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Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209


Second Quarter

Remedios B. Buenaventura

Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 12 – Types of Speech Context

I. Objectives:
1. Identify the various forms of speech context
2. Exhibits appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech context
3. Demonstrate sensitivity toward others in various communication situations
4. Give situations that show examples of the types of speech context

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 7- 10, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 6- 17, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd)
Manual, Curriculum Guide

Are you fully aware of what’s happening around us with regard to the Covid-19
pandemic? Using the set ow words, construct sensible sentence. You should use not
less than four words.

Example: The government asks the people to wear face masks and observe
proper hygiene to be safe from Corona virus disease.

lessons in life safety people Together patience

discipline proper hygiene unmindful Crisis government

quarantine authorities concern Heal front liners

friends respect loss of lives health workers face masks

Corona virus life recoveries stay home vaccine


Were you able to send your thoughts clearly to your classmates? What should one
consider in communicating his/her thoughts to be understood? What lesson did this
pandemic crisis bring to you? What profitable things did you do during this crisis?

III. Concepts Notes:

 Major Forms of Communication
1. Intrapersonal – communication that involves talking to yourself. It may involve
meditation about yourself, where you think about your life and what is involved in
it. Intrapersonal communication allows you to get to know yourself better, organize
your thoughts, and heal yourself emotionally.

2. Interpersonal – involves talking to one or a limited number of people.
a. Dyad – between two people
b. Small group – between three or more people

3. Public – involves communicating to a wide group of people with very varied traits,
background, interests, and persuasions.

4. Mass communication- basically has a large number of audience and they cannot
be grouped together in one place, so there is a need for certain tools or technology
for communication process. There is the use of media like newspaper, radio,
television, and internet.


We use communication every day in nearly every environment, including in the

workplace. Whether you give a slight head nod in agreement or present information to a
large group, communication is absolutely necessary when building relationships, sharing
ideas, delegating responsibilities, managing a team and much more.

Activity 1 - I. Identify the forms of communication used in the following situations. Write
intrapersonal, dyad, small group, public, or mass communication.
1. The President’s briefing with regard the guidelines on quarantine aired on TV-
2. The online press briefing of the spokesperson of the president on a nationwide TV-
3. Ms. Alyssa conferring to her lawyer about the family’s property –
4. The CEO of the company calls for an emergency meeting –
5. Ayesha thinking about how her past experiences could have been different –
6. Class discussion on physical health –
7. The city mayor announcing to the people about the planned lockdown –
8. Guidelines posted on billboards in the observance of healthy protocols to avoid
contracting the Covid virus –
9. Lauro imagining his future after this crisis –
10. The grievance committee discussing about the case of the employee –
11. Janine asking her classmate Lyka over the phone about the new normal situations –
12. The Department of Health gives update about the Corona virus through TV, radio,
Internet, and newspaper–
13. The principal explaining to the parents about the new normal school policies and
14. The students having a group study of the advantages and disadvantages of virtual
learning –
15. Niccolo analyzing the effects of the quarantine on him –

Activity 2 – Read the given quotation about communication, then write down a 5-6
sentence paragraph about your personal reaction on this.
“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t
get you anywhere.”

Activity 3 - Write down your answers to the following questions.

1. Describe an instance in which you spoke out loud to yourself.


2. How did you benefit from talking to yourself?


3. What adjustment did you have to take in talking to someone?


4. What adjustment did you have to take in talking in a small group?

5. Do you feel comfortable speaking before an audience? Why?

6. What benefit do you get in talking to a small group of people?

Activity 4 – Find someone at home and play a Guessing Game. One will describe an
object to be guessed by the other. Exchange places afterwards. The purpose of the
activity is for the both of you to give clear description of the objects to be understood.

Activity 5 – Assuming that you are a feature writer in your school newspaper and you are
tasked to write an 8-10 sentence paragraph about Covid 19 pandemic and its effect on
you, your family, and the people around the whole community. Your work will be graded
according to the Rubric.


Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 13 – Types of Speech Style

I. Objectives:
1. Distinguish the types of speech style
2. Identify social situation in which each speech style is appropriate to use
3. Observe the appropriate language forms in using a particular speech style

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 33-36, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 63- 74, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd)
Manual pp.35-39, Curriculum guide,

1. Do you agree with this

quotation? Expound your
2. To what group of people
can you share this
3. Can you share this with
the person whom you do
not personally know and
is experiencing a lot of
problems in life?

There are times when we have to choose what to say to the right person. You
don’t just say a word to anybody. The context of what you say should be communicated
to the right person.

III. Concepts Notes: Types of Speech Styles

 Speech Styles – is “the way in which something is said, done, expressed, or
performed”. It also corresponds to specific speech contexts
 1. Intimate – conversation that takes place between people who have very close
relationships such as family members, best friends, lovers, or married couple

2. Casual – conversations that take place among friends, classmates, or co-

3. Consultative- conversation that takes place between professionals such as

doctors and lawyers and their patients and clients.

4. Formal –this style is used in formal setting. Examples are sermons by the priests
and ministers, State of the Nation Address by the President, and others.

5. Frozen- also known as static as it is rather fixed remains unchanged for a long
period of time; examples of which are the Preamble, Pledge of Allegiance, or


A speech style, according to Martin Joos (1976), a linguistic and German professor,
refers to the form of language that the speaker use which is characterized by the level of

Activity 1 – Analyze the following dialog excerpts, then answer the questions that follow.
A- Ronaldo, do you accept Lara to be your lawful wife?
B- Yes, Father, I do.
1. Who are the people talking in the dialog?
2. What do you think is the situation?
3. What type of speech style is used here? Why did you say so?

C- Good morning, respectable Representatives of the Congress. Thank you for coming.
Please have a seat.
D- Thank you, Mr. President.
1. Who are the speakers in the dialog?
2. Are they in high ranking position? Why did you say so?
3. What can you say about the manner of speaking?
4. How about the way they address each other?

E- Hello, Anthony, what brings you here?

F- Good morning Dr. Leynes. I have been suffering from a back pain for almost a week
1. What speech style is this?
2. Who seeks advise from whom?

G- Hi there Georgia. What’s up? How’s your day?

