of adding reducing sugars to sous-vide cooked meats to
promote Maillard reactions is also discussed.

Introduction temperatures (as compared to traditional methods), which has become

to be known as LTLT (long time, low temperature) (Sanchez del Pulgar
Sous-vide cooking was initially developed for catering, and years et al., 2012). Some researchers claim that this LTLT conditions also
before became a must in kitchens of most trendy restaurants (Roca and boosts the activity of proteolytic enzymes in meat, giving rise to the
Brugues, 2003). In the XXI century it has spread to millions of kitchens release of free amino acids (Clausen et al., 2018) and leading to further
worldwide through the use of dozens of small tools developed for improvement of tenderness (Dominguez-Hernandez et al., 2018).
controlling cooking temperature. Those have enabled any foodie to It is worth mentioning that some chefs used and advised using time-
reach the deliciousness of perfectly controlled cooked meals. During the temperatures conditions that may result in food safety issues. Luckily,
last few years, a deeper knowledge on the chemical, biochemical and during the last few years, a more extensive knowledge on the microbial
microbiological changes taking place during sous-vide cooking of meats lethality at these combinations of temperatures previously thought to
have been achieved, giving rise to a number of publications (Mitra be totally unsafe, combined with long cooking times, has been gained.
et al., 2017; Roldan et al., 2015a, 2015b, 2014; Sanchez del Pulgar This has allowed establishing more clear red lines in terms of safe time-
et al., 2012). However, still chefs are ahead in their empirical knowl- temperature combinations (Stringer and Metris, 2018).
edge on the use of this technique. Cooking meats sous-vide has some drawbacks though, and perhaps
Even though sous-vide cooking has been applied to many different the main one is the lack of extensive Maillard reactions (MR) on the
foodstuffs, its use for meats is what has popularized this method surface of meats cooked under LTLT conditions (Roldan et al., 2015a,
worldwide (Ruiz et al., 2013). It is perhaps the degree of tenderness 2015b). The development of the flavour and surface brown colour in
achieved when cooking traditionally tough meat cuts what has made meat during cooking is a consequence of MR, lipid oxidation, reactions
this method unanimously acclaimed. This effects relies upon the use of among compounds from both pathways, and other degradative reaction
very specific combinations of very long cooking times at quite low pathways (Mitra et al., 2018; Roldan et al., 2015a, 2015b; Sanchez del

Peer review under responsibility of AZTI-Tecnalia.

Correspondence to: IPROCAR, UEX, Campus Universitario s/n, 10003 Caceres, Spain.
E-mail address: (J. Ruiz-Carrascal).
Address: IPROCAR, UEX, Campus Universitario s/n, 10003 Caceres, Spain.
Received 16 September 2018; Received in revised form 30 December 2018; Accepted 4 February 2019
Available online 06 February 2019
1878-450X/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Ruiz-Carrascal et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 16 (2019) 100138

