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Abstract – Technological products nowadays INTRODUCTION

are always new and innovative. Every day,
In the era of globalization, information
many technological products are created to
technology (IT) plays a vital role in many
make our lives easier. But, most technological
aspects. It changes and eases our lives today, it
products in Indonesia are imported from other
is the thing we cannot survive without. We use
countries, it has resulted in a large number of
many information technology (IT) products in
Indonesian technological terms that are
doing our day-to-day tasks. Technology from
derived from other languages. Therefore, a lot
its various products change the way we
of technological terms in Indonesian are
communicate, the way we work, the way we
derived from English. This includes the manual
eat, the way we learn, the way we get
book which contains the information and
entertainment and many more. Nowadays, we
instruction of the technological product we
can text from cell phones, connect with
buy. This research focuses on the translation
someone on social media, take a picture easily
of technological terms from English into
with a digital camera, print a document in just
Indonesian in the translation of Manual Book
one click, turn on or turn off our bedroom
of iPhone 12 Pro and Samsung S20 FE.
lamp with remote. Technology products let us
Descriptive analytical study are employed in
find more efficient, faster, and more
this research. Then Chesterman’s translation
convenient ways of doing the same thing.
strategies are used to find out how Information
Many technological products are being created
Technology (IT) terms are translated from
day by day.
English into Indonesian. The research finding
that four of Chesterman’s translation In order to be able to use the new technological
strategies are used in the translation of products, we need to read the manual books.
Manual Book of iPhone 12 Pro and Samsung Manual book is a document which is
S20 FE from English into Indonesian. From containing information or instructions about a
the total 60 data, the four strategies are loan product. Kustanti and Agoes (2017, p. 61)
(35 data), calque (11 data), unit shift (13 data) stated that, “…people usually read and try to
and the least used strategies are information understand the manual book first before using
change (1 data). It can be concluded that the the new object so that they know the steps for
most frequently used strategies are loan (35 using it correctly”. To be concluded, reading a
data), while the least used strategies are manual book is considering necessary.
information change (1 data). Additionally, Kustanti and Agoes (2017, p. 61)
also stated that “It means that manual books is
Keywords: information technology, an important part of every product, to make
translation strategy, descriptive, manual book. people easy in using the product and know
what to do if there is a damaged”.
But, since technological product comes and
produces from other country, the manual books

are not written in Indonesia. It is commonly data as be seen as follows: electing the data,
written in English. The difficulty comes reading the manual books, identifying the
because Information Technology (IT) is a new similar words and phrases at each part of the
field that brings its own terminologies. It can manual book, identifying the translation
be difficult for the readers to understand the technique used in translating mobile phones’
manual books she/he reads. Therefore, the manual books, recording the similar words and
researcher is eager find out how Information phrases and translating technique found into
Technology (IT) terms are translated from table form and the last is conclusion. The
English into Indonesian. Translation strategies results show us that there are 100 similar
coined by Andrew Chesterman (2016) are used words and phrases found and there are 8
in this research. Chesterman (2016) classified translation technique used: adaptation,
translation strategies into three main groups, amplification, borrowing, calque, establish
namely syntactic strategies, semantic strategies equivalent, discursive creation, generalization
and pragmatic strategies. and particularization and the mostly used is
calque with the percentage are 35% in
Relevant researches has been conducted by
Android, 41% in iOS and 39% in Windows
Medina (2005). This research entitled
mobile phone’s manual books.
Translating Computer Abbreviations from
English into Spanish: Main Types and Another relevant research has been conducted
Problems. The problem formulation of by Hadithya (2014). This research title is
Medina’s research is how to translate computer Translation Procedures Used in Translating
abbreviations into Spanish. The aims of this Computer Terms from English into Bahasa
article is Medina intends to establish the two Indonesia. The aim of this research is to
main types of English computer abbreviations identify the computer terms and procedures
that are currently used and provide some used by the translator in translating the book
solutions for their adequate translation into Wireless Networking in the Developing World
Spanish. The results of this article are there are 2nd edition from English into Indonesian. This
two most common types of abbreviations in research applies the theory proposed by Vinay
English computer terminology: three-initial and Darbelnet as cited in Hatim Munday’s
and four-initial abbreviations. theory. From the total of 31 data; 20 data are
translated by using borrowing procedure, 4
The second relevant researches entitled An
data are translated by using borrowing
Analysis of the Translation Procedure Text
combined with transposition, 2 data are
in Android, iOS, Windows Operating
translated by using literal translation, 1 data is
Systems Mobile Phones’ Manual Book is
using calque and the rest 4 data are translated
conducted by Kustanti and Agoes (2017). The
by using transposition.
aims of this research are to find out the
translation result of similar words and phrases And the last relevant researches is conducted
used in source language among Android, iOS by Amanda (2015). This research title is
and Windows mobile phones’ manual books Translation strategy in Twitter terms:
and to find out the translation technique mostly English and Indonesian version. The aims of
used in translating the similar words and this research is to find out the kinds of
phrases of Android, iOS and Windows mobile translation strategies that used by translator in
phones’ manual books. The method of this Twitter terms: English and Indonesian version.
research are: the first step, to conduct this This research used descriptive qualitative
research is collecting the data. The next step method. The results show us that from 75 data
analysing those data. The step in analysing the collected, the researcher found 7 kinds of