H- I’m great, Noelle. How about you?
1. What speech style is employed here?
2. What helps you identify the speech style used?

I- Hello Honey, what have you been doing lately?

J- Fine, I’m just enjoying my day doing house chores. Waiting for you, Hon!
1. What do think is the relationship of the two? Why did you say so?
2. When do you think this speech style is most appropriately used?
3. How do you describe the language used?

Activity 2 – Read the given sentences, then encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. School lessons, Interviews, and Corporate Meetings are examples of what type of
speech styles?
a. Frozen c. Intimate
b. Formal d. Casual
2. Which of the following scenarios is an example of casual speech style?
a. The flight attendant greets the passenger as their start to take off.
b. The coaching advice Mark to take some rest for a while for the next game.
c. I pronounce you "Man and Wife."
d. Mara and Cara talk about their incoming JS Prom this February.

3. What speech style is commonly used in a semi-formal setting?
a. Casual c. Formal
b. Consultative d. Frozen
4. Preamble, Classical Play, and The Bible are examples of what type of speech styles?
a. Formal c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Casual
5. What speech style is applicable to use the Slang language?
a. Casual. c. Intimate
b. Consultative. d. Frozen
6. Which of the following scenarios is an example of intimate speech style?
a. Customer book for reservation in the Hotel
b. Two couples talk about their plans for their wedding
c. Students exchanging information about their research
d. Teacher discussing her lesson about Geometry
7. What speech style is ready-made and made by an expert in the field?
a. Formal c. Casual
b. Frozen. d. Consultative
8. Sending Virtual Hug with your boyfriend, comforting your best friend and playing
Mobile Legend together with your sister are examples of what type of speech styles?
a. Formal c. Casual
b. Frozen d. Intimate
9. What speech style is commonly used in an informal setting?
a. Casual c. Intimate
b. Consultative d. Frozen
10. A Teacher gives an advice to her student, the Principal discusses with the teachers
about the school project, while the Secretary consults to her Boss about the product
proposal. These are all examples of what type of Speech Styles?
a. Frozen c. Casual
b. Formal d. Consultative

Activity 3 – Identify the speech style used in the following lines. Write intimate, casual,
consultative, formal, or frozen.
1. I have been running a fever for days now and I feel weak, Dr. Rio. My muscles also
ache a lot. Do you think I’ve contracted dengue fever? ________________
2. Joebert, will you be coming to my birthday? The whole “barkada” will be there.
3. Mrs. Morales, I would like to show your child’s recent test scores. I am afraid he might
fail this subject. Let us talk about what we can do to help him. ___________________
4. In sickness or in health, through richer or poorer, till death do us part.
5. I love you Honey! I promise to keep this relationship forever. __________________
6. Good morning everyone! I have the pleasure to introduce to you our guest speaker for
today. ____________________
7. Hey Besh, let us join the dance contest. The prize is big. ___________________
8. I pledge allegiance to the Filipino flag and to the Republic to which it stands.
9. I would like to announce to all of you that for this year, we will not be having our usual
company Christmas party. ____________________
10. Mother, you have to take some rest. You have been working so hard. Let me do the
house chores. ______________________

Activity 4 – Fill in the blanks to complete the ideas in the given situations. (two points for
1. The Philippine Constitution falls under static or frozen because ___________________

2. Slang and vulgarities are sometimes used in ___________________ speech style

because they are considered inappropriate in formal contexts like __________________

3. Private or intimate conversations are expected among ________________________

and ___________________________.

4. The President’s State of the Nation Address or SONA falls under the speech style
_____________________ because ________________________________________

5. Examples of consultative speech style are manifested between-

a. ____________________ and ___________________ or
b. ____________________ and ___________________.

Activity 5 – Write a five-sentence idea on what you have learned about the types of
speech style. Put your answers in a graphic organizer.

What Have I Learned About the Types of Speech Style

Figure 1Different Types of Speech Style

Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 14 – Types of Speech Act (Locutionary, Illocutionary, Perlocutionary)

I. Objectives:
1. Define speech acts
2. Distinguish the different types of speech acts
3. Recognize that communicative competence requires understanding of speech acts
4. Respond appropriately and effectively to a speech act

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 27- 30, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 79- 82, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd)
Manual pp.41-47, Curriculum Guide

Try to analyze the following situations. Find out the meaning behind the utterances.
1. What do you think does the speaker mean when he/she says, “Can you bring in a
a. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to bring in a chair.
b. The speaker is requesting me to bring in a chair.
c. The speaker does not make sense.
d. The speaker is asking me a question.
2. Consider the phrase: “I now declare the country under the state of calamity.” Who
among the following can say the phrase and make it actually happen?
a. President of the country
b. Officials of Local Government
c. A retired Military Officer
d. A well-known personality
3. Your friend who has a mild fever enter your room. She quivers and tells you, “It’s
cold in here!” How would you interpret what she said?
a. She wants me to increase the temperature of the room.
b. She feels cold.
c. She does not feel well because of the cold.
d. She is complementing the temperature in my room.

If you answered B in number 1, A in number 2, and C in number 3, then you are

correct. When people are capable of performing acts with their utterances, these acts are
called speech acts.

III. Concepts Notes: Types of Speech Acts

 A speech act – is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.

Speech acts are done by saying them.

 Types of Speech Act

1. Locutionary Act- the act of making a meaningful utterance, the speaking part
of a speech act. Locutionary acts should have a purpose, either seeking to open
up an argument, express an opinion, or cause someone to take action.
“Please close the door.”
“I agree with what she says.”
“Is that what you really mean?”