Pulgar et al., 2013). In the case of sous-vide cooked meat, the lack of Volatile compounds analysis
extremely high temperatures on the surface (around 60 °C in sous-vide,
more than 200 °C in oven, more than 250 °C on a pan, and up to more Volatile compounds were analyzed by headspace solid phase mi-
than 350 °C on a barbecue), and the absence of surface dehydration lead croextraction (HS-SPME) following the method described by Garcia-
to far lower levels of MR development (Mitra et al., 2018; Roldan et al., Esteban et al. (2004b) with some modifications. The visible fat of each
2015a, 2015b). In order to counteract this drawback, chefs very fre- lamb loin was removed and a piece of the sample was ground after
quently roast or fry the surface of sous-vide cooked meats, achieving the freezing with liquid nitrogen. 5 g were weighted into a 20 mL glass flask
formation of this delicious Maillarized crust (Myhrvold et al., 2011). sealed with an aluminium cap and a septum. Sealed vial was condi-
But whether this should be carried out before or after the sous-vide tioned in a thermostatized water bath at 37 °C for 30 min. SPME was
treatment is still a matter of debate. carried out by using a cross-linked divinylbenzene/carboxen/poly-
In this small study made in collaboration with the chef Francis dimethylsiloxane fibre, 50/30 µm thick and 2 cm long (Supelco, Belle-
Refolio (“El Corregidor” restaurant, Caceres, Spain), we tried to address fonte, PA, USA), conditioned prior to use by heating in the injection
the differences in lamb meat characteristics when MR were promoted port of a gas chromatograph (GC) system under the conditions re-
either before or after sous-vide cooking. On top of that, scientific lit- commended by the manufacturer (at 270 °C for 1 h). The fibre was then
erature data and cookery knowledge concerning MR in sous-vide inserted into the sample vial through the septum and exposed to the
cooked meats are also discussed. headspace for 30 min at 37 °C. The SPME fibre was desorbed and
maintained in the injection port for 30 min. Analyses were performed
using a Hewlett–Packard 6890 series II GC coupled to a mass selective
Material and methods (MS) detector (Hewlett–Packard HP 5973) (Wilmington, DE, USA).
Volatiles were separated using a 5% phenyl-methyl silicone (HP-5)
Experimental design bonded-phase fused silica capillary column (Hewlett–Packard, 50 m ×
0.32 mm i.d., film thickness 1.05 µm), operating at 6 psi of column head
Fifteen lamb loins were used for this study. All loins were from a pressure, resulting in a flow of 1.3 mL/min at 40 °C. The injection port
homogeneous production batch of lamb averaging 26 kg live weight was in splitless mode. The temperature program was isothermal for
and 90 days of age. Ten of them were packaged in vacuum plastic bag 10 min at 40 °C, rose to 200 °C at a rate of 5 °C/min and then rose to
(nylon/polyethylene pouches; heat resistance of −40 °C/+120 °C, O2 250 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min and held for 5 min. The transfer line to the
permeability of 9 cm3/m2 per 24 h at 4 °C/80% HR and water steam mass spectrometer was maintained at 280 °C. The mass spectra were
permeability of 1.2 g/m2 per 24 h) (Joelplas SL, Barcelona, Spain) and obtained using a mass selective detector by electronic impact at 70 eV, a
sous-vide cooked at 60 °C for 12 h in a thermostatized water bath. These multiplier voltage of 1756 V, and collecting data at a rate of 1 scan/s
temperature-tie cooking conditions were selected in a previous study over the m/z range of 30–550 u m.a. n-Alkanes (Sigma R-8769) were
(Roldan et al., 2013). Loins were chilled at 4 °C immediately after analyzed under the same conditions to calculate the linear retention
cooking. Five of those sous-vide cooked lamb loins were considered as indices (LRI) for the volatile compounds. Compounds were identified by
control (CON). Another 5 were roasted in an oven with dry air over a comparison with the mass spectrum and RI of commercial reference
rack for 15 mins at 250 °C to achieve browning on the surface (sous-vide compounds (Sigma-Aldrich; Steinhein, Germany), by comparison of
and oven: SV/O). Thereafter they were let to rest out of the oven an- mass spectrum with mass spectral database (NIST and Wiley libraries)
other 30 min and packaged and chilled again. Finally, another five fresh and by comparison of their RI with those available in the literature
loins were roasted in the oven with dry air over a rack for 15 mins at (Garcia-Esteban et al., 2004a; Martin et al., 2009). From the obtained
250 °C to get a brown surface, let to rest for 30 mins and packaged results, we selected the area units for hexanal (as an indicator of lipid
again. Thereafter the loins were sous-vide cooked at the same condi- oxidation) and carbon disulphide (CD) (as an indicator of MR), because
tions explained previously (oven and sous-vide: O/SV). The day after these two compounds were present in all samples analyzed.
the cooking process, weight, moisture content and instrumental colour
were measured. In addition, samples were taken and kept at − 80 °C
until analysis. Sensory analysis

