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Final Appointment Reminder - UI focus

User Story
As a user, I want to send out a Final Appointment reminder to my patients. This reminder would
be sent out hours instead of days before the scheduled appointment.

The purpose of this story is to define how a net new final appointment reminder interface should
function. The goal is for the practice to be able to send out a final appointment reminder to
patients via Email, Portal Notification, SMS, or Phone.

Proposed UI

General UI Overview:

● Ability to toggle whether the final appointment reminder will be sent out on or off
○ This should be referred to as the Rule in the UI
● Ability to configure a final appointment reminder to be sent X hours before the scheduled
○ support to increase 0.5 each time. It means that the final appointment reminder
will be sent to a given patient at least 30 mins before appointment start time.
● Separate text areas to create customizable reminder message for each delivery method
○ Currently Email/Portal, SMS, and Robocall are available
● Option to toggle each delivery method on/off according to practice preference
● Area that displays available values from the system that can be inserted into the
reminder message
○ Practice Name
○ Practice Phone
○ Practice Address 1/2
○ Facility Name
○ Facility Phone
○ Facility Address 1/2
○ Provider Display Name
○ Provider Phone
○ Provider Address 1/2
○ Patient First Name
○ Patient Preferred Name
○ Next Appointment Time
○ Next Appointment Date
○ Procedure Description
○ Patient Portal URL
● Ability to Save the current reminder when changes are made, or to Cancel the changes

Acceptance Criteria

❎GIVEN that a user has clicked the Final Appointment Reminder rule from the grid and the module has

1. WHEN the "Is rule active" box is unchecked

2. AND the user clicks Save OR
3. THEN no reminders will be triggered

✅GIVEN that a user has clicked the Final Appointment Reminder rule from the grid and the module has

1. WHEN the "Is rule active" box is checked

1. AND there is no number entered in the Hours Before Appointment field
1. THEN a message shall appear "Please enter a number in the Hours
Before Appointment field"

✅GIVEN that a user has clicked the Final Appointment Reminder rule from the grid and the module has

1. WHEN the "Is rule active" box is checked

2. AND a valid number is entered in the Hours Before Appointment field
3. AND Email, SMS, Robocall are all toggled off
1. IF the user clicks Save OR attempts to navigate away from the page
2. THEN a message shall appear "Rule is currently Active. Please toggle on at least
one communication method or Deactivate the Rule before proceeding."

✅GIVEN that a user has clicked the Final Appointment Reminder rule from the grid and the module has

1. WHEN the "Is rule active" box is checked

2. AND a valid number is entered in the Hours Before Appointment field
3. AND at least one communication method (Email, SMS, Robocall) is toggled on
4. AND there is no text entered in the content field
1. THEN the Save button will be grayed out and unclickable
2. AND a message shall appear within the communication method with no content.
Message: "This Field is Required"
❎GIVEN that a user has clicked the Final Appointment Reminder rule from the grid and the module has

1. WHEN the "Is rule active" box is checked

2. AND a valid number is entered in the Hours Before Appointment field
3. AND at least one communication method (Email, SMS, Robocall) is toggled on
4. AND the communication method has text entered in the content area
5. AND the user clicks the Save button
6. THEN an appointment reminder(s) will be scheduled based on the current configuration
7. AND the user will be able to close the module without triggering any alerts or error

✅GIVEN that a user has clicked the Final Appointment Reminder rule from the grid and the module has

1. WHEN the user makes any changes to the current configuration

1. Hours Before Appointment
2. Rule Active/Inactive
3. Method Active/Inactive
4. Method Content Edit
2. AND the user clicks the Cancel button or navigates away from the module
3. THEN the module will close and none of the changes made will be saved

Test Plan - Test cases

Test plan can be found at:!Amj488gVGHpIcrGifz0LDbsD9sw?e=CXJOtX

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