translation strategies and used in translating following free translation which gives
terms from English version of Twitter website translators the freedom to use different
to Indonesian version. The translator employed syntactical features in the TL so long as the
meaning of the SL is conveyed, (2) loan or
literal translation strategy in 33 collected data,
calque which Chesterman (2016, p. 92) refers
loan strategy in 9 collected data, paraphrase loan and calque to “...the borrowing of
strategy in 3 collected data, naturalization in 2 individual items and the borrowing of
collected data and unit shift in 2 collected data. syntagma”, so loan can be interpreted as
The findings of this research is the researcher borrowing of single terms and following the
found that the translator employed 2 strategies structure of the source text which is foreign to
in each datum and there are 9 data. the target reader, (3) transposition which
Chesterman (2016) refers to Vinay and
The similarity from the three of previous Darbelnet defines transposition is “to mean
research is all researchers analyze the object any change of word-class, e.g., from noun to
related to Information Technology terms: 1) verb, adjective to an adverb”, (4) unit shift
computer abbreviation, 2) procedure text in which is a shift that occurs when a source
manual book, 3) computer terms and 4) language unit is translated as a different unit in
the target language, (5) phrase structure change
Twitter terms English-Indonesian version.
which occurs when a source language (SL)
Another differences are the research’s phrase structure is translated as a different
objectives: 1) Medina in her research aims to phrase structure in the target language (TL)
find out what are the main types and problems without altering the meaning of the source text,
in translating computer abbreviations from (6) clause structure change which Chesterman
English into Spanish, 2) Kustanti and Agoes’s (2016) defines clause structure change as
research aims are to find out the similar words “changes that have to do with the structure of
the clause in terms of its constituent phrases”
and phrases and the technique mostly used in
(7) sentence structure change which
translating those similar words and phrases, 3) Chesterman (2016, p. 95) defines sentence
and 3) Hadithya’s aim is to identify the structure change has an effect on “...the
computer terms translation procedures in a structure of the sentence unit, insofar as it is
computer textbook and 4) Amanda’s objectives made up of clause units. Included are changes
is to find out the strategies of translation. between main-clause and sub-clause status,
While this research aims is to find out how changes of sub-clause types, etc” , (8) cohesion
Information Technology (IT) terms in manual change Chesterman (2016) mentions that “a
cohesion change is something that affects
books are translated into Indonesian related to
intra-textual reference, ellipsis, substitution,
strategies proposed by Chesterman. pronominalization, and repetition, or the use of
Related to the theory of translation strategies, connectors of various kinds”, (9) level shift
Andrew Chesterman’s (2016) in his book which Chesterman states that level shift
Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in happens when “the mode of expression of a
Translating Theory classified translation particular item is shifted from one level to
strategies into three main groups, namely another”, and (10) scheme change which the
syntactic strategies, semantic strategies and kinds of changes that translators incorporate in
pragmatic strategies. Syntactic strategies the translation of rhetorical schemes such as
primarily manipulate form. Syntactic strategies parallelism, repetition, alliteration, metrical
are: (1) literal translation which is according to rhythm, etc. There are four types of scheme
Chesterman (2016, p. 91) literal translation is a changes that the translator can use: (1) ST
translation strategy that is “...maximally close scheme X → TT scheme X, (2) ST scheme X →
to the SL form, but nevertheless grammatical”, TT scheme Y, (3) ST scheme X → TT scheme Ø
it means that, the general principle behind and (4) ST scheme Ø → TT scheme X.
literal translation is to retain syntactical Chesterman (2016) stated that semantic
features in the target language rather than strategies manipulate nuances of meaning.