2. Illocutionary Act – the act of saying something with the intention of:
 Stating an opinion, confirming, or denying something
 Making a prediction, a promise, a request
 Issuing an order or a decision
 Giving an advice or permission
“The price of pork nowadays is just as high of that of beef.” (opinion)
“I will finish my project later.” (promise)
“Work on your group project now!” (order)

In John Searle’s categories of illocutionary acts, he further categorized them into

1. Assertives- commit the speaker to the truthfulness of a condition or situation such
as when he or she asserts, concludes, deduces, or swears that something is true.
My grandmother bakes the most delicious rice cakes in our place.
I swear that I did not break the glass.
2. Directives – are attempts by the speaker to make the listener do something. This
includes when a speaker commands, requests, begs, invites, entreats, pleads, and
insists that the listener do something.
Please keep everything in place.
Come to my birthday party.
3. Commissives- commit the speaker to a future action such as when a speaker
guarantees, pledges, assures, or promises to do something.
From now on, I will accompany you to school.
I will shoulder your tuition fees for the last semester.
4. Expressives – show a speaker’s attitude toward a situation. This includes
apologizing for a wrong that was committed, congratulating someone for
something done or something that happened, thanking someone for something, or
comforting someone about an unwelcome event.
I am sorry for not being there to help and give my share of the work.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.

5. Declaratives – make something true by saying it (constantive) or make the
speaker do something by saying it (performative); brings a change in the external
You are hired! Congratulations.
I give you my blessing to marry my daughter.

3. Perlocutionary act – a speech act that has an effect on the feelings, thoughts, or
actions of either the speaker or the listener. It seeks to change the mind by inspiring,
persuading, or deterring.
I challenge you to do the Tik-Tok dance craze.
Can you solve this puzzle?


Speech acts are among the aspects of language that you need to study well toward
effective communication not just with your family, friends, and acquaintances, but also
with other citizens of the world.

Activity 1 - Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Consider this statement: “I now pronounce you as husband and wife.” Who
among the following can say this and make marital union happen?
a. priest c. retired policeman
b. teacher d. famous celebrity
2. What do you think does the speaker mean when he/she says, “Can you carry
these for me?”
a. The speaker wants to know if I have the ability to carry his/her things.
b. The speaker is requesting me to help him/her carry his things.
c. The speaker does not make sense.
d. The speaker does not mean anything.
3. You and your sibling were playing in your room. Suddenly, your mother entered
the room and she angrily said, “It’s dirty here!” How would you interpret what she
a. She feels happy.
b. She wants you to clean the room.
c. She does not feel well that is why she got angry.
d. She just wants to get angry.
4. Based on the scenario in item number 3, what will your next action be?
a. I will continue playing with my sibling.
b. I will agree with her and say that the room is dirty.
c. I will stop playing with my sibling and will clean the room.
d. I will ignore my mother.
5. In which of the following statements is the speaker making a commitment?
a. “I checked her outputs last week.”
b. “I am sad and feeling blue!”
c. “I promise to help you with your problems.”
d. “I think following the law makes us responsible citizens.”
6. Which of the following refers to the utterance that a speaker makes in order to
achieve an intended effect?
a. Speech Act c. Speech Style
b. Speech Demo d. Speech Variation
7. The following are the known functions of speech act EXCEPT:
a. apology c. offering
b. greeting d. planning

8. “Please clean the house.” This utterance falls under _____ type of illocutionary
a. commissive c. assertive
b. directive d. expressive
9. This refers to the audience’s reaction to an utterance since it carries a directive
for the audience.
a. locutionary c. perlocutionary
b. illocutionary d. formality
10. The listed ideas are utterance requirements for Locutionary Act, EXCEPT-
a. It has sense which is more important for communication to took place.
b. It has the same meaning to both the speaker and the listener.
c. It has the appropriate response to what has been said.
d. It has value to shared meaning when it is modified or adjusted.

Activity 2 – Identify the type of illocutionary acts being referred to in the following
sentences. Write assertive, directive, commissive, expressive or declarative.

1. It makes the speaker do something by saying it. _______________________

2. The speaker tries to make the addressee perform an action. _____________________
3. The speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions. __________________
4. The speaker expresses beliefs about the truth of a proposition. __________________
5. The speaker commits to do something in the future. __________________________
6. “I am sorry for what I have done.” ______________________________
7. “Don’t throw garbage anywhere.” ______________________________
8. “No one does these magic tricks than he does.” _______________________
9. “I assign Mr. Ruperto to be the Secretary of the Court.” _______________________
10. “You may now kiss the bride.” ____________________________

Activity 3 – Analyze the following utterances. What effect do you think will it have on the
listener? Explain your answer. (two points each)
1. “Hide! Now!”

2. “Congratulations! You’re hired!”


3. “Please, don’t leave me.”


4. “Stop or I’ll call the police!”


5. “It’s over. I quit!”


Activity 4 – Create a graphic organizer by putting the appropriate group of actions (verbs)
under each category of illocutionary acts. (assertive, directive, commissive,
expressive, and declarative)

claim apologize request

conclude thank challenge
affirm complain command
believe congratulate welcome
deny regret insist

baptize swear
sentence guarantee
resign promise
declare pledge
bid vow

Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 15 – Types of Communicative Strategy (Nomination, Restriction, Turn-

taking, Topic Control)

I. Objectives:
1. Identify the various communicative strategies specifically nomination, restriction,
turn-taking, and topic control.
2. Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communication strategies for each situation
3. Explain how communicative strategies affect the following: language form, duration
and interaction, relationship between the communicators, role and responsibilities of
the speaker, message and delivery.

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 60-62, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 100- 113, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd)
Manual pp.49-54, Curriculum Guide

Read the short quotation and give your reaction.

“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across,
your ideas won’t get you anywhere.”

- Lee Laculla


People communicate every day to establish and maintain relationships, know and
understand themselves, and find meaning in the daily routine.

III. Concepts Notes: Types of Communicative Strategy: Nomination, Restriction,

Turn-taking, Topic Control
 Communicative strategy – is a plan or course of action to convey information
effectively. It serves as a blueprint in expressing to others information related to a
specific issue, event, situation, or audience.

 Nomination – A speaker carries out nomination to collaboratively and productively

establish a topic. Nominating a topic allows the listeners or audience to tune in to
the topic, recall background information they have about, and prepare them to listen
to what is to be said.
Examples of how to start or nominate a topic:
Let’s talk about ……………..
I would like to talk about ………….
Today, I am going to discuss about ……….

 Restriction - Restriction in communication refers to any limitation you may have as
a speaker. A speaker must restrict the topic of discussion to make it specific enough
to be manageable. A topic must be restricted so that it can be properly discussed
fully, resulting in better communication.

