Chemistry Holiday Homework

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Chemistry Investigatory Project


Checking the bacterial contamination in

drinking water by testing sulphide ion

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mrs. Haritha Abdul Hadi Shafeer

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This is to certify that I, Abdul Hadi Shafeer, India

International School, Sharjah has submitted the chemistry
investigatory project, titled “CHECKING THE
guidance of Mrs. Haritha during the Session 2022-23.
The assigned project has been completed as prescribed by
the CBSE curriculum.

Examiner’s signature Subject teacher’s signature School stamp

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The accomplishment of any task stands as a testament to the

collaborative efforts invested by those who played a crucial role.
I am privileged to seize this opportunity to extend my sincerest
appreciation and respect to all individuals who contributed to the
successful completion of this project. It is with a deep sense of
gratitude that I wish to acknowledge the instrumental support,
unwavering assistance, and astute guidance offered by my
esteemed Chemistry teacher Mrs. Haritha, at every juncture of
this endeavor. Her mentorship has been pivotal, and without her
invaluable contributions, this project would not

have seen the light of day.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to every individual who lent their

Abdul Hadi Shafeer

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Title Page No.

Introduction 5-6

Aim 7

Requirements 8

Procedure 9-10

Observation 11

Result 12

Conclusion 13

Bibliography 14

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The sulphide ion test is a vital tool in assessing water quality and
environmental health, particularly when it comes to detecting bacterial
contamination in aquatic systems. This method is of paramount
importance for ensuring the safety of water supplies and safeguarding the
well-being of aquatic ecosystems. It operates on the principle of identifying
hydrogen sulphide, a compound generated in environments with
insufficient oxygen levels, such as surface waters.

Hydrogen sulphide can originate from various sources, including the

decomposition of organic compounds containing sulphur. However, its
concentration becomes significantly elevated when the pH of the water
exceeds 10. In contrast, under acidic conditions, the concentration of
hydrogen sulphide becomes more prominent, highlighting its adaptability
to different environmental scenarios.

Hydrogen sulphide, though classified as a weak acid, demonstrates its

potency as a toxic substance for aquatic life, particularly fish. Even minute
concentrations of total sulphide, as low as 0.01 mg/L, can render water
uninhabitable for fish culture. Moreover, the presence of hydrogen

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sulphide can adversely impact the aesthetic appeal of water bodies,
leading to undesirable color changes.

The H2S strip, specially designed for the detection of hydrogen sulphide,
plays a pivotal role in identifying pathogenic bacterial contamination in
water. The presence of sulphide ions can be indicative of multiple factors,
including elevated pH levels exceeding 10, the activity of
sulphide-producing bacteria, and reduced oxygen concentrations.

The procedure for conducting the sulphide ion test involves immersing an
H2S strip into the water to be examined and allowing it to incubate for 14
to 16 hours. If sulphide ions are present, the H2S strip will undergo a
noticeable color change, turning black. This visual transformation serves as
a clear indicator of the ionization of hydrogen sulphide.

In summary, the sulphide ion test is an indispensable technique for

environmental monitoring and water quality assessment. Its sensitivity to
hydrogen sulphide provides invaluable insights into the health and safety
of aquatic ecosystems. By detecting bacterial contamination and assessing
various water quality parameters, this test contributes significantly to our
ability to manage and protect our precious water resources.

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To check the bacterial contamination in

drinking water by testing sulphide ion

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To conduct the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) test, you'll need several essential
items. These include H2S strips, a beaker, drinking water samples for testing,
and a thermometer.

In terms of chemicals, the primary requirement is hydrogen sulphide (H2S).

This setup allows for the precise and accurate detection of hydrogen sulphide
levels in water, a critical step in assessing water quality and safety for
consumption. By carefully following the test procedure and using the
necessary apparatus and chemicals, you can ensure that your water is
thoroughly evaluated for potential contamination, thus safeguarding the
health of those who rely on it.

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This experiment involves a series of critical steps for assessing water quality
and detecting potential bacterial contamination. To ensure accurate results, it
should be carried out in a controlled environment, typically an incubator.
Here's a detailed breakdown of the procedure:

1. Incubator Setup:
Begin by setting up the incubator, ensuring it's at the appropriate
temperature and humidity levels for the experiment.

2. Prepare Water:
Take a clean beaker and add approximately 250ml of distilled or deionized
water. The purity of the water is crucial to obtain reliable results.

3. H2S Strip Immersion:

Carefully immerse the H2S strip into the water in the beaker. The strip is
specifically designed to react with hydrogen sulphide, which is a key indicator
of bacterial contamination.

4. Temperature Control:
Heat the beaker with the water and H2S strip to a precise temperature of
about 35 degrees Celsius. It's crucial to maintain this temperature throughout
the experiment.

5. Temperature Check:

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Verify and double-check the temperature of the water. It should consistently
read 35 degrees Celsius, as temperature variations can impact the accuracy of
the test.

6. Incubation Period: Place the beaker with the H2S strip in the incubator and
allow it to incubate for a duration of 14 to 16 hours. This incubation period is
essential for the reaction between the strip and any hydrogen sulphide present
in the water.

7. Result Evaluation:
After the incubation period, carefully examine the H2S strip. If the strip has
turned black, it indicates the presence of hydrogen sulphide. This outcome
suggests that the water is unfit for drinking or human use, as it may be highly
contaminated with bacteria.

The sulphide ion test is valuable for detecting bacterial contamination, as it

relies on the formation of hydrogen sulphide under oxygen-deficient
conditions, which can occur in surface waters. Additionally, hydrogen
sulphide can originate from the decomposition of organic compounds
containing sulfur, but its concentration becomes significant primarily at pH
levels of 10 or higher. This test serves as a vital tool in assessing water quality
and ensuring the safety of drinking water and other human uses.

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The conducted experiment yields crucial insights into the suitability of water for
consumption in various locations. The results reveal a mixed picture, indicating
that water quality varies significantly from place to place. Some areas demonstrate
water that meets the safety standards for drinking, while in others, it falls short and
is deemed unsuitable for consumption. However, it is particularly noteworthy that
water from river bodies consistently appears to be unfit for drinking.

This variation in water quality can be attributed to a multitude of factors. It's

essential to consider the sources of water, surrounding land use, and potential
contamination sources when interpreting these results. Factors such as industrial
runoff, agricultural activities, and sewage discharge can all contribute to the
presence of contaminants in water bodies, rendering them unsafe for human

The findings underscore the importance of vigilant water quality monitoring and
effective water treatment processes, especially in regions where access to clean and
safe drinking water is a pressing concern. Ensuring access to safe drinking water is
a fundamental public health priority, and these results highlight the need for

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continued efforts to safeguard this vital resource and protect the well-being of
communities that rely on it.


Water plays a vital role in our lives, but not all sources are
equally safe to drink from. Take, for instance, our beloved
rivers, which, while majestic and beautiful, often carry
pollutants from various sources, making the water unsafe for
direct consumption.

Even the water that flows into our homes can have its quirks. It
might not always taste or smell perfect due to treatment
processes or aging infrastructure. That's why it's wise to add an
extra layer of protection to our drinking water.

The solution is simple: before taking that refreshing sip,

consider purifying the water. You can do this using filters or by
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following other water treatment methods. By taking this small
yet crucial step, we ensure that the water we enjoy is not just
thirst-quenching but also safe for our health.

In essence, it's a reminder to care for ourselves and our loved

ones. Let's not leave our hydration to chance and always
prioritize safe, purified water. It's a small act of self-care that can
have a big impact on our well-being.


▪ Chemistry Lab Manual Class 11th

▪ Chemistry NCERT Book





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