This group includes synonymy, antonymy, particularly culture-specific items, are
hyponymy, converse, abstraction change, translated as TL cultural or functional
distribution change, emphasis change, equivalents so that they conform to TL
paraphrase, trope change. Here are the norms.” This strategy can be referred to as
description of semantic strategies: (1) naturalization, domestication or adaptation; or
Synonymy, Chesterman (2016) states that “this exoticization, foreignization, or estrangement,
strategy selects not the “obvious” equivalent (2) As stated by Chesterman (2016), “this
but a synonym or near-synonym for it, e.g., to change is either towards more explicitness
avoid repetition”, (2) Antonymy, in this (explicitation) or more implicitness
strategy, the translator selects an antonym of (implicitation)”, (3) According to Chesterman
the equivalent and combines it with a negation (2016), information change means either the
element, (3) Hyponymy which refers to the addition of new (non-inferrable) information or
generalization using subordinators or the the omission of information that is regarded to
specification using hyponyms of the SL text in be irrelevant, (4) Interpersonal change strategy
TT, (4) Converses which Chesterman (2016) which runs at the level of the whole style of
describes converses as “pairs of (usually) the text. Chesterman (2016) states that “it
verbal structures which express the same state alters the formality level, the degree of
of affairs from opposing viewpoints, such as emotiveness and involvement, the level of
buy and sell”, (5) Abstraction change which technical lexis and the like”, on other words,
Chesterman (2016) refers to abstraction change this strategy has anything to do with a change
as “a different selection of abstraction level in the relationship between text/author and
may either move from abstract to more reader, (5) Illocutionary change which is the
concrete or from concrete to more abstract”, changes in the speech act, it is applied when
(6) Distribution change which is stated by the translator changes the mood of the verb
Chesterman (2016 means “the distribution of from indicative to imperative. (6) Partial
the “same” semantic components over more translation which is according to Chesterman
items (expansion) or fewer items (2016), this strategy covers “any kind of partial
(compression)”, (7) Emphasis change which translation, such as summary translation,
Chesterman stated that “this strategy adds to, transcription, translation of the sounds only,
reduces or alters the emphasis or thematic and the like”, (7) Visibility change which has
focus, for one reason or another”, (8) to do with the authorial or translational
Paraphrase, Chesterman (2016) stated that presence, this strategy is including the
“The paraphrase strategy results in a TT presence of the translator is no longer invisible
version that can be described as loose, free, in or “transparent” by adding footnotes or
some contexts even under-translated.” He bracketed comments (to explain puns, for
further adds that this strategy is a typical example), and last (9) trans-editing which is
strategy to translate idioms when no equivalent applied when the translator has to deal with
for the idiomatic expression can be found in badly written original texts, Chesterman
the TL, (9) Trope change which refers to trope (2016), “it includes drastic re-ordering,
change as a set of strategies that apply to the rewriting, at a more general level than the
translation of rhetorical tropes such as kinds of changes covered by the strategies so
figurative expressions. far mentioned.”

The last strategy is pragmatic strategies, it METHODS

manipulates the message of the text. This This study is conducted in a descriptive
group includes cultural filtering, explicitness qualitative approach. According to Moleong as
change, information change, interpersonal
cited in Astuti (2017, p. 42), qualitative is a
change, illocutionary change, coherence
change, partial translation, visibility change, research which does not included any
trans-editing, and other pragmatic changes. calculation or numeration because the datums
The description will be described below: (1) are produced in the form of word. This
Chesterman (2016) explains that cultural research is intended to find out the translation
filtering “describes the way in which SL items,