For example. In your class, you might be asked by your teacher to brainstorm on
peer pressure or deliver a speech on digital natives. In this case, you cannot decide
to talk about something else.

 Turn-taking – Sometimes people are given unequal opportunities to talk because

others take much time during the conversation. Turn-taking pertains to the process
by which people decide who takes the conversational floor. In proper turn-taking,
speakers must know when to take their turn or allow others to speak.

I agree with what you said. But may I add that __________________________.
May I have the floor, sir? The topic under discussion is _____________________.

 Topic Control – means the speaker should focus on the topic without straying into
other discussions. This strategy limits the coverage of a discussion or conversation
to things that are acceptable to the people involved in the discussion.

Perhaps that is an issue for another discussion….
Maybe we should reserve that topic for another time ………
This is not the right time to talk about that ……..
This might not be the best venue for such a discussion ………


You have two ears and one mouth. Think of this fact as a “sign” of the importance
of listening intently to others. Often, listening well will allow you to share more relevant
and well-constructed ideas. In addition, careful listening will help you avoid making
remarks that may offend or hurt others or comments that might embarrass you.

(From: Oral Communication in Context by Marilou Santos-Syjueco)

Activity 1 – NOMINATION
Direction: Provide a question or statement that will start a conversation based on the

1. Your best friend About family problem

2. Your mother About cooking

3. Your father About sports

4. Your classmate About online class

5. Your teacher About communication

6. Your neighbor About quarantine

7. Your younger
About spooky things

8. Your grandparent About politics

9. A vendor/seller About his/her product

10. A new friend About music

Activity 2 – Analyze the given sentences. Choose the correct communicative strategy
1. “Do you have anything to say?”
a. Nomination c. Turn-taking
b. Restriction d. Topic control
2. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the importance of strictly
following the health protocols.
a. Nomination c. Topic control
b. Turn-taking d. Restriction
3. “Excuse me. I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly understand what
we want to say about the issue.”
a. Restriction c. Topic control
b. Nomination d. Turn-taking
4. “Have you heard the news about the latest vaccine discovery of Russia?”
a. Nomination c. Turn-taking
b. Restriction d. Topic control
5. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first before I say something.”
a. Restriction c. Nomination
b. Turn-taking d. Topic control
6. “Now, it’s your turn to ask question.”
a. Nomination c. Turn-taking
b. Restriction d. Topic control
7. “Good to see you. Anyway, I came to personally find out how you are doing.”
a. Nomination c. Turn-taking
b. Restriction d. Topic control
8. “Let’s go back to our topic of discussion.”
a. Restriction c. Nomination
b. Turn-taking d. Topic control
9. “Let’s talk about the latest development about the Corona virus vaccine.”
a. Nomination c. Turn-taking
b. Restriction d. Topic control
10. “The announcement on class suspension came in just a while ago.”
a. Turn-taking c. Nomination
b. Restriction d. Topic control

Activity 3 – Choose the letter of the most appropriate responses to the following situations.
1. “I would like to talk about how the Filipinos show courage despite several crises in life.”
a. “Go ahead! It’s your call.
b. “That is a good topic for discussion.”
c. “Count me out! I am not interested.”
d. “Sure, why not?”
2. “I think this is not the right time to talk about that.”
a. “Then when do we talk about it?”
b. “I insist we talk about it now!”
c. “I agree with you. Let’s have that for another time.”
d. “Let’s have votation.”
3. The leader of a group was discussing about the coming school event, when suddenly
one of the members interrupted and spoke his idea. What can the leader say?
a. “Don’t you see I’m still talking?”
b. “Shut your mouth!”
c. “Excuse me. Please allow me to finish first.”
d. “Can’t we talk at the same time?”
4. “Have you noticed the weird weather lately? They are not the usual thing we
a. “It is not our problem.”
b. “Why do you worry about that?”
c. “I think it really happens.”
d. “I think it is the effect of global warming.”
5. “Would you like to say something, Angeline?’ asked the professor. What is the right
reaction of the class?
a. “Go ahead, Angeline. Share your ideas.”
b. “You need not answer. You might be wrong.”
c. “You are wasting our time! Answer now if you want.”
d. “Be sure your answer is correct.”

Activity 4 – Write a-two-sentence ideas for each nomination, restriction, turn-taking and
topic control communicative strategies. Put it in a graphic design.

What have I learned about-

 Nomination – __________________________________________________
 Restriction – ___________________________________________________
 Turn-taking – __________________________________________________
 Topic control - _________________________________________________

Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 16 – Types of Communicative Strategy (Topic Shifting, Repair,


I. Objectives:
1. Identify the various communicative strategies specifically topic shifting, repair, and
2. Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communication strategies for each situation
3. Explain how communicative strategies affect the following: language form, duration
and interaction, relationship between the communicators, role and responsibilities of
the speaker, message and delivery.

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 62-64, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 114- 116, 120-123, Oral
Communication in Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie
Balgos (DepEd) Manual pp.49-54, Curriculum Guide

Test yourself. Try answering this short quiz. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. “Maybe we can continue that discussion some other time. In the meantime, let’s talk
about the latest news on TV.” This is an example of:
a. Topic control c. Repair
b. Topic shifting d. Termination

2. “Don’t get me wrong, but want I really want to say is that we should all follow the health
protocols regardless of age.” This is an example of:
a. Topic shifting c. Termination
b. Repair d. Regulation and Control

3. “Excuse me, but I really have to go. Let’s talk again some other time.” This is an
example of:
a. Termination c. Repair
b. Topic shifting d. Topic control

Notice that in the first sentence, the first topic for discussion is set aside and another
topic is open for discussion. This is an example of topic shifting. In the second sentence,
the speaker was trying to reason out or correcting what was first said. This is an example
of repair. In the last sentence, notice that the speaker seemed to be in a hurry to end the
conversation and would want to have it be continued the next time. This is an example of

III. Concepts Notes: Types of Communicative Strategy: Topic Shifting, Repair,
 Topic shifting – is a communicative strategy that is useful in introducing another
topic. This strategy works best when there is follow-through so that new topic
continues to be discussed. When changing from one topic to another, the speaker
should prepare the audience or listeners for the change. The change must be done
smoothly by using known expressions that signal a change of topic.
 Let us now turn to the issue/topic of __________________.
 In addition to the ____________, there is also the issue about ___________.
 I know this is off-topic, but I have to say _____________________.

