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Name : Salsabila Rizki Ramadhani NIM : 22202241123

Learning Activities 1

A. Read the definition of a news presenter.

A news presenter – also known as a newsreader, newscaster (short for "news

broadcaster"), anchorman or anchorwoman, news anchor, or simply an anchor – is
a person who presents news during a news program on the television, on the radio
or on the Internet. They may also be a working journalist, assisting in the collection
of news material and may, in addition, provide commentary during the program.
News presenters most often work from a television studio or radio studio, but may
also present the news from remote locations in the field related to a particular major
news event.

B. Read the tips on how to read and speak like a TV news reporter

TV news reporters seem to project confidence and authority when they speak. As is
the case with many skills, practice makes perfect when it comes to reporting. The
first step in learning to report the news is to watch the professionals. Take note and
write down any characteristics you want to imitate. Then, print out some news
stories and practice reading them on your own. After you've gained a little bit of
confidence in your reading, start paying attention to your body language, facial
expressions, and gestures.

C. Watch the news to listen to how reporters sound:

Before you watch, answer these questions:

1. What is your opinion about being overweight?

 In my opinion, overweight is a condition where the body has accumulated fat,

resulting in an unbalanced body composition. Overweight conditions will also
trigger the arrival of diseases such as cholesterol that will cause heart attacks.
In addition, being overweight will make it difficult for us to move.

2. What are the strategies to prevent yourself from being overweight?

 The strategies I will use to prevent being overweight are:

1. Maintain your diet and limit portions.

2. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and foods that are rich in fiber.
3. Reducing sugar cravings, refined flour foods, and processed snacks. 

4. Not consuming soft drinks.

5. Exercise at least twice a week.

6. Increase movement.

7. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

Then, watch this clip and try to identify the answers of the following questions:

1. What is the topic of the news report?

 The topic of the news report is some schools are teaching children to make
better food choices.

2. What is the program initiated by the school to help reduce obesity among school

 The program initiated by the school to help reduce obesity among school
students is a program called Farm to Desk.

Now, do the following:

1. Listen with your eyes closed to focus on the reporter's voice and inflection. Using
their tone, the reporter tells you what is important, what is sad, what is exciting, and
what you don't want to miss.
2. Listen again. This time notice the reporter’s voice. How does the reporter sound?
 I think the repoerter's voice is very clear.
3. Listen again and look at the reporter's body language while you are listening. How
does the reporter's face reflect the tone of the story? Where does the reporter place
her hands? What about her eyes, her head, her lips?
 The reporter's face reflects the tone of the story by raising and lowering her
eyebrows and reads the news with a slight smile. The reporter puts her hands
under her chest or in front of her lower abdomen. Not only through the mouth
by reading it out but her eyes also seem to provide information to the listener
and her head moves slightly and also looks like convincing the listeners.
4. Listen again and take notes on the expression she uses in the opening of her news
reading. What is the expression that she uses to close her news reading?
 I think the expressions used by the anchors in the video during the opening and
closing moments are the same: excited, cheerful, and smiling.

D. Newscasting Opening and Closing Script Lines

Read and practice these opening lines (fill in the blanks with your detail):
1. Hello, and good morning. The truth is our priority, we give justice to your curiosity.
Latest news spotted only here on CNC news giving you the latest and most credible
news for today.

2. One mission, one community, one assailant. Good afternoon Americans, it’s
Thursday, October 22nd you are watching CNC news and we hope you are having a
great day here in your place. This is the national communication network bringing
you the top stories that are sure with no bias. For the details of our news watch after
this one ad.

3. Good morning from the studio three newsroom at KBCNews headquarters here in
New York, good to be with you. I am Sarah Abigail your news anchor this
morning.“Thousands are expected in Havana’s revolution plaza today to pay their
respect to Fidel Castro. In Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood the tone following
Castro’s death is marked different…………”

4. Good morning It’s Thursday, October 22, 2022, this is the broadcast Morning
News. Bringing you the latest news around the globe. “Grief and joy following the
death of Cuba’s former leader as the communist nation prepare to say goodbye to
Fidel Castro…………”

5. Good morning/afternoon/evening happy Thursday and thanks for joining us today.

I am Kimberly and I am Jane Smith here with Lorianne from LA.

Closing Lines:

1. That was the news of truth and accuracy from the news republic team. We are
hoping everyone is in good condition and also hoping you have a great day ahead.
This is KBC News.

2. Those were the top stories for this hour. We do not just secure the freedom we
defend what people deserve. You can contact us through these numbers flashed in
your screen. Share your feedback and make us aware of the hot news you have.
Good day and see you soon.

3. And that’s all for today’s time sizzling news. Once again I am Kate Smith and I am
Bella delivering news from worldwide towards one united direction. This is united
rear center. Have a great day.

4. You’ve just heard the latest news around the globe. Again this is MBT News. News
with no bias, news with no exception delivering nothing but the truth. This has been
Sarah Pelton and George Wiliam bringing you the latest news around the globe.
Thank you for being with us.

5. That is the broadcast. Morning News for this Monday. Thanks for watching, I am
Alunna have a great day.

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