strategies of Information Technology (IT) were: (1) loan, (2) calque, (3) unit shift and (4)
terms in the manual book. The data sources information change. The frequencies of the
had been chosen by the researcher, they are: 1) translation strategies is shown on the table
Manual books of iPhone 12 Pro and 2) Manual below:
Books of Samsung S20FE. Those objects are Table 1: Translation Strategies Frequency
chosen because according to
http://www.mobilecellphonerepairing.com, No. Translation Strategies Amount
Samsung and Apple is the top 2 mobile phone
manufacturers in the world. Additionally, 1. Loan 35
iPhone 12 pro and Samsung S20 FE was
2. Calque 11
chosen because it is the lastest product of the
phone cells in Apple and Samsung in 2020. 3. Unit shift 13
In selecting the data to be analyzed, the 4. Information change 1
researcher using purposive sampling
technique. This technique is used to select Total 60
which data is in accordance with the research There were 60 of total data; Manual Book of
objectives so that it can be selected and iPhone 12Pro (10 data) and Manual Book of
sampled, and leaving data that is not in Samsung S20FE (50 data). From the table
accordance with the purpose of the research. above, it can be seen that there were 35
The data from this study were collected from occurrences of translation strategy loan, 11
the text in the user manual book of iPhone 12 data for calque, 13 data for unit shift and 1 data
belongs to information change. Some of the
Pro and Samsung S20FE. The researcher read
discussion analysis are shown below:
all the manual books and their translation
thoroughly, then collected words, phrases and Table 2 Datum 1
clauses related to Information Technology (IT) Source Text Target Text: loan
terms. The next step, the researcher classifies
and identifies the data found in the translation Selfie colour tone: Rona warna selfie:
strategy using Chesterman's theory. Set a tone to apply Mengatur gaya yang
when you take akan digunakan saat
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION selfies. mengambil foto selfie.
Chesterman (2016) classified translation Datum 1: Loan—In the example above “…
strategies into three main groups, namely selfie…” in English is translated into “…
syntactic strategies (literal, loan, calque, selfie…” in Indonesia. According to Online
transposition, unit shift, phrase structure Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, selfie
change, clause structure change, sentence means a photo of yourself that you take,
structure change, cohesion change, level shift, typically with a smartphone or webcam, and
scheme change), semantic strategies usually put in your social media. The word “…
(synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, converses, selfie” is a loan word in the Indonesian target
abstraction change, emphasis change, text. The equivalent word of “…selfie” in
paraphrase, trope change) and pragmatic Indonesian is swafoto. According to Kamus
strategies (cultural filtering, explicitness Besar Bahasa Indonesia, swafoto is potret diri
change, information change, interpersonal yang diambil sendiri dengan menggunakan
change, illocutionary change). The research kamera ponsel atau kamera digital, biasanya
findings, from the total 60 data there were only untuk diunggah ke media sosial. The definition
four translation strategies in manual book: of selfie in Online Oxford Advanced Learner’s
iPhone 12 Pro and Samsung S20 FE. There

Dictionary and swafoto in Kamus Besar and injury. menyebabkan baterai
Bahasa Indonesia is same. menjadi terlalu panas,
terbakar dan mencederai
Table 3 Datum 2

Source Text Target Text: loan

Datum 4: Calque—In the example above, the
The device contains a Perangkat English word “…battery…” is translated into
built-in NFC antenna. mengandung antenna “…baterai…” in Indonesian target text.
NFC internal
Battery according to Online Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary is a device that is placed
Datum 2: Loan—The English source text “… inside of electrical things that produces
NFC…” according to Online Oxford electricity which makes the things work. While
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is an Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia defines
abbreviation which stands for Near Field baterai as alat untuk menghitung dan
Communication (NFC), it is a type of membangkitkan aliran listrik. Baterai is
technology that allows communication over Indonesian calque words since its part of the
short distances between mobile phones and word are from another language (English).
other electronic devices in order to make
payments, etc. In the example above, the word Table 6 Datum 5
“…NFC..” in the Indonesian target text is a Source Text Target Text: calque
loan words which delivers from English “…
The device may Perangkat mungkin
NFC…”. require a connection memerlukan koneksi ke
Table 4 Datum 3 to a Wi-Fi or mobile Wi-Fi atau jaringan
network when using
seluler saat
Source Text Target Text: loan some application or
features. menggunakan beberapa
If the lower part of the Jika bagian bawah aplikasi atau fitur.
device overheats, it perangkat terlalu panas,
could be because the hal ini dapat terjadi
connected USB cable is karena kabel USB yang
Datum 5: Calque—The English word “…
damages. terhubung rusak. application…” is translated into Indonesian
“…aplikasi…”. Online Oxford Advanced
Datum 3: Loan—Online Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “…application…” or
Learner’s Dictionary defines USB as an can be abbreviate as app is a program designed
abbreviation which stands for universal serial to do a particular job; a piece of software. It is
bus, it is the system for connecting other pieces translated into “…aplikasi…” in Indonesia by
of equipment to a computer. It is translated conforming its pronunciation and grammatical
into “…USB…” in Indonesian target text and norms.
kind of loan words which derives from English Table 7 Datum 6
Source Text Target Text: unit shift
Table 5 Datum 4
During wireless Selama pengisian daya
Source Text Target Text: calque charging or fast tanpa kabel atau
charging, the device pengisian cepat,
Don’t attempt to Jangan mencoba may feel hotter to the perangkat mungkin
replace the iPhone mengganti baterai touch. terasa panas saat
battery yourself—you iPhone sendiri—Anda disentuh.
may damage the
dapat merusak baterai,
battery, which could
cause overheating, fire yang dapat