 Repair – refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening, and
comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation. Sometimes a speaker
is misunderstood by the audience. In this case, the speaker must clarify what he or
she is saying. Particular attention must be given to the piece of utterance that
produced misunderstanding.
 What I mean is ________________________.
 Let me rephrase that _____________________.
 In other words, what I am trying to say is _____________________.

 Termination – is a communicative strategy that ends the interaction through verbal

and nonverbal messages that both speaker and listener send to each other. Any
discussion must be terminated properly. Without doing so, the listeners or
participants would be left wondering what happened to the discussion and will not
understand whether the topic was fully discussed or not.

One way to terminate a speech or a discussion is to restate the main idea of the
speech in a way that is memorable to the listeners. Another is to give a summary
of the discussion.
 Let me end by saying ___________________________.
 In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that ______________________.
 So for today, we were able to discuss __________________________.


Communication strategies are usually learned through experience, such as when you
discover that a mere word can either hurt or uplift another person. You will also learn
through experience the topics that people generally do not want to talk about. Moreover,
experience will teach you how to properly and politely shift, repair or terminate
communication situations.

(From: Oral Communication in Context by Marilou Santos-Syjueco)

Activity 1 – Identify the communicative strategy used in the following utterances. Write
topic shifting, repair, or termination.
1. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners in the just concluded
2. It’s been great talking to you, but I’m afraid I have to go.
3. Let me end by saying that this has been a great day having a discussion with you.
4. I am sorry, I take that back. What I really mean is that some people are not
responsible enough about what’s happening.
5. By the way, what can you say about the government’s red-tagging policy?
6. Before I end, let me have a recap of our lesson for today.
7. What do you think is the reason why the weather changes irregularly?
8. What I mean is that everybody should do his/her part in this situation.
9. Class please open your book to page 24- ah I’m sorry, rather page 29.
10. At this point, I would like to mention the summary report you will submit.

Activity 2 – Write True if the underlined word makes the idea in the sentence correct. If
False, write the word that will make the idea correct.
1. Repair is a communicative strategy where one moves from one topic to another.
2. One way to terminate a discussion is to restate the main idea of the topic discussed.
3. Communicative strategies are plans, ways or means of sharing information which are
adopted to achieve a particular social, political, psychological, or linguistic purpose.
4. “Let us stop this discussion now!” is a proper way of terminating a discussion.
5. Repairing as a shift in communicative strategy can affect the delivery of a message
and the duration of the interaction.
6. When the speaker tries to clarify what he or she is trying to say, termination is
7. “Let us now turn to the issue of mega corruption in the government.” Is an example of
8. Topic shifting as a shift in communicative strategy may affect the message. Some
listeners may develop different reactions.
9. As a communicative strategy, terminating is useful in avoiding conflicts or diffusing
10. Conversations are as regular as many of our daily activities.

Activity 3 – Create a response that will employ the stated communicative strategy. (2
points each response)
Example: Situation: You interchanged the word “mall” to “hall” when you talked to your
(Repair) You: I am sorry, I should have said meet you at the “hall” instead of at the

A. On Topic Shifting:
1. Situation: The teacher is discussing about the different calamities that hit our country.
You: Since you mentioned that ___________________________________________

2. Situation: Your groupmates are discussing about the situations in the “new normal.”
You: Maybe we can continue that discussion some other time. In the meantime, let’s
talk about _______________________________________________________

B. On Repair
3. Situation: You commented on the hair style of your best friend.
You: Don’t get me wrong, but __________________________________________

4. Situation: As a leader of the group, you assigned your group members their specific
You: Let me clarify that ________________________________________________

C. On Termination
5. Situation: You were invited as a guest speaker in a class symposium and you talked
about peer pressure. You have to end your talk after answering many questions from
the participants.
You: I am sorry but I __________________________________________________

Activity 4 – Answer the following questions to show what you have learned about topic
shifting, repair and termination as communicative strategies.

What I know about ….

1. Why is it necessary to shift topics in certain situations?

2. What is your definition of repair as a communication strategy?
3. Why is this strategy important in communication?
4. How would you define termination as a communication strategy?
5. How do you repair or terminate a communication situation?

Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 17 – Types of Speeches According to Purpose (Expository/Informative,

Persuasive, Entertainment)

I. Objectives:
1. Distinguish the types of speeches according to purpose
2. Deliver short speeches according to purpose

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 135-144, Oral Communi-
cation in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 129- 134, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd) Manual
pp.80-82, Curriculum Guide

Any worthwhile endeavor such as a speech has a purpose. You speak to inform, to
argue, to persuade, to entertain, and to express emotions, among others. Identifying your
purpose and being conscious of it allows you to better choose your words, your supporting
material, the organization of your message, and the manner in which you will deliver it.

III. Concepts Notes: Types of Speeches According to Purpose

 Expository / Informative Speech – this speech serves to provide interesting and

useful information to your audience; a speech that aims to give an audience
information on a specific subject and to educate them.

Examples of Informative speech ideas:

 College professor lecturing on a specific topic during a class.
 Guest speaker presenting information to a group of students about how to apply for
 Company president presenting the company’s last quarter sales to a group of board
 Doctor talking to a group about ways to avoid heart disease.

 Persuasive Speech – this speech works to convince people to change in some
way: they think, the way they do something, or to start doing something that they
are not currently doing; to convince the audience of an idea or change the point of
view and stance of your audience.

Examples of Persuasive speech ideas:

 A teenager attempting to convince her parents that she needs to be able to stay
out until 11 pm instead of 10 pm.
 A student council president trying to convince school administrators to allow the
students to have a social dance right after the graduation rites.
 A lawyer giving a closing argument in a court, arguing about whether the defendant
is innocent or guilty of the crime.

 Entertainment – a speech that is written in order to please and entertain your

audience; a speech whose sole purpose is to have the audience enjoy the
presentation; to make the audience smile, relax, enjoy, and maybe even laugh
their heads off.