Cooked lamb loins were assessed by a trained panel of 12 members,

Moisture and cooking loss using a descriptive analysis method. The sensory traits, their definitions
and extremes have been explained elsewhere (Roldan et al., 2015a,
Moisture content was determined by drying the samples (5 g) at 2015b). Questions were presented to assessors in the normal perception
102 °C. Samples were analyzed in duplicate. Total cooking loss was order, as follows: visual analysis, texture, taste and flavour.
calculated by difference of weight before and after cooking. Results Panellists were selected from faculty, staff and researchers of the
were expressed as percentage. university using individual taste, flavour and aroma recognition
thresholds. Selected subjects underwent further training in meat and
meat products sensory characteristics over five years, and have subse-
Browning index quently participated in several panels for cooked meat sensory analysis.
Three lamb loins from different groups were evaluated in each
Colour was measured across the external surface of the cooked loins session. Sample order was randomized. The sessions were held 3 h after
after chilling. L* value (lightness), a* value (redness) and b* value breakfast. During each session, two slices of lamb loins (1 cm thickness)
(yellowness) were obtained using a Minolta Colorimeter CR-300 from each batch were separately served warm to each panellist. A glass
(Minolta Camera Co., Osaka, Japan) programmed to use the built-in of water was provided for each assessor. All sessions were done in a six-
internal illuminant D65. Means of readings on three locations on each booth sensory panel room at 22 °C equipped with white fluorescent
sample were determined. Before each series of measurements, the in- lighting (220–230 V, 35 W). Twelve traits concerning sensory char-
strument was calibrated using a white ceramic tile. acteristics of cooked lamb, grouped under appearance, texture, taste
Browning index (BI) was calculated using Hunter L, a, and b values and flavour were assessed by the panellists in a 10 cm unstructured line,
(Maskan, 2001) as ranging from “less” to “more”. FIZZ Network program (version 1.01,
BI = [100 × (x-0.31)]/0.17 Biosystemes, France) was used for the session performances and the
where: x = ((a+1.75 × L))/((5.645 × L+a-3.012 × b)) recording of all data obtained.