Datum 6: Unit Shift—In the example above, strategies are functional in bringing changes in
the English source text “…wireless..” is the target language structure of the target
translated into “…tanpa kabel…” in language.
Indonesian target text. According to Online
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,
wireless is any system of sending electronic Amanda, S. (2015). Translation strategy in
information, such as internet, phone, signals Twitter terms: English and Indonesian
without using wires for the receiving version. Journal of Language and
equipment. It is translated correctly into “… Literature, 3(2), 102–108.
tanpa kabel…” in Indonesian. Hence there is a https://ejournal.gunadarma.ac.id/index.
change of unit form word “…wireless…” into php/sastra/index
a phrase “…tanpa kabel…” this translation is Apple Inc. (2020) iPhone 12 Pro [Guide].
called unit shift. https://manuals.info.apple.com/MANU
Table 8 Datum 7 ALS/1000/MA1958/en_US/iphone-12-
Source Text Target Text: information
change Astuti, F. F. (2017). A study on code mixing
found in Perahu Kertas novel by Dewi
When you are roaming Ketika anda dalam mode Lestari [Skripsi]. IAIN Surakarta.
jelajah (roaming)
Chesterman, A. (2016). Memes of translation:
Datum 7: Information Change—According to The spread of ideas in translation theory
Online Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (Revised ed.). John Benjamins
“…roaming” is using a mobile phone by Publishing Company.
connecting to a different company’s network,
for example when you are in a different country. Hadithya, Ozy. (2014). Translation Procedures
Used in Translating Computer Terms
The word “…roaming” is translated into “…
From English into Bahasa Indonesia.
mode jelajah (roaming)” in Indonesian target Vivid Jurnal of Language and
text. There is an additional of information in the Literature, 3(2).
Indonesian target text “…mode jelajah…”, thus http://jurnalvivid.fib.unand.ac.id/index.p
this translation is called information change. hp/vivid/issue/view/7

CONCLUSION Kustanti, W. T., & Agoes, F. (2017). An

analysis of the translation of procedure
After analyzing the data, the research shows text in Android, iOS, Windows
that from 30 all strategies proposed by operating systems mobile phones’
Chesterman, from loan to other pragmatic manual books. Jurnal Bahasa Inggris
strategies, four of them are used in the Terapan, 3(1), 60–69.
translation of Information Technology (IT) https://jurnal.polban.ac.id/ojs-3.1.2/ingg
terms on iPhone 12 Pro’s manual book and ris/index
Samsung S20 FE’s manual book. The four
strategies are 35 data of loan, 11 data of Medina, J. R. B. (2005). Translating computer
calque, 13 data of unit shift and 1 data belongs abbreviations from English into Spanish:
to information change. The most frequently Main types and problems. Meta, 49(4),
used strategy is loan and the least used strategy 920–929.
is information change. Information https://doi.org/10.7202/009790ar
Technology (IT) terms found in the iPhone 12
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (2020)
Pro’s manual book and Samsung S20 FE’s
Samsung S20FE [Guide].
manual book are translated by manipulating
the form with syntactic strategies. Syntactic https://www.samsung.com/us/supp


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