Examples of Entertainment Speech Ideas:

 How to Fail a Driver’s Test
 How to Ruin a Date
 The Funniest Thing My Kid Ever Said
 My Worst Traffic Violation
 Something That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Cried


As human beings, we are fortunate to have been endowed with the abilities of
speech and language. Whatever our purpose for using them, we should do it not only for
our own benefit, but also for others. We should always remember that it is good to use
speeches to inform others of things that matter provided the information is accurate and
does not mislead. It is a noble aim to use our talent for words to persuade others toward
a belief or an action provided we have good intentions.

Activity 1 – Identify the specific purpose of the following speeches. Write informative,
persuasive, or entertainment.

1. Newscast - _________________________________________
2. State of the Nation - __________________________________
3. Comedy punchline - __________________________________
4. Game show host spiel - _______________________________
5. Proclamation of winning candidates - ____________________
6. Anti-littering campaign speech - ________________________
7. Thesis defense - ____________________________________
8. An after-dinner speech - ______________________________
9. Product endorsement - _______________________________
10. A tributary speech - ________________________________

Activity 2 – Analyze the given sentences. Encircle the letter of the best answer to the
following questions.
1. In a persuasive speech, the specific purpose answers which of the following questions?
a. What are you informing the audience of?
b. What are you trying to convince the audience to do?
c. How persuasive are you with your audience?
d. How will my audience influence my topic?

2. What kind of speech talks about the discovery of the Covid 19 vaccine?
a. Persuasive speech c. Informative/Expository speech
b. Entertainment speech d. Oratorical speech

3. Some people are gifted with wit and humor to persuade the audience to laugh with
them. Which of the following cannot do such?
a. Comedians c. Game show hosts
b. Noontime show hosts d. Company CEO

4. The Department of Health Secretary is speaking on the massive effects of this

pandemic. This speech is likely written to:
a. Persuade c. Entertain
b. Inform/Expose d. Dramatize

5. The specific purpose of persuasive speech is to ____________.

a. Change the audience’s belief c. Prompt the audience to take actions
b. Gain the audience’s support for a belief d. All of the above

6. The following ideas can be considered for an informative speech, except _______.
a. Honoring your grandparent on his/her 80th birthday
b. Presenting to the technical team the design of a new home appliance
c. Talking about the worsening garbage problem in the community
d. Defending a project proposal

7. What type of speech influences the thoughts, feelings and actions of the audience?
a. Informative c. Entertainment
b. Persuasive d. Demonstrative

8. All of the following can make a speech entertaining, except ___________.

a. Tell funny stories c. Tell a scary story
b. Dramatize an anecdote d. Deliver a valedictory address

9. The main purpose of an informative or expository speech is to ___________.

a. Provide reliable facts to the reader on any subject matter.
b. Gain the admiration of the audience.
c. Identify with the beliefs and ideas of the audience.
d. Allow the audience not to make any research.

10. Identifying your purpose in writing a speech allows you to do the following except ___.
a. To better choose your words. c. To include as many characters
b. To organize your message d. To think of how to deliver it

Activity 3 – Make a comparison and contrast of the types of speeches according to
purpose. Write down three important facts about informative, persuasive , and

Informative Persuasive

_________________________ Types of ________________________
_________________________ Speech ________________________
__________________________ According to ________________________
__________________________ Purpose ________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________


Activity 4 – If you will be asked to write a speech, what will be your purpose? Why will you
choose that?

I would like to write a __________________________________ (type according

to purpose) because _____________________________________________________

Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 18 – Types of Speeches According to Delivery (Reading from a

Manuscript, Memorized Speech, Impromptu Speech, Extemporaneous Speech)

I. Objectives:
1. Distinguish the types of speeches according to the manner of delivery
2. Use principles of effective speech delivery in different situations

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 143-150, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 136- 143, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd) Manual
pp.80-84, Curriculum Guide

Speech delivery refers to the expression in words of your message, ideas,

thoughts, and feelings. There are at least four types of speech according to manner of
delivery: read, memorized, impromptu, and extemporaneous.

III. Concepts Notes: Types of Speeches According to Delivery

 Read (From a manuscript) – This type of speech is read by the speaker from a
manuscript prepared by him or her or by somebody else commissioned to write it.
Manuscript speaking is the word-for-word repetition of a written message. In a
manuscript speech, the speaker maintains his or her attention on the printed page
except when using visual aids.

 Memorized – Like the Read from a Manuscript, a memorized speech is also
written in advance by the speaker himself or herself or by the person commissioned
to write it. It is a speech that is committed entirely to memory and delivered from
memory. This is the speech that needs most preparation because you have to
memorize not only the content but also the action. Orations and declamations are
examples of speeches that are memorized.

 Impromptu – This type of speech is delivered with little to no preparation often in

a conversational style. An impromptu speech is the most difficult public speaking
assignment. It’s a type of speech that will not give you enough time to prepare. But
even with little to no preparation, you are still expected to deliver a great speech.

 Extemporaneous – This type of speech is a planned and prepared speech. Unlike

memorized or manuscript speeches which are delivered word-for-word, an
extemporaneous speech is delivered with the help of short notes and a clear
outline. This type of speech is delivered by speakers who have expert knowledge
on the topic and are therefore able to deliver an entire speech using an outline of
ideas on cue cards.


A speaker must have the ability to speak about something eloquently even on short
notice. To develop this ability, one must build a sufficiently large storehouse of knowledge
on various issues and subjects. This can be possible by reading credible literature and
watching documentaries and news broadcasts on various topics and current events.

Activity 1 – Identify the type of speech described. Write read, memorized, impromptu,
or extemporaneous.