J. Ruiz-Carrascal et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 16 (2019) 100138

study, the higher temperatures reached in oven roasted samples led to

higher cooking loss (Fig. 1) and a consequently, a drier appearance.
However, it seems that applying such heat either before or after sous-
vide cooking does not lead to marked differences in moisture loss, and
so, on the moist appearance of meat cut surface.
SV/O samples showed significantly higher BI values on the surface
than O/SV, while control samples showed significantly lower values
than the other two (Fig. 1). Brown colour on the surface of meat is the
direct consequence of formation of coloured compounds called mela-
noidins through MR (Yu et al., 2016). This more intense browning was
also perceived by panellists on the cutting surface of the meat, since the
two oven roasted type of samples were scored with higher values than
the control (Fig. 2). These results were not unexpected, since roasting
either before or after sous-vide cooking is aiming for a more intense
browning of the surface. We already detected dramatically different BI
Fig. 1. Cooking loss (%), moisture content (%), browning index (BI) and ratio in roasted and sous-vide cooked lamb loins (Roldan et al., 2015a,
hexanal to carbon disulphide (CD) in lamb loins cooked sous-vide (control), 2015b). The main two reasons behind this fact are the more intense
roasted in the oven followed by sous-vide cooking (O/SV) or sous-vide cooked dehydration of the loin surface due to the use of dry-air roasting, and
followed by oven roasting (SV/O). Bars represent the mean values and the error the enhanced formation of brown compounds as a consequence of the
bars the standard deviation. The different letters indicate significant differences
higher temperatures in the oven. Interestingly, the brown colour on the
(p < 0.05) between the means of the samples in the Tukey's test (p < 0.05).
surface was more intense in SV/O than in O/SV samples. This could be
due to a number of factors: 1) the already slightly dehydrated surface
Statistics due to the previous sous-vide cooking in SV/O samples, since lower
water activities lead to more intense and faster MR, 2) the release of
The effect of cooking treatment on the physico-chemical variables meat juices to the meat surface during the previous sous-vide cooking in
considered in this study was analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance SV/O sample, since this juice contains MR precursors, such as sugars,
(3 culinary treatments). For the data reported by the panellists, a mixed amino acids and proteins and 3) the formation of carbonyls during
analysis of variance was used, with one fixed effect (cooking proce- protein and lipid oxidation during sous-vide cooking prior to oven
dure), plus a random factor for the tasting session within panellist. All roasting in SV/O samples, since these compounds have been shown to
models were fitted using the GLM procedure (SPSS 15.0). The Tukey´s participate also as precursors in MR (Ventanas et al., 2007; Zamora and
test was used at the 5% level to make comparisons between means. Hidalgo, 2005). Panellist also scored SV/O samples with higher colour
intensity on the cutting surface (not external meat surface) than O/SV
Results and discussion samples, but these differences were not significant (p < 0.05). (Fig. 2)
Such higher colour intensity in the core of the meat is probably more
Fig. 1 shows the mean values for cooking loss, moisture content, BI related to the extent of dehydration and myoglobin denaturation, rather
on the surface and ratio hexanal/CD in lamb loins under the different than to browning reactions.
cooking treatments. As expected, the extra heating due to oven roasting Oven roasting before sous-vide cooking led to much higher values of
in both O/SV and SV/O samples led to significantly higher cooking loss the ratio hexanal/CD than the other two types of samples (SV/O and
and lower moisture content. Roldan et al. (2013) showed a clear effect control) (Fig. 1), indicating a more intense lipid oxidation as compared
of cooking temperature on cooking loss: as temperature rise, specially to MR development. This was not reflected in higher rancidity scores
above 60 °C, muscle fibres shrink longitudinally leading to increasingly (Fig. 2). However, samples roasted either before or after sous-vide
higher water loss. Therefore, roasting in the oven to boost MR, either showed a more intense cooked flavour than those just sous-vide cooked.
after or before sous-vide, may have the side-effect of an excessive de- MR in meat lead to the formation of a plethora of compounds with
hydration, leading to a modified texture. In our case, this higher water distinct flavour notes, many of them showing quite low odour thresh-
loss and lower moisture content did not lead to significant differences in olds (Mottram, 1998). On the other hand, due to increasing tempera-
juiciness (Fig. 2), but could perhaps be one of the reasons explaining ture during cooking, also other type of chemical reactions take place.
that control samples were perceived as less tough and chewy. As Among those, lipid oxidation leads to the formation of numerous vo-
mentioned in the introduction, one of the main positive outcomes of latile compounds in very high amounts (Mottram, 1998). Many of those
cooking the meat sous-vide at controlled low temperatures for long show very high detection thresholds, and are not having a direct in-
times is achieving a juicy and very tender meat. Using two steps fluence on the perceived aroma, but some of them may also affect meat
cooking, with a roasting (or other high heat procedure) to boost MR flavour. Within those compounds, some may show rancid notes, which
could lead to overcooked meat, overcoming the advantages of sous- are supposed to negatively influence the overall flavour of cooked meat
vide. Therefore, it seems reasonable to carry out a careful adjustment of (Campo et al., 2006). Thus, the ratio between compounds from MR and
conditions for promoting browning in sous-vide cooked meats, since those from lipid oxidation can be an indicator of how much the aroma is
otherwise, it might be not worth it to spend such long cooking times. influenced by one or the other reaction (Andres et al., 2002). In our
The appearance of oven roasted samples either before or after sous- study, O/SV samples stood out for showing far higher ratios, indicating
vide was less bright (drier) (Fig. 2), most likely due to the lower that somehow, oxidation was very much promoted in these cooking
moisture content due to a more intense heat treatment. We also ob- conditions, since amounts of carbon disulphide remained to similar
served a higher light reflectance of meats cooked at lower temperatures levels. This might be the consequence of the two step process. First
(Roldan et al., 2013; Sanchez del Pulgar et al., 2012), and it was hy- cooking stage in the oven roasting no doubt leads to the formation of a
pothesised that this was due to a higher amount of water remaining on number of compounds from lipid oxidation, including free radicals that
the surface of the meat, and in fact, we empirically observed that would keep lipid oxidation reactions rates high during further re-
samples cooked at lower temperatures (which retained a higher amount frigeration and subsequent sous-vide cooking (Kanner, 1994). On top of
of water), released some water to the surface during slicing, while those that, heating promotes the denaturation of myoglobin, eventually
cooked at higher temperatures, with a higher cooking loss, showed a leading to the release of heme (Labuza and Dugan, 1971), which may
lower amount of exuded water on the surface. Similarly, in the present act as a potent prooxidant in further refrigeration and second stage

J. Ruiz-Carrascal et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 16 (2019) 100138

Fig. 2. Spider-web diagram presenting the

average values for sensory attributes of lamb
loins cooked sous-vide (control), roasted in the
oven followed by sous-vide cooking (O/SV)
and sous-vide cooked followed by oven
roasting (SV/O). Mean values of the same at-
tribute with different letters showed significant
differences in the Tukey's test (p < 0.05).

sous-vide cooking. It might also be that SV/O samples showed lower

levels of hexanal/CD ratio due to the shorter second stage cooking (SV
vs oven). At any rate, it is necessary to more carefully address in which
extent this two stage procedure may lead to the formation of com-
pounds with rancid notes, and if so, to optimize the cooking conditions
to minimise such formation.
It seems then clear that the lack of high temperature and surface
dehydration in sous-vide cooked meats leads to a less brown surface
and a lower flavour intensity as compared to other cooking methods,
and that this can be overcome by combining sous-vide with other more
intense thermal treatments, like roasting or frying. As a practical ex-
ample, at “El Corregidor” (Caceres, Spain), beef shank was cooked
following a three steps approach (Fig. 3), starting with marinating the
beef cut in a sweet-wine marinade containing honey and herbs for 25 h
at chilling conditions (pics 1 and 2), followed by a very intense roasting
in the oven at 250 °C for 30 min (pics 4 and 5); thereafter the surface-
roasted piece (pic 6) is vacuum-packaged (pic 7 and 8) and sous-vide
cooked in the steam-oven for 48 h at around 65 °C (pics 9 and 10),
giving rise to a very flavourful and absolutely tender piece of meat (pic
11). In this case, the roasting in the oven but also the marinade, con-
taining sugar from the wine and the honey, promote MR on the surface,
boosting browning and roasted flavours. This sugar addition is also a
worth to consider trick for enhancing MR.
Reducing sugars are among the initial substrates for MR, and it has
been shown that their addition on cooked meat very much enhance the
development of MR (Roldan et al., 2015a, 2015b). These authors
showed how adding a solution containing ribose enhanced BI and fur-
osine content (a marker for MR) in sous-vide cooked lamb loins.
Moreover, the sensory features of those ribose added loins were very
much modified, showing stronger flavours and colour intensity.
Therefore, the addition of reducing sugars to sous-vide cooked meats Fig. 3. Process of cooking beef shank at “El Corregidor” restaurant in a three
steps procedure: marinating, roasting and sous-vide cooking.
(in the form of honey, glucose, lactose, milk powder and so on), either
before sous-vide cooking or before further roasting, appears as a very
useful strategy to boost MR, and in turn, browning and flavour. to lead to more intense MR, leading to a browner surface and a higher
proportion of compounds from MR as compared to oven roasting before
sous-vide cooking. Nevertheless, the conditions for such procedures
should be carefully adjusted, since some of the positive aspects of sous-
vide cooked meats, as the juiciness and tenderness, might be overcome
Roasting in the oven, either before or after sous-vide cooking of
by an excessive drying due to an extra heating time. The addition of
lamb meat, leads to a browner surface and a more intense cooked meat
reducing sugars might be an additional strategy minimizing the needed
flavour. More specifically, oven roasting after sous-vide cooking seems

J. Ruiz-Carrascal et al. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 16 (2019) 100138

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Conflict of interest temperature-time combinations on physicochemical, microbiological, textural and
structural features of sous-vide cooked lamb loins. Meat Sci. 93.
The authors declare no conflict of interest
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