1. One do not need notes anymore and can plan gestures, facial expressions, and
movements. ______________________

2. The speaker maintains his or her attention on the printed page. __________________

3. It is most successful when it is brief and focus on a single point. __________________

4. It requires a great deal of preparation for both the verbal and the nonverbal components
of the speech. _______________________

5. There is the advantage of the exact repetition of the original words. _______________

6. A speaker is guided by notes or outline. ________________________________

7. A speaker has to rehearse the speech over and over again until he or she sounds
natural and feels confident. _____________________________

8. The speech is unrehearsed, without advance preparation, and spoken in a

conversational manner. ____________________________

9. It is spoken spontaneously and in a natural speaking manner. ___________________

10. Newscasting is one example of this speech. _________________________

Activity 2 – Identify the speech delivery type that is expected from a speaker in the
following situations. Write read, memorized, impromptu, extemporaneous.
Example: memorized - Declamation contest

__________________ 1. Class report

__________________ 2. Presidential speech
__________________ 3. Your message to the newlyweds
__________________ 4. Reading a passage
__________________ 5. Reciting the piece “Charge to the Light Brigade”
__________________ 6. Class recitation
__________________ 7. Birthday greetings to your best friend
__________________ 8. Radio drama
__________________ 9. A 10-minute talk on cloud seeding
__________________10. Response from the graduates

Activity 3 – Below is an excerpt from a popular speech of Lloyd Luna, winner of several
local and international public speaking competition. Read aloud to yourself this excerpt.
Be sure to read with proper enunciation, accentuation and pausing. Then answer the
questions that follow.


1. What does the speaker mean when he said that the profession becomes a
2. How can one’s life be filled with compassion?

3. In what way can one start to sell for others?


Activity 4 – Assuming that you will represent your class to a speech contest. Copy an
excerpt of a famous speech of any Filipino or foreign well-known speakers. Present it to
class whether as read or from a manuscript. Don’t forget to write your source.


Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 19 – Principles of Speech Writing (Choosing the Topic, Analyzing the


I. Objectives:
1. Use principles of effective speech writing focusing on
o Audience profile
o Logical organization
o Duration
o Word choice
o Grammatical correctness

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 151-160, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 144- 154, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd) Manual
pp.80-84, Curriculum Guide

Do you feel nervous when faced with the prospect of writing a speech? Do you
envy other people who can stand in front of an audience and deliver a speech? You
should not. This skill can be learned and for all you know you may have the talent in
writing and delivering a speech. You just have to develop it. A good speech comes from
good writing.

III. Concepts Notes: Principles of Speech Writing

To craft an effective and relevant speech, the following principles of speech
writing can serve as your guide:

 Choosing a Topic – If you are given the choice of topic for your speech, start with
what you know or are interested to know. Then if you have something in mind
already, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is the topic interesting to my audience?
2. Is it timely and relevant?
3. Are there available sources of information on it?

If your answer is “yes” to all the given questions, then you have a potentially good
topic in mind.

 Analyzing the Audience – Audience profile pertains to the important details about
your audience that will help you plan your speech. Know your audience in order to
craft the language and content of your speech according to their age, gender,
educational attainment, cultural background, needs, and inclinations. In addition,
the speaker may even consider the audience’s occupations and religious affiliations
in planning his speech.

Knowing your audience profile or characteristics will help you plan your speech
in terms of topic, word choice, examples, language, and duration.

Example: An alumnus receives an invitation to speak before the grade 10 students in the
Moving Up Ceremony of his school. In planning his speech, he considers the age of his
intended audience, which, in this case are around 15-16 years old. Included in the
audience are the students’ parents and loved ones who will come to witness a milestone
in their children’s education. As such, the alumnus decides to use language that the
candidates, their parents, and their older loved ones will understand and relate to.


We should bear in mind that some people may forget about what we said, will
forget about what we did, but will never forget how you made them feel. Whatever you
write, remember that your audience will mostly take away a feeling from your speech, so
it is important that you elicit the response you want with the words you choose.

Activity 1 – Write True if the idea in the sentence is correct, and write False if not.
_____________ 1. The cultural background of your possible audience need not be taken
into consideration.
_____________ 2. Knowing the audience and the occasion is crucial in writing a speech.
_____________ 3. It doesn’t matter how big or small your audience in preparing your
_____________ 4. In writing a speech, one should know his/her purpose.
_____________ 5. No two speeches are ever the same even if they deal with the exact
same topic if they have different audience.
_____________ 6. A speaker may insist on talking about the topic he has in mind when
invited to deliver a speech.
_____________ 7. As a speaker, it is important that you have an idea on how big your
audience will be.
_____________ 8. Organize your ideas logically so that your listeners will be able to
follow the flow of your speech from beginning to end.
_____________ 9. In choosing a topic, you should remember your goal of informing and
Educating the audience.
_____________10. It is immaterial whether or not the audience belongs to the millennials
in discussing about customs and traditions of the Filipinos.

Activity 2 – Enumeration: Answer the following questions.
A. What three questions will you ask yourself, if you already have a topic in mind?
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________

B. Name some of the audience profile that we take into consideration in choosing a
topic for a speech.
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________

Activity 3 – Identify the distinct traits of the following audience types that you need to keep
in mind if you are to deliver a speech before them.
1. A group of soldiers who are about to retire
2. A basketball team in senior high school
3. A group of beauty contest candidates
4. Philippine delegates to the SEA Games
5. A group of medical front liners

Activity 4 – Assuming that you will be asked to speak before a grade six graduation
ceremony and the topic is about the health protocols being implemented in this new
normal. Write an 8-10 sentence paragraph for your speech. Give your title. (Use another
sheet of paper when needed.)


Gen. Luna St. Bayan-Bayanan Malabon City
Tel/Fax # 932-5209

Name: ____________________________Grade Level_____ Strand / Section _______

LESSON 20 – Principles of Speech Writing (Sourcing the Information, Outlining

and Organizing the Speech Contents)

I. Objectives:
1. Use principles of effective speech writing focusing on
o Audience profile
o Logical organization
o Duration
o Word choice
o Grammatical correctness

II. References: Oral Communication by Peña and Anudin pp. 151-160, Oral Commu-
nication in Context by Marilou Santos Syjueco pp. 148- 154, Oral Communication in
Context-Textbook by Philippe John Sipacio and Anne Richie Balgos (DepEd) Manual
pp.80-84, Curriculum Guide

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the

knowledge you send but by what the listeners receive.”

by Lilly Walters.

As what was mentioned in the previous lesson, a good speech comes from good
writing. Following the principles in speech writing will lead a speaker to write a good
speech hence will be able to give the audience what they deserve.

III. Concepts Notes: Principles of Speech Writing (Continuation)
To craft an effective and relevant speech, the following principles of speech
writing can serve as your guide:

 Sourcing Information – When you have decided on a topic and are set to start
compiling information about it, think of the possible sources you can consult. If your
speech is about basketball, consider if the history of the sport can be found online
or if there are published books about it. If your speech is about origami, where will
you get new patterns to follow? Do you know an origami expert you can interview?

With your topic in mind, list as many information sources as possible: video
documentaries, textbooks, other print sources such as magazines, journals, and
newspapers, surveys/questionnaires, microfilms, and other similar materials. Once
you have determined your possible sources, you can begin your research. Make
sure that you take note of each source and that you cite all of your sources when
you deliver the speech. Failure to properly cite your sources is tantamount to
plagiarism and that will compromise your credibility.

(From Oral Communication in Context by Marilou Santos-Syjueco)

 Outlining and Organizing Speech Content – Clear organization is essential to an

effective public speech. Why should you write a speech outline? An organized
speech – 1) lowers the speaker’s anxiety, 2) so that your audience does not get lost
(Listeners only have one chance to understand you.) 3) so that the speaker does
not get lost, and 4) well organized speeches are perceived as more competent and
credible because it exhibits your critical thinking skills.

There are three major principles for outlining a speech:

1. Having and labeling the right parts,
2. Using proper outlining form,
3. Properly documenting sources

Main Parts of a Speech Outline:

1. Statement of the specific purpose and central idea.
2. Introduction
3. Body of the speech
4. Conclusion
5. References / List of works cited

 Logical Organization
Your speech must follow a certain flow if you need to communicate your ideas
clearly and effectively. The following are some patterns which you may use in
crafting your speech.
 Categorical/Topical – In this pattern, the categories help the speaker
organize the message in a consistent manner. The goal of using this pattern
is to create categories of information that go together to help support the
main idea.
 Comparison/Contrast – This pattern is used to compare and contrast
subjects or ideas.
 Spatial – This pattern organizes information according to how things fit
together in physical space.
 Chronological – This pattern places the main idea in the time order in which
items appear.
 Biographical – This pattern is usually employed when a speaker wants to
describe a person’s life.

 Causal – This pattern is used to explain cause and effect relationships.
 Problem- Cause- Solution – This pattern describes a problem, identifies
what you believe is causing the problem, and then recommends a solution
to correct the problem.
 Psychological – In this pattern, a leads to b and b leads to c. this speech
format is often used in persuasive speeches as it is designed to follow a
logical argument.

 Duration
Time is important, and a speaker should always bear that in mind. As such, a
speech must be just long enough to fulfill your speech goals but short enough to
hold you audience’s attention.

 Word Choice
Your choice of words will depend primarily on the type of audience. Another
consideration, is the situation, occasion, or event in which you will deliver the
speech. As such, you should always keep in mind that there are appropriate words
to say on specific occasions.

 Grammatical Correctness
As a second language speaker of English, you are not expected to be perfectly
proficient in it. Nevertheless, you should strive to learn and master the language so
you can avoid grammatical lapses. Lapses that are obvious and repetitive may
make it difficult for your listeners to completely grasp the message you want to
If you are to deliver a prepared speech, make time to edit or have it edited for
grammatical correctness.


After you have profiled your audience and done research on the topic, making an
outline will help you organize your speech. Keep in mind that your speech has to have a
good introduction that will catch and hold your audience’s attention. The body of your
speech should ideally focus on the topic to ensure that your audience will remember most
of the things you will say. Your word choice and type of language should be understood
by your listeners. And lastly, be sure that your speech is weed of grammatical errors so
that your credibility will not be compromised.

Activity 1 – Arrange the parts of writing a speech in correct order. Place your answers in
the space below..
o Selecting a topic
o Preparing an outline
o Conducting an audience analysis
o Creating the body of the speech
o Determining the purpose of the speech
o Gathering data
o Rehearsing
o Editing and or Revising
o Narrowing down a topic
o Selecting a speech pattern

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________

Activity 2 – Identify the pattern of organization described. Write categorical,

comparison/contrast, spatial, chronological, biographical, causal, problem-
cause-solution, or psychological.

1. Explains the cause and effect relationships - _____________________________

2. Create categories of information that go together - _________________________
3. Often used in persuasive speeches as it is designed to follow a logical argument-
4. Used to identify the similarities and differences of ideas - ____________________
5. Organize information according to how things fit together in physical space –
6. Place the main idea in the time order in which items appear - _______________
7. Describes the causes and solutions to the problem - _______________________
8. When a speaker wants to talk about a person’s life - _______________________
9. A speech about the wide spread of Corona virus - _________________________
10. A speaker is going to talk about two generations - _________________________

Activity 3 – Analyze the ideas presented in the following sentences. Tick the correct
1. There are different ways in preparing a speech.
O True O False
2. In speech delivery, our goal is to develop a good speech.
O True O False
3. A speech if delivered flawlessly is considered successful.
O True O False
4. One can deliver a speech without much preparation.
O True O False
5. The audience determines the success of the speech.
O True O False
6. Rehearsing is not a requirement in speech preparation.
O True O False
7. A good introduction is a good foundation in speech delivery.
O True O False
8. The number of the audience can affect some aspects of speech delivery.
O True O False
9. Stage presence matters in public speaking.
O True O False
10. All speeches require data gathering and research in preparing.
O True O False

Activity 4 – You are the master of ceremonies at a send-off party for your class adviser
who has reached retirement age. You were chosen because of your wit and sense of
humor and your proficiency in the English language. However, you are not particularly
close to your adviser.

As preparation for your speech, you are to write your speech and show it to
the committee for evaluation and if necessary- for further improvement. To start your
speech, you need an opening spiel welcoming everyone to the event. Then you are to
introduce your adviser. You must choose your words carefully and make sure that your
speech is neither too long nor too short. The committee will evaluate your speech based
on coherence and organization of information, relevance of content, appropriateness of
word choice, and overall